Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1955-56 The thI acan: 1950/51 to 1959/60 5-11-1956 The thI acan, 1956-05-11 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1955-56 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1956-05-11" (1956). The Ithacan, 1955-56. 13. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1955-56/13 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1950/51 to 1959/60 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1955-56 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. am1t Member Associated Collegiate Press Member Intercollegiate Press Vol. 27, No. 14 Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York, May 11, 1956 10 Pages JUNIORS PRESENT FIESTA WITJ Plans 60 Hour Marathon Much Gaiety and Fun 'Holiday for Spring' Next Week P~~~ir~~?.!~,~.. ~~~.~.~~~.rl.. FIESTA-the 1956 version of Spring Week-end wlll spring forth to a iestlve start. For the first Ume In Weekend on Jlay 17-20. The weekend Is entitle1I, "Fiesta" and, true to the history of the college, the complete Spring Week-end program will be broadcast In It~ entirety through Its name, It wlll lie 1111eked from start to finish with gala rvents. the facllltles of WITJ In a spectacular sixty hour marathon entitled "HOLWAY FOR SPRING." lnaugu. The first event will be a buselJall field is the site for this contest. rating Spring Week-end, the spectacular broadcast wlll fonn an Integral part of the St>rlng Week-end game against Wilkes College at Thursday night will be taken up FIESTA. 3: 30 on Thursday afternoon. Percy by the play, "lwlnmnker." This "HOLIDAY FOR SPRING" was Broadway success will be present­ conceived and will be broadcast ed in the Little Theater with the through the co-operation of top Alpha Nu Chapter Nash's Rainmaker To Be curtain going up at 8: 15. producers at WITJ including COR­ Pi Kappa Lambda L p d ·. r s A street dnnee and party will be DELL-RHYSLING, JOHN PEDIT­ ast: ro uct:1on or eason held at the Ithaca College radio TO, DON CLEVELL, and MARK Installed I.e. station, WITJ, starting at 12:00 BRINTHAUPT.. A specially se­ T d :\i·at Al h N "Rainmaker," the lust play of tile season, will begin on Wed11es1lny, noon through one o'clock Friday 0 8 lected expert staff of over fifteen Ch n t ue; :Y, s· ,~y · P~ ~ u :'!lay 16, for a four-dny run nt tile Ithaca College l,ltt.le Theater. afternoon. The radio station will be O 1 announcers and technicians will ap er t _e ociety of 1... ap~a The play was written by N .. Itlchard Nash, and It Is about people broadcasting various events for Lambda, National Honorary Music II • - · t h · participate in the sixty hour broad­ . who ,·e out ,test. It tells how they expreHs their IHe and how tlley six Y ours durmg the weekend. S ociety was installed at Ithaca Col- ____ _________ · Fr"d • · · · cast. Mike Morgan will act as • face the problems which arise. 1 ay s h1ghhght will be a Jam "pivot" man who will co-ordinate lege. Duane Branigan, President- Vina Nadwodny Although they live in a drought- session at the V.F.W. ballroom on the project from WITJ or "opera­ General of the Society, and Director To Present Recital beset region, there are a few who State Street. It has been entitled th th tion center." Included on the "H-OL­ of e School of Music of e Uni- cling to the hope tlrnt:' rain will "Heat ,vave." This session will be IDAY FOR SPRING" production verslty of Illinois, was the install- i\iiss Vina Nadwodny, Soprano, come. going from 10:00 to l:l5. Ithaca ing officer. will give her senior professional re- girls will have 2 .· 00 permissions and programming staff are Marv N. Richard ;\;ash introduces his Pi Kappa Lambda was founded cital on ,vednesday evening :\fay on that night. Shapiro, Dave Goldman, Frank Di­ · g N h play in this way: "What happens gilio, Armand Robert, Jack Hewett, m 191 at ort western University 23 in the College Theatre. Her ac- to give recognition to students companist for this recital is Robert to the people of the ,vest beyond Saturday's festivities will start Dick Hiestand, Larry Roy, Carl whose attainment in music has been Lewis. the calculable and terrible phe­ off with a bang at 1: 00 in the Dunn, Cliff Marsh, Bobbi Bollhorst, nomena of sudden poverty and loss afternoon with the float parade. superior and who possess personal Miss Nadwodny will open the re­ Irene Terefenko, and Judy Trom­ of substance-is an incalculable All the dormitories, fraternities, qualiflcatlons necessary to be "a cital with Gluek's Che furo semm bly. and febrile kind of desperation. and sororities of the college will worthy exemplar of this great art." Eurldlce, from Orfeo ed Euridice, During the course of the mara­ enter floats in the competition. The The officers