PANAMA CITY LOCAL | B1 HUTCHINSON PARK MUCH IMPROVED The Bay County Commission spent $145,000 to purchase a 1.2-acre site at County 2301 and Bear Creek Bridge Monday, February 26, 2018 www.newsherald.com @The_News_Herald facebook.com/panamacitynewsherald 75¢ Early Spring Break crowds draw ire Sheriff emphasizes a visitors have treated our — there will be no warnings,” zero-tolerance policy beaches,” Smith said. Smith said. “There’s going for law breaking Out patrolling Saturday, to be citations, notice-to- Smith said he found beaches appears, and arrests.” By Eryn Dion littered with beer cans and Though they normally 747-5069 other trash, and heard reports have a pretty healthy crowd @PCNHErynDion from locals about profan- of Spring Break day-trippers, [email protected] ity and unruly behavior. So, Smith said they normally ahead of their usual Spring consider their chili cookoff ST. GEORGE ISLAND — Break time, Smith is getting next weekend as the official The annual Spring Break the message out — visitors kickoff to Spring Break. And crowds have started early at should treat the beaches while Spring Break behavior St. George Island and Alliga- like their home or face the has been a hot topic in sur- tor Point and some residents consequences. rounding counties, Franklin — including Franklin County “If you come over here and County had usually escaped Sheriff AJ Smith — are not you’re doing any of those that debauchery — until now. happy with what they’ve things — underage drinking, “We love crowds,” Smith seen. drinking and driving, speed- Franklin County Sheriff AJ Smith says early Spring Break crowds have “It’s just terrible how our ing, littering, public urination See CROWDS, A3 left litter all over their beaches this weekend. [CONTRIBUTED PHOTO] SPORTS | C1 NATION & WORLD | A5 OLYMPICS DRAW TO CLOSE SHERIFF DEFENDS LEADERSHIP The U.S. Olympic team will leave Pyeongchang The Florida sheriff whose department responded with its lowest medal haul in 20 years — a number to this month’s high school massacre defended even worse than it looks because of all the new, his leadership while insisting that only one of his American-friendly sports that have been added deputies was on the scene as the gunman killed to the program over the past two decades 14 students and three staff members. PC Commission to consider Sonnenblick proposal Tuesday By Katie Landeck an expectation of more 522-5114 | @PCNHKatieL paperwork.” [email protected] Commissioner Jenna Haligas has expressed her PANAMA CITY — The dissatisfaction with the stud- Panama City Commission is ies on Facebook, saying they set to offer their first public are not a complete feasibility comments Tuesday on the study. Mayor Greg Brudnicki proposal Sonnenblick Devel- has also quietly expressed opment delivered on Feb. 15. frustration, but for the most The much anticipated Feb. part officials have been quiet. 15 submittal was expected to On Friday, the city’s con- deliver detailed studies out- sultants on the project, Owen lining if the shopping center, Beitsch and Laura Smith of movie theater, apartments Community Solutions Group, and other elements proposed submitted a “cursory” analy- to revitalize the Downtown sis of the proposal for the city Panama City Marina would to consider. be able viable. In their “more conser- Instead, the studies were vative” review, the say “it brief, with developer Bob would be fair to say the proj- Sonnenblick offering only a ect as outlined would return In this Feb. 1, 2018 photo, Richard Ulrich, of St. Petersburg, Fla., is among the chronic-pain patients in few paragraphs on his own substantial receipts to the Florida who will be directly affected if Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s proposed legislation to signifi cantly analysis of twelve of the com- city over an extended period limit the time periods for opioid prescriptions passes. [DOUGLAS R. CLIFFORD/TAMPA BAY TIMES VIA AP] ponents. The studies made no of time.” mention of severally hotly However, the letter, which contested issues, including was sent to City Attor- the impact of increased traffic ney Nevin Zimmerman as and the boat ramp relocation. well as Sonnenblick, also Chronic pain suff erers call for As City Attorney Nevin says because of the brevity Zimmerman put it Tues- nuanced approach to opioids day evening, “There was See PROPOSAL, A3 By Justine Griffin from her neck to her ankles, “It comes down to qual- Tampa Bay Times and she has the scars to ity of life,” she said. “I’m prove it. In December, she not using these drugs to get TAMPA — Will Michele was diagnosed with breast high. I’m using them so I Jacobovitz get out of bed cancer. can have some kind of life. today? She says it’s impossible to So I can get out of bed. They That depends on how function