![Arxiv:2103.01707V1 [Astro-Ph.EP] 2 Mar 2021](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Draft version March 3, 2021 Typeset using LATEX preprint2 style in AASTeX63 Mass and density of asteroid (16) Psyche Lauri Siltala1 and Mikael Granvik1, 2 1Department of Physics, P.O. Box 64, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland 2Asteroid Engineering Laboratory, Onboard Space Systems, Lule˚aUniversity of Technology, Box 848, S-98128 Kiruna, Sweden (Received October 1, 2020; Revised February 23, 2021; Accepted February 23, 2021) Submitted to ApJL ABSTRACT We apply our novel Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)-based algorithm for asteroid mass estimation to asteroid (16) Psyche, the target of NASA's eponymous Psyche mission, based on close encounters with 10 different asteroids, and obtain a mass of −11 (1:117 0:039) 10 M . We ensure that our method works as expected by applying ± × it to asteroids (1) Ceres and (4) Vesta, and find that the results are in agreement with the very accurate mass estimates for these bodies obtained by the Dawn mission. We then combine our mass estimate for Psyche with the most recent volume estimate to compute the corresponding bulk density as (3:88 0:25) g/cm3. The estimated ± bulk density rules out the possibility of Psyche being an exposed, solid iron core of a protoplanet, but is fully consistent with the recent hypothesis that ferrovolcanism would have occurred on Psyche. Keywords: to be | added later 1. INTRODUCTION and radar observations (Shepard et al. 2017). Asteroid (16) Psyche is currently of great in- There have, however, been concerns that Psy- terest to the planetary science community as che's relatively high bulk density of approxi- 3 it is the target of NASA's eponymous Psyche mately 4 g/cm is still too low to be consis- mission currently scheduled to be launched in tent with iron meteorites and that the asteroid 2022 (Elkins-Tanton et al. 2014). This interest may instead have a stony-iron composition and arXiv:2103.01707v1 [astro-ph.EP] 2 Mar 2021 stems from the fact that the asteroid is cur- could thus be a parent body for mesosiderites rently believed to be a metallic asteroid and (Viikinkoski et al. 2018). Ferrovolcanic activ- potentially the exposed core of a protoplanet ity has recently been suggested as an alterna- due to both its relatively high bulk density as tive mechanism that would explain the obser- well as surface properties based on spectroscopic vational data on Psyche (Johnson et al. 2020). Ferrovolcanism would cause Psyche's surface to consist of stony mantle surrounded by a metal- Corresponding author: Lauri Siltala lauri.siltala@helsinki.fi lic surface layer resulting from past eruptions of molten iron. This theory is consistent with 2 Siltala & Granvik both a relatively low bulk density and a metal- We will describe our algorithm only briefly, rich surface composition. as it is already documented in greater detail in We have developed a Markov-chain Monte our previous work (Siltala & Granvik 2020). We Carlo (MCMC)-based algorithm for asteroid estimate an asteroid's (hereafter called the per- mass estimation based on asteroid-asteroid close turber) mass by modeling its gravitational per- encounters. In essence, the gravitational per- turbation on another asteroid (hereafter called turbations of a massive asteroid on the orbit test asteroid) during a close encounter between of another asteroid with negligible mass (here- the two. The approach can be seen as an exten- after referred to as the test asteroid) are mod- sion of the orbit determination problem where eled by fitting orbits for both objects and the we simultaneously fit orbits for both the per- mass for the massive asteroid so that they ac- turber and the test asteroids as well as the curately reproduce the typically extensive num- mass of the perturber requiring that the solu- ber of astrometric observations available. In Sil- tion allow us to reproduce the astrometry avail- tala & Granvik(2020), we applied our algorithm able for each object. Our approach is based on to Psyche (among several other asteroids) and the Robust Adaptive Metropolis algorithm (Vi- obtained maximum-likelihood (ML) masses ap- hola 2012) which can be seen as a Metropolis- proximately half of the average literature value Hastings MCMC algorithm with the addition −11 of 1:37 10 M directly leading to a sig- that the proposal distribution is adapted after × nificantly lower bulk density for Psyche than each proposal with the intent of optimizing the previously reported (Carry 2012). However, MCMC acceptance rate. the aforementioned average literature value re- The only update to the algorithm presented mained within our 3σ limits and could thus not in Siltala & Granvik(2020) is a slightly differ- be entirely ruled out. We also predicted that ac- ent acceptance criterion; where previously we curate