r : Saul Ceme9 A4 0 4, OfficeSt.Publication PaulPaul, of Public ElementaryMinnesota No. 289Schools Education U.S. DEPARTMENTOFFICE Of HEALTH, OF EDUCATION IDUCATION & WELFARE THISSTATEDPERSON DOCUMENT DO OR. NOT ORGANIZATION NECESSARILYHAS BEEN REPRODUCED ORIGINATING REPRESENT EXACTLYIT. OFFICIALPOINTS AS OFFICE RECEIVEDOf VIEW Of EDUCATION OR FROM OPINIONS THE SPEAKING,POSITION OR POLICY. LISTENING,WRITING St.CurriculumOfficeSeptember, PaulPauly of Public ElementaryMinnesotaBulletin1965 Schools No. Education 289 FOREWORD This publication is devoted toinstructionSpecifically, in the language it deals arts, with an three area skillsof primeof importancecommunica- notintion--speaking, theincluded. elementary writing, school curriculum.and listening. The fourth skill of the language arts,reading, is To help children communicate moreeffectivelyfor the skill is inprobably the use the of mostthe varioussignificantforms contribution of communica- influencetionto their may educationaldeterminetheir choice the development, ofcourse work, their friends,lives leisurewill take. time Theiractivities, ability and to patternuse theseof toolspersonal will living. Committee to assist in the taskof Thishelpingto help guide children was prepared whodevelop have by effectiveness somethingthe Language to communicate inArts this Curriculum area toof say instruction. or write it Itsbetter, purposeit is notalso only de- signed to help them to think and to havesomethingvaluable, better not asto asay. prescribed course of studybut Teachersasrich a richtheir shouldresource. language find instructionWhenthis used,publication itsand manyincrease most suggestions, itseffectiveness. illustrations,and examples should en- AssistantR.Elementary G. Hansen Superintendent Education ACKNO1ILEDGMENTS CurriculumopedSpeaking, through Writing,Committee: the cooperative and Listening efforts in theof theSt. followingPaul Elementary members abools of the hasLanguage been devel-Arts FrederickMrs.Grace Helen Johnson Glasoe Ambrose, Chairman GradePrincipal 65 HancockHomecroftFrost Lake Mrs.MarjorieViola PhyllisMerleCorrine Iverson Marx Bell RuppMerrick Grade 3524 HighlandEricssonLinwoodGrant Mrs.Helen EstherConstanceRuthDarlene Rohlfing Mealey Garnett Orth Odanovich KindergartenGrade 1 DavisMcClellanNokomisLinwoodJackson MildredMrs.Dr.Edgar RichardIoneGenevieve Williams Loughrea Berglund Hansen Nelson AssistantSupervisor,Special Class Superintendent,Director, ElementaryLindsay Elementary Curriculum Elementary Education Education Theexamplestributions committee of to children's isthe gratefulcurriculum work to hasguide.the helpedmany Encouragementprincipals to make the and throughsample classroom lessonsdiscussion teachers more and interestingwho furnishing made con- and berseffective.sity duringof Wisconsin--Eau theSpecial study thanks whichClaire, to preceeded memberswho served ofthe the aswriting consultant.staff andwho toserved Dr.Sincere Johnas active appreciationMorris, committee State is Univer mem-also Publications,extendedfor proof-reading to Mrs. is responsibleSara various Ryder, sections forWarren the of Panushka,photographs. the manuscript. James ChristineCerelloRichard and Lucente Nielson,Mrs. servedAlice Supervisor Caroline.as typist.- of AA! Speaking, Writing and Listening, is a guide PREFACEfor teachers in the primary and intermediate grades. AHerein,Each description of guidingthe three of principlesthe sections general andis skills precededthe current which by needanthinking overview to be in developed whichthe field is isreproduced of also language outlined. on artsyellow are paper. reviewed. Followingfollowthe second the the introductioncolumn overview, includes specificto eachadditional situation.activities ideas forforThe teachingenrichmentfirst column the and skillssuggests samples are the ofdescribed. children'steaching procedure; Lessonwork. plansThe forMat is similar forPrimary both the(blue primary paper) and intermediate levels.Intermediate (pink paper) We CarryMakeLook OuratOut Our PlansOur Work Plans EvaluatingCarryingPlanning OutTogether Our Our Work Plans Thethe goalclassrpom of the teacher Language develop Arts theCurriculum skills ofCommittee communication. has been Commentsto write anda guide criticisms that would relative help Office.to the improvement of the guide will be most welcome. Please direct them to the Curriculum TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLEFOREWORD OF CONTENTS iiivi SPEARINGDescriptionGeneral Skills of GeneralInvolved Skills in Speaking Involved in Speaking 431 MannerAudience,UsagePostureSpeech Sensitivity 45 LinguisticsSpecificGrammarLevels in Language English SkillsUsage Chart 1210976 ParliamentaryRhetoricalVocabularyUse of Sources Skills Procedure of Information 181514 PRIMARYReportingDiscussionConversation 29*21 MakingChoralDramaticStorytelling AnnoundementsReading Play and Explanations 575143 INTERMEDIATECultivatingTelephoningInterviewing the Social Conventions 656173 ReportingDiscussionConversation 938477 DramatizationMakingStorytelling Announcements, Giving Directions and Explanations 121110102 ChoralInterviewing Reading . 