h e in n nes^ T l JCICWIEIJCOM _ T w i n ^ ^ Ils, Idaho/lOOth year,ir. No. 155 __ ____________ Satufdrday, June 4, 2Q05 50 ccnts G o o d MO10RNING X T W eather:r ^ •.S . s o kdier kdckedIQurran G--man Todayiliiy:MUd _ iviihiOiinoEasing F eH tS r io n f °dier Intcrrogatoiators d u t guards tagon confirmjOS Guantanatrno Bay incid(L lC lU 'constanUy ^Qlccole die Qtmm.’ ■ ■ ■ emoon T h e d e ta in e e allegillegcddutlnone M M A cloudiuds.Hfgh72. W\SHIN(INGTON (AP) — The a two-w t>-w ord o b s c e n ity w as writ- InAf^umiston. in su m ce a fe m a le the ale mllilary guard ^ 4 7 , Pentnron1 «on Friday released tenin: l0W .4‘ I in En^ish o n th e biskle covcr* Hood said in a writtente n sta te - O uew a Q u ra n intoabogofwetint a A<9 new (ktailslils about mishandling ofaQiD Q u ra n . ment released Friday evening,e\ towels to anger page A2 ofiheQunir ser anodicr de- ran at the Guantanamo TheIhe findings, released aftert along wid) the new detail dutt tainee. and he alsoals a l i c ^ diat I I B a y j j ian ^ for tenor suspects, noinurnial business hours Fridayy his bivcsdgadon "revealedled a con- another siuud1 saidsa die Quran .I .C U ig that a soklier ddlb- cvcnin:ning, are am ong die results of m ily M agic V^ALLEYa ““igTa if sisten t, d o a m u n t e d m i)Ucyofre- k : bdonged in die>e toilett and that O cd the Muslim holy an InvestigationIm last month byy niccdul hancBlng of dieH eQ i^ guards virere orderdeitdiodoihese i-« 'i • Pleasant surprisethe: Canal SSlL3‘™d (hot an interrogator Brig.g. GC ea Jay Hood, the com*'' dadng back almost 25 years.yet things, on a Quran and was nuuukin d e r o f th e d e tc n d o n center Hood said that of niniline mis- Hood said heero..d™ fa .«^e, F eltss relatives com panies findidttatlhey t £StedfoI fo r* a p a tte r n o f un a c - In Cub have more water Cuba, that w as triggered by a handling eases that wererestudied SI record of diisdetal ter than cq)tobIcbchavlot" bc^ Newswwsweck moffttiiie.rcpon — in d e tain ^ rcvicvkring thotloipnds InganyQumnmis [icted bi other share; memories orfginaUypFedicti r conOrmed0 inddcnts, later7 re rc tra c te d — th a t a u £ . sol- of pages of wrritten rccordords. five detainee has sincesin been rc- Page A4 a guardUurijLtrine ca m e th ro u g h a n d ler r hadh flushed one Guan- were conOrmcd to haveive hap- leased, air vent andind spbshed on a de- tanamiamo Bay detainee^ Quran pened. He could not deteetermine in the most recereccnt confirmed O l tllCeir uncle , ,, , tnlnecondh d his Quran; water bal- down<v n a t o i k t conclusively w hether di(tho four Hood I a detaineed com- Looking loom ihrawinvn prison guards TheTie story sdned woridwide others took place plained on Marchirch 25, 2005. of By Sandy MMiOer I 1 unq>edfled number controitroversy and the Bush In one of those fourr uncon-u urine splashing; on him and his Tlnwt-WewurawTltar___________ ) (o ^ wet; and in a adminninistratlon blamed it ‘> lim ie d c o s e s , a d e ta in e ee in April Western c o n fiim e1 d b u t a m b ig u o u s c a s e fo r d deadly demonstrationsI 2003 c o m p la i n e d to FBI and . Please seejqURAH,PageA2 qi t w i n FAFALLS — D avid C hes- ^ ilk w ill ne v e e r forget th e n ig h t h e m e t W. M[ark ai Fell, die man die w h o le w oorld r now knows as D ^ T h r oo a a t HOJ'ME FRlO M llRAQ T h a t ^ dlldie nickname Wash- bigton Posts tr e - , porters B o b i P ^ I W o o d w a r d r 0 . , I a n d C a ri Bei into oney I stein gave; di ie L - 1 M high I secret sow Jobless in Jerome: gear I who providK l r v r ' . ® . plant dosurc puts today.' th e m w ithi diet K) \ I d u e s dth ie y ■ r