October 16, 1975 tatALFRE luD UNIVERSITxY STUDENT PRESS Factilty^ Allenterm Vdfe editor's corner ItXJC Volume 63, Number^: October 16,1971 The result of last week's student N E WS MAGAZINE | move to save Allenterm was proof that students do have a strong id influence on the direction of the Editor in Chief Barbara Gregory University, but our job is not News Editor Scott Schlegel complete. Now, it is the responsibili- Features Editor Paul McKenna ty of the students and faculty to Business Manager David Moss restructure Allenterm so it becomes Advertising Manager Stephanie Kudo an opportunity students won't want Photography Sally Minker J to pass up. However, if courses to be regarded as academically rigorous, Wr iters AI Aronowitz, Mike it might be to a student's benefit to Baldwin, Bruce Frank, consider January as an excellent Jeff Lerman, Roman time to get some skiing in. Olynyk, Ann Richardson Susan Gillis Peter However, so far it doesn't seem as Shewitz though most students are really willing to do more than drop a ballot Production Marsha Davis, Ellen in a box or sign a petition. There Pointnv, Laura Smith have only been a handfull of Ba helle iloland. Am y students and a minute portion of the Loiewe. Kathy Bruneltd faculty providing the impetus to I he FIAT Ll'X is published weekly by the students of Alfred University, Box > restructure the program. If students 71)7, Alfred, New York 14802. Editorial and production facilities are located in the show so much concern by voting why Rogers Cam pus Center, phone 871-2192. Opinions expressed in the FIAT Ll'X do can't they back that up by making not necessarily reflect those of the editorial board or the University com m unity. sure that Allenterm becomes the kind of program 700 of us felt it should become? It is interesting that there are no "Letters to the Editor" in this issue FRANKLY SPEAKING... .by phil frank of the Fiat Lux. Although there were alot of students and faculty in favor of Allenterm, there were many who were against it. Have those people nothing to say of their defeat? There are many valid reasons why Allenterm should have been abol- ished. It is the sincere hope of the Fiat Lux that students of Alfred Universi- ty will take more initiative in getting the most out of what the University has to offer. Scott Schlegel News Editor IT'S REFRESHING TO MEET SOMEONE ., WHO'S AWARE OF HIS TRUE VALUSi'*'-' 2 pipeline A.U. And Tech. Form Council; and Pamela McTamney of ston and Steuben Counties, bounded Brockport, a student majoring in by Belmont, Dansville, Bath, and the Joint Committee secretarial science. Pennsylvania line. Mr. Jevremovic Alfred University and the State Both presidents noted that the two stated that 23,000 people were University Agricultural and Tech- schools have cooperated informally employed in the area and that their nical College at Alfred have formed and effectively in the past in a personal income in the fiscal year a joint committee to guide policy variety of academic and cultural ending last June 30 totalled decisions aimed at cutting operating undertakings. "Faced with enroll- $264-million. The impact study also costs on the two campuses by means ment projections that indicate a determined that salaries before of shared resources and educational stabilized and eventually declining taxes at Alfred University in the last offerings. trend, inflationary operating costs, fiscal year averaged $11,800, or 20 College and University officials concern for energy conservation and percent more than the area average. maintained that by fostering closer state fiscal austerity, there is Of the $4.5-million contributed cooperation the two schools were irrefutable logic for a closer working directly to the area economy by "not talking merger." They said relationship between these two Alfred University, said Mr. Jevremo- separate identities would continue to institutions," they said. vic, $1.2-million went to local be desireable. builders for campus construction The joint committee will set up University Has Impact and $2-million was spent for goods task forces to identify areas in which and services. Some 2,200 students closet cooperation bv the two On Thirty-Mile Radius generated about $1-million in off schools would prove most beneficial. According to a study recently campus spending, and fraternities In addition, the committee will released the the University's School and sororities at the University spent approve and oversee the final of Business and Administration, the another $330,000 in the area for outline of a cooperative plan. impact of Alfred University on the food, equipment and services. Appointed to the commitee from economy of an area within a thirty Mr. Jevromovic asserted that most Alfred University were Dr. M. mile radius of campus may have of the funds spent locally by Alfred Richard Rose, University president; been