01-HS 2015:UNE ALL-524-Ste?ph 4/05/15 16:00 Page 1 HORS SÉRIE HORS SÉRIE Le monde militaire en V.O. SOCIETY ECONOMY Air Force analysts in Composites: a vision heat of battle for the future? I TNS I I THE WICHITA EAGLE I SCIENCE Bombs that pick who to kill I THE NEW YORK TIMES I HORS-SERIE SPÉCIALSPÉCIAL DÉFENSEDÉFENSE ETET AÉRONAUTIQUEAÉRONAUTIQUE Hors série - Mai 2015 02-HS ARMEE 2015: Page pair 30/04/15 15:42 Page 2 La réponse aux besoins linguistiques des militaires engagés en opérations extérieures : MAINTIEN DE LA PAIX, ASSISTANCE HUMANITAIRE ET EXERCICES D’ENTRAINEMENT DE L’OTAN. EF, l’organisme de formation linguistique distanciel du Ministère de la Défense depuis 2010 Faciliter votre compréhension de la vie courante et vos missions professionnelles et opérationnelles en améliorant vos connaissances de la langue anglaise. • Contenus pédagogiques conçus selon les normes internationales OTAN (STANAG 6001) et le Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues • Parcours personnalisé de 6 mois selon vos besoins spéciques : Anglais Maritime, Aéronautique, Militaire, Médical, Police, logistique… • TOEIC blanc • Accès à des cours privés avec des professeurs natifs à chaque unité (6 unités par niveau / 16 niveaux de Débutant à Avancé) • Classes en mini-groupes (7 apprenants maximum) avec des professeurs natifs. Pour plus d’informations, vous pouvez nous joindre au 01 42 61 82 37 www.ef.com/corporate 03-HS 2015:vocable 6/05/15 10:39 Page 3 E ÉDITO DENIS MERCIER Général d'armée aérienne R Chef d'état-major de l'armée de l'air Numéro spécial réalisé en partenariat I he French Air Force is on opera- avec l’Armée de l’air. Ttions all day, everyday, facing new threats, different contexts and chal- Vocable propose, le meilleur de la presse lenges. Among these are deployments internationale à travers une sélection d’articles to many and various theatres of oper- en V.O. avec la traduction des mots difficiles. ation. Challenges include the imple- Vocable existe en 3 langues : anglais, allemand, A mentation of modernised equipment but also a full commitment to interna- espagnol. www.vocable.fr tional organisations, and many bilat- eral exchanges. These new terms have one essential aspect in common – an ou [email protected] 97 97 44 37 01 [LEVEL 1] international environment. Therefore, SOCIETY mastering foreign languages, and more How NATO's Article 5 M particularly English, has become an [LEVEL 2] works......................................18 operational necessity in itself. Awarding the Airman's The Economist explains. Medal.......................................4 I THE WICHITA EAGLE / TNS I The language skills of our airmen and 10 11 61 ou [email protected] 27 03 women need to meet this requirement RAF Lakenheath airman in order to commit efficiently to our awarded prestigious bravery current needs; it has become crucial medal. SCIENCE M for the future. In accordance with the I STARS AND STRIPES / TNS I Air Force strategic plan “Unis pour faire [LEVEL 2] face” English language training pro- [LEVEL 1] Fearing bombs that can grammes have been established as pick whom to kill.............22 part of various innovative and effec- Air Force analysts in heat of battle, half a world from Weapons that rely on artificial tive projects. O the front...................................6 intelligence to decide what to With this in mind, I have entrusted the War from Home. target could become French Air Force Human Resources I TNS I increasingly difficult to control. Service abonnements Service Directorate with the organization of the pour les entreprises Formations I THE NEW YORK TIMES I S 3rd edition of ‘Ops Talk’, a seminar for [LEVEL 3] Aeronautic and operational English training professionals. Attacking Islamic State, from an Aircraft Carrier....8 FORMATION 26 The theme of the 2015 edition is about Fighting From a Floating City. ICAO, FCL, ECAC, JAA, EASA … skills – defining them, developing them I THE NEW YORK TIMES I what’s the difference? and recognising them. This seminar is an ideal forum for those involved in GUIDE 29 training, be they from the Ministry of CHALLENGES Defence, other ministries, or interna- Nos bons plans tionally based, from public or private [LEVEL 1] sectors. TEST Together, they will research, debate Commercial drones..........14 56, RUE FONDARY, 75015 PARIS. New Rules for Small and share ideas about the most effi- Décollage immédiat 30 Tél : 01 44 37 97 97 / Fax : 01 44 37 97 98. cient ways to answer this eminently Unmanned Aircraft Systems. global issue … and all this in English I THE ECONOMIST I DIRECTEUR DE LA PUBLICATION : D.Lecat. RESPONSABLE ● D’ÉDITION : R. Lancelot, [email protected]. TRADUC- “Vocable” of course!” TION : J. Marshall et C. Martin. PUBLICITÉ : A. Clerc. DIREC- [LEVEL 1] TION COMMERCIALE : C. Libilbéhéty. PROMOTION : Aerospace composite C.Veziris. MARKETING-FABRICATION : J. de Beco, C. Bourdery. ABOUT THE NEWS ARTICLES CONCEPTION GRAPHIQUE : Rampazzo & Associés. industry could double MAQUETTE : S.M.P./ S. Burlion, S. Bousez. IMPRESSION : STANAG (STANdardisation AGreement) 6001 is a db PRINT NORD, 59432 Halluin Cedex. language proficiency scale created by the North by the early 2020s ..........15 VOCABLE est édité par la Société Maubeugeoise d’Édi- Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and Composite Planes are the Future. tion, 59603 Maubeuge Cedex designed to allow comparisons of language I THE WICHITA EAGLE / TNS I ability in different countries. www.vocable.fr [LEVEL 1] Elementary [LEVEL 2] Fair (Limited working) [LEVEL 3] Good (Minimum professional) 04-05-HS-Steph:A LA UNE 2 4/05/15 12:30 Page 4 SCIENCE SOCIETY CHALLENGES BRAVERY [ LEVEL 2 ] Awarding the Airman's Medal HONOURED. On 26 January eleven people, nine of whom were French, were killed and another twenty-one injured in a figh- ter plane crash during a NATO elite pilot training course on the Los Llanos base, in the province of Albacete, in the east of Spain. The accident produced a firewall into which a solider braved the flames to save other military personnel. He received the Air- man’s Medal last month. This is an account of how it happened. STARS AND STRIPES / TNS BY ADAM L. MATHIS AF LAKENHEATH, England — U.S. Air Awarding the Airman’s Medal Force Staff Sgt. Greggory Swarz was U.S. Airforce Staff Sgt saves three R awarded the Airman’s Medal in March French Airmen for dragging three French airmen out of the fire that ensued after a Greek F-16 crashed dur- ing a multinational exercise in Spain. The two 1. RAF Royal Air Force / Staff Sgt = Staff Ser- Greek pilots and nine French airmen were geant rank of sergeant below master sergeant killed when the fighter jet crashed on takeoff / to award to honour, give / to drag to pull into five parked planes at Los Llanos Air Base out, here to rescue / airmen member of the air force / to ensue to follow / to crash (of an in southeastern Spain on Jan. 26 . aeroplane etc) to hit the ground / fighter mili- tary jet / takeoff moment a plane leaves the What happened ground / parked left in a designated area for 2. Swarz, a 492nd Aircraft Maintenance stationary planes. Unit electrical environmental systems spe- cialist, was working on a plane when he heard 2. aircraft aeroplane / to misfire to make the what he thought was an engine misfiring. But sound of an engine with combustion pro- then he saw people running and screaming. blems / to scream to shout (in fear or excite- 3. When he stepped around the aircraft to have ment). a look, he saw a wall of flames almost two sto- ries high, he said during an interview at the 3. to step to walk around / wall of flames solid 48th Fighter Wing Maintenance Professional barrier of fire / story (also, storey) level in a of the Year Awards Banquet, where Gen. Frank building / high tall. Gorenc, commander of U.S. Air Forces in Eu- rope-Air Forces Africa, presented him the Air- 4. ramp inclined surface, often moveable / man’s Medal. The medal is awarded for a heroic huge enormous, massive / to turn to turn act, usually involving the voluntary risk of life. back and go in the opposite direction / kind 4. “I saw just a wall of flames just from one side sort of / pretty rather, fairly / quick fast / ejec- to the other of the ramp, which was just a huge tion seat seats in an aeroplane designed to fire wall,” Swarz said. “So my first instinct was, launch the pilot out in an emergency / to go I started turning around to run, and then kind off to explode / fire extinguisher canister to of thought it over pretty quick and I was think- spray on a fire with foam or chemicals to put ing there were people there.” it out. As the flames spread, Swarz said ejection seats 5. servicemember member of the armed forces and ammunition were going off and large fire / to surround to encircle / to pull to take / extinguishers for the airplanes were exploding and “went flying around.” 5. Swarz found five servicemembers in a space surrounded by flames. He went through the flames to reach the group and pulled one to i The Airman’s Medal. (U.S. AIR FORCE PHOTO/AIRMAN 1ST CLASS ERIN R. BABIS) 4 • VOCABLE HORS-SÉRIE 04-05-HS-Steph:A LA UNE 2 4/05/15 12:29 Page 5 SCIENCE SOCIETY CHALLENGES safety state of being free from danger / to roll to lie on one’s back and move from side to side / to put out to extinguish flames / belt band of leather or other material worn around the waist. 6. unable incapable / to reach to arrive at / injury physical harm / to heal to get better.
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