AANWINSTE Saamgestel deur Tessa Caroline, Assistentdirekteur 796.815 MIL BOOKS BOEKE Millard, Anne-Marie. Kick the 371.4268 COL 658.812 BLA fat.- Kyle Cathie, 2004. NON-FICTION Collins, Verite Reily. Working in Blanchard, Kenneth H. Custom- tourism.- Vacation Work, 2004. er mania!- HarperCollins, 2005. Literature VAKLEKTUUR 382.71 DUN 658.827 LIN Letterkunde Philosophy and Psychology Dunkley, Graham. Free trade.- Lindstrom, Martin. Brand 808.0666 DOR Filosofie en Sielkunde D. Philip, 2004. sense.- Kogan Page, 2005. Dorner, Jane. Writing bids and Q 688.79 WES funding applications.- Oxford 158.1 BUT Science Wessman, Bo. Complete guide U.P., 2004. Butler-Bowdon, Tom. 50 spiritual Wetenskap to fishing.- Mason Crest Pub., classics.- Brealey, 2005. 821.009 BLO 552 PRI c2004. Bloom, Harold. The art of read- 158.1 MAU Price, Monica. Rocks and miner- ing poetry.- Perennial, 2005. Maurer, Robert. One small step als.- Dorling Kindersley, 2005. Arts and Recreation can change your life.- Workman Kunste en Ontspanning Travel Pub., 2004. 581.61 HOB Hobhouse, Henry. Seeds of 739.23 AUS Reisbeskrywing Religion wealth.- Pan, 2004. Austin, Alex. The craft of silver- 910.453 EAR Godsdiens smithing.- Larks Bks., c2004. Earle, Peter. The pirate wars.- Applied Science 745.5944 TAY Methuen, 2004. 248.4 YAN Toegepaste Wetenskap Taylor, Terry. Artful eggs.- Larks Yancey, Philip. Gerugte van ’n 914.2 PEN Bks., c2004. ander wêreld: wat op aarde 613 STR Penn, Rob. The sky is falling on kyk ons mis?- Struik Christelike Strengthen your immune 746.222 REA our heads.- Sceptre, 2004. system.- Reader’s Digest S.A., Boeke, c2004. Read, Patricia. 50 Milanese lace 914.5632 MAR c2004. patterns.- Batsford, 2004. Marble, Joan. Notes from a Social Science 618.9289 SMI Q 746.432 WEI Roman terrace.- Black Swan, Sosiale Wetenskap Smith, Karen A. The sensory- Weiss, Rita. Knitting for the 2004. sensitive child.- HarperResource, 306.872 VANH pampered baby.- Sterling, c2005. 917.04 FOG c2004. Van Huyssteen, Alastair. The Q 747.249 STO Fogle, Bruce. Travels with Macy.- giant puzzle.- Stormberg, 2005. Q 621.391 ROS Stoeltie, Barbara. Living in Ebury, 2005. Rosenthal, Morris. Build 326.968 LOO Provence.- Taschen, c2005. 917.404 NEW your own PC.- McGraw-Hill/ Loos, Jackie. Echoes of slavery.- New England.- Dorling Kinders- Osborne, c2004. Q 747.295 WHA D. Philip, 2004 Whately, Alice. Contemporary ley, 2005. Q 641.5 GOO 327.12 GLE Eastern.- Carlton, [2004]. Good Housekeeping cookery Biography Glees, Anthony. The Stasi files.- book.- Collins & Brown, 2004. Q 758.42 SHE Lewensbeskrywing Free P., 2004. Sherlock, Siriol. Botanical illus- 641.563 LAT 327.172 PEA tration.- Batsford, 2004. 920 BAX Lategan, Hilda A. Suid- Peace in Africa: towards a col- Baxter, John. A pound of paper.- Afrikaanse kookboek vir 784.5405 DYL laborative security regime.- Inst. Bantam Bks., 2004. allergieë en voedselsensitiwiteit.- Dylan, Bob. Lyrics, 1962-2001.- for Global Dialogue, 2004. Tafelberg, 2004. Simon, 2004. 920 MAR 333.33 SCHA Guy, John. My heart is my own.- 641.5674 QUI 796.358 HUS Schaller, Ron. Your complete Harper Perennial, 2004. Quiet food.- Double Storey, Hussain, Nasser. Playing with guide to buying a home in 2005. fire.- Joseph, 2004. 920 RUP South Africa.- R.E. Schaller, 2004. Dommisse, Ebbe. Anton 650.1 CHA 796.358 KIN 362.29 FRE Rupert.- Tafelberg, 2005. Charlton, Guy D. Create your King, Garth. The Hansie Cronje Frey, James. A million little story: an authorised biography.