Mineral Res. Expl. Bull., 118, 9-14, 1996 INNER PLATFORM SEDIMENTS WITH Praebullalveolina afyonica SIREL and ACAR AROUND ELAZIĞ REGION (E. Turkey) Niyazi AVŞAR* ABSTRACT.- The presence of the Alveolinidae, Peneroplidae and Miliolidae families, which represent the inner platform sedi- ments of Eocene has been rarely reported in the Mediterranean countries and Turkey up to now. The following fossil assemb- lage Praebullalveolina afyonica Sirel & Acar, Praerhapydionina huberi Henson,Peneroplis damesini Henson, Peneroplis aff. la- evigatus d'Orbingy, Spirolina aff. cylindracea Lamarck, Nummulites striatus (Bruguiere), Gyroidinella magna (Le Calvez), As- terigerina rotula (Kaufmann), Halkyardia minima (Liebus) and Miliolidae have described from the Upper Eocene inner platform sediments around Alatarla, NW Elazığ, E. Turkey. Systematic description and picture of the Anatolian form and the unique al- veolinid, Praebullalveolina afyonica. Sirel & Acar, of Upper Eocene sediments and also, some pictures of the species, which are only characterized by the Middle-Upper Eocene sequence, have been given. INTRODUCTION bonates with Alveolinidae, Peneoplidae and Miliolidae forms and particularly the unique form of Anatolian The porcelaneous foraminifers such as Alveoli- Praebullalveolina afyonica Sirel & Acar, which is ra- nidae, Peneroplidae and Miliolidae families which rely seen in the Mediteranean countries and Turkey, represent inner platform Eocene deposits, have all found second time around Elazığ region. been recorded in the Mediterranean countries. The same forms of porcelaneous foraminifers of Upper Due to the hardness of the rock samples, it is not Eocene limestones in the petroleum wells in Iran possible to obtain free individuals. For this reason, and Iraq (Henson, 1950); Middle Eocene limestones the present study is only based on selected random with Borelis vonderschimitti of Vicenza (N. Italy) and oriented thin sections. All the thin sections are (Schweighauser, 1951); Middle Eocene limestone kept in numbers A1 -20 and A1 -21. with Peneroplidae of Pyrenees (N. Spain) (Caus, 1974); Middle Eocene limestone with Rhapydionina STRATIGRAPHY malatyaensis Sirel, Miliolidae and Peneroplidae of Malatya (E. Turkey) (Sirel, 1976); Upper Eocene li- The following lithostratigraphic units of the Pale- mestones with Praebullalveolina afyonica Sirel & ozoic, Mesozoic, Eocene and Miocene ages crop Acar, 1982); Middle Eocene limestone containing out around the investigated area. In this study, lit- Malatyna drobnae Sirel & Acar, Miliolidae and Pe- hostratigraphic and biostratigraphic features of Eo- neroplidae in Malatya (E. Turkey) (Sirel & Acar, cene sequence (Fig. 2), around Alatarla village, ha- 1993) have only documented by the authors in the ve been given in detail. areas mentioned above. In addition, Henson (1950) reported the presence of the Peneroplidae and Mili- Paleozoic olidae forms of Upper Eocene from the core samp- les taken from the petroleum wells in Iran and Iraq. • Paleozoic rock units are represented by meta- The sequence containing Praebullalveolina afyoni- morphic rock such as crystallized limestones, ca Sirel & Acar, Peneroplidae and Milliolidae, which calcschits, schist, marble and amphibolites around constutite the subject of the study, are observed Elazığ region. However, this sequence is characte- around Alatarla village, NW Elazığ (Fig. 1). rized by white jointly and fractured marbles in the study area. The unit is accepted to be allochthono- The aim of the study is to represent the presence. us because of the active tectonic events occurred of the new sequence of Upper Eocene inner shelf car- during late Cretaceous. Contact relationship of the 10 Niyazi AVŞAR INNER PLATFORM SEDIMENTS WITH Praebullalveolina afyonica SIREL 11 and ACAR AROUND ELAZIĞ REGION (E. Turkey) 12 Niyazi AVŞAR Paleozoic rocks with Mesozic units are various, ho- nes which consist of algae and miliolid at the base wever, it is observed that the contact relationship is of the unit. Also the following fosil assemblages we- only tectonic in the study area. re described from this unit; Nummulites perforates (Montfort), Alveolina elongata d'Orbingy, Alveolina Mesozoic fusiformis Sowerby, Fabiania cassis (Oppenheim), Halkyardia minima (Liebus), Gyroidinella magna The unit is mainly represented by gabbro, diori- (Le Calvez), Asterigerina rotula (Kaufmann), Linde- te, granodiorite, granite, diabase, basalt, andesite, rina brugesi Schlumberger and Chapmanina gassi- pyroclastic rocks and mudstones around the regi- nensis (Silvestri). According to these fossils, Upper on. However, the main lithology of the investigated Lutetian age was given to unit. Some workers such area are represented by granite, granodiorite, ba- as Bieda (1963), Bombita & Moisescu (1968), Blon- salt, andesite and