without popping a don’t take my pain away. many painkillers she has highly addictive painkiller But they mask it so I can left in her monthly pre- with Acetaminophen and function.” scription, which sometimes Oxycodone components, She is one of many Flo- she’s forced to ration. Some in the morning. Without it, ridians who suffer from mornings are harder than she says, there are days she chronic pain and are wor- others. can’t get up at all. Or get to ried about a government Jacobovitz, 56, has suf- the bathroom in time. It can crackdown that would make fered from chronic pain be humiliating. it even harder to get the pre- since a 1987 car accident. Jacobovitz says she’s not scription drugs they need The Pasco County resident addicted to painkillers, just Developer Bob Sonnenblick speaks at a marina workshop meeting in has had 73 surgeries since, absolutely dependent on them. See OPIOIDS, A3 March 2017 at Panama City City Hall. [PATTI BLAKE/NEWS HERALD FILE PHOTO] Panama City News Herald Diversions ..................... B7 Sports........................ C1-5 TODAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Want to subscribe? Local & State .............. B1-4 TV grid ......................... C6 A little rain Partly sunny A t-storm Call 850-747-5050 Obituaries ..................... B3 Viewpoints .................... A6 77° / 60° 75° / 61° 78° / 67° * ** A2 Monday, February 26, 2018 | The News Herald READER FEEDBACK CELEBRATE COMMUNITY TODAY IN HISTORY The Crestview Police Depart- Today is Monday, Feb. 26, the ment thought it would be PICTURE PERFECT 57th day of 2018. There are 308 a great idea to reward safe days left in the year. drivers with free pizza. Many We want your photos: Post your photos to the News Herald Facebook page with your name, city of Highlight in History: citizens didn't, saying the residence and information about the photo. You can email photos to [email protected]. On Feb. 26, 1993, a truck bomb "Food from the Fuzz" program built by Islamic extremists could become a ruse for police exploded in the parking garage to try to catch people perform- Nancy of the North Tower of New ing illegal activities without Allen York’s World Trade Center, reasonable suspicion. took this killing six people and injuring photo of more than 1,000 others. (The Jacob Walker: "Retired Marine an owl bomb failed to topple the North with PTSD. You pull me over at St. Tower into the South Tower, as and I don't know what I've Andrews the terrorists had hoped; both done wrong... I'm probably State structures were destroyed in the going to have a meltdown right Park. 9/11 attack eight years later.) there in the car. Keep your On this date: pizza and keep the peace, I'll In 1616, astronomer Galileo keep my 4th amendment rights Galilei met with a Roman Inqui- thanks. And no I'm not doing sition offi cial, Cardinal Robert anything illegal so you can all Bellarmine, who ordered him keep that "probably guilty" fal- to abandon the “heretical” con- lacy for yourself." cept of heliocentrism, which held that the Earth revolved Cheri Szczekot Bruckner: around the sun, instead of the "Fun!! Please pull me over on other way around. Friday afternoons. This is one In 1815, Napoleon Bonaparte tired teacher at the end of the escaped from exile on the Island week." of Elba and headed back to France in a bid to regain power. Blake Corley: "I fi nd it amazing In 1904, the United States and how many of you are willing Panama proclaimed a treaty to allow this department to under which the U.S. agreed violate the 4th amendment to to undertake efforts to build a get free pizza." ship canal across the Panama isthmus. The designation of U.S. 98 In 1917, President Woodrow through Bay County as a Wilson signed a congressional Strategic Intermodal System act establishing Mount McKin- corridor means work on the ley National Park (now Denali highway can be funded from National Park) in the Alaska additional pools of money. Territory. GO AND DO In 1919, President Woodrow Pat Kern Spruell: "That would Wilson signed a congressional be wonderful. Back Beach Rd. BLACK HISTORY MONTH Youth Services Department, by Gulf World Marine Park, act establishing Grand Canyon needed widening years ago 1ART EXHIBIT: 9 a.m. to 5 898 W. 11th St., Panama City. 15412 Front Beach Road, National Park in Arizona. before it became a disaster. I p.m. Monday through Friday Florida Public Archaeology Panama City Beach. Details: In 1929, President Calvin have spoken to locals who no until March 12 at the Marina Network will read “Dave the 850-234-5271 Coolidge signed a measure longer go to Pier Park because Civic Center. Presented by Potter: Artist, Poet, Slave,” establishing Grand Teton of the congestion. I, myself, go Bay Arts Alliance.
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