- future.- Van Schaik, 2004. History pieces.- J. Murray, 2004. Global Creative Studios, 2005. Q 658.022 PAR Geskiedenis 364.152 JAC Parker, Eric. Eric Parker’s road 796.62 REN Begg, Paul. Jack the Ripper.- 940.5442 BIS map to business success.- Rendell, Matt. A significant Pearson, 2004. Bishop, Patrick. Fighter boys.- Rollerbird P., 2004. other.- Phoenix, 2005. Harper Perennial, 2004. Kaapse Bibl., Mei/Junie 2006 27 ACCESSIONS 940.548 DEL Strong, Terence. Wheels of fire.- Delattre, Lucas. Betraying Simon, 2005. Hitler.- Atlantic, 2005. Clarke, Susanna. Jonathan Lewis, Pam. Speak softly, she can Stross, Charles. Singularity sky.- 956.04 KEA Strange & Mr Norrell.- hear.- Review, 2005. Orbit, 2005. Keay, John. Sowing the wind.- Bloomsbury, 2004. McNab, Andy. Deep black.- Thembeka, AK. Laduma.- Pine J. Murray, 2004. Cork, Vena. Thorn.- Headline, Bantam P., 2004. Slopes, 2004. 956.7044 OMA 2004. Mahfouz, Naguib. Voices from Thomson, Rupert. Divided Omaar, Rageh. Revolution day.- Cross, Helen. The secrets she the other world.- Anchor Bks., kingdom.- Bloomsbury, 2005. Viking, 2004. keeps.- Bloomsbury, 2005. 2004. Tondelli, Pier Vittorio. Separate 962.404 SCR De la Cruz, Melissa. The au Maloney, Shane. Stiff.- rooms.- Serpent’s Tail, 2004. Scroggins, Deborah. Emma’s pairs.- Simon, 2004. Canongate, 2005. war.- HarperCollins, 2004. Updike, John. Villages.- Erasmus, Barbara. Even with Matthee, Dalene. Driftwood.- H. Hamilton, 2004. 966.404 BER insects.- Penguin, 2005. Penguin, 2005. Bergner, Daniel. Soldiers of VanderMeer, Jeff. City of saints Foer, Jonathan Safran. Ex- Micklem, Sarah. Firethorn.- light.- Penguin, 2005. and madmen.- Tor, 2004. tremely loud & incredibly close.- HarperCollins, 2005. Hamilton, 2005. Wende, Hamilton. The king’s AFRIKAANSE Mil, Ilona van. Sugarmilk Falls.- shilling.- Jacana, 2005. VERHALENDE LEKTUUR Gibbins, David. Atlantis.- Picador, 2005. Headline, 2005. Millman, Dan. The journeys of JUVENILE NON-FICTION Stamatelos, Pat. Kroes.- Kwela, Guilfoile, Kevin. Wicker.- Joseph, Socrates.- HarperCollins, 2005. 2005. 2005. JEUGVAKLEKTUUR Mowszowski, Ruben. Souls of Hak, Pavel. Sniper.- Serpent’s ancient fish.- Brevitas, 2004. J 362.29 LEV ENGLISH FICTION Tail, 2005. Levete, Sarah. Drugs.- F. Watts, O’Flanagan, Sheila. Anyone but 2004. Hart, Erin. Lake of sorrows.- him.- Headline, 2004. Andrews, Russell. Midas.- Time Hodder, 2004. JQ 530 RIL Warner Bks., 2005. Patterson, James. Lifeguard.- Riley, Peter D. Materials and Hearn, Julie. The Merrybegot.- Headline, 2005. Asquith, Ros. Love, fifteen.- matter.- Watts, 2005. Oxford U.P., 2005. Corgi, 2005. Picoult, Jodi. Vanishing acts.- J 551.48 BAI Heller, Mandasue. Tainted lives.- Hodder, 2005. Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia. Snake- Bailey, Jacqui. A drop in the Coronet, 2004. charm.- Delacorte, 2004. Pyper, Andrew. The wildfire ocean.- Picture Window, 2004. Holmes, Andrew. 64 Clarke.- season.- HarperCollins, 2005. Baxter, Alissa. Send and re- J 616.003 BAR Sceptre, 2005. ceive.- Oshun, 2005. Rambaud, Patrick. The retreat.- Barnes, Lynn. Picture diction- Horsfall, Rebecca. Dancing on Picador, 2004. ary.- Awareness Pub., 2005. Bosman, Herman Charles. thorns.- Century, 2005. Celebrating Bosman.- Wits U.P., Rayne, Sarah. Roots of evil.- J 618.928 POW 2005. Jarrett-Macauley, Delia. Moses, Simon, 2005. Powell, Jillian. Luke has Down’s Citizen & me.- Granta, 2005. syndrome.