Guidance Note Box girder bridges No. 1.08 Scope Why choose steel box girders? This Guidance Note gives an overview of the The selection, or otherwise, of a steel box main design issues for steel box girders in girder always needs a consideration of the short and medium span bridge schemes. SCI- relative advantages and disadvantages of box publication P140 (Ref 1) gives a more exten- girder elements compared to the more tradi- sive treatment of steel box girder design. tional I girder elements. Comments relate principally to the use of box Advantages, compared to I girders girders as the main girders, acting compositely High torsional stiffness and strength, giving with a deck slab, but many of the considera- greater suitability for horizontally curved tions are also applicable where box sections bridges, greater aerodynamic stability and are used as arch members. reduced susceptibility to lateral buckling of flanges (in lateral-torsional or distortional Advice on the use of steel box girders in long buckling modes). span road bridge schemes, particularly those with orthotropic steel decks, is not covered by Reduced need for support points. this Guidance Note. Improved durability and reduced mainte- nance of protective coatings (less exposed Current use of steel box girders surface, fewer edges, avoidance of ex- Road bridges posed horizontal surfaces, no exposed Nowadays, in short and medium span road bracing and stiffeners). bridge construction, steel box girders acting The clean lines of a closed box girder are compositely with a deck slab are usually only also often considered give a better appear- found in schemes where a high emphasis on ance, particularly for footbridges where the aesthetics justifies their increased fabrication visual impact is considered to be important. costs. Disadvantages Tied arch bridge systems have recently been Greater fabrication cost on account of the used effectively and economically for the reduced scope for automated fabrication upper end of the medium span range and box and greater difficulty of handling and rotat- girders are often chosen for the arch members ing during fabrication and coating. of such bridges. Greater design input. Footbridges Risks associated with working in enclosed Box girders are used for footbridges curved in spaces. plan, bridges with longer spans and cable- stayed bridges with a single plane of stays. Design aspects that require particular All-steel construction is typically used, for consideration lightness. The following aspects are reviewed below: Complexity of fabrication A single box girder as the main longitudinal spine of the bridge is an excellent solution for Internal access such situations. With deck cantilevers, a Stability during construction single box can carry the full width of deck. Longitudinal stiffening of plate panels Railway bridges Transverse stiffeners and beams Network Rail continues to make use of the Control of distortion ‘Western Region’ standard box girder bridge Web/flange welds system in many situations where construction Internal corrosion protection depth is very tightly constrained. Indeed, the standard designs have recently been updated Complexity of fabrication to conform to design to the Eurocodes. Once the decision has been made to opt for a steel box girder, it is strongly recommended that a fabricator is consulted as early on in the SCI P185 Guidance notes on best practice in steel bridge construction 1.08/1 GN107R3.doc Revision 3 Guidance Note No. 1.08 design process as possible. Boxes normally the bottom flanges are usually Class 4 in need a greater fabrication input, and so the compression. Local buckling (and thus a success of a scheme can often depend on reduced effective cross section) may be whether the design allows efficient fabrication. avoided by increasing the out-of-plane stiff- ness of the plate. This is achieved either by It should also be appreciated that the design of providing longitudinal stiffeners or by using a box girder is invariably more complex than thicker plates that of an I-girder. A box girder needs greater Longitudinal stiffeners typically take the form consideration of local buckling, torsion and of longitudinal flats, bulb flats, Tees or trough distortion effects – phenomena not common to sections welded to the inner surface of the I-girder design. Designers also need to estab- plate. Extensive use of longitudinal stiffeners lish an appropriate strategy for both the typically enables the thickness of the plates longitudinal and transverse elements of the forming the walls of the box to be minimised. box. Taken to the extreme, this strategy will result in a minimum weight box with high fabrication Internal access costs. Box girders deep enough to allow internal access will need to provide an access route through the box to enable routine internal inspection. Internal access is also needed by the fabricator to ensure that operatives work- ing inside a closed box can be quickly removed from the box in the event of an emer- gency. Previous designs have demonstrated that a minimum internal access