Important note: Please share this digital-only edition of Almanac with your colleagues. Read more. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Tuesday June 2, 2020 Volume 66 Number 37 www.upenn.edu/almanac Thirteen Undergraduates: MindCORE Lila R. Gleitman Changes to the From the President Undergraduate Summer 2020 Penn Computer Connection Fellowships The Division of Business Services wishes to inform the Penn Community that as of June Statement on the With support 30, 2020, the Computer Connection’s retail Death of George Floyd from a $1 million gift store, located on the second floor of the Penn Once again our nation mourns. The from an anonymous Bookstore, will permanently close. tragic and senseless death of George donor, MindCORE The store has adapted to the many changes Floyd is a vivid reminder of the inequal- summer fellowships in the technology-retail market since it opened will now be named ities and unacceptable indignities that so 35 years ago, but the combined impact of nar- many of our citizens constantly endure. the Lila R. Gleitman rower margins, fewer new product releases, Undergraduate Sum- The events in Minneapolis this week and extraordinary mass-market discounting should lead everyone to recognize how mer Fellowships. strategies from large retailers, has had a pro- The endowed fellow- much more work our society must do to nounced impact on the store’s ability to sustain realize liberty and justice for all. As a ships program sup- its operation. ports up to 10 Penn nation we have much work to do. Going forward, the University remains com- While the entire Penn communi- undergraduate stu- mitted to providing resources and value-add- dents with summer Lila R. Gleitman ed services that align with the technology needs ty weeps, and our hearts are filled with research experiences of the Penn community. The Office of Software sadness for this senseless loss of life, in the labs of MindCORE faculty. Licensing will remain and most likely expand we should remember the importance of Dr. Gleitman is an emerita professor of psy- its offerings. Also, the Penn Bookstore will ex- Penn’s commitment to doing our part to chology in the School of Arts & Sciences. Her pand its in-store inventory of computer supplies, create a more inclusive and mutually re- work has helped define the field of language accessories and peripherals to enable the Penn spectful environment and society free learning. Always interdisciplinary in her ap- Community to have easy access to such items. from discrimination and deprivation. proach, Dr. Gleitman forged ties across lin- Penn will also continue to leverage its sig- I especially want Penn’s African guistics and psychology through her empiri- nificant purchasing power and maintain its American students, faculty and staff to cally elegant investigations documenting how strong vendor relationships to support Penn’s know how much they and their contri- the inherent endowments that children bring to Schools and Centers. In partnership with Penn language learning interact with the input they butions to our community are treasured. Purchasing, institutional priorities such as col- It is particularly important at this diffi- receive to create language. She earned her mas- laborative purchasing, bulk orders and post- ter’s in linguistics from Penn in 1965 and her cult time that Penn’s students of color sale issue resolution will be preserved. Student- know their University supports them, PhD in 1967. After three years on the faculty at focused services, including the distribution of Swarthmore, she came to Penn, where she has which we unequivocally do. While we computers to Penn’s highly aided student pop- may be apart physically at this point in remained for the rest of her career. From 1980 to ulation and support for educational discount 2000, she served as co-director of Penn’s Insti- time, we are truly together in spirit. programs that promote school-based standards, We all long for the day when we tute for Research in Cognitive Science, the pre- will also be maintained. decessor to MindCORE. She has won numer- Although the retail store and associated never again bear witness to such a need- ous awards, including Penn’s Provost’s Award warehouse operations will be discontinued, the less death. Our prayers are for the Floyd for Distinguished PhD Teaching and Mentoring family, and for a healing of our nation’s Almanac fulfillment of existing orders will be honored, ( April 26, 2005), the John McGovern and information will be forthcoming and com- soul. Let all of us in the Penn commu- Award for the Behavioral and Social Sciences municated to members of the IT community nity use this moment to recommit, from Area from the American Association for Ad- regarding the availability of inventory and the the deepest corners of our hearts, to cre- vancement of Science, and the American Psy- process for placing new orders ating a living and learning environment