- Evans, 2004. Botes, Annelie. Mountain of lost Ridpath, Michael. On the edge.- dreams.- Penguin, 2005. Jensen, Liz. The ninth life of Joseph, 2005. J 629.132 ROW Louis Drax.- Bloomsbury, 2004. Rowe, Julian. Flying high.- Boyt, Susie. Only human.- Re- Robinson, Marilynne. Gilead.- F. Watts, 2004. view, 2005. Johnston, Jennifer. Grace and Virago, 2005. truth.- Review, 2005. J 745.61 LAN Brady, Joan. Bleedout.- Simon, Robinson, Patrick. Hunter killer.- Lancaster, John. Calligraphy.- 2005. Kanon, Joseph. Alibi.- Little, Heinemann, 2005. 2005. F. Watts, 2004. Brett, Simon. The hanging in the Rosenthal, Jane. Souvenir.- J 798.23 BAR hotel.- Pan, 2005. Kelly, Cathy. Always and for- Bromponie P., c2004. ever.- HarperCollins, 2005. Barth, Katrin. Learning horse- Brink, André Philippus. Praying Ryan, Rob. After midnight.- back riding.- Meyer & Meyer mantis.- Secker, 2005. Leon, Donna. Blood from a Review, 2005. Sport, 2005. stone.- Heinemann, 2005. Child, Lee. One shot.- Bantam Seiffert, Rachel. Field study.- J 827.008 UNF P., 2005. Levack, Simon. Shadow of the Vintage, 2005. Unforgettable elephant jokes.- lords.- Simon, 2005. Kingfisher, 2004. Cape Libr., May/June 2006 28 AANWINSTE J 914.3155 BAR U 362.1969 FIG Barber, Nicola. Berlin.- World A fighting spirit - Afrikaans Almanac Library, 2005. Grindley, Sally. Dear Max.- Wallace, Karen. Ooh la la, version. Orchard, 2005. Lottie!- Kingfisher, 2004. J 915.95 GLE A 362.1969 MIN Glendinning, Aiden. The chang- Hathorn, Libby. The great big We went to visit a farm one A miner’s tale - Xhosa version. ing face of Malaysia.- Hodder animal ask.- Lothian, 2004. day.- Walker, 2004. A 362.1969 PAT Wayland, 2004. Horse, Harry. Little Rabbit Whybrow, Ian. Muckabout Patient abuse: TAC’s struggle for JT 916.63 GRI runaway.- Puffin, 2005. School.- HarperCollins, 2005. treatment access. Gritzner, Janet H. Senegal.- Johnson, Anthony Kwamlah. Willems, Mo. Time to pee!- U 362.29 ITS Chelsea House, c2005. Bamboo girl.- Macmillan, 2004. Walker Bks., 2004. It’s your move. J 932 TAP Kelly, Mij. One more sheep.- U 371.97 SIN Taplin, Sam. Mummies & pirami- Hodder, 2004. Sink or swim: navigating lan- des.- Human, 2004 MacDonald, Alan. Wilfred to VIDEOS VIDEO’S guage in the classroom. JQ 949.9 GOL the rescue.- HarperCollins, U 516 INT Goldstein, Margaret J. Bulgaria 2005. NON-FICTION Introduction to geometry. in pictures.- Lerner, c2005. Madonna. Lotsa de Casha.- U 541.37 ELE JQ 956.91 BEH NIE-FIKSIE Puffin, 2005. Electrochemistry revision. Behnke, Alison. Syria in pic- U 231.73 LOU Martin, David. We’ve all got tures.- Lerner, c2005. Lourdes: pilgrimage and healing. U 574.12 ANA bellybuttons!- Walker Bks., 2005. Anatomy and physiology of man. JQ 972.92 HAM U 269 INN Mayfield, Sue. I can, you can, Hamilton, Janice. Jamaica in Innocent’s way. U 574.9247 GRE pictures.- Lerner, c2005. Toucan!- Egmont, 2005. The greatest shoal on earth. U 291.2114 INS Monk, Isabell. Blackberry stew.- In search of the goddess. U 595 WHO JUVENILE FICTION Carolrhoda, c2005. The whole story. U 305.242 MIX Munari, Bruno. Bruno Munari’s Mix. U 597.9 WHO Ayres, Katherine. Matthew’s Zoo.- Chronicle Bks., 2005. The whole story. truck.- Walker Bks., 2005. A 305.8951 SAD Murray, Andrew. On a tall, tall Sadness: a monologue by U 599 WHO Baker, Jeannie. The hidden for- cliff.- Collins, 2004. William Yang. The whole story. est.- Walker Bks., 2005.
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