inj k ADELAIDE VNIVERSITY MAGAZINE J Vol.. I, No. 2 MARCH, 1919 I ' ,v. t' James Marshall & Company Limited University 'bailors ARSHALL'S specialize in Robes for "The Faculties," including—Gowns, "i M Hoods, Cassocks, Surplices, Stoles, &c. Freshmen are well advised to consult our Tailoring Department upon all matters apper taining to Sports and College Clothing, Evening or Day Wear. MARSHALL'S TAILORING DEPARTMENT is replete with full stocks of high grade Fabrics, embracing new Colours, Weaves, and Designs suitable for all Social and Pro fessional occasions. In our "READY FOR SERVICE" sections we carry stocks of smart and reliable Cloth ing of every description and invite your Patronage. MARSHALL'S LIMITED RUNDLE STREET ADELAIDE I 'A' •' •' 1 Adelaide Uni\'ei"sitv jMai-'azine LET US KEEP YOU POSTED On the New Books as soon as they are issued If you will mark a cross opposite those subjects in which you are interested, sign and return this page, we will, without cost to you, place your name on our mailing list, when you will be advised of any new works of interest to you. Aeronaulics lilectrical Engineering Military and Naval Plistory Agriculture Searclilights and Science Anthro[)()l()gy Traction Mining and Metallurgy Telephone Architecture Telegraph Music Astronomy Wireless Natural History Automobiles Wiring Philology L-iiograiihy .and Memoirs Ethics Photography Business lv\'olution Physics Chemistry I'bction, Htimour, etc. Poetry and the Drama Children's Ibxjks Fine Arts Civil Engineering Political Economy Structures (lardening Politics Bridges (ias Engines Popular Science Roads Mistor\- Waterworks Ps>'chology Concrete Law Science and Language Literature Excavation Scientific Management Logic Classical Literature Sociology, Socialism, etc. Mathematics Cookery, Domestic,and House Sport and Pastime hold Economics Medicine Surgery Drawing Mechanical Engineering Textiles Economics Mental, Moral, and Political Philosophy Travel and Adventure Education E. S. WIGG & SON LTD. Booksellers, Stationers, and Printers 14 RUNDLE STREET, ADELAIDE 11 Adelaide Universit\' Mauaxiiit PACKED IN BOXES CONTAININO. lOO r i {B i: r|-ICS A VERY CONVENIICN'J' J-OKM lOHC I'( )>.i-1 x ( , TO THIC BOYS ON AC'INX"!: S IC B \ 1 O IC SEND SOME TO-DAY FOR TOP HOLE SMOKERS' REQUISITES inspect our WindoW display, wlicrc >(.u will liiui the finest rant(e of Smoking l-'iiics, Douches, ("ij^are11 e and Cigar Holders in Adelaide. COME IN AND JOIN THE JOY SMOKE CIRCLE CORNELL LIMITEO THE VARSITY TOBACCONISTS HAVANA HOUSE, SS RUNDLE STREET ADELAIDE USE EAU DE COLOGNE STRONGEST PUREST BEST Adelaide Univei'sitv i\la"'azine in BARLOW'S SHOES are above All FOR MEN WHO CARE TO DRESS WELL Every year an army of men are discovering that they can find thorough satisfaction in BARLOWS SHOES. This is true, for the following reasons: First, because they are always thoroughly up'to-date in style. Second, because they are well made and of the finest materials. Third,'because they are designed for the Perfect Comfort of the foot. Surely you can't look for anything more in a shoe than this. COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF No. 160 -- Gent's Tan Willow Calf No. 66—"The Brogue." In Tan or Derby Cut, exactly as illustrated, or Black, Welted Soles, also in Boots, with high toe, large Punch. Tan or Black. 21s. and 22s. Gd. The A. W. BARLOW Shoe Stores "Where the Good Boots are" 03 and lO RUNDLE STREET AND AT PORT ADELAIDE, KADINA, AND MOONTA IV Adelaide Universitv ^la^azinc THE COMMONWEALTH ENGINEER. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Are you interested in— and MINING REVIEW Workshop Practice, Power-plant Engineering, The Kepre-t'iU'il 1\ r Jiun iwii »»t the Mining" Roadmaking, indu>ir\. Chit iiiat» w uh ly tiiroughoiu Water Supply and Irrigation, Australasia. li i> ais,, iht- cltu ial organ of Harbour and Railway Works? the Australian CdnMiii' ai Institute. Then become a Regular reader of . Students follow ini-: tip Minm;^, Metallurgy, or THE COMMONWEALTH ENGINEER Cheniislr\- should he(.)iii(' stihscaihers. The only purely Engineering Journal published in Australasia. Its contributors comprise Annual Sid)sc ription 6 6 })i )>t 11 oe witliin the leading engineers throughout all the States. Coniinonu call h and New Zealaiul, Abroad Annual Subscription 6/6 post free within the 7 6. Commonwealth and New Zealand, Abroad 7/6. Tait Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd., Peter G. Tait, Melbourne—90 William Street, Publisher, Sydney—273 George Street. 90 William Street, Melbourne. ENLARGEMENT Coaching of MINIATURES Miss C. M. Davey, M,A. MatheiTTatics, Economics. We mal^e a Special Feature of Enlargements, and many expres sions of appreciation have been Sussex Terrace, passed upon our worl^. If Westbourne Park. you would like an enlarge ment of any picture, no matter how small or MISS BLAIR, M.A. indistinct, call and see us. University Coach Black ond White, Sepia, Oils, Water Colours, &€., &c. Rooms: STUMP & CO., Photographers, Y.W.C.A., HINDMARSH SQUARE 65 RUNDLE STREET, CITY 'Phone 2368. Telephone 1206 Adelaide Univcrsitv Mau-a/.inc B. D. GOLVIN, M.A, ACCOUNTANCY TUTOR. PREPARATION FOR ALL ACCOUNTANCY EXAMINATIONS. 