astrometry obtained during the summer computed the acceptance criterion with a sin- of 2019 of one of the test asteroids, (151878) gle posterior probability density value based on 2003 PZ4, could significantly reduce the uncer- the sum of the χ2 values for all targets, we now tainty in our mass estimate for Psyche. consider the χ2 values separately for each target Here we use our MCMC method to re- and compute their product to obtain the final estimate the mass of (16) Psyche by simultane- acceptance probability: ously including 10 test asteroids as opposed to 0 Y pj(P ) Y 1 2 0 2 our previous work where we performed two sep- ai = = exp( χ (P ) χ (Pj) ) p (P ) −2 j − arate runs where each run simultaneously mod- j j i j eled two separate test asteroids. The use of 10 (1) test asteroids dramatically increases the amount where j represents each individual asteroid con- of observational data included and is expected sidered. Such an approach ensures that ac- to accordingly lead to a reduced uncertainty for cepted proposals must fit each individual aster- the mass estimate. To test the aforementioned oid well as opposed to the criterion used by Sil- prediction, we have also obtained astrometry of tala & Granvik(2020), which only required that (151878) 2003 PZ4 in July and August of 2019 the overall fit be acceptable. In addition, this with the 2.56-meter Nordic Optical Telescope means that each asteroid has the same weight in and include this new data in the analysis. the acceptance criterion while with our previous approach the total χ2 value and, by extension, acceptance criterion, is dominated by asteroids 2. METHODS with more observations as such have a greater Mass and density of asteroid (16) Psyche 3 impact on the total value. We use a uniform biased data both before and after the asteroid's prior of unity (see Siltala & Granvik 2020, and close encounter with Psyche. discussion therein). Siltala & Granvik(2020) computed future ephemerides for each accepted proposal in an MCMC chain for Psyche with the test asteroids 3. DATA (91495) and (151878) and used these to show Our data treatment also follows the same ap- that the mass of Psyche would have a particu- proach as in our previous work; we use data ob- larly large impact on the sky coordinates of the tained from the Minor Planet Center, correct for asteroid (151878) during the summer of 2019. star catalogue biases (Farnocchia et al. 2015), In order to test the prediction, we also obtained apply an observational error model to weight astrometry for this asteroid with the Nordic Op- the data properly (Baer & Chesley 2017), and tical Telescope on La Palma to be used in the multiply the uncertainties for N same-night ob- mass estimation for Psyche. Five images with servations by a factor of pN such that an in- an exposure time of 60 seconds each were taken 2 dividual observation's weight is 1=(Nσ ) where on the 24th and the 29th of July for a total of σ is the corresponding astrometric uncertainty ten images, nine of which were taken with the R based on the error model. In addition to Psy- Bessel filter whereas the first image was taken che itself we use the following 10 numbered with the V filter due to observer error but was test asteroids: (1052), (1082), (6442), (13206), nevertheless useful for astrometry. Both nights (17799), (20837), (39054), (91495), (151878) had a single observation each where the target and (211012). We have already previously overlapped with a background star, rendering studied four of these test asteroids, namely the observation useless. Thus a total of eight (17799), (20837), (91495), and (151878) (Siltala of these observations were used. The data was & Granvik 2020) whereas the other test aster- reduced using IRAF for bias and flat-field cor- oids have been identified and/or used by Fienga rections while astrometric processing was done et al.(2003); Baer & Chesley(2017); Gal´ad& using the Astrometry.net software (Lang et al. Gray(2002). Test asteroid (1054) is particu- 2010). larly noteworthy as it has six close encounters Figure1 shows these observations and their with Psyche during the observational timespan astrometric uncertainties (computed based the (Fienga et al. 2003). We use all of the astrom- uncertainty of the plate solutions combined with etry available through the MPC taken between the PSF of the object) overlaid on the prediction the start of 1980 and Oct 2020 for our objects by Siltala & Granvik(2020) in terms of Right for which the star catalogue debiasing can be Ascension (RA). It is clear that each observation applied (i.e., the observations that include infor- has a smaller RA than the one corresponding to mation on the star catalogue in use). We make the ML value, which was predicted to translate an exception for the asteroid (13206), for which to a lower-than-nominal mass for Psyche.
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