chological Association’s Distinguished Scien- —Marie Witt, that is truly safe and welcoming for all. tific Contribution Award for significant impact Vice President for Business Services —Amy Gutmann, President on the science of psychology, both in research and in training of graduate students. She is a for- 2020 Models of Excellence Commemorative Video mer president of both the Linguistic Society of special 2020 Models of Excellence keepsake America and the Language Development So- Since 1999, Penn’s Models of Excellence ciety and is a fellow of the Cognitive Science Awards program has recognized the outstand- book at https://indd.adobe.com/view/1beaab32- Society, the American Association for the Ad- ing accomplishments of the University’s staff f0fc-43a0-8d1c-54c52cd6fac7 vancement of Science, the Society of Experi- members. This year is no exception. Although Please join the Models of Excellence team mental Psychologists, the American Academy the traditional Models of Excellence ceremony in congratulating this year’s honorees. Near and of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy could not take place this spring, University in- far, the Penn community is grateful for your ser- of Sciences. vites the entire Penn community to take a mo- vice to the University’s mission in education, re- With help from additional funds, a total of ment to celebrate the 2020 honorees by viewing search and public service. 13 Penn undergraduates have been selected for a commemorative video. —Division of Human Resources summer 2020 fellowships. Participants receive Watch the 2020 Models of Excellence Video INSIDE a $4,500 stipend for their research work with at https://vimeo.com/409907040 The video fea- 2 Deaths a faculty mentor, a one-week programming tures staff member interviews, as well as portraits 3 Director of CASI; Faculty Director of Civic House; boot camp and workshop series in interdisci- of the 16 Models of Excellence, Pillars of Excel- Gymnastics Head Coach plinary topics of mind and brain, weekly sem- 4 Honors & Other Things lence, and Model Supervisor honorees. (See Al- 6 Penn Museum Online; Change to Work Addresses inar lectures, professional development train- manac March 3, 2020 for the list of winners.) in Workday Due to Remote Working ing, and one-on-one workplace advising from a Learn more about the contributions of the 7 Support Local Businesses; Update; CrimeStats; research trainee. PPSA Election; WPPSA Nominations; Webinar 2020 Models of Excellence program honor- Wednesdays; Penn Libraries Workshop Series ees by downloading an electronic copy of the 8 Research & Innovation ALMANAC June 2, 2020 www.upenn.edu/almanac 1 Deaths Marna Barrett, PSOM 1984, he was an adjunct associate professor and Barry Stupine, Vet School Marna Sue Eva Barrett, former adjunct asso- then adjunct professor of pathology in Penn’s Barry Stupine, ciate professor of psychology in Penn’s Perelman Dental School and in the Vet School. former associate School of Medicine, died May 14. She was 63. In 1975, Dr. Fidler joined the National Can- dean the Universi- Born in Tampa, Dr. Barrett received her cer Institute (NCI), part of the National Insti- ty of Pennsylvania’s bachelor’s degree from the University of South tutes of Health (NIH), where he led the metas- School of Veterinary Florida in 1973 and a master’s in human ge- tasis program at the Frederick Cancer Research Medicine, died May netics from Sarah Lawrence College in 1981. Facility. His eight years there produced some of 6 at his home in Ry- She worked as a genetic counselor at New his early innovative work in unraveling the rid- dal of amyloidosis. York Hospital–Cornell Medical Center and also dles of how cancer spreads. He was 78. served as State Regional Genetics Counselor at In 1983, Dr. Fidler joined The University of Born in Wyn- the North Carolina Division of Health Services Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center as profes- nefield, he graduat- before joining the department of medical genet- sor and founding chair of cancer biology, a de- ed from Overbrook ics at the University of Tennessee. partment he led until 2008. He also served as High School in 1959, Dr. Barrett went on to make a career change, director of MD Anderson’s Cancer Metastasis then attended Temple earning a PhD in clinical psychology from the Research Center and Metastasis Research Labo- University, graduat- Barry Stupine University of Memphis in 1993. She was an as- ratory. In 2019, Dr. Fidler retired. ing in 1964. He went sistant professor of psychology at Indiana Uni- His experience as a veterinary surgeon on to George Washington University, where he versity of Pennsylvania for five years before taught him that the lethality of cancer is main- earned an MBA in health-care administration in joining the department of psychiatry as an as- ly due to the ability of cancer cells to spread, or 1968.
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