Short Note On Conus suturatus kashiwajimensis Shikama, 1971 and its Relationship to C. C. suturatus Reeve, 1844 Paul Paul Callomon Department Department of Malacology, Academy of Natural Sciences 1900 1900 Parkway, Philadelphia PA 19103-1195, USA; [email protected] Conus suturatus kashiwajimensis Shikama, 12, fig. 12; pl. 70, fig. 28 ,出 e latt 巴 r apparently the 1971 1971 was described from a single specimen from specimen previously figured by Rockel (1991: fig. ‘Kashiwajima island, southwestern Kochi 4) as C. s. kashiwajimensis). They nevertheless Prefecture ’. No information regarding habitat or treated C. s. kashiwajimensis as a ‘species of collecting collecting m 巴thod was given. Walls (1979: 389 喚 uncertain validity' and stated (ibid: 89) that it ‘is 607, 607, 610; 4 figs.) gave a fuller description and fig only known from the holotype'. ures ures of bo 白 the holotype and of two further speci- Higo & Goto (1993: 322) gave th 巴 dis 凶hution mens which he cited as conspecific. He said of 白e of C. s. kashiwajimensis as 'Tosa Bay and south- holotype holotype that it was a ‘beach juvenil ピ, though wards, Okinawa, Taiwan, Sri Lanka', following whether whether this additional data was supplied by Dr. Walls (1979). Shikama or was Walls' own conclusion is not In the face of these contradictory treatments, clear. clear. Yoshiba (1980: 286) was among th 巴 first to Higo et al. (1999 :・ 334) restricted their citation of point point out that Walls had misidentified his other C. s. kashiwajimensis as to a note rath 巴r than a full material :‘ the upper figure looks like a juvenile C. entry, stating that the type was ‘appar 巴ntly lost'. kintoki kintoki and the lower right figure is also of a diι This was retracted and the holotype was figured in ferent ferent speci 巴s'. Higo et al. (2001). R りckel (1991: fig. 4) figured and cited a speci- The types of many species d巴scribed by Tokio men from Amami Oshima Island, southwestern Shikama from his own collection were for some Japan, Japan, as C. s. kashiwajimensis. He reproduced tim 巴 unavailable for examination due to the mov- Walls' Walls' figure of the holotype and gave figures of ing of th 巴 collections of the Geology Institute, both both the shell and radula of 白巴 new specimen. By Yokohama National Univ 巴rsi ty to their present comparison comparison with th 巴 shell and radula of another location m 白e Kanagawa Pref ,巴 ctural Museum of specimen specimen from Amami Oshima, as w 巴11 as dry History Natural (KPMNH). In the absence of type shells shells from elsewhere in Japan, he concluded that material, some of Shikama ’ s original figures and C. C. s. kashiwajimensis is an earlier availabl 巴 name d巴scriptions had proved inadequate for assessing for for C. kiicumulus (Azuma, 1982) [ = Rhizaconus fully 血巴 status of his new species. Th 巴 II 同jority of nebulosus Azuma, 1973 non Conus nebulosus the form 巴rly inaccessible type specimens have Gmelin, Gmelin, 1791 nee Hwass, 1792]. Curiously, in a how 巴ver now been separated and catalogu 巴d, and table table in the same article the two were deliberately re-examination of types of some of the less well- assigned assigned to different g巴nera (Conus (Virgiconus) known species is now possible. kashiwajimensis kashiwajimensis and Hermes (Fumiconus) kiicu- mulus), mulus), but it is possible 白at this table was not the Material Examined work of R りckel hims 巴lf. R りckel et al. (1995: 321, pl. 70, fig. 27) again Conus suturatus kashiwajimensis Shikama, reproduced reproduced the figure of the type of C. s. kashiwa- 1971: 32-33, pl. 3, figs. 23-24. jimensis jimensis from Walls and figured two further speci Holotype: KPMNH, no. KPM-NG0105745 mens, mens, citing them as possibly conspecific (ibid. pl. [Figs. 1-3] 304 VENUS 60 (4), 2002 Dimensions: Dimensions: 34.4 mm height, 17.8 mm maxi- Discussion mum diameter. Remarks: Remarks: The dimension originally given by C. s. kashiwajimensis differs in shell morpholo- Shikama (33. 3 mm) is achievable by holding a gy from all other species curr 巴ntly known from the caliper caliper flush against one side of the body whorl; type locality or adjacent waters. From C. kiicumu- comparison comparison with 白 e original measurements of his lus it differs in being slimmer and lighter, and in other other Conus types suggests this was probably his lacking the axial patterning and deep, regularly- usual usual techniqu 巴. The holotype was confirmed by spaced grooves found on the body whorl in typical measurement measurement and comparison with the original fig- C. kiicumulus specimens. The protoconch of C. ure. ure. kiicumulus was described originally as ‘translu- cent ’wh 巴reas that of C. s. kashiwajimensis is Redescription of the holotype of opaque and brown. The early whorls of C. kiicu- 仁 s. kashiwajimensis mulus were originally