
AVEBAOB OAILT omOOLAIION WEATfOai - far the Moatb of Deeeaaber, 1887 Fereeaat af U. 8. Weather BotoM, Hartto.d 6.047 Light anew aad aranoer tonight, Maoaber af tha Aadtt probably ehaagtng to ratal aad wanuBt Thoraday. Bureaa ad drcalatlDaa exception MANCHESTER ~ A a T Y OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. L v n , NO. 87 Adverttatag oa PBga 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1938 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS * A. WRUBEL GIVEN Giant Samoan Clipper in Fligrht MALM ASKS ~i Atot r NAVAL PLANE UNABLE LIFE SENTENCE PROBATION FOR F0R2^DEGREE FEMM CASES TO LOCATE CLIPPER^ " Manchester Man Pleads Makes RecommendatioD Aft- Gnflty When Presented er Meeting With Gover- NOW BELIEVED LO Sl Today; Not Fit For Death nor Cross; Notes Crowd- Penalty, Says Alcorn. ing Of Penal Institutions. Makes Two Flights Orer^ Capt Musick Holds Area Where Giant Tran»<l. Hartford, Jan. 12— (A P )—Stan- stating that he haa "a]wa3ra f e l t ley Wnibel, Mancheater, pleaded that as a whole the courts have not guilty to murder In the aecond de- Most Air Records; port Was Last Reported ^ gree In the Superior court today made as full use aa they might” of and was sentenced to State’s prison the probation system in the cases 9 9 To Continue Search W il for the term of hla natural life by of wB3Tward women aiid girls, Chief Judge Edwin C. Dickinson v^ho ac- Called “Pilot No. 1 Justice Maltble, In a communica- cepted the plea on recommendation Aid Of Ship; Fear tion sent out to all Connecticut San Francisco, Jan. 12— (AP) — courts having criminal Jurisdiction, Capt. EMwin C. Muaick, 43, in com- today said that present crowded In- mand of the Samoan (Clipper, haa stitutional conditions may offer “an Explosion Wrecked P h U pioneered most of the commercial opportunity to try It out In ita air routes over both the Atlantic broader aspects.” and the Pacific for Pan American Carrying Crew Of Fire Deatroya Building. Airways, which lists him “Pilot No. The Chief Justice, in hla letter, 1. ” noted that a fire at the State Farm After outstanding work on the for women recently destroyed one eaat coaat. Including transportation BULLETIN! of Its main buildings for inmates, of America’s first international air Honolalu, Jan. 12.—>1 and, after consultation with the mall l!D Havana, (Juba, Musick was Governor, it has been thought ad- (A P )— The Navy received,^ sent here to inaugurate trans-Pacl- visable to ask that the courts, for fle service. a wireless message today i the time being, commit very few He was in command of the Pan that the aircraft tender] prisoners to that institution. In cue the few cases where, from special American Clipper when that 19-ton Avocet was picking flying boat bopped from Alameda, aspects, commitment to the Farm wreckage of the SamooiJ seems highly desirable, the Chief Calif., to Honolulu In 1935, complet- ing the first trans-PacIflc flight of Clipper near Pago Pag«.l Justice haa asked that the Farm transport crafL There was no mention o fj Superintendent be asked in advance of actual commitment whether or Musick, an airplane pilot 34 years, survivors. was in command of the Samoan not there la room to receive the de- NEW DEAL BIG Clipper when It flew from Honolulu linquent FREIGHT RATE BOOST Pago Pago, Tutuila, Am e^' “Vong Lane Fhim- Filled. to Auckland laat month, then tn- agurated regular service on the (Jan Samoa, Jan. 12.— (AP)-*-'^ It la dtated In the letter that In- mates under 21 years of age bavr BUSINESS TALK Auckland-Honolulu route on Its re- A Navy plane, after two flighi$^' turn trip. been tranaferred from the State in_ futile efforts to locate the Farm for Women to Long Lone WILL CREATE JOBS, With more than 1,000,000 milea of flying to hla credit, Muaick never Captain B<Iwln C. Mnticir' missing Samoan Clipper and Stanley Wnibel Farm, under authority granted by AIDSroURAGE the general statutes. These girls baa had a serious accident to any ita crew of seven, charted r airplane—excluding what eventual- of State’s Attorney Hugh 1C. Al- will be confined at Long Lane until further search to ^ y with tlM>; corn. they are 21. “However,” the Jus- ity the present situation may bring non.