as high as $8-million in the last University and its students was Dr. Gary B. Ostrower, associate fiscal year. The study also reported "new" money originating outside the professor of history; Robert J. that the University and its students area. Regala, director of University pumped $4-million directly into the The study was carried out under planning; Charles H. Shultz, director local economy for new campus Mr. Jevremovic's supervision by five of career placement; George G. construction and the purchase of business-admistration students: Do- Raymond of Greene, a University food, equipment, supplies, enter- uglas Meikleham, Walter Fifer, trustee; and Thomas J. Kelly of tainment, and services. Richard Dusinberre, Gary Scott, and Kenmore, a student majoring in An additional $4-million in dispos- John Muindi. political science. able income, that is, salaries after Committee members from the taxes, was available for expenditure Alfred Ag. Tech. consist of Dr. David in the immediate area by the H. Huntington, the institution's University's 448 professional and Alfred Village Store president; J. Joseph Schaffner, non-professional employees. How- assistant to the president; Francis P. ever, it was uncertain how much of Hogan, professor of business admin- the money remained in the area and istration; William Mombert Jr., how much was spent on goods and director of business affairs; Mrs. services outside the community. Halloween George B. Harris Jr. of Wellsville, a "A lot of this money was spent on member of the Alfred State College vacation travel and for shopping and medical services in places like is Friday COLLEGE BOOK STORE Rochester and Buffalo," said Savo D. Jevremovic, associate professor of October 31 Promotion off over 300 economics and director of the Alfred impact study. "But it's also obvious titles off Classical Records that a significant proportion of disposable income-I would say Just Arrived several million dollars-was funneled Come in and get your directly into the immediate area in All at our regular low, the form of mortgage payments, savings accounts, and the purchase cards while there's still low prices. of basic family goods and services." the areas involved in the study included parts of Allegany, Living- a good selection 3 pipeline Allenterm Stays By Majority Vote Of Faculty by Scott Schlegel On Thursday, October ninth, the The meeting was less than 24 hours future of Allenterm, since many proposal to abolish Allenterm for before the faculty vote. Tom Kemp, students may be motivated to apply January 1977 was dismissed by a 70 co-chairman of Student Assembly, to Alfred by the program. to 42 vote by the Alfred University gave a brief account of the faculty in a meeting that afternoon. program's five year history. Attend- Also, the student chairman of the Annual Alumni Telethon announced During the meeting, which began ing the meeting was Dr. Michael that if the Telethon were not held at 4 p.m., two representatives of the Webb (Associate Professor of during January, there is a "definite student body, Dave Chesnoff, co- Physics), who submitted the original possibility" of a future tuition chairman of Student Assembly and Allenterm proposal. Dr. Webb stated increase, since 10 to 1,5 percent of Douglas Kulmatz, a political science that, "Initially there were a few the annual alumni contributions is major, gave separate speeches, faculty who were dead against it," attributed to the Telethon. He advocating the continuance of the and that a faculty poll the previous one-month program which was pointed out that if the Telethon were week showed that there was an even held at another time during the year, "designed to enable students, split in faculty opinion regarding the individually or in groups, to pursue the staff needed would not be issue. "I don't know how the vote available. some special topic of interest to will go," he commented. Dr. Webb In regard to the scheduled faculty themselves with the aid of a faculty also said that he felt the students meeting, Tom Kemp stated that in a member." In Mr. Chesnoff's speech, were viewing the faculty as a "bogey recent conversation with President he presented the 1039 counted man," and that they really should Rose, Dr. Rose "questioned the ballots as representation of student not view them as such. Other views concern. The poll taken indicated academic validity of Allenterm," but presented in the meeting were that, that he "assured David (Chesnoff) that 700 students were in favor of "Students don't want outside things maintaining a January program with and myself that students would have effecting their curriculum," regard- a constructive vote" in the issue. concentrated efforts to reform it, 180 ing the proposed cooperations with were in favor of the program as it is However, both Mr.
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