65-66 ROYAL EXCHANGE, ADELAIDE. HOW ABOUT YOUR NEXT EXAM ? / I Ifyou are at all in doubt about your success, call on G. G. NEWMAN, B.A. (LOND.) i 1 216 King William Street South. Special coaching for all exams. My system of Mnemonics has enabled students to pass Medical, Dental, and Legal exams. SPECIAL CLASSES FOR SENIOR WORK. Our Results are UNSURPASSED. Adelaide University •Nlayaziiu- Adelaide Typewriting Association- .. Go to the .. MISS HARDY. ADELAIDE SPORTS DEPOT, 15 Hindley Street, 17 COWRA CHAMBERS GRENFELL STREET • for . Tennis Kackets, Nets, atvl Balis. Typewriting of every description. Crici\ct wai e. Literary work a specialty. PLinchinu I^alls. Cataloguing undertaken. Bo;. c.i Circulars written. SanJow's Cliu)i_ls. Kit Baos. Envelopes addressed, etc. GlaJstone Baes, Hte. Confidence Guaranteed. SENi^ ^'OUR kac:ki-:ts to Private Pupils Taught. us [-OR RiaLAIRS. Telephone—Central 1109 Note /XLLIress : Miss Hardy, Private Residence, Glenelg—Gieneig 253 ' [dione 1 7 N / . 15 HINDLEY ST. MOTORISTS! Read This. Messrs. Prevost, Selth & Co., Darling Buildings, Franklin Street, In my recent record run from Fremantle to Sj'clney, and back to Perth ufa Melbourne and Adelaide, the Monkey Grip, with which you supplied me, proved oUhe greatest possible service in r the quick repairs of the many punctures and blow-outs, which are — is unavoidable in travelling at high speed, on very awful country. I cannot speak too highly of the wonderful time-saver this Monkey Grip is. "It's absolutely on its own," huge rents and cuts being patched and repaired in less time than it takes to write this, and the tube replaced and blown up immediately. In one instance I deliberately drove with the Monkey Grip patch showing through a cut in the tyre, to see how it would stand the abnormal strain, and it was well over 1,000 miles of hard going had been traversed, that any sign of leakage occurred, then only when the canvas had worn away. If this letter is of any use to you in recommending Monkey Grip, well, it's yours, for I am a very strong upholder from now onwards. Yours truly, (Signed) JOHN L. BURTO'N- Adelaide University IMagazine Vll STUDENTS WALKER & HALL, SILVERSMITHS, AND OTHER READERS FLAG BUILDING, GRENFELL ST., .. are .. Are asked to patronize DIRECT MANUFACTURERS our advertisers when .. of .. ever they can, as it is partly due to their ad Gold and Silverware, vertising that we are able to print this Maga E.P. Spoons and Forks, zine at its present price SUITABLE FOR PRESENTATIONS AND TROPHIES. HAMMER & CO. By utilizing to the utmost all the latest discoveries in the photographic art, and at the same time retaining our old-time courtesy and attention, we have maintained our position of ... Adelaide's Leading Photographers OOOOOOGO 'Phone 2650 6 RUNDLE STREET Vlll Adelaide Univcrsiiv Mauiaxiiu- Cooking and Comfort SlLiclics " l)\ Cooking by Gas is a matter \ A.\ D\CK of ease, comfort, and ecoo' omy. It means no fires to circ in <'\ nt\ \\c»\ worthy of the nc\nio thoy bear. No light, no grate to clean, no ollnor pictiiros show equal ashes or smoke, and the kit' artistic merit, cuid none are chen always cool and fresh. so triiK lifelike CASH or TERMS Vctn Dyck Studios (\i^ 1 .L1XC\ 'Phone or Write 5 Kinjl; \\ illi^u^^ Street South Australian Gas Co.^ •| 'h. .n.- 1 •; Adelaide RIGBY LT Educational and General Booksellers UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL, MATHEMATKLAL, MEDICAL, &c., as Prescribed for each Course WE HAVE A FINE RANGE OF Educational Helps Stationery Requisites in the way of Dictionaries, Reference Exercise anJ NJotehooUs, Pencils, Books, Encyclopaedias, Sc, Rubbers, T Booksellers, Stationers, Newsagents, Jx1vJJ3 X l_y X Educational Publishers, &c. 74 KING WILLIAM STREET The Adelaide University Magazine Published by the Students Editor; MISS M. P. HARDY, B.A. Sub-Editors: Women Students Miss M. Kitson. LL.B. Science Mr. A. X. Dawkins I.aw Mr. J. G. T. Woods. LL.B. Medicine Mr. H. K. Pavy Arts Mr. G. S. McDonald Sports Mr. F. R. Hone Business Manager: MR. W. H. JAMES CONTENTS: 1' \.;i- \'\r,v Pditiirial 33 o5 K'oll of 1 lonour 3(^ Adelaitle MGtlit.Tl Siiulenis' S(w 1.cUers I l oin the l-"i out 43 ciel\" Annual KcjDii (1ef)]()g;\' in Kelation to lIiL;her l^aw Cuaduates of LL S hS lAlneation 4-1- An Application td Lsxadiology to Labour aiul Learning^ 47 Medicine ---- od 44ie Women (jradnates of LMVl 4M 1 Reviews of Look's 70 A A'arsity Song Look* 51 The ITace Ideal 71 Societies 53 ' ()iir Caimmon Room 75 Sjiorts ----- 5') i Science (Iradtiates of lO]*-) 7b A Letter Kc^ad at the Satisagt^ The Robin -.-- 7h Tea h3 ADELAIDE: G.
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