Area/State Colby Free Press Monday, May 4, 2009 Page 3 County asks owner 0OCALTV0ISTINGS Weather sponsored by the about vet’s charges Corner USA FREE PRESS MAY 5 - MAY 11 02KSCOLBY.DAT for lions and tigers WEEKDAYS MAY 5 - MAY 11 From “COUNTY,” Page 1 landfill to take the skulls will be USA FREE PRESS MAY 5 - MAY 11 02KSCOLBY.DAT around $34 a ton, Jumper said. 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 KLBY/ABC Good Morning Good Morning America The Martha Stewart The View Million- News about a bill for treating lions and In other business, commission- H h Kansas Show aire tigers taken from his property af- ers: KSNK/NBCWEEKDAYSNews Cont’d Today MAYLive With Regis 5 - MAYToday 11 ter a part-time employee was bit- • Approved bills for the month. L j and Kelly ten earlier this year. Right now, it • Denied a wage increase for KBSL/CBS News Cont’d The Early Show The 700 Club The Price Is Right The Young and the 1< NX 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11RestlessAM 11:30 appears the county is stuck with sheriff’s department employees K15CG Arthur Martha Curious Sid the Super Clifford- Martha Caillou Sesame Street Dragon Word- KLBY/ABCd Good MorningSpeaks GoodGeorge MorningScience AmericaWhy! Red TheSpeaks Martha Stewart The View Million-Tales NewsWorld it. after going over what is left in the H h Kansas Show aire ESPN Sports- Varied SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter National Weather Service “Mr. Harsh, we are encourag- salary budget to the end of De- KSNK/NBCO_ NewsCenter Cont’d Today Live With Regis Today L j and Kelly Tonight: A 20 percent chance ing you to understand our concern cember. USA Varied Programs Walker, Texas JAG JAG Varied Movie Varied Programs KBSL/CBSP^ News Cont’d TheRanger Early Show The 700 Club The Price Is Right The Young and the of showers and thunderstorms for this $2,915 veterinary bill that • Denied payment for telecon- 1< NX Restless came for the wild animals taken ferencing costs for the sheriff’s TBS Saved Saved Saved Saved Fresh Fresh Movie Home Home before 1 a.m. Mostly cloudy, with K15CGP_ Arthurby Bell Marthaby Bell Curiousby Bell Sidby Bell the SuperPrince Clifford-Prince Martha Caillou Sesame Street DragonImprove. Word-Improve. d Speaks George Science Why! Red Speaks Tales World a low around 48. South wind from your place recently,” he said, department, saying the $450 cost WGN Chang- Believer Hillbil- Hillbil- 7th Heaven Matlock In the Heat of the Nash Bridges ESPNPa Sports-ing VariedVoice SportsCenterlies lies SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenterNight SportsCenter around 10 mph. “and we’d like to have you take is supposed to be shared among O_ Center Tuesday: A 20 percent chance care of it since they were your ani- the county attorney, the court, the TNT Angel Charmed Charmed ER Las Vegas Las Vegas USAQW Varied Programs Walker, Texas JAG JAG Varied Movie Varied Programs mals.” sheriff and the court library fund P^ Ranger of showers and thunderstorms DSC Paid James Paid Paid How It’s How It’s Cash Cash Overhaulin’ Rides “I didn’t know you were going and there is already a provision in TBSQY SavedProgram SavedRobison SavedProgram SavedProgram FreshMade FreshMade MovieCab Cab Home Home after 1 p.m. Mostly cloudy, with P_ by Bell by Bell by Bell by Bell Prince Prince Improve. Improve. a high near 72. South wind be- to sand-bag me when I got here,” two funds to pay it. A&E Third Watch Crossing Jordan The Sopranos American Justice Cold Case Files Cold Case Files WGNQ^ Chang- Believer Hillbil- Hillbil- 7th Heaven Matlock In the Heat of the Nash Bridges Harsh replied. • Asked road Supervisor Clair Pa ing Voice lies lies Night tween 5 and 10 mph. Varied Programs The commissioners questioned Schrock to put extra gravel on HISTTNT Angel Charmed Charmed ER Las Vegas Las Vegas Tuesday Night: A 20 percent QWQ_ chance of showers and thun- Harsh about the progress of clean- County Road 465 a mile north NICK Spon- Spon- Spon- Dora the Dora the Go Backyar- Wonder Ni Hao, Olivia Dora the Backyar- DSCRl PaidgeBob JamesgeBob PaidgeBob PaidExplorer HowExplorer It’s HowDiego It’s Cashdigans CashPets Overhaulin’Kai-lan RidesExplorer digans derstorms before 1 a.m. Mostly up around his establishment, on of the Thomas-Gove county line, QY Program Robison Program Program Made Made Cab Cab Handy Mickey Agent Mickey Handy Imag. Tigger & Ein- Charlie The Movie cloudy, with a low around 48. the east side of U.S. 83 north of saying wind and truck traffic have DISNA&E Third Watch Crossing Jordan The Sopranos