described as having a ‘gran- ular ular shoulder' whereas the shoulder of the e紅 ly Protoconch Protoconch and first 1.5 whorls smooth, glossy, whorls of C. s. kashiw α jimensis is smooth. r己ddish brown; subsequent 3 whorls smooth-shoul Never 由巳 I巴ss, the similarity betw 巴巴 n the radular dered, dered, pinkish brown, with regularly crenellate teeth of the two specimens 巴xamined by Rockel inner inner margin. Initial whorl of protoconch missing. (1991) cannot be overlook 巴d, as the specimen in Spiral Spiral sculpture on spir1 巴 ramps consists of three his figure 4 seems conspecific with C. s. kashiwa- shallow shallow grooves, group 巴d towards outer margin; jimensis despite apparently having a white proto- grooves grooves b巴com 巴 less pronounced in later whorls conch. On 出巴 other hand, R りckel ’s figur 巴 2, cited but but remain present. Early spir 巴 ramps bear axial as ‘ Subadult sp 巴cimen of C. kiicumulus from sculpture sculpture of numerous raised ridg 巴s co 町 esponding Amami-Oshima ’ is apparently a specimen of to to crenellation at inner margin; ridges w 巴aken to Conus ciderryi DaMotta, 1985. In the present fine fine arcuate growth lines on later ramps and crenel- author ’s opinion he does not sufficiently demon- late late inn 巴r margin becomes ragged. No tubercules strate intergrading of form b巴tween C. kiicumulus or or other protruberant microsculpture present on and C. s. kashiwajimensis. early early whorls. Shoulder of bodywhorl very mildly In the original d巴scription of C. s. kashiwaji- and and broadly undulate, with two larger undulations mensis, Shikama stated :‘ Shoulder angulated with in in final 90 degr 巴巴 s immediately behind aperture. weak tubercules ’ but mentioned no other sculpture Body whorl smooth and glossy with 16-17 irregu- on the early whorls. Walls (1979) did not examine larly-spaced larly-spaced spiral grooves on lower two thirds and the holotype, but stated :‘ first 3-5 whorls weakly axial axial sculpture of very fine, irregular growth nodulose ’; this and other anomalies in Walls' m 訂 ks. description, as well as his incorrect identification Apertur 巴 relatively wide, opening slightly of at least the shell in the two upper figures on p. towards towards base; outer lip thin and sharp, int 巴rior 389 (which is probably Conus berdulinus Veillard, white. white. Body whorl strongly recurv 巴d just above 1972 from off Sri Lanka) suggest he may have base; base; columellar margin thin and glossy, not visi 』 been examining shells of another species. ble ble in ventral view. The strong basal recurvature of the holotype of Shell Shell white overall with slight violet cast. Spire C. s. kashiwajimensis is similar to that seen in white white with scattered brown stains pres 巴nt over first specimens of C. moluccensis Kiister, 1838 from 5 whorls. Body whorl bears a few small scattered Okinawa (present author ’s collection), but 出e lat- indistinct indistinct brown smudges immediately below ter species differs in having a strongly coronate shoulder shoulder and two broad bands of pale reddish shoulder, recurved outer lip and pronounced axial brown extending from the shoulder to just above patterning. mid-whorl mid-whorl and again from below mid-whorl to a The morphological relationship between C. s. point point above the basal recurvature. Wid 白 of lower kashiwajimensis and Conus suturatus Reeve, 1843 band roughly two thirds that of upper; upper band is, however, very close.τ'he syntype of C. sutura- paler 油 dl 巴 ss distinct than lower, faintly subdivid- tus in the History Natural Museum in London here ed ed at upper 白ird. examined (Fig. 4) is very similar in app 巴arance to Soft Soft parts, radula, periostracum and operculum 出e holotyp 巴 of C. s. kashiwajimensis. Unlike 白e absent. absent. latter, it bears the remnants of the ‘pale rose ’ basal Short Short Note 305 Figs.1 ・3. Conus kashiwajimensis, holotype Fig. 4. Conus suturatus, syntype, BMNH 1983106, 41.2 KPM-NG01005745 ,34.4 mm height. 1. ventral mm height. view. view. 2. Dorsal view. 3. Spire . stain stain mentioned by Reeve and present to av 訂 ying sis Walls, 1978, is quite different in appearance degree degree in all specimens of C. suturatus. It fea 加res, from both C. suturatus and C. s. kashiwajimensis, how 巴ver, a similar sculpture of 17 巴venly-spaced and se 巴ms to have more in common morphologi- spiral spiral grooves on the lowest third of the body cally with C. tessulatus Hwass, 1792. As Walls whorl, whorl, and although the shell has faded nearly to apparently did not examin 巴 the syntypes of C. white, white, traces of at least one broad band of color suturatus, he may have been mistaken in describ- remain remain at upper mid whorl. Reeve ’ s original figure ing C. sandwichensis as a subspecies of that taxon .
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