GOVERNMENT OF RAJASTHAN Department of Agriculture Public Disclosure Authorized Rajasthan Agriculture Competitiveness Project Public Disclosure Authorized Social Assessment and Management Framework (Draft Final Report) February 2012 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Draft Final Contents Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................... 4 Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... 7 Chapter 1: Project Description .................................................................................................. 13 Chapter 2: Stakeholder analysis and consultations ........................................................... 23 Chapter 3: Socio-economic baseline ........................................................................................ 33 Chapter 4: Small and Marginal Farmers ................................................................................. 53 Chapter 5: Scheduled Tribes ...................................................................................................... 59 Chapter 6: Women and Gender Issues .................................................................................... 67 Chapter 7: Scheduled Castes ....................................................................................................... 75 Chapter 8: Policy, Legal and Regulatory Framework ........................................................ 80 Chapter 9: Institutional and Governance Context........................................................ 98 Chapter 10: Social Impact/ Risk Assessment and Mitigation ...................................... 120 Chapter 11: Social Management Framework .................................................................... 128 Annexure 1: Summary of meetings with stakeholders .................................................. 148 Annexure 2 - List of Scheduled Tribes in Rajasthan ....................................................... 169 Annexure 3 - List of Scheduled Castes in Rajasthan ........................................................ 170 Annexure 4 - Administrative Divisions of Rajasthan ..................................................... 171 Annexure 5 – Resettlement Policy Framework ................................................................ 172 Annexure 6 – Tribal Development Framework ................................................................ 180 Annexure 7 - Participatory Planning for Interventions on Panchayat Lands and Village Commons ......................................................................................................................... 209 Annexure 8 - Provisions for Social Inclusion ..................................................................... 211 Annexure 9 - Conflict resolution mechanism .................................................................... 217 Annexure 10: Training budget ............................................................................................... 219 Page | 2 Draft Final ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The team of the Rajasthan Agriculture Competitiveness Project (RACP) is grateful to Shri D.B. Gupta, Principal Secretary, Agriculture for the guidance provided towards the study. The study was carried out by individual consultants led by Dr. Alka Awasthi and supported by Mr. Ladulal Sharma, Mr. Narendra Pratap Singh and Dr. Dalbir Singh, Consultants. Important insights and support also came from Mr Sashikant Chopde, who conducted the environment assessment study. The support provided by the World Bank team especially Mr. Severin Kodderitsch, Mr. M Pathy, Ms. Priti Kumar and Mr. Varun Singh; and, World Bank Consultants Mr. S.C. Rajshekhar and Ms. Varsha Mehta, is highly appreciated. We thank Dr. M.S. Rathore, Centre for Environment and Development Studies (CEDSJ), Jaipur for providing the long and historical database and, contributing significantly in key aspects of the study. In addition, we are thankful to NGOs (for example, Shree Vivekananda Seva Nyas, Mavli, Foundation for Ecological Services, and BAIF) for their valuable contributions from their implementation experience during field visit and workshops. The project team was greatly helped by various organizations that provided relevant data and information for the study. Specifically, the support provided by the Department of Agriculture, Water Resource Department, Ground Water Department, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, and the Forest Department was very useful. The support provided by RACP team and other district officers of agriculture department for making necessary arrangements during the field visit, multi-stakeholder and disclosure workshops is gratefully acknowledged. Last but not the least, special thanks is due to Dr. Shanti Lal Mehta, Lead Technical Consultant, RACP and Dr. Ashok Chauhan, OSD and Nodal Officer for supporting and guiding the study diligently. Shri B.S. Detha, Project Director, RACP Department of Agriculture Government of Rajasthan Page | 3 Draft Final Abbreviations ABPF Agri-Business Promotion Facility AEZ Agro-Ecological Zone AFPRO Action for Food Production AKRSP Aga Khan Rural Support Programme AP Andhra Pradesh APEDA Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority APRN Asia Pacific Research Network ARAVALI Association for Rural Advancement through Voluntary Action and Local Involvement AVC Agriculture Value Chain BARC Budget Analysis Resource Centre BMI Body Mass Index BPL Below Poverty Line CACP Cluster Agriculture Competitiveness Plan CAZRI Central Arid Zone Research Institute CBO Community Based Organisation CIG Common Interest Group CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation CM Community Mobiliser CPR Common Property Resources CRP Community Resource Person CS Chief Secretary CSO Civil Society Organisation DLIC District Level Implementation Committee DOA Department of Agriculture DPMU District Project Management Unit DPR Detailed Project Report DRDA District Rural Development Agency DSDC District Social Development Coordinator (in FNGO) EA Environmental Assessment EAG Empowered Action Group ECOSOC Economic and Social Council (of the UN) ESMF Environment and Social Management Framework FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation FCRA Foreign Currency Regulation Authority FES Foundation for Ecological Security F-NGO Field Level Non-Government Organization FPO Farmer Producer Organisation FRA Forest Rights Act, 2006 GAP Good Agricultural Practices GDP Gross Domestic Product GDSP Gross Domestic State Product GNP Gross National Product GoI Government of India GoR Government of Rajasthan GP Gram Panchayat GPLGWC Gram Panchayat Level Ground Water Committee GRC Grievance Redressal Cell GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism GVNML Gram Vikas Navyuvak Mandal, Laporiya GVT Gramin Vikas Trust Page | 4 Draft Final GWD Ground Water Department HDI Human Development Index HDR Human Development Report HIV/AIDS Human Immuno-deficiency Virus/ Acquired Immuno-deficiency Syndrome IAASTD International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development ICDS Integrated Child Development Scheme ICR Implementation completion and results review IDS Institute for Development Studies IEC Information, Education and Communication IESA Integrated Environmental and Social Assessment IGRM Integrated Grievance Redressal Mechanism IMR Infant Mortality Rate INM Integrated Nutrient Management IPM Integrated Pest Management ITDP Integrated Tribal Development Project KVK Krishi Vigyan Kendra LAD Local Area Development M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MACP Maharashtra Agriculture Competitiveness Project MADA Modified Area Development Approach MIS Management Information System MKSP Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojna MLA Member of Legislative Assembly MMR Maternal Mortality Rate MNREGS Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme MoU Memorandum of Understanding MP Member of Parliament MPUAT Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology MSP Minimum Support Price MTR Mid-Term Review NABARD National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development NAIP National Agriculture Innovation Project NFHS National Family Health Survey NFSM National Food Security Mission NGO Non-Government Organisation NRLM National Rural Livelihoods Mission NRM Natural Resource Management NSS National Sample Survey NTFP Non-Timber Forest Product OBC Other Backward Class OP Operational Policy (of the World Bank) PAP Project Affected Persons PCU Project Coordination Unit PD Project Director PDO Project Development Objective PESA Panchayat Extension over Scheduled Areas Act PIA Project Implementing Agency PIM Participatory Irrigation Management PIU Project Implementation Unit PMIS Project Management Information System PMU Project Management Unit PRI Panchayati Raj Institution PS Panchayat Samiti PS Principal Secretary PTG Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (formerly Primitive Tribal Group) PUCL People’s Union for Civil Liberties Page | 5 Draft Final RACP Rajasthan Agriculture Competitiveness Project RAP Resettlement Action Plan RDA Recommended Dietary Allowance RFPMIS Rajasthan Farmers Participation in Management of Irrigation Systems RKVY Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna RPF Resettlement Policy Framework RRLP Rajasthan Rural Livelihood Project RT Rural Technology RTC Regional Training Centre RWSRP Rajasthan Water Sector Restructuring Project SA Social Assessment SAMF Social Assessment and Management
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