135131127 LISTENINGConductingCultivatingTelephoning Meetings the Social Conventions 158156146 PRIMARYASkills Code forWhich Teachers Need to of te Listening Developed in Listening 162160 Listening toto ReportsStoriesMusicPoetry 0 178175171163 ListeningLis teningw --',Usinto Mental AuditoryFollowage ComputationDirections Perception and and Problem Discrimination Solving in of Arithmetic Letter and Word Sounds . 192189185183 INTERMEDIATEListening to StoriesPoetry 201196 Listening--AListeningListening--The to MusicCriticallyFilm Educational Evaluate Television Mass MediaLesson 226218212207 ListeningListening- --in-Usage MentalReporting Computation and Problem Solving in Arithmetic .0 OOOOO 234229 WRITTEN COMMUNICATION . 242239 General Skills Involved in Written Communication . OOOOOOO 244 PRIMARYLetter Writing vii 248 Functional Writing 254 INTERMEDIATEWriting Records and Reports 258262 KeepingWrittenForms,LetersSentence Labels,WrittenReports Structure TitlesRecords and Captions 276271284277 BIBLIOGRAPHYWritingCreative Anecdotes Writing for PunctuationPractice . 304296293 Now I am seven. ItIn theis throughcourse ofspeaking everyday that living, human beingsoral communicationSPEAKINGexchange ideas, predominates express feelingsover written and carrycommunication. on social Thoughspeakingactivities. the presupposes firstIncluded section one in oroforal morethe language languagelisteners. are arts the guide arts isof concernedboth speakingof anychiefly situationand listening,with thatinstruction is since planned in Recentspeaking,separatefor oral research languagesectionlistening has hasdevelopment. recognizedmust been also devoted bethe considered toneed the for important definitean intregal art training ofpart listening. inlistening;Reference therefore, to this a section childrenitItinis speakingrecommendedisboth advisable speakinghave or gained listening.when to and concentrate planning alistening naturalKeep oral fluency onreqUirein language onlymind in onethatthat their lessons.or lessonssuch two use. skillsspecific beThe planned manyneed skills skillsto to be inemphasize taughtandeach techniques trainingandspecific reviewed lesson, involvedskills. until be Aandserving,ideasthrough properly discussion. as activitiesreadingto balanced his oraland suchlanguage experimentation.expression as conversation, program, of them. mustMany dramatization, Intakegive opportunities as of much ideas considerationstorytelling, toinvolves express listening, ideas toreporting, a pupil'srust thinking, be telephoning intakeprovided ob-of oralconsidered:Into planningbe skills given anda(1)before program techniques.the a informal group;for the and exchangedevelopment (3) training of ideas;of orallessons (2) expression, thefor compositionalthe specificthree types purposetypes of oflessons of prepared improving should tans be -experiences,inInlanguaLcslanguage. the expressionalinformal instruction.However, the typesexpression periodsthe ofAside fluencyoral ofto from communicationideasimprove and incidental purposefulnesstakes form. precedence activities correctionMuch ofof theover suchwhich of improvement thepupilsexpression are forms a grosspart and inare oferrors,children'stechnicalities desirableeveryday little expressionclassroomgoals isof doneof andcomesIn theexpressionpupils through compositional for listeningofthe ideas, improvement type toand ofgood secondly,talks, ofspeech specific attention tohabits the speech improvementasshould exhibited skills, be given, of followedby skills. their first byteacher© ofPreplanningevaluation, all, to organization byis teachersessential. drillFurther exercises, training inusing skill teacher development, prepared dependent or textbook upon materials. the group Muchneeds, of maythe takepractice the formshould of ticevelopmentbecopyingtake adjusted partin sentencesusage inexists topractice. isthe morein orneeds anyfilling effectiveexercises areaof individual inof blanks.withCurriculumor ski/ls.he the students. use than already.of theinProbably language.aural-oral knows. no °Research Agreater methodchild shoulddiversitythanhas shownwith not inthethatbe skill askedmethod prac- de-to of skillsprogram.Thegainedsist contents children ofthrough oralFollowing of tocommunication. thethe communicate use theguide of table referencesare effectively designedofTeachers contents, listed to needthrough assist thein to the SPEWING beoralteachers bibliography.familiar expression. section in withplanning
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