FEBRUARY 22-25 2006 (!!_/./:.~~ For more information. log on to: www.acdaonfine.org/ 2006conv t:~ he 2006 ACDA Southern Virginia All-State Chamber Choir and ages, and especj;~ Division Convention will be the Charleston, WV Capital High School They are freq!Te~t, held February 22-25, 2006, in VIPs will perform. These choirs represent elementary ,; lovely Charleston, West Vir- nine of the 11 Southern Division States. schools, cau·~.{ T Leadership meetings for Southern Divi• the co~ntcy. ginia. One of the goals of this convention Exdi( is to showcase the excellent talent among sion and State ACDA officers will be held is presehted in a pe .. --·-:.. ( . ,, __"" ·· - the members of the southern division. We on Wednesday afternoon and evening, tertammg,_mter;estmg;· will hear excellent choral performances, February 22, prior to the conference Three HonG~'Choit~"S·r enjoy varied and informative interest opening on Thursday, February 23. this cO-r):ventihn and each_ inch.id~~ sessions, commune together in a special Our "Convention Sings" will have memljership ~f 180-tPo sin.~ers: fi1' worship experience, raise our voices in some well-known and some new choral ever! state.in the divisien. I am pr?ud convention sings, discuss music and other arrangements of Appalachian folk songs. an9~unce thatlour outst;,tndiQgcli rlicians R&S issues, experience rehearsals with The Capital High School VIPs, a remark• arifall menibe,rs of.Southern '9ivis!ion! some of the nation's finest clinicians, able Charleston showchoir, will I?eeform .-:~~ . ·. ·. '"' . enjoy catching up with friends and col• for the Exhibit Grand opening. Feat(ired · · ildren's Hbnor Choir, leagues around our division, and get a on the Friday evening concert in the.~la.y· 9 tl:ii;oi:igh'l6., . ', : ' taste of the southern Appalachian spirit Center will be the West y{rginfa All~St~te of Charleston. This city is nestled in the Chamber Choir, an auditioned ensernble lush Appalachian Mountains, and is not of the most outstanding Wek Y.irginia only the capital city, but also offers great high school students. .·. ..... , shopping, restaurants, and hotels. The Music in Worship S,ej&i'te; ~ea;, Concerts will be held in the Maier sons: Songs for the fountey bf d8d~~- .. Foundation Performance Hall in The Clay People, will offet·:ah,6ppp_itoifity.fo{' Center for the Arts and Sciences - West spiritual reflection t}it··' · »: (c. T\¥'6 Virginia, (a marvelous arts and science choirs will perform arM . complex featuring two performance halls, congregational singfB.g. Tfi~ · an art museum, and a science center), and be held in the beautiful· .. · in the Charleston Baptist Temple. These Charleston's Baptist Tempi two sites offer some of the finest acous• Headlining tile c6nvyn tics for choirs in the South. The Clay traordinary men's chor~if~ Center's Grand Lobby will be the site tus. This group was fountJ.~d for the All-Convention Party following 1995 on the campus' of-St ..' , the Friday evening concert. Interest ses• in Northfield, Minnes · sions, reading sessions, and exhibits will next two years the e. be located in the Charleston Civic Center members and began near the convention hotel, the Marriott ues on campus. Sin Gbat nter. performed more tha ·-'d'<·· "'.Y;~'- ing choirs have the nation during the the concert eluding appearances Lied Center in Lawr . ive, the University conventi Ass January 2006 • CHOi:ij.1,. JOURNA.~ .,., , ... ,,,......,._ Cantus Kathleen Gardner Corbett is direc• and county Vocal Music Associations. tor of vocal music at Capital High School She also serves as founder and director in Charleston, West Virginia. She directs of the Capital high School "VIP" Show the VIPs of Charleston, WV. Choir Invitational. She earned a B.M.E. from The King's College in Briarcliff Manor, New York and an M.M. plus 45 hours from Marshall The Senior Choristersof the University, SUNY, and the West Vir• BirminghamBoys Choir ginia College of Graduate Stud• ies. Her choirs Cantus is a full-time pro• have ranked in fessional male vocal chamber en• national compe• semble dedicated to exalting the titions with Su• human spirit through the perfor• perior Awards mance of innovative and engaging and Grand Champions. musical programs. The ensemble The Senior Choristers of the Corbett studied seeks not only to sing the finest literature Birmingham Boys Choir are members of voice with Irene of the past but also to present new music the Birmingham Boys Choir, a non-profit Jordan of the Manhattan School of Music either created by its members or commis• civic organization built with the purpose and the Metropolitan Opera. She has been sioned for the group. Cantus reaches its of allowing boys in the greater Birming• a soloist in opera and oratorio with the audience through concerts, recordings, ham area to more fully develop their gifts Tagkonic Choral Society, the Ossining clinics and by making new musical scores in an area of concentrated study. The Choral Society, the West Virginia