University of Wollongong Research Online The Living Daylights Historical & Cultural Collections 3-12-1974 The Living Daylights 2(10) 12 March 1974 Richard Neville Editor Follow this and additional works at: https://ro.uow.edu.au/livingdaylights Recommended Citation Neville, Richard, (1974), The Living Daylights 2(10) 12 March 1974, Incorporated Newsagencies Company, Melbourne, vol.2 no.10, March 12 - 18, 28p. https://ro.uow.edu.au/livingdaylights/20 Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library: [email protected] The Living Daylights 2(10) 12 March 1974 Publisher Incorporated Newsagencies Company, Melbourne, vol.2 no.10, March 12 - 18, 28p This serial is available at Research Online: https://ro.uow.edu.au/livingdaylights/20 # B.B.King and his playmate Lucille.. .Interview # Prospecting for GoldTops “THE TREASURER'S Vol.2No.10 March 12-18 1974 3 ( ) c TRASH MADE ME VOMIT” We steal the garbage of the greats.Mick Morris lifts the lid off the private,smelly refuse of BOB HAWKE, ANDREW PEACOCK, GRAHAM KENNEDY, FRANK CREAN, RON BARASSI & their families .first in a series of tasteless We must he white workers hand HE SHOW AND TELL SESSION TSYNDROME IS ALIVE AND TNEVER HAD IT SO GOOD: A admit... t n O WELL: Cleverly disguising their charm­ senior master in political science and ing racial attitudes behind a flurry of English literature at a Melbourne school AST WEEK Oliver Strewe and Ian high sounding rhetoric, the ACTU exec­ was fined $400 for assisting in the LStocks went to the NSW south utive has moved to block the army o f management of a brothel, after detec­ coast, to Nowra, the home of Robert colored Filipino car workers (35 in all) tives told a court hearing that his McLeod, the young aboriginal militant Richard Beckett about to descend on Australia’s shores establishment, known quaintly as the who took his people’s frustrations to the by refusing to check out the credentials, Love Craft Relaxation Centre, special­ offices of aboriginal affairs and pulled a beats up thus effectively barring their entry. ised in “ relief” massages. The Victorian gun on the public servants. Robert’s the week’s news ACTU president Bob Hawke in an­ Teachers Union is understood to be action was prompted by the Perkins nouncing the decision said, “ We will not using the case in its fight for a higher Affair, but it was instigated by the 'F YOU WORK ON AN AS­ tolerate a situation where, if a company minimum wage. conditions of all aboriginals in Australia. SEMBLY LINE, YOU’VE GOT cannot attract local people to an unsat­ i ‘ PEN THE LETTER BOMB HID­ Nowra is a good example of white *:$: TO BE HEALTHY: The head of Aus- isfactory job with inadequate renumera­ DEN BEHIND THE RADIATOR exploitation. Pelaco — the shirt, white tralia’s national poverty inquiry profes- tion in a dehumanising industry, it can O TO FIND THE ANSWER: Aboriginal shirt people — had a factory there. sor R. Henderson, in a startlingly resort to other sources” . Apparently affairs minister senator Cavanagh said Readers may remember the image of the modern approach to the lack o f man- those white workers who have already that after receiving a death threat he black, holding a boomerang, wearing the power in the ditch digging division, has been “ dehumanised" by the Leyland was totally unable to understand why dazzling shirt, saying, “ Mine tinkit they said in a report to the federal govern- process, dont matter a bugger, as the anyone would want to kill him. Perhaps fit” . Over 75 percent of the factory’s ment that impoverished mass breeders ACTU hasnt exactly been in a wild it had something to do with the fact female staff were aboriginal. It still goes of dullards should be paid large sums of hurry to do anything about car plant, that senator Cavanagh refused to see the on: now members of the white commun­ money ($8 per week for the third child conditions in the past. In fact, if mem­ secretary of the aboriginals consultative ity are digging up sacred ground to erect a :j:$: and over) to enable them to continue to ory serves one correct, most of the council, Mr Phillip Hall, unless the said breed dullards. The money to finance action to humanise car plants has been sports monument, a booze palace where Mr Hall was searched beforehand. Mean­ blacks arent welcome . it’s called a this bread and circus’s doctrine, first taken by white local and migrant work­ while back in the federal madhouse, it leagues club. Oliver and Ian interviewed evolved by a number of seedy Roman ers themselves, and they have been was discovered that the gun used by the town’s aboriginals (p.5). emperors, will come as usual, from the condemned by their own executive for Bob McLeod to hold officers of the spent members of the workforce — the wild cat and irresponsible action. It However repetitive and childish dope aboriginal affairs at bay while the queen stories may seem to middle class terrace pensioners. Professor Henderson has would also be interesting to hear Mr was opening parliament was loaded after house closet puffers, kids are still getting recommended that the federal govern- Hawke’s opinions if he were asked all. In other words, Mr Perkins aside, suddenly by either industry or the busted, bashed and incarcerated by thugs ment abandon its very moderate plans they really do mean what they say. in uniforms. Pre-signed blank search war­ for dropping the pension means test, federal government to allow Israeli rants were recently left behind during a which already has been negated by kibutz workers into the country to ELL THE PRICE OF STEAK Melbourne dope raid, yet no action was :W: legislation making the pension taxable. alleviate the acute shortage o f rural W HAS GONE UP: Backbench poli­ taken against police. In fact, they trailed :•:& As usual, in reports of this type, profes- labor. ticians in the New South Wales parlia­ and busted the person who brought the sor Henderson made no mention of ET’S HEAR IT FOR THE WIDE ment are to get $80 more a week in rises matter to light. making large corporations pay more. LBROWN ATLANTIS: For the worked out by themselves. Premier sir This week a scarifying report of a bust :$i:: After all, what’s the point in giving second time this year, parts o f Brisbane Robert Askin will get a mere $116 a beat up from Surfers Paradise, page 18, W j more money to the aged, the buggers started to disappear beneath the water week more. from a correspondent who must remain can’t even dig a decent ditch and they as floods began to hit Australia’s east anonymous. Daylights calls for the im­ are absolutely useless as cannon fodder, coast, proving that contrary to popular E DIDNT KNOW WE HAD ANY: iiijij: mediate legislation of “ growing your being unable to lift a machine gun or belief by himself and his party, Joh HThe future world would not be own” marijuana — with, no doubt, piss-all £:£: throw a napalm grenade. It is totally Bjelke-Petersen is not God. able to afford many o f the freedoms :j:*: effect — but we intend to intensify a ■S:-: untrue to suggest that professor Hender- people were now fighting for, professor decriminalisation campaign over the next *:&: son’s report was financed from a slush N A FEW MORE YEARS HE’D Henry Mayer told a Melbourne press few months, until it reaches such a fund provided by BHP, GMH, Ford, IHAVE BEEN READY FOR club lunch. In a look at the world to crescendo o f outrage, that sane legislation Leyland, ICI, Colonial Sugar or APM (to WORLD WAR THREE: Hiroo Onoda, a come, professor Mayer said government must surely follow. Is that how democ­ name but a few); all of whom have a sub lieutenant in Japan’s imperial army, would control the right to have children racy works? strong interest in maintaining a captive has finally surrendered to authorities on and even issue licences for people to In our Letters column some weeks work force of willing troglodytes on low the Philippine island of Lubang after have thgm. Future government would back, “ Anxious” pleaded for elucidation wages. After all if they can get away hiding in the jungles since 1944. Despite also base their policies on the needs of on the subject of the magic mushroom. with paying a worker $60 a week and the official explanation that Onoda the generations which came after them, This week a wayfaring botanist by name *£• get the government, via the pensioners came out of hiding after being contact­ thus leading them to restrict the use of jijijij: of “ Dutch Fred” wrote in, generously and the middle class to pay the rest, ed by his former wartime commander, the earth’s resources materials and en- SB imparting the fruits o f his experience why shouldnt they go ahead and give it rumor has it that he’d heard that there ergy. At least it would be a pleasant § $ upon us. In view of the fact that autumn is a bash? That’s what pseudo socialism is were great opportunities for car as­ change from the answers o f the present upon us and that soon the enlightening all about. sembly workers in Australia. bunch of spendthrifts. fungi will spring into the morning sun, we print Dutch Fred’s letter on page 9, with some beautiful drawings sent from our Sydney office.
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