f l P a g e ^ ^ M of wo ric. n e e d e d b re a k th e infa^Hil^^iflini m m o u s W at( Mcr- MaikW.FM gate story.y. Il R eligionne:Millc I was a storyry that wotdd bring I d o w n a preiresident and bring A bbliop's fete; Sc I home a f\tl•ulitzer Prize for the VWshingtonn Post. ' • P a g e B 6 It w a s theth mid-1960s and - Cheslikwasts a tra u t 11 ye ars old c 'when the gentleman{ in the a crisp, dark susuit showed up at his tl family's Goo(Kxlinghbmc. E T n is is y o'our i U nde Mark." his stepfadier Dr.Di Heniy Robinson to ld h im . CathoUcs 'He's in tiie IVtediaa FBI.- are ready s n a p s U|U p "C 'm on, 0to forgive )lt you -mean abuse by priests in o ld F elt Bishop p h o to se . you'n: a secret Southem CalifomliMichael ORcnt m anr ^ OiesUk asked diocese, but othersDriscoU S e e p eg r - .-J » • h im . for his . A 3 ■ 'WeU. kind handling of.' the man of sexual S p o r t s sa id , r inhis . ________“I d o n t b believe it." Ciicsiik Uglon baseball: mlaA1 M S h v w Hohnlrarat ta ik t W ednwM td a y ab o u t h it • x p M ta a m In Irtq w blla mtclilng a movK>vla with bla ton; Nkk, ait h a m lere's your secret ersaren l iotmborat tors a rotator cuff arwlra Mf p v tt e d Ala ahotiM tr In Irw the IWin Falls Amei r»q, h« bad iitrgary on hit sbothoaldtf and has been homa aln<. I n c MW 20. " X m a1 n he now knew as Legion baseball sea^PageC l.^^^H ■f Undo MarkIc opened( the jacket 1 ofhlssuitanimd showed him die a:ed shoulcIder bring soldierr home ei^ C tliy piswlsmippep e d to h is side, ^ ’^Holy cowliw^' th e \v ld e -ey e d C o m i n gA look at S(t.lftCimiU t r . H ig h SchSchool graduate and for- ddriving again,” h e said. said H ohnhorst, whev h o w idi wife. I nerican ^••*** Hot*writer mcrldahia h o S ta te U n iv e rsity sni- But Hohnhorst pressed!d on. ICaren. has two clc h ild re n — . “ ‘"Yout this.’ the man ‘ : d e n t hla a s s b e e n I n th e G u a r d for K now ing it w a s s a fe r to travcavcl in daughter, Kbtirtney.' ra c h e d Into h is jack- ^ season. • iS — Sgt. 1st Class 17yeais.i115, th e la st, W f i ^ the dark hours off eariy.ci Nick, 3. "Eveiy dm e c t p ^ Sid p u lle d o u t a wal* horstdldn'tplanon 'tim a morning, they set outou o( by, th»’d pointnt. at dielr ta in e d lib s h in y FBI , Injurno.ftom lraq this It was December 2 o.m. on the last lealet of moudis.’^ ih o io I.D. I u i i e n hh e ia n d h U fd lo w . i that first Journey0 H)r-to I- The 2-116 th spentmtomondial i liave^ a lames Bond idnt think he'd be soldiersrs oof die 2-ll6di’H |/ « I w a r d O p e r a U n gBase Bi FOBNormondyprovirovidingsecu- “ f!, boyy a t s k e d liim . • lOthiswau Brigadele CCombat Ttam ^ ~ j Normandy 35 milesmi rity as Iraq prepare)ared for die said it \vos porlced ^ boy peeked out the t arrived in TWin travdled!d by convoy northeast of Baghdihdad. eiecdons.ThcnitwasvasoiftoFOB outside Theb. H n H TWINFAUS’20torecovcrfrom from KuvraltKui lo Iraq. _ , _ They were relieved. to or- Warrior in the northirdiem dtyof window andI sure si enough, there sat a gray car .Shone^hnhoi j u t y ...........................- O n e oof. f . die._uallet& |f|a ||Ola a n S rive at the FOB v^dicIthout Kiikuk. or with tinted win- . icomlflg homa t. o b u t 1 w ish I d id - w h ee ls5 wwouldn't turn, ^ * inddent. "When we gott tto Kirkuk. dov«. die fabiInt shadows of tvro c ^ . »m e home broke so they^ usedu! a wrecker ||| iFfll30 rwe thought vm1 werewi d u t ^ w h e n vtrc g o3t t busy,"i caid men siidng bislde.L His unde • And he didrlohnhorst sold to put Ihoitu uoiler on a going to get attack)eked.
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