hole provision of 600 mm x 600 mm is usually adequate for the needs of both fabricator and inspection author- ity. However, on account of continuing Figure 1 Internal view of a steel box girder amendments to safety legislation, it is recom- showing use of longitudinal stiffeners mended that internal access provisions are always reviewed and agreed between all parties early in the design stage. Stability during construction Closed box girders are inherently very stable torsionally and checks during construction will usually be limited to checking the cross sec- tion resistance; lateral torsional buckling is unlikely to reduce the strength unless the box girders have an unusually high height/width aspect ratio. Open top box girders can, however, be sus- ceptible to torsional buckling during Figure 2 Internal view of a steel box girder construction before the deck slab has hard- where longitudinal stiffeners were ened. This problem is identified in AD 331 avoided by the use of thicker plates (Ref 2). Where stability in the temporary condition is a problem, plan bracing will be As an alternative, the number of longitudinal required to the open top box stiffeners can be minimised by providing thicker plates for the sides of the box. This strategy Longitudinal stiffening of plate panels will result in heavier boxes but with minimum The slender steel plates forming the webs of fabrication costs. The increased dead weight, box girders are often class 4 in bending and usually not a problem over short spans, can 1.08/2 © 2015 The Steel Construction Institute GN108R3 Printed 01/10/15 Guidance Note No. 1.08 become an issue as spans become longer. transverse bending stresses). Both need careful When considering the use of thicker plates, the consideration during design. Box distortion is reduced box fabrication costs need to be offset controlled with the use of internal diaphragms against the resulting increase in temporary or cross frames that limit the extent of the works, transportation and substructure costs. distortion. These internal diaphragms or frames Current box girder designs in the UK have can take many forms : commonly adopted a strategy of minimising Full depth unstiffened diaphragms. the number of longitudinal stiffeners through the use of thicker side wall plates, as current Full depth stiffened diaphragms. fabrication techniques still typically result in Triangulated cross frames (see Figure 2). heavier, lightly stiffened boxes being more Ring frames (see Figure 1). economical than heavily stiffened, lighter boxes. As this could change in the future with The selection of an appropriate form of dia- developments in stiffened plate fabrication phragm or frame and the spacing will need to technology and fluctuations in global steel be considered in conjunction with any re- prices, the preferred longitudinal stiffening quirements for transverse stiffeners or beams; strategy should always be discussed with a the diaphragms or frames will also provide fabricator early in the design process. It is transverse restraint to the flange and web also noted that the design rules in BS EN panels and their stiffeners. 1993-1-5 typically lead to greater resistance from stiffened structures than the rules in Distortional stiffening is also needed by the BS 5400-3 and this will also encourage a fabricator to control the shape of the box return to thinner stiffened plates. during construction. The ideal arrangement is where the chosen distortional stiffening design Transverse stiffeners and beams can meet the requirements of both service Internal transverse stiffeners or beams will be loads and fabrication. needed for the following reasons: Many box girder schemes meet all of these a) Enhancing the shear strength of webs requirements via a transverse stiffening strate- The webs of a box are typically very slender gy of regularly spaced, plated diaphragms or and require transverse stiffeners to provide cross frames. The ideal transverse stiffening the design shear resistance. strategy will meet all of the above demands in b) Restraining longitudinal stiffeners conjunction with being economic to fabricate Buckling of longitudinal stiffeners in com- and thus should be derived through close pression needs to be restrained by collaboration between designer and fabricator appropriate transverse elements of ade- early on in the design phase. quate stiffness. c) Providing paths for local loads Web/flange welds Concentrated local loads from components The web/flange welds are subject to longitudi- such as cable hangers and support bearings nal shear and to transverse bending need to be distributed safely into the box associated with distortional effects. Tee joints sides via a load path provided by transverse with double fillet welds are usually sufficient beams. but over-design of the welds can result in an unnecessary increase in fabrication cost. Full Control of distortion penetration butt welds should only be specified Where vertical loads are applied eccentrically where truly necessary.
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