6 f'"' srnxm - C O L L G €r ^— 1 BE SURE TO TRADE TELL THE MERCHANTS WITH EL GAUCHO YOU ARE FROM ADVERTISERS THE COLLEGE L ■ fix m e r h / ffeadninner -C-H O VOL. XIV . Santa Barbara, California, Friday, November 2, 1934 No. 7 ALUMNI RETURN FOR 25th BIRTHDAY DELEGATES CONVENE FOR MEET Many Social Events SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE SPEAKERS Slated for Alumni; Senor Mario Santos, consul from Brazil, Lewis Browne, noted author and lecturer, Prominent Speakers and Professor Hillis Lory, world traveler, will speak to the members of the International Re­ lations clubs assembled here this week-end for the Pacific Southwest conclave. Santos will Dinner Heads List speak at the luncheon meet today at El Miras ol hotel and will preside at one of the round table discussions. Lory will address the group tonight at El Mirasol hotel on the “Far East.” Deliver Addresses An open forum on “Dictatorships” will be led by Browne tomorrow morning at the hotel. Student and Alumni Talent Assembled for If® Program at Dinner Saturday; Bob Goux at Club Conference SS Presides as Master of Ceremonies Parade, theater rally, football game, turkey dinner, dance /Dr. Frederick Ganzert Is Faculty Sponsor; and various sorority and fraternity parties will welcome former students to the campus for the annual Homecoming celebration Mary Smiley Acts as Student Head this week-end. Each year three days in November are set aside fo r Local Group to fete the grads and give them an opportunity to renew old col- I f ’lege friendships. Homecoming Lewis Browne, Senor Mario Santos, Professor Hillis Lory activities will begin tonight and Miss Amy Heminwa|y Jones are scheduled to speak during Gala Jamboree with a pep parade for the Oc- the Pacific Southwest conference of International Relations cidental-Hilltoppers grid tilt to­ clubs at the El Mirasol hotel today and tomorrow when Santa morrow afternoon at 2:30 Barbara State will be host at t h e annual convention of the BeginsTonight o’clock at Peabody Stadium. __ <*>--------- ----------------- •----- — groups. Floats will be entered by va­ Meetings open to the public with Bonfire rious campus groups. are an address by Senor Mario Officer Tells A bonfire jamboree at East beach Santos, November 2 at 12:30 Bonfire! at the foot of Santa Barbara street p.m.; address by Professor Hil­ Navy Benefits Parade! followed by a rally to be held at lis Lory, November 2, at 6 p.m. J Theater rally! the Fox-Arlington theater. Tickets $1.50; Open Forum, These three events are all sched­ Saturday, evening the turkey din­ uled an hour apart for this Friday November 3, at 10 a.m., tickets in Peace Time ner will be served in Ebbet’s hall at evening as a “night before” prepa­ $ 1.00. Lory Speaks at 6 o’clock. Special invitations have Members of the International re­ ration for the annual homecoming The peace time benefits of a navy been issued to the members of the lations clubs are organized in four game. Alumni, students, and friends were emphasized in a talk given by of S.B.S.C. are all uniting to make senior class. round table groups. Schools heading ^International the round table discussions are Lieutenant Harold Borden, United this week end one of great festivity, A varied program is planned for Latin America, Occidental college; States Naval officer in charge of as Friday night sees the climax be­ fore the Occidental game. the dinner assembly. Bob Goux, ’34, Far East, Pomona college; disarma­ the Sixth Naval Reserve of Santa Twelve Year Relations Meet Club Sponsors At six-thirty, the bonfire at the will be program director and mas­ ment, University of Southern Cali­ Barbara and the C.C.C. Camp ero­ fornia; economic policies, Santa foot of Santa Barbara street is to be ter of ceremonies. Henry Batchel- sion work in Santa Paula, last Fri­ Old Majoress “Manchuokuo, $ie Powder Keg of Barbara State college. A reporter Penny Evening lighted. Freshmen have collected der, ’27, will preside as toastmaster. the World” will be discussed by ¡the wood during the past week with is appointed for each round table day when he spoke on “Traditions The program will open with discussion. Books contributed to our and Modern Aspects of the United L eads B a n d Professor Hillis Lory, well-known the aid of trucks donated by Beard Motor .Company. ' greetings and the introductions of library by the Carnegie Foundation States Navy” before the State Col­ authority on the Far East and world f o r Students Parade Ends at Fox the past presidents of the student are accessible to club members at lege student body assembled in the Led by a snappy new drum ma­ traveler, at six this evening for the El Mirasol hotel “----- and this lovely, handy finger The parade will start at the foot body. auditorium. jor ess, in the person of a young