SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 1978 l NEWSLETTER \ WOODS HOLE OCEANOG RAPH IC INSTITUTION At right is the jaw of an Alepisaurus ferox, more commonly known as a Lancet fish, which was found in a blue shark ' s stomach on ATLANTIS 11 cruise 100 in June in the vicinity of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge southeast of Bermuda. According to Fishes of the Gulf of Maine they have one long dorsal fin and a small adipose fin like a salmon. They are mid-water fishes and no­ thing is known of their habita . They have very large teeth and are one of the fishes suspected of cutting buoy lines. Vhoto by Susan Tarbell. FELLOWSHIP, DEGREE AWARDED AT DAY OF SCIENCE About 200 Associates and guests attend­ ed the 24th Annual Day of Science. In the The first Paul MacDonald Fye Fellows hip morning they heard talks by John Farrington, and the second w.n.o.1. Ph.D. in Oceanography Bob Spindel, Bill Watkins and Val Worthington were awarded October 6 at the Annual Day of in the Clark 5th floor conference rocm. This Science luncheon. was followed by lunch at the Carriage House Susan Henrichs was awarded the Fellow­ and visits to the laboratories. s hip for the academic year 19 78-79. Susan, who entered the Joint Program in 1975, i s BOOK ABOUT ATLANTI S I S PUBLISHED in the Chemistry Department studying amino acids in interstitial marine sediments. The Institution's first ship, ATLANTIS, Peter Ortner was presented with his is the subject of the latest book by historian Ph.D. in Oceanography. He completed the Susan Schlee. On Almos t Any Wind: The Saga requirements for the degree last Decemb er of the Oceanographic Research Vessel Atlantis but this was the first opportunity to present has jus t been published by Cornell University the degree. He is working at the Environmen­ Press. It tells the his tory of ATLANTIS tal Research Lab of the National Oceanic during her career at the Institution along and Atmospheric Administration in Miami. with anecdotes about the people who sailed His dissertation is entitled "Investi­ on her. Susan wr ote in an article in the gation into the Seasons 1 Deep Chlorophyl September issue of Oceans, "she all but Maximum in the Western Atlantic, and Its monopolized the discoveries made at sea dur­ Possible Signifi cance to Regional Food Chain ing the first twenty five years of her excep­ Relationships." Peter Wiebe was his advisor. tionally l ong career. " TO, Non9rolil Orpnlu tlon Permit No. 46 Woods Hole, Mats. Woods Hole Qcunolrl.phi, Institution "'" Woods Hole, MA 02S0 • ", o ,• > THE PEANtrr BUTTER CWB EXPERIENCE - "I got dem taxonomic blues, Louis agassiz had dem UP IllUNT WASHINGTON ON A UNICYCLE tooH was the refrain as Michael Dispezio DE David Epstein, wh o works part time with the Falmouth Academy and Dan Gibson of BUMP , John Stegeman. i s a high school student from who are pic tured above, entertained at Pea­ Lexington who rides a unicycle . On August nut Butter Club June 9th. Peanut But ter 7th , he and four other members of t he Lexing­ Club is the Friday noontime "lecture" at the ton unicycl e club r ode thei r unicycles up Rt!dfield Auditorium which originat ed i n the Mount Washington in 4 hours 20 minutes. early years of the Institution when someone Mount Washingt on rises 5 ,000 feet i n 8 miles. would get up and t alk about something he was One of the s tudent s' parents acted as support, doing while his fellow employees ate their team dispensing water and fruit juices every bag lunches. Peanut Butter Club has always mile or so. Everyone made it . But David, - had variety. There have been one, two and who had a cold at the time , said it was the three screen slide talks, mUSic, interesting hardest thing he has ever done and wouldn't films and old Navy films, and once everyone do i t again. sat in t he dark to watch bioluminescent ORIENTAT I ON PROGRAM - There will be an o ri ~~­ crustacea Eloresce. But Dan and Michael mag tat ion program in the Clark 5th floor con­ have ushered in a new era . They sang and ference r oom Wednes day , Oct. 4th at 7:30 pm played seven hilarious blues songs the y had for employees and their spou, es who have written about science with background slides, been at the Institution a year or mo re. humor, costume changes and even a light show. Personnel practices and procedures will be They brought the house down. discussed. NDTlC.e: TO AU. CIreW "'~e6RS: SO~~~N~ G""~" '("U S'.Itr.Y ITS HAs Je~,. S7l!".u.,,,t; IotAIlD ""~ 1 VICTD", - rll,.T f'e~ TIEO i' THr ~M ,.... DL~. 1"4 AS'l \:.J!7~~ e 0/ 'i-a f' , ~ . 