![United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: Plant 7,814 Mckenzie, Deceased Et Al](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
USO0PPO7814P United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: Plant 7,814 McKenzie, deceased et al. [45] Date of Patent: Mar. 3, 1992 [54] APPLE TREE NAMED ‘SCIROS' [56] References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS [75] IIlv¢m°r$= D0" McKenzie’ deceased, late 0f _ 15.11. 2,460 12/1964 Roberts ................................ .. Plt. 34 Havelock North; by_J0yPM¢I%mz1e, P.P. 3,637 10/1974 McKenzie ........................... .. P1t.34 Gin Primary Examiner-James R. Feyrer whit'e, K1) 2, Hastings, an of New Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Quarles 8; Brady Zealand - [57] ABSTRACT The new and distinct variety is a selection from seed [21] Appl. No.: 566,285 lings derived from crossing the apple varieties known as - “Gala” (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 3,637) and “Splendour” . _ (U .5. Plant Pat. No. 2,460). The fruit of the apple tree of [22] Filed‘ Aug‘ 13’ 1990 this new variety has an attractive appearance character ized by its overall bright red color pattern. The new [51] Int. Cl.5 ............................................. .. A01H 5/00 variety has been named “Sciros”. - [52] US. Cl. .. Plt./34 [58] Field of Search . .. Pit/34 1 Drawing Sheet 1 2 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE The new variety was selected from a population seed DISCLOSURE lings derived from crossing the apple varieties “Splen The following is a detailed description of the new dour” (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 2,460) and “Gala” (US. 5 variety with color terminology in accordance with The Plant Pat. No. 3,637) in 1984. The new variety was Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart (RHSCC) distinguishable from the parent varieties Splendour and except where general color terms of ordinary meaning Gala as well as the varieties Sciray; Sciglo; and Scieur are used as is clear from the context. (subject of co-pending applications ?led on even date The specimens described were grown at Havelock herewith by the same applicants). The features which 10 North, New Zealand. The observations were made in distinguish the new variety from the aforementioned the 1989 season on trees which were three years old at varieties are: the time. The fruit ripened for eating towards late season. Spe Gala: Later season, larger fruit size, block colour pat ci?cally harvest commences about April 8 and ends tern, rose pink colour, more rounded shape. 15 about May 10 in New Zealand. The trees ?owered in Splendour: Taller fruit shape, less russet, later harvest early October. Specifically blossom commences about season, ?rmer ?esh, thicker skin. October 2 and full bloom occurs about October 20 in Sciray: Later season, rounder shape, block colour pat New Zealand. tern, rose-pink colour. Sciglo: Later season, larger fruit size, rose-pink colour, 20 Tree: Medium-small; upright habit; bearing, on spurs; block colour pattern, higher aroma. vigor medium with annual growth for ?ve year old Scieur: Later season, larger fruit size, fruit shape taller, trees with MMl06 rootstock being about 275 mm; rose-pink colour, fruit colour pattern block. spurs occurring at a rate of 3.5 per 10 cm. on three year old growth. The new variety has been named the “Sciros” vari- 25 Trunk: Moderately rough; size, medium; the bark is ety. Asexual propagation by budding shows that the RHSCC 200C when new and RHSCC 199A when unique combination of characteristics and distinctive old. colour come true to form and are established and trans Branches: Thin; moderately rough; moderate branch mitted through succeeding propagations. ing; the angle of branching being commonly 25 de grees above the horizontal; the spread-to-height ratio ‘BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS being about 1.5 to 2.5. The accompanying drawings show typical specimens Lenticels: Average; large. of the foliage and fruit of the new variety as depicted in Leaves: colours as nearly true as is reasonably possible to make Length-4 15/16 inches. the same in a colour illustration of this character. Width-2i inches; medium size; outward pose; FIG. 1 represents four views of an apple of the new medium length/ width ratio of blade; upfolded to variety: _, concave shape in cross section; serrate indenta View A is a side view of an apple of the variety. tion of margin; medium glossiness of upper side; View B is a bottom view of an apple of the variety. medium pubescence on lower side; medium peti View C is a cross sectional view of an apple of the 40 ole length; medium stipule size, medium time of variety. bud burst; the color of the blade is RHSCC View D is a top view of an apple of the variety. 137C, the stems are RHSCC 157A and 180C, and FIG. 2 is a view showing ?ve leaves of the variety. the veins are RHSCC 157A. Plant 7,814 3 4 Flowers: Medium time of beginning of ?owering (10% Flav0ur.—-—Strong sweetness, medium acidity (pH ?owers); medium size; ?at shape; margin of petals, about 4.36); sweet with acid balance; similar acid overlapping; colour of bud just before ?ower opens, than Gala, more aromatic than Splendour. pink. Weight offruit. —250 gm. Fruit: Examined at peak maturity. QuaIity.—-Excellent. Soluble soIids.—-l3.73. Core.-—Distinctness of core line in cross section Size.——-Large; axial diameter, 2 9/16 inches; trans» (median through locules), weak; aperture of loc verse diameter 2 5/6 inches. ules in cross section, open; central cavity (in Shape-Uniform; long cylindrical to ellipsoid; cross section), absent. symmetrical in side view; ribbing present; me~= 10 Sinus. ——-Closed. dium crowning at distal end. Seeds. —Five locules; 8 to 10 seeds total, 2 seeds per Cavity-Medium depth; medium width. locule maximum; seed length 7 mm.; seed width Basin-Medium to deep depth; medium to broad 4 mm.; form obtuse; color RHSCC 166C. width; ribbing present. Use: Market; dessert. Stem-Medium thickness (comparable to Cox’s Keeping quality: Very good; no disorders after 98 days. Orange Pippin); medium length (comparable to Resistance to: Granny Smith). Insects. —Good. Calyx-Open 10% of fruit; calyx tube length, Dieases. —Good. long; calyx tube width, wide; calyx tube shape, U Production: Early and regular cropping; tendency to or V shape. biennial bearing if overcropped. SepaI.-—Length, medium; spacing, free. Growth habit: Standard, fruit bourne on short spurs. Eye. --Size, large; aperture, open. Management: Trees require pruning in winter and fruit Skim-Medium; smooth; bloom of skin, present; thinning in early summer. Trees in test plot trained as greasiness of skin, absent; cracking tendency of center leader trees. Natural habit is an open textured skin, absent; background colour, yellowngreen 25 narrow conic tree with low to moderate branching. RHSCC 2C. Over colour. —Approximately ?fty percent of over It is claimed: colour of skin; rosepink blush (red) RHSCC 46C; 1. A new and distinct variety of apple tree which is solid ?ush; weak amount of russet around stalk selected from seedlings derived from crossing the apple cavity. varieties known as Splendour (U .5. Plant Pat. No. Flesh-Juicy; ?rm; yellowish; crisp; Penetrometer 2,460) and Gala (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 3,637) substantially equals 7.12 kg.; medium browning of ?esh (1 as shown and described, characterised by its overall hour after cutting, stainless steel blade). bright red colour and sweet ?avour. Texrure. —Fine. i i i t * 35 45 50 55 65 US. Patent March 3,1992 Sheet 1 of 1 Plant 7,814 .
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