International Relations conference Many Schools Represented lady 12 years old, Clifford Leedy’s file goes to the highest bidder. of Anacapa street and travel up Many Speakers to Attend -at El Mirasol hotel. International R e l'a t i o n s clubs Lieutenants Paul Levan and Mel­ State college band and glee club Three, four pennies! Sold! Next, State street to Sola, breaking up in Speakers for the evening include Professor Lory has had unusual front of the Arlington theater. Fra­ which will be represented at the vin Weiss of the Sixth Fleet Divi­ will march on the field between who will take an option on this lit­ Allen “Bud” Lambourne, ’35, pres­ conference are Pomona college, sion, also gave short talks. halfs of the homecoming game, Sat­ opportunities to observe conditions tle article?” ternities, sororities and other cam­ pus organizations will enter floats. ident of the student body; Charles Claremont; Scripps college, Clare­ Explains Navy Day urday afternoon in Peabody sta­ in the Orient, having lectured for Such will be the cries of the auc­ mont LaVerne college, LaVerne; tioneer next Monday evening at Private cars decorated in any man­ Ritchie, ’31, president of Santa Bar­ dium. three years at the Hokkaido Im­ Chapman Christian college, Los Lieutenant Borden explained the “This young lady has the ability 7:30 o’clock, when the Professional ner may also enter the parade. First bara Section Alumni association; perial university, Tokyo, on a spe­ prize for the best float is to be 25 Angeles; Loyola university, Los An­ fitness of the celebration of Navy to attain the skill of the girl who and Business Women’s club* open Mrs. Jane Miller Abraham, regis­ geles; Occidental college, Los An­ Day, October 27, on the birthday of led the three hundred eighty piece cial appointment of the Japanese their penny carnival. This occasion tickets to Fox Arlington’s Club Chico; second prize, 15 tickets; trar; President Clarence L. Phelps geles; University of California at Theodore Roosevelt, who has been Olympic band,” according to Mr. government. While abroad during is smother project for the purpose Los Angeles; University of South­ of raising money for the State col­ third prize, ten tickets to the main and Coach “Spud” Harder. called the “father of the modern Leedy. Following this sensational that period he traveled extensively ern California, Los Angeles; Pasa­ youngster are Paul Woods, Bill lege scholarship fund. floor. Two consolation prizes of five The entertainment planned in­ navy.”. He cited quotations from throughout the Far East and con­ tickets each are to be awarded for cludes a piano solo by Anita Coch­ dena college; University of Red­ Lambourne, and the leader, Peter tributed articles to the “China Trinket fishing for a penny, candy lands; San Diego State college; George Washington, Theodore Quin. for a penny and auctioning in the best individual car. Judges of ran, ’33; a dance by Ella Cornwall, Weekly Review” and other Far the parade are Dean Lois M. Ben- ’32; impersonations of Will Rogers State Teachers college, Santa Bar­ Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, and Maneuvers appropriate for the Eastern periodicals. penny terms, are only a few of the bara; Whittier college, Whittier; Oxy game will be executed by the features arranged. nink, Louis B. Christ and Ralph by Horace Sexton, ’29; songs by Franklin D. Roosevelt, all of whom After his return from Japan, Pro­ Runkle. Mercedes Berger, ’34; Senor Maldo Long Beach Junior college, Long maintained that the maintenance of combined band and glee club. The fessor Lory taught political science Free extra attractions are danc­ Local Talent to Be Featured the Magician; and “The Pest” by Beach; Santa Ana Junior college, a strong navy guarantees the pre­ famous Occidental fight song as at Denison university, Granville, ing, a motion picture and a turtle Santa Ana; Tempe State Teachers well as Santa Barbara fight songs race. The theater-rally will feature a Buppy Moore. vention of war. Ohio, and at Stanford university. Songs will be led by Betty Proc­ college, Tempe, Arizona. In time of peace, said Mr. Borden, will be sung by our chanter?. In the summer of 1933 he was in­ According to one of the directors, program of college talent, as well Numerous Scheduled Activities tor, ’33; Dorothea Peterson Kent, the navy, besides being a means of The material to be used and pre- vited by the Division of Interna­ the carnival will not end until the as the comedy feature, "365 Nights “In previous conferences students (Continued on Page Two) last has made its appearance. in Hollywood,” starring Alice Faye, Frances Ann Wamekros, ’38, and national defense, protects foreign tional Law of the Carnegie Endow­ Mary Alice Halferty, ’38.
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