'L<"£ Hap To ( l I.I';I.I- ... ~ "'(61111;- cAIITi T~ ..... Q5 $ufl6 TIlt4r ,., KtUfI Ir ({-<is' • TfU! GULrlt.lT U'.~. 'I'll. J"'''INtI-. Tlell T. TltE veS! \l:r / .T.~~.",_ "."D'Jk 7 •• ~.~ .• z f~ <4.1[" . s44 ~ .uy NO". : t- ",.1:o1..,epI. .... 'i-v YOII J'I.I Jr T,SP,tty HAAlP , I VtCTOi<: .. \ ,..0 THrr I T.. ,t.C'. ___ o~... ~£ S."Y... AO M f~L , 1:,o6==--~ Ar , 7 '~ <.0, .. - . "4 - 8" Cartoons by Steve McNutt SHIP NOTES water column that are now leaking out of the atoll soils and sedtments. ATLANTIS II made a-bIology cruise from The July 13 issue of the Kwajalein Woods Hole to Glasgow, Scotlan~from mid­ Hourglass had a story and photo of KNORR June to mid-July. The purpose was dive headed "Oceanographic Research Vessel Visits collecting and trawl collecting. Plankton Kwaf'. The story describes KNORR I S special tows and hydro casts were made. In August features and her research program. and September two cruises were made for From mid-July until mid-August KNORR physical oceanography from GlasgOw to Glas­ made a cruise from Kwaja1ein to Pago Pago, gow and Glasgow' to Woods Hole. On leg 1 Samo~to investigate the bottom sediments ATLANTIS II participated in the International and interstitial water chemistry, the photo Joint Air-Sea Interaction (JASIN) project chemistry and radiation spectrum of the including deployment-recovery of W.H.O,I. euphotic zone. and the distribution and mooring and drifters and operations for chemistry of particulate matter in the water visiting scientists from SIO, Bedford Insti­ column. KNORR then went to Wellington, New tute, asu and Stanford University. The Zealand, and entered a shipyard for a mainten­ purpose of leg II was to recover a NOAA ance period. From mid-5eptember wti! early mooring, XBT sections and a drifter buoy and November KNORR is making a cruise from mooring south of Cape Cod. Wellington to Christ Church, New Zealand. Following ATLANTIS II's last cruise of and from Christ Church to Christ Church to 1978, October 25 to October 27, she will be make a physical oceanographic survey of the placed out of service. Planning continues late winter, early spring hydrography between to repoweri the ship with diesel engines in the south and east coasts of New Zealand and the first half of 1979. A final decision the Antarctic pack ice. to proceed will be made after shipyard bids OCEANUS now has a ship brochure. It i8 are received on or about November 1. beige with blue print. The rest of the fleet KNORR departed Kwajalein Atoll in the will be getting similar brochures as the old Marshall Islands in mid-June on a Kwajalein supply is used up. to Kwajalein cruise to study the history of At the end of May OCEANUS made a cruise down-wind, down-current distribution of c1ose­ to the New York Bight Apex to sample sediment in fallout in the Bikini area and to study organisms and water for the biology department. the distribution trajectories and biological In June she made a cruise for physical ocean­ availability of transuranic elements in the ography and ocean engineering as part of a r c:.L.6tN~J THe 1f.f.~/N L-41 C'''C.K, ~t'lte 0"1" oF" r-p~v - 6-u6.U' '"'hAt" 1: ST"AII.lti-. ,. .... '~ ~4 Ay w HJtr ? fQ~.\:.--Jt IUI:/ multi-ship research program called Local 360 30' N and -380 30' W. This was followed Dynamics Experiment (LDE) of the larger US/­ by a cruise to Oceanogrpaher Canyon for the USSR POLYMQDE Expe'r1men~. Its purpose was Natignal Marine Fisheries Seryice. to Qbtain vertical profiles of verocity and other quantities in the area centered at 1979 CALENDAR TO FEATURE ATLANTIS 31 0 N - 690 3D' W and extending outward to a radius of 120 miles. In early July OCEANUS The InstitutiOn is publishing a 1979 made a biology cruise to collect phytoplankton calendar featuring photos of ATLANTIS. It samples, isolate phytoplankters, determine will contain photographs by Don Fay, David physical and chemical properties of the Owen, Claude Ronne, Jan Hahn and others. environment and carry out bioassay of the Vicky Cullen, who prepared the calen­ water for a study of comparative environmental dar, said this will be a preview of the physiology of tqe neritic-ocean boundary. Institutionts 50th Anniversary in 1980. This was followed by midvater trawls in the She said she used the best photos she could find and she hopes that this will prompt Florida Current between th& Straits of people to let her know about o~her photos Florida and Cape Hatteras to determine what which could be used during the 50th Anniver­ deep ocean midwater fishes of tropical origin sary.
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