West Bengal Act XX of 1955 THE SADARAND SUBDIVISIONAL HOSPITALS ACT, 1955. [9th September, 7955.] An Act to provide for the faking over of certain Sadar and Subdivisioiial hospitals by the Slate Government with a view to the better promotion of public health. Ii is hereby enaclcd in the Sixth Year of the Republic of India, by the Legislature of West Bengal, as follows:— 1. (I) This Acl may be called the Sadar and Subdivision! Shomiiie Hospitals Acl, 1955, and r commcncc- (2) It shall come into force2 on such date as the Slate Government «*ni. may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,— Definitions. (a) "appointed day" means the dale appointed under subsection (2) of section 1; (b) "the said hospitals" means the Sadar and Subdivisional hospitals described in the Schedule and includes any dispensaries altachcd to such hospitals. 3- As from the appointed day,— Transfer. (1) (a) the said hospitals together with all lands, buildings, erections, fixtures, furniture, equipments, stores, drugs, monies, contracts, debts and all other assets and liabilities thereof shall, subject to sub-section (2), stand transferred to the State Government; (b) the said hospitals shall be run by the Stale Government as State Hospitals; (c) persons employed in the said hospitals and continuing in office immedialcly before the appointed day shall, as from that day, be deemed to be employees of the , Slate Government and the terms and conditions of their service shall be such as may be determined by the State Government having regard to the terms and conditions of iheir servicc as in force before that day; 'For the Slaiemeni of Objects and Reasons, see ihc Calcium Gazette. Extraordinary, dale J [he 26th July, 1955. P|, IVA, pages 1102-1103; for proceedings of [he West Bengal Legislative Assembly, see thy proceeding"; of (he meeting of the Wcsi Bengal Legislative Assembly held on I he )2ih Augusi, 1955Land for proceedings of Ihc West Bengal Legislative ConnciI, sec [he prococdings of Ihe niecting of ihc West Bengal Lcgisl alive Council held on ihe 18th August. 1955. -The Acl was broughi into force with elTcct frum the 15th July, 1956, vide Notification No, Medl - /5233/1H-24/56, dated the 5ih July, 1956, published in the Calcutta GtKeite, dated .P. '^iL f..1. Tli » ,,,,,,,1^1 54 The Sadar and Subdivisional Hospitals Act, J955, S [West Ben. Act (Seclions 4, 5 and the Schedule.) (2) nil endowments and [rust fundi, created solely or substantially for iht purpose of the maintenance or improvement of llic said hospitals, shall stand transferred to and be administered by the Official Trustee, West Bengal: Provided that the income from every such endowment and trust fund shall be credited to lite Slate Government and shall be applied by the State Government for [he purposes for which the endowment or the trust fund, as the case may he, was created, subject to the conditions attached to such endowment or trust fund and to the rights and privileges of the beneficiaries thereof. 4. If any difficulty arises in giving effcct to the provisions of (his Act or the rules made thereunder, Removal of the State Government may take such steps or issue such orders as it deems necessary for the removal diflkulMS. of the difficulty. 5. The State Government may make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act. Rules. THE SCHEDULE. [See section 2(b) ] Description of [he Hospitals. Name onhc Hospital District Subdivisional Aica (appnw> Boundary (N—North, S—Sou ill, E—Easi. IOWH matcly). W—West). 1 2 3 4 5 AL[L_V I. Hr. BholanathBose's 24-Par£anas Barrack pore 2.B3 N—Plot Nos, 621,622,623.626.629 and Hospila]— SUBDIVISIONS). 592. Hospila]. S—Plot Nos. 2474. 2470-72, 2-179 and 2469 (pan). E—Plot Nos, 591, 1472,636.631. 1474. 2482,248J, 2485 and 2479. W—Plat Nos. 629,630,621 (pan), 2473, 2474. 2565 and B. T. Road and Municipal Road. 2 . Barusai Subdivisional Hospital. Ditto Barasat 2.1 N—Govtmnwn r School. S—Municipal <;mkand sweepers' quartets. E—Municipal Burial Ground Road. W—Municipal K. N. C. Road. 549 XX of 1955.] The Sadar and Subdivisional Hospitals Act, J 955. (The Schedule.) Namc.nf the Hospital District Sub-divisional Area Boundary town. (approxi (N—North. S—South, E—East. mately). W—West). 1 2 3 4 5 Acres, 3. B as irhat S ubd i vis ional 24-Parian as Basirhol 1.72 N—Plot Nos. 492S of Basirhat Post Hospital. Office, 4923 of Jayanta Roy Chowdhury, 4931 of 24-Parian as District Board and 4922 of Basirhat Municipality. S—Plot Nos, 4932 of Moni Mohan Dcy and 4931 of Surcsh Chandra Bose and Dinanath Dey Lane. E—Station Road from Calculi a-[Linda Road to Basirhat Railway Station. W—Plot Nos, 4922 of Basirhat Municipality and 4903 of Basirhat Municipal Tank and unused path tosaidlonk. 