Opera available. In addition to performing, Cant us Senior Choristers have traveled in North Theater, the West Virginia Symphony champions male choral singing and en• America, England, Scotland, Wales, and Orchestra, and the Charleston Civic courages people of all ages to sing Ireland. Chorus. She is a clinician and adjudicator for Ken Berg graduated from Sam• show choirs and festivals across the coun• ford University with a B.M.E. and an Capital High School VIPs try, and has served as an adjunct faculty M.M.E. From member for the University of Charleston, 1977-2005, Ken in Charleston, West Virginia. Corbett is served as choral an active member of MENC, the West director and fine Virginia Music Educator's Conference, arts chairman and ACDA. She helped develop the pilot at John Carroll program for the inclusion of the Fine Catholic High Arts Program at Capital High School. School. In 1978, Her program was one of four featured Ken and his in an MENC publication on the subject. The Capital High School VIPs hail wife Susan took Corbett has served as the president of from Charleston, West Virginia and are over as Music the West Virginia Music Educator's As• featured in numerous concerts and enter• Directors of the Birmingham Boys Choir. sociation, president of the West Virginia tainment venues around the capital city Currently, Ken is the music minister and Vocal Music Association, chairperson and the state of West Virginia. This show resident composer at Mountain Brook for the West Virginia State Show Choir choir is under the direction of Kathleen Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala• Festival, the Kanawha County Choral G. Corbett and their choreographer is bama. Music Festival, the West Virginia All• David Legg. In addition to being a clinician and State Chorus, and past officer for state adjudicator, Ken is also serving currently 62 CHORAL JOURNAL • January 2006 as an officer in the Alabama ACDA and auditioning must be members of a high of Organists' Choir Master Certificate. He is ACDA Southern Division R&S Chair school choir directed by an ACDA mem• is a Life Mem• for High School Choirs. ber. The choir has numbered between ber of ACDA, fifty and sixty members, and performs at having served the annual WVACDA State Conference. several terms as state president West Virginia Alfred R. de Jaager has served as di• for West Virgin• All-State Chamber Choir rector of choral activities at West Liberty ia, state newslet• State College since 1966. He has served ter editor, and was the 2002 re• The West Virginia All-State Chamber as chairman of the department of music, cipient of their Choir is a project of WVACDA. The chairman of the department of art, and Award for Excel• members of the choir are selected in an currently serves as interim chairman of lence. audition, usually in November, that in• the department of arts and communica• cludes not only demonstrated mastery of tions. He holds degrees from the Oberlin the selected repertoire, but also abilities Conservatory of Music and West Virginia in sight singing and ear training. Those University. He earned the American Guild Conspirare Craig HellaJohnson & Company ofVoices The exciting new release from acclaimed professional chamber choir, Conspirare, directed by Craig Hella Johnson, featuring Requiem settings by Herbert Howells and lldebrando Pizzetti. Conspirare has received rave reviews and national acclaim, most recently the 2005 Margaret Hillis Award for Choral Excellence, presented by Chorus America. "This is simply gorgeous choral singing ... The choir achieves near-perfect interpretive consensus and vocal ensemble, with stiletto-sharp intonation and unearthly tonal beauty .. -American Record Guide To be released March 2006 Distributed by CollegiumlrSn.corn •P.O. Box 31366 Omaha, NE 68131 .._ ~ P 800.367.9059 • F 402.597.1254 • www.clarionrecords.com ~ ~ January 2006 • CHORAL JOURNAL 63 Children's Honor Choir Dupont is a member of ACDA. She SATB High School served as Southern Division R&S Chair Honor Choir Cheryl Dupont is the artistic director for Children's Choirs from 1993-99. She of the New Orleans Children's Chorus is founder and chairperson of the Louisi• Kenneth Fulton, the Stephanie Landry and Youth Chorale. She taught at Benja• ana ACDA Elementary All-State Honor Barineau Professor of Choral Music and min Franklin High School and served as Chorus. She is a member of OAKE and Chair of the Division of Ensembles and interim director Who:~ Who Among American Teachers. Conducting, is of choral activi• She is president of the Association for on the faculty ties at the Uni• Choral Music Education. at the Louisiana versity of New State Univer• Orleans 1999- sity (LSU). He 2000. Dupont chairs graduate has also served SATB Junior High choral studies at as an i nstruc• Honor Choir LSU and con• tor of voice at ducts the LSU A the University Judy Bowers, professor of choral mu• Cappella Choir.
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