American Justice Cold Case Files Cold Case Files Q^R] Manny Mouse Oso Mouse Manny Movers Pooh steins & Lola Wiggles I-70, especially a big pile of ani- been blowing the sand off the Sister, Sister, Sabrina- Sabrina- Step by Living The 700 Club Gilmore Girls Full Full West wind between 5 and 10 HISTFAM Varied Programs mph. mal skulls. road. Q_R_ Sister Sister Witch Witch Step the Life House House HALL Paid Paid Golden Golden Golden Golden Little House on the Little House on the Touched by an Wednesday: Mostly sunny, He said he had one dump truck • Heard an update on the railroad NICKSW Spon-Program Spon-Program Spon-Girls DoraGirls the DoraGirls the GoGirls Backyar-Prairie Wonder NiPrairie Hao, Olivia DoraAngel the Backyar- with a high near 79. Northwest load of skulls loaded, but one load crossing on Road Q (East Willow Rl geBob geBob geBob Explorer Explorer Diego digans Pets Kai-lan Explorer digans DISN Handy Mickey Agent Mickey Handy Imag. Tigger & Ein- Charlie The Movie wind between 10 and 15 mph. was all the landfill would take. Street) by Cornerstone Ag. R] Manny Mouse Oso Mouse Manny Movers Pooh steins & Lola Wiggles cwb0006-1 Wednesday Night: Partly The commissioners also ques- • Heard a request from Ash- FAM Sister, Sister, Sabrina- Sabrina- Step by Living The 700 Club Gilmore Girls Full Full cloudy, with a low around 48. tioned about rats, and Harsh said ley Amos Sherman to plant trees R_ Sister Sister Witch Witch Step the Life House House HALL Paid Paid Golden Golden Golden Golden Little House on the Little House on the Touched by an Thursday: Mostly sunny, with he had poisoned them. along a road in Rovohl Township. SW Program Program Girls Girls Girls Girls Prairie Prairie Angel a high near 78. “I’m under the gun with the The commissioners asked the road Thursday Night: Partly state, and I hope you don’t put any department to take the request to cwb0006-1 cloudy, with a low around 48. more pressure on me than they the township board. Friday: Mostly sunny, with a are,” he said. • Approved tax abatements for WEEKDAYS MAY 5 - MAY 11 high near 70. The commissioners encouraged Rocking M Radio for transformer Friday Night: Partly cloudy, Harsh to stick with the clean-up, and a tower; Keith Kuder, for a 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 and be a good neighbor to the peo- motor home; Rocking M for per- with a low around 45. KLBY/ABC All My Children One Life to Live General Hospital Rachael Ray News Access News ABC Wld Saturday: Mostly sunny, with a ple who live in the area. sonal property at the studio; and H h H’wood News high near 72. Later, in a speaker-phone con- John McMahan for a 1982 Dodge KSNK/NBCWEEKDAYSNews Days of our Lives The Ellen The Doctors MAYJeop- Deal 5 or- MAYNews NBC11 L j DeGeneres Show ardy! No Deal News Saturday Night: A 20 percent versation with landfill director pickup, prorated, KBSL/CBS News Bold- As the World Turns Guiding Light Dr. Phil Oprah Winfrey News Evening chance of showers and thunder- Larry Jumper, Jumper told com- • Approved tax additions for 1< NX 12 PM Beautiful12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM News5:30 storms. Partly cloudy, with a low missioners he had called the state Lewis and Linda Taylor for a 1973 KLBY/ABCK15CG AllReading My ChildrenBarney- OneVaried Life Programs to Live General HospitalLions RachaelArthur RayWordGirl NewsFetch! AccessCyber- NewsMaya & ABCBusi- Wld around 52. Health Department, and told them Bella Vista motor home, and for Hdh Rainbow Friends Ruff H’woodchase Miguel Newsness he expects about three loads of Ivan Lee for a golf cart shed. KSNK/NBCESPN NewsSportsCenter DaysSportsCenter of our Lives TheOutside- Ellen Football TheNFL DoctorsLive Rome- Jeop-Around DealInterrup- or NewsSportsCenterNBC Sunday: Partly cloudy, with a LO_j DeGeneresLines Live Show Burning ardy!the Horn Notion Deal News The next meeting will be at high near 74. skulls. He said they could take all KBSL/CBSUSA NewsLaw & Order:Bold- AsLaw the & Order:World Turns GuidingLaw & Order: Light SVU Dr.Law Phil & Order: SVU OprahNCIS Winfrey NewsNCIS Evening Friday: High, 49; Low 42 of them, noting that Harsh is un- 9 a.m. Monday, May 11, at the 1<P^NX Criminal IntentBeautiful Criminal Intent News TBS ReadingHome Barney-Home VariedJust ProgramsJust Yes, LionsYes, ArthurKing of WordGirlKing of Fetch!Ray- Cyber-Ray- MayaRay- & Busi-Friends Saturday: High, 50; Low 43 der a time limit to complete the commissioners’ room at the court- K15CGP_ Improve. Improve.
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