4. Bongaon Subdivisional Ditto Bongaon 1 N—S.D.O's Bungalow, Hospital, S—District Board's Bungalow. E—Civil Court. W—Chakdah Road vin Rahaparo Road. 5. Diamond HarbuurSub- Ditto Diomond 2,21 N—Railway lands. divisionol Hospital. Harbour S—Central Co-operative Bank. E—Railway lands. W—Calcutta-Diamond Harbour Road. 6 Krisfinagar Sadar Nadia Krishnagar 2,03 N—Monmohan Ghose Si reel. Hospital. S—New Rood. Part II. E—R. L.Roy Road. W—New Road. Pan II. 7. Ranaghat Subdivision a] Dino Ranaghal ,35 N—Subh as Ave nue (fo rmerly Fcny Hospital. Fund Road), Plot No. 2159. S—Plot No. 2226 of late Monmatha Nath Pramanick's holding. Plot No. 2222 oflalc K she Ira Nath Chatterjec's holding. E—Municipal Lane, PIotNo. 2223. W—Dispensa^1 Lane, Plot No. 2227. S. Berhainporc Sadar Murshidabad Bcrtiompon: 9,33 N—Hospital North Road and Hospital, London Mission. S—Koiwali Road. E— Hos pital Eas i Lane. W—Nelaji Subhas Road. 550 The Sudor and Subdivisional Hospitals Acl, 1955. [West Ben. Act (The Schedule.) t^amc of ihc Hospital District Subdivisional town. Area (approxi- Boundary <N—North. S—South, E—East, mately) W—West). 1 2 3 4 5 Acres. 9. Kandi Subdi vis tonal Murshidabad Kandi 5.31 N—Fallow land. S—Kandi Main Road. Hospital, E—Path, W—Municipal Road. 10. Jangipur Subdivisional Ditto Jangipur 1.30 N—Municipal Road. Hospital. S—Holding Nos. 309 and 3102nd plot and holding No. 437. E—Municipal Road and Plot No. 299. W—Hospital Tank antl Municipal Road. II Lai bach Subdivisional Ditto Lalbagh .35 N—Jilcndra Narayan Roy holding Nos. Hospital. 32 and 33 and Municipal Rnad. S—Jubilee Hall, Murshidabad Municipality and Municipal land. E—Jitcndra Narayan Roy holding Nos. 32and 33,Municipal Road. Samarcndra Naih Roy uid others holding No. 3-1, Bandhab Samily holding No. 39 and Municipal land. W—Municipal Road. 12. Balurghat Sadar Hospital. West Dinajpur Balnrjdul 2.46 N—Cinema Hall, Plot No. 400. S— Municipal Road and Khari, E—Plots'Nos. 395, 393, 39J, 396 and 392. W—Plots Nos, 438 and 445. 13. Maldn Sadar HON pi I a]. Mai da Malda 1.67 N—Daily Bazar and shops. S—G.T, School with hostel and Samal Hostel. E—Ci rcuil House and Col let lor's residence. W—Malda Zilla School and Students' Hostel. 1 4 J alpai g u ri S adar Hospi tal. Jalpaiguri Jalpaiguri 7.72 N—Marwari Boy's School. S—Depot. E—District Board Road, W— RiverKorala. IS. Alipurduar Subdivisional Ditto Alipurduar 3.41 N—House of BSpin Dulla. S—Garden of Hospital. Jogendra Mookeijee. E—Khasmohal Road. W—North-Ease Railway Line. 6 The Sudor and Subdivisional Hospitals Acl, 1955. XX of 19SSJ Name bf the Hospital District Subdivisional town. Area (approxi- Boundary (N—North, S—South. E—East. maTcly). W—West). 1 2 3 , A 5 Acres 16. Darjeelin^ Victoria Hospital. Daijceling Darjecling 1.8 N—Hospital Store. Municipal Ploi NOJ, 19 and 20. S—Brahma Samaj Building. Lai dig hi Municipal land and Mount Pleasant Road. E—Dispensary Road and Mount Pleasant Road. W—Botanical Garden Road. 17. Kutvong Subdivisional Hospital. Ditto Kurscong 1.4 N—B.H.C, Road and Dak bungalow. S —Burduan Road. E—Paters on Uoad. w—Portion DH.C. Road. (The Schedule.) 18. Siliguri Subdivision^ Diuo Siliguri 3,23 N—Road No. 2. Hospital. S—Kutchari Road. E—Private houses an J Works and Buildings Department Offices. W— Road No. 1. 19. Howrah General Hospital. Howralt Howrah 3.31 N—Magisinite's Court Compound Road. S—Nilyadhan Mookhcijee Road. E— Rishi BonkimRoad. W—Church Road orHospiial Road. Silver Jubilee Maternity Ward- Extension or Howrah General Hospital. N—How rah District Board Olficc, S— Nityadltan Moothcijcc Road, E— Church Road or Hospital Road. W—Id ga land of Howrah Maidan. 1.45 N—Plot Nos, 737 nnd 667, S—O.T. Road. E—PIoi No. 737. W—U lube ri a Town. 20. U lube riaS ubd i visional Ditto Uluberia Hospital. 21. Chinsurah Imauibara Hooghly Chinsurah 3.231 N—S ubd ivisi anal Officer's (Works Hospital, and Buildings) Office. S—Hospital Road. E—P. D. Sen Road. W—Kachari Road. 552 The Sudor and Subdivisional Hospitals Acl, 1955. [West Ben, Act (The Schedule.) f^ame of the Hospital District Sub-divisional Area (approxi- Boundary (N—North. S—South, E—East, town. mately). W—West). 1 2 3 4 5 Acres, 22. S e rrunpon: Wa] sh Hooghly Scram pore 1.975 N—High Street. Hospital— Subdivisions! S—Hospital Lane. Hospital E—Scram pore Fire Station Office. W— House of Mr. Samuel Bose.
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