-stop. Including all world records RAIL HEAD ASSERTS —and no paasenger flying with him tor speisd-and-load for various dis- aid of a surface vessel. f.;' Alcorn aald that Wnibel la not a tiee writes, “Long Lane Farm is President Confers With Five pretty well filled.” Commitments ever baa been Injured. tances up to 2,000 kilometers. Reports that the Clipper ' fit subject for capital punishment He Is reputed to bold more world Musick, one of aviation’s “early Wnibel killed hla 45-year-oId .wife to the State Prison for Women, sighted afloat 74 miles d u o' records In hla own name than any blrda”, waa civilian Instructor for on July 30, 1937. which was not affected by the fire, Industrial Chiefs; Better J. J. Pdley TeUs Senate other pilot in the world. the U. 8. Army Air Corps In the west of Apia, British Sanu^ Deacribing the crime State’s At- are being made aa usual. Girls of the Catholic faith, and girls not of RED PARLIAMENT Among his marks are 10 establish- World War. were received from Dunodn* i torney Alcorn said that Wnibel had that faith who do not object on Feeling Than Before, Says ed with the Brazilian Clipper on a He Is married and his home Is in New Zealand, but the con(MCjp' been drinking although on this day Group 150,000 CouM Go routine teat flight of 1,300 miles San Frtinclsco. he was not drunk. He and his wife that account, may go to the House BUS here was that disaster, poth^- had quarreled In the cellar. of the Good Shepherd until they are SITS FOR HRST 31. Sloan; Richberg Present sibly from a midair exploidcii^ Used Old PUtol Back To Work If Reve- Attacks Jails. might have overtaken the She ran up the stairs and as she In the course of the letter Chief craft. Justice Maltble said that the county nues Go Back To Normal. TIME IN RUSSIA Washington, Jan. 12 —(AP) — itOontlnued on Page Ten) ..........* BUYING ORDERS MOUNT Observers-,here pointed out jails do not reform, but. rather op^ Predictiona of closer government- crate oppositely, and further pro- that the Dunedin reports may business cooperation, made at the mote Incipient lawlessness. Washington, Jan. 12.— (AP) — have followed a mis(x>nstroe> Justice Maltble suggests that Supreme Soviet Of 1,143 White House by five prominent In The head of the Association of dustrialists, encouraged adminis- IN l^ W YORK MARKETS tion of first unconfirmed re« TRINKETS IDENUFY where the penalty for an offense Is American Railroads estimated to- tration officials today In their ef ports the Clipper was down at one year or less, the woman prison- Members Gives Stalin er be remanded to a county Jail. day that this country’s railroads forts to stem the recession. Alfred Apia. P. Sloan, Jr., chairman of General VICTIMS OF CRASH but that "commitments of girls to could put 150,000 men to work If In Some Lines They Are^ (Pan American headquai^ those institutions should be, how- Ovation; Unlikely To Pass Motors Corporation, acted as railroad revenues climb back to spokesman for the business men ters in San Francisco, discount- ever, a last resort because they are not adapted to bring about reform normal. when they talked to reporters last LATE NEWS ing the belief >the plane had night after an hour and a half In Heariest In Months; Ex- but rather, the contrary.” The railroad executive. J. J. Pel Any Legislation, Is BeKef. burned, said a Navy plane Bodies Badly Burned By The Letter. Mr. Roosevelt’s office. Sloan read a •«y. president of the association, brief statement, penciled on two would take off again at dawn The letter from the Chief Jus- perts See In It A Sign Of added a freight rate increase would sheets from a small pad: FLASHES! tice follows: Mobcow, Jan. 12.— (A P )—Soviet in attempts to find the CHipjper. bring an Immediate Increase in em "W e have had an Interesting Plane Explosions; Rela- To all courts having criminal juris- (Samoan time la four homa ho- - ployment. Rusala’a new red parliament opened and constructive talk with the hind Pacific standard time. Tho tn- diction : Betterment Before Spring TRY TO INCITB REVOLT After consultation with the Gov- If the Interstate Commerce Com lt.x first sosston today vlth Joseph President. All of us agree we have ternatJonal datellno lo beyoad P a m - mission grants requested rate In- 'Lisbon, Jon. 12.—(AP)— PoUoe tives Gatiier At Morgue. ernor It haa been thought advisable Stalin and other government lead- a better imdcrstandlng of each Pago.) creases the railroads can resume other’s problems, out of which we today arrested a number of persons for me to send this notice to all ers watching from seats of honor In New York, Jan. 13.—(A P )—Busl- Two extended flights around the buying at once, the stocky, florid- are sure will come closer coopera' they deacrihed as ComrounUts try- Islands were made lata yeatordoy courts having criminal jurisdiction the rebuilt throne room of the nesa managers looked over a mount- Boseman, Mont., Jan. 12.—(AP) A fire at the State Farm for faced executive testified before the Kremlin. The parliament, or Su- tion in meeting the dlffcultles eff the ing to incite a revolt la the Portn- and the naval plane returaad to —Identification of the bodies of sev- Senate Unemployment committee moment.” ing pile of new year orders for raw gueoe army and navy.
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