“ I “ I « O H UtlDAY, JANUARY 24. 1964 A r e n g e Dafly N «t PtrsaE K tti / I I f f # ^ ^ F or «h* Weak E id sd FswBaeAiE'P. ET Jam siiy U , 1888 ftomaiwtntod iiefMl, FREE The Manchester Philatelic So­ for a career In the edencee or O e a ^ m a ciety will hold an auction at its Surprise Parly Two Awards lEAUTY ADVICE sdenee education. 1 3 ,8 7 6 Iw UJrUUlU J P i l T i a w Inaday BMaUjr meeting Thesday at 7:30 p.m. Upon the recommendaUjOT « For Bride-Elect By Bxpert Ooametkiaa Member at the An(Ut Ugh M to W. at North Methodist Church. In­ the dean, eelecUone will he B oieos at Clrgnlatteii Itr. and Mn. Artbur S. 0«er terested persons are welcome to Given College made by a echolarehlp commit­ Manehe$ter~—A City o f ViUogo Charm of ao St. am oeletoating attend. Miss Linda Carlson of Colum­ tee to be compoeed rf ARTHUR DRUE I their X w weddiofi: annlvoraary bia was honorad last night at Frederick W. Lowe; Matttw The house committee of the By Rubinows and have left on a trip of unan- a surprise bridal ahoiwer given M. Moriarty, chairman r f VOL. LXXXm, NO. 98 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) . MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY,^JANUARY 25, 1964 (OtoaNfled AdverUslag m Page 18) PRICE SEVEN CEN79 n o u n ^ deetination. Thia ie al- VFW will hold a buarineas meet­ at the home of Mrs. Philip Len­ Citizens Advisory Council, ao the Urthday of Mn. Geer ing at the post home tomorrow nox o f Collins Rd., Coltunbia. TVo annual scholarships of Supt. of Schoota William H. and her fhOier, Andrew Skarin at 2:30 pjn. Mrs. Frank Knight aaslstea 1500 each have been established Curtis; and N. William Knight, o f Laurel Manor Oonvateocent Mrs. Lennox as co-hostess. CAC finance committee chair­ at Manchester Community Col­ THROW ’EM Home. The VFW will sponsor a sea­ Many gifts for the new home man. DONT AWAY! food night tonight from 6 to 1 of the bride-elect were given lege by Mr. and Mrs. William TTie two college scholarahlps Events The Toutii Group of Emanuel a.m. at the poet home, 608 E. by the 20 friends of Miss Carl­ Rubinow, 1B2 E. Center St. have been set up aeparate from, Still plenty of wear left Lutheran C3mrch will present a Center St., for members and son pres&it. White wedding bells ' ’The scholarships, to be known and In addition to, the William In your shoea when you play for parlahlonera and friends. • as the William and Mary Rubi­ and Mary Rubinow l« a n Fund, have them rebuilt In a UN View ‘Half-Baked’, were used for room decorations, In State friends tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. and the centerpiece o f the buf­ now Scholarship Fund, are to wWdi has been providing Inter- profeselonal shoe rep^ Sunday, the y o u i« people will The Whirlaway Square fet table was a bride. be awarded to students enrolled eet-free loons since '1B86 to shop. 'ALL W O *t K oondu^ both servicee at the Dance dub will ^wpsor an Miss Carlson, daughter of In the college during the second Manchester students furthering GUARANTEUp! church in obeervanoe of YouUi open oluh dance tonight at 8 at Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carlson semester of their freshman their edticatlon at college, grad­ LaBelle Expands Sunday. Coventry Grammar School of Collins Rd., Columbia, and year. uate, or technical schools. SAMYULYES Art Anthony of Rumford, R.I., Robert G. Valtukaltis of Wind­ Qualifications of recipients William Rubinow, long-time «How 1 Make Love To 40,000 Highway Probe will be the guest caller, and all sor Locks will be married Feb. are as follows: Main S t businessman and real Same Side as Watkias Goldwater Rival Says Women a Week" will be the area dub dancers are welcome 1. A young male, Manchester tor, still maintains an office In 28 OAK STREET topic of the program at the 1 at St. Oolumba Church, to sttend. Satcml. photo Columbia. resident, with high academic the building bearing his name OPEN MONDAYS HARTFORD [ AP) —The meeting of Ben Ezra Oiapter, Speaks on Hats ability (honors average) who at 843 Main St. B’Nal B’riith, Tuesday at 8 p.m. Hartford County State’s A delegation of members of Engaged Mrs. <juon Morgan of Boston demonstrates civic leadership The Rubinows are the parents at Mott’s Community Hall. The ability and the potential to of (jrlcult Court Chief Judge Attorney says he has ex­ speaker wUl be Stanford Cohen, the VFW Auxiliary will attend The engagemeiKt of Miss Public Records Mass., collector, lecturer and Happy Tours the quarterly department former actress, will be the make a contribution to munici­ Jay Rubinow, 49 Pitkin St.; and panded his probe of the executive vice president of Jane A. Page of Tolland to pal civic and political life. E>r. Merrill Rubinow, 68 Butter­ Mott’e Markets. Refreshments meeting to be held Sunday at 2 Warrantee Deeds guest s{>eaker At the meeting State Highway Depart­ Richard L. McCarthy of Rock­ The V and R Housing Corp. 2. A Manchester resident, nut Rd. A daughter, Mrs. Char­ wiH bo served. pnf. at the Middletown Post o f the Women’s Club o f Man­ ment’s rights-of-way divi­ Granite State Home. ville has been aimounced by to Raffaele Belluardo and Shir­ chester Monday at 8 p.m. at male or female, of high academ­ lotte Goltz, resides In Haver­ s p e c ia l ley A. Belluardo, property at ic ability (honors average) and hill, Mass. sion. Investigators are The Women’s FeUowship of her parents, Mr. and Mr*. Second Congregational Church working in “four different the R«obyterian Church will Televiaion Channel 3, WTTC, Thomas M. Page of Mile Hill 360 Ferguson Rd. She will speak on "The History SATURDAY ON1.Y With Rocky meet and install officers Mon­ win present a documentary pro­ Bd. Joseph L. Guilbault and o f Hots." areps,” John D. T.^BeHe day at 8 p.m. at the church. gram Wednesday at 8 p.m. on Her fiance is the son of Mr. Marilee Guilbault to Samuel Mas. Morgan’s hats, which sp’d yesterday. But he de- Mr. and Mirs. Robert Sohettler mental retardation. The Con- and Mrs. Clarence J. Mc­ Gullbeau Sr. and Lea Rose 'date back to 1742, are Eill au­ MOCHA c’ined further comment, ex­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Guilbeau, property at 76 Birch will show slides of the Carlb- neotiout Office of Mental Re­ Carthy of 30 School St., Rock­ thentic samples of the era they cept to say that <^he invest’- Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, been. Refreshments wiH be tardation has provided consul­ ville. St. represent. This collection has Adoption of Trade Name CREME gation was stiil far from using increasingly strong aarved. tation for the program. Many Miss Page, a graduate of beWi gathered over a period of language, has fired another Hartford area locations will be RockviUe High School, is em­ Trumsui W. Annis of 71 S, 23 years, and Includes one comnletion. Main St. d /b /a Anaplex Indus­ LAYER The Rev. Ray C. Hollis Jr. of featured. The Manchester As­ ployed as payroll cljrk by the given her by Hedda Hopper, >n pncnymous letter to the' salvo at his chief Republi­ Amerbelle Oorp., of RockviUe. trial Products. APPIESYi BUSHEL — and up Federal Bureau of InvestlTa- sociation for the Help of Re­ noted columnist. can presidential rival-^en. South Methodist Chuix* will Marriage Licenses CAKE aerve as chaplain next week at tarded Children requests that , Mr. McCarthy, a graduate of Before becoming involved tion last April started the Barry Goldwater. listeners send their iirrpressions Rockville High School and Joseph Fernand Richard, 137 nrobc. The contents or the let­ Mancheater Memorial Hospital. Edgerton S t, and Linda Mar' with hats and lecturing, Mrs. EXTRA LARGE, CALIFORNIA Winding up a swing through The Rev. Felix M. Davis, pastor of the program to the station. Providemoe College, R.I., served ter were not di-elosed and the New Hampshire — scene of toe 2% years as a lieutenant with garet Warfield, Hartford, Jan. Morgan performed with thea­ of Second Congregational ter groups, and was an active NAVEL ORANGES 6 f . - 49c 77c inve.stieration has produced on natloi’s first presidential prima­ the Third Armored Division of 27, St. James Church. charges of wronerdoiner. ry March 10 — the New York Church, will conduct a service The Manchester Assembly, Winston Albert Cornish, participant in the Theatre Sunday at 6:40 a-m. in the the United States Army. Re- In Washington. U.S. Rsp. governor Friday night attacked Order of Rainbow for G 1 r 1 a ceivtly elected Rockville city Mansfield, and Priscilla Hope Guild o f her oonununlty. She at all obapel at the hospital. will hold an initiation meeting has appeared as guest artist on John Blrtnik. D-Minn., chair­ i^Idwater’s suggestion this councUmain, he Is employed by Braley, 8 Goalee Dr., Jan. 30, 276 man of the htohway inve.stlga- \eek that the United States Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Ma­ C. J. McCarthy and Sons In­ Second Congregational Church. numerous radio end television m a y ro n 'a The Omar Stuine Club will OAKLAND tlon subcommittee, denied a re­ should get out of the United Nac sonic Temple. Officers are re­ surance Oo., Rockville.
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