pyroclastics. This magmatic bulk deau (1972), Rahaghi & Schaub (1976) and Scha- is unconformably covered by younger sedimentary ub (1981) also express the age of the Nummulites deposits and valcano-clastic rocks. perforates (Montfort) as Upper Lutetian. Moreover, the age of Alveolina elongata d'Orbingy and Alve- Eocene olina fusiformis Sowerby are reported to be Upper Lutetian. Moreover, the age of Alveolina elongata This sequence starts with polygenic heteroge- d'Orbigny and Alveolina fusiformis Sowerby are re- neous, variously colored and medium to thick bed- ported to be Upper Lutetian by Hottinger (1960), ded basal conglomerates, and shows lateral and Adams (1962) and Dizer (1965). The uppert part of vertical facies changes. The pebbles of the conglo- the section includes nummulitic clayey limestone, sandy limestones containing miliolid and algal li- merates are mainly derived from Paleozoic and Mesozoic aged rock units. This passes upward into mestones that comprise Nummulites striatus (Bru- clayey-sandy limestones, sandstone, clay and li- guiere) Asterigerina rotula (Kaufmann), Spha- mestones that are all in beige color, fossiliferous erogypsina globula (Reuss), Gyroidinella magna and regularly bedded. In the Elazığ region, the fol- (Le Calvez), Halkyardia minima (Liebus), Praer- hapydionina huberi (Henson), Peneroplis aff. laevi- lowing foraminifers were identified, characterizing upper part of the Middle Eocene and Upper Eoce- gatus d'Orbigny, Peneroplis damesini Henson, Spi- rolina aff. cylindracea Lamarck, Praebullalveolina ne, the result of the paleontologic investigations afyonica Sirel & Acar. In accordance with these fo- carried out on Eocene sequence. These are Num- raminifer, this part of the sequence is Upper Eoce- mulites perforates (Mondfort), Assilina exponens ne in age. Nummulites striatus (Bruguiere) is cha- (Sowerby), Alveolina fusiformis Sowerby, Alveolina racteric form of the Upper Eocene age according to elongata d'Orbingy, Sphaerogypsina globula (Re- Nemkov (1967), Ferrer (1971), Blondeau (1972) uss), Silvestriella tetraedra (Gümbel), Maslinella and Schaub (1981). However, in the type locality of aff. chapmani Galesner & Wade, Asterigerina rotu- Praebullalveolina afyonica Sirel & Acar, Sirel and la (Kaufmann), Chapmanina gassinensis (Silvestri), Acar (1982) record the age of the section as Upper Linderina brugesi Schlumberger, Fabiania cassis Eocene according to the fossil assemblages; Num- (Oppenheim), Halkyardia minima (Liebus), Gyroidi- mulites fabianii (Prever), Nummulites fabianii reti- nella magna (Le Calvez), Nummulites fabianii (Pre- ates (Roveda), Gyroidinella magna (Le Calvez), ver), Nummulites ex gr. fabianii, Nummulites stri- Halkyardia minima (Liebus), Chapmanina gassi- atus (Bruguiere), Praerhapydionina huberi Henson, nensis (Silvestri), Peneroplis aff. glynnjonesi Hen- Peneroplis damesini Henson, Praebullalveolina af- son, Peneroplis aff. damesini Henson. yonica Sirel & Acar, Spirolina aff. cylindracea La- marck, Peneroplis aff. laevigatus d'Orbingy, Pene- roplis dusenburyi Henson, Heterostegina sp., Aste- Miocene rocyclina sp., Operculina sp., Orbitolites sp., Dis- cocyclina sp., Peneroplis sp., Miiolidae and Algae. This unit generally consists of basalts, tuffs, agglomerates, limestones and sandstones. Also, Similar sequence, that is seen around Alatarla the unit unconformably rest on the limestones of village (NW Elazığ), is composed of clayey limesto- the Upper Eocene and the older rock units. INNER PLATFORM SEDIMENTS WITH Praebullalveolina afyonica SIREL 13 and ACAR AROUND ELAZIĞ REGION (E. Turkey) SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION countries with its foraminifer assemblage. The se- quence, that is completely composed of algal li- Order : Foraminiferida Eichwald, 1830 mestones containing Nummulites perforatus (Mont- fort), Alveolina elongata d'Orbigny, Alveolina fusi- Suborder : Miliolina Delage & Herouard, 1986 formis Sowerby, conformably rest on top of the late Superfamily : Miliolacea Ehrenberg, 1839 Lutetian (Fig. 2). The same sequence is also cha- Family : Alveolinidae Ehrenberg, 1839 racterized by Nummulites striatus (Bruguiere), Pra- ebullalveolina afyonica Sirel & Acar and Peneroplis Genus : Praebullalveolina Sirel & Acar damesini Henson of late Eocene. Type species : Praebullalveolina afyonica Sirel & Acar The unique Anatolian alveolinid form of the Up- per Eocene, Praebullalveolina afyonica Sirel & Acar, has been secondly reported and distinguis- Description hed in Elazığ area apart from its own type locality. The algal limestones, that Praebullalveolina afyoni- ca Sirel & Acar was found in Elazığ area, show gre- The observed test is small, porcelaneous, at similarity with the sequence characteristics, stra- slightly natuloid
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