of Alpha Nu Chapter and O tol, qui prolonges me Jours, Rain will never come again; the than, direct live pickups from key floats will carry out the Fiesta are Prof. Lynn Bogart, President; from lphlgenie en Tauride. Schu­ earth will serve forever, and in all points, tape recorded .and direct theme. The Queen of the weekend Prof. \Warren Benson, Vice-Presi­ mann's song cycle Franenllebe und of heaven there is no promise of telephone reports, wherever practi­ and her attendants from each class, dent; Prof. Phyllis Pulaski, Secre­ Leben will be heard next on the remedy." cal, will be used. Permanent broad­ who have been elected by all the tary; and Prof. Frank Eldridge, program. The various songs in the This play is both a comedy and a cast lines from WITJ to the VFW students of the college, will ride Treasurer. The other members of work include: Seit ich ihn gesehen; romance, and this must not be for­ Club House, Percy Field, the Ith­ on the coronation float. the sponsoring faculty committee Er, der Herrlichste von Allen; Ich gotten by the audience. People like aca College Theater, the Green are Prof. .George King Driscoll, kann's nicht fassen, nicht glauben; H. C. Curry, who is one of the The float parade will end in time Room, the Snack Bar, and to a float Prof.. Helen Orr, Mr. Robert Prins, Du Ring an meinem Finger; Helft characters in this play, are the for everyone to adjourn to Percy parade observation point have been Dean Conrad H ..Rawski, and :\Ir. mir, ihr Schwestern; Suesser ones who never give up hope and Field for a variety baseball game installed. These live remote pick­ Edward Troupln. Freund, du blickest; An meinem who are the pillars of strength for against Scranton College. This so­ ups will be supplemented by a The first student to become a Herzen, an melner Brust; and Nun others. .People like Lizzie Curry called "Battenball Brawl" will be­ steady stream of tape recorded re­ member of Alpha Nu Chapter is hast du mir ersten Schmerz getan. are the plain honest folk who pos- gin at 3: 30 Saturday afternoon. ports and interviews which will Willls Traphagen, a member of the After an Intermission Miss Nad- sess true and simple love. Bill Star­ The big moment or the entire cover every phase or FIESTA. graduating class. l\lr. Traphagen wodny will present four songs by buck is a character who is always weekend will be the coronation of Four "crack" teams of "HOLIDAY was initiated in the Tuesday cere- Les Paplllons, Le Collbri, and La happy and carefree and is the little FOR SPRING" reporters wlll simul• the queen at the lleau Arts Ball on (Cont'd on pg. 2, col. 4) (Cont'd on pg. 8, col. 4) (Cont'd on pg. 9, col. :!) taneously gather information at all Saturday night, '.\lay 19. The dance times. At "Operation Center" the will be held in the V.F.W. ballroom WITJ studio headquarters, all re­ from 10: 00 to 2: 00. Tickets for the ports will be co-ordinated. Ruger, Clapper; Berkowitz dance are $4.00 per couple. This Arrangements have been com­ price includes all the festivities of pleted for interviews with Mayor Named To High Positions On Staff the weekend. J.C. girls will get 3: 00 permissions on this evening John Ryan; Chief of Police Wil­ This Jssne markR the first In the series of the Ith ncan as compiled by a newly reorganized staff. This liam Simmers; Deans Clarke, Hick­ which is a half hour increase on reorganization of the staff, with two more Issues to go, enables those appointed to new positions 11 chanl'e the permission granted for Fall man, and Taylor; Dr. Job; and Dr. to fo.mlliarlze themselves with their Job before the fall semester begins. Dlllingham. The Social Chairman Weekend. for Spring Week-end, Ron McKen­ Sunday morning there will be a (Cont'd on pg. 10, col. S) ney, also will be interviewed. Friday noon will usher in the sixty consecutive hour "HOLIDAY FOR SPRING" marathon with a Phi Epsilon Kappa FIESTA-WITJ Block Party.. A one Initiates 39 Members block section fronting "Operation (Cont'd on pg. :J, col. 1) Phi Epsilon Kappa has taken In thirty-nine new members. It is one Mele Announces of the largest groups that have ever pledged the fraternity. The new Camp Counselors members are as follows: Albert Anthony Mele, director of next Auer, Charles Bailey, Lester Beni­ year's Freshman Camp, has an­ nati, Clayton Buel, Thomas Carroll, nounced those students chosen as Bill Ruger, Editor-in-Chief, Is Dave Clapper, a junior in the Al Berkowitz, a sophomore busi­ Frank C'ea, \Villiam Christiansen, counselors for the Fall orientation retaining the same position he has Music Department, has been a val­ ness major, also retains the same :lie! Cohen, Richard Davidson, program.
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