Staff List of GMFP-2017-18 Regular Employees with Their Dependents

Staff List of GMFP-2017-18 Regular Employees with Their Dependents

Staff List of GMFP-2017-18 Regular Employees with their Dependents Sl. Sl. No.o Code Name of the employee No.of Gender Relationship Date of Birth f No. Sarvasri mem emp 1 1 121 P DURGESH GOUD M Self 19.06.1960 2 P Padma goud F spouse 05.05.1968 2 3 147 A NAGESWARI F Self 30.05.1960 4 A V V Bhaskara Rao M spouse 10.06.1955 3 5 175 MOHD MASOOD ALI M Self 01.04.1963 6 Ameena Parveen F spouse 04.04.1967 7 Mohd Isaaq ali M Son 11.01.2000 4 8 176 V VENKATESWARLU M Self 19.05.1961 9 V Anasuya F spouse 10.10.1970 5 10 177 MOHD. ASIF M Self 15.10.1961 11 Ayesha Siddique F spouse 01.03.1970 12 seema fathima F Daughter 10.07.1998 6 13 178 MD SUJAVUDDIN M Self 12.03.1959 14 Parveen Sulthana F spouse 12.03.1969 15 Md Hasanuddin M Son 19.01.1996 16 Nasreen Sultana F Daughter 14.09.1997 7 17 184 KUMBAM SRINIVAS M Self 19.04.1964 18 K Aruna Jyothi F spouse 19.09.1969 19 K Lavanya F Daughter 20.10.1994 20 Neeraj Kumar M Son 21.04.2000 8 21 204 RAMESH BADAY M Self 13.01.1961 22 Kalpana F spouse 05.09.1965 23 Sailesh Kumar Badhey M Son 24.04.1998 9 24 233 M GOURI SHANKAR M Self 26.06.1964 25 M Lakshmi Rajyam F spouse 10.04.1970 10 26 239 SYED JALALUDDIN M Self 15.08.1959 27 Rafeeq Unissa F spouse 14.07.1966 11 28 240 P SATHAIAH M Self 06.07.1959 29 P Yellamma F spouse 12.06.1963 12 30 249 J GANESH M Self 06.06.1958 31 j jangamma F spouse 03.05.1962 13 32 250 B SULOCHANA F Self 13.08.1961 33 S Krishna M spouse 15.07.1960 34 S Aakash M Son 04.06.1992 14 35 254 G BABU M Self 06.10.1958 36 G Gnaneswari F spouse 22.10.1966 15 37 262 DEVAKI JYOTHI F Self 06.08.1961 16 38 265 S YOGESHWAR RAO M Self 14.11.1961 17 39 266 A PADMA F Self 24.09.1963 40 A. Venkat Rayudu M spouse 14.06.1957 18 41 271 N VANI BALA F Self 15.05.1963 42 M Netaji M spouse 10.05.1959 19 43 279 D SRIDHAR REDDY M Self 15.08.1961 44 D Radha F spouse 20.08.1968 45 D Goutham Reddy M Son 24.10.1994 46 D Sanskruthi Reddy F Daughter 19.07.2000 20 47 286 R RAVINDER M Self 15.08.1962 48 R Aruna F spouse 12.01.1968 49 R Sri Bindu F Daughter 04.03.1994 50 R Sai Shruthi F Daughter 04.08.1998 21 51 288 D RAMESH M Self 23.05.1964 52 D Sarala F spouse 09.02.1969 53 D Alankrutha F Daughter 03.06.1992 22 54 292 VENKATESWARA CHARY M Self 12.09.1960 55 K Vijayalaxmi F spouse 20.10.1965 23 56 293 R V RAMA DEVI F Self 22.08.1965 57 L V Ramana Babu M spouse 25.08.1965 24 58 299 S KARIMA F Self 10.08.1962 59 SHAIK Jeelani M spouse 12.09.1962 60 Shaik Khaja Hafeezuddin M Son 25.10.1993 61 Shaik Khaja Moinuddin M Son 09.01.1997 25 62 301 M KUMARA SWAMY M Self 01.07.1964 63 M Swaroopa Rani F spouse 02.08.1970 64 M Sravan Babu M Son 10.07.1993 26 65 303 E SHIVA KUMAR M Self 10.10.1962 66 E Anupama F spouse 18.11.1967 67 E Pankaj M Son 14.07.1994 27 68 304 T VENKATESWAR M Self 09.02.1962 69 T Uma Goud F spouse 10.01.1969 70 T Shambhavi Goud F Daughter 22.04.1993 71 T Vishnavi Goud F Daughter 13.04.1996 28 72 308 M SRINIVAS M Self 15.05.1964 73 M Rama Devi F spouse 22.10.1969 29 74 318 R S KAGALKAR M Self 15.11.1965 75 K Radha F spouse 01.08.1970 30 76 319 R POORNACHANDRA RAO M Self 25.12.1967 77 J Naga Lakshmi F spouse 09.10.1974 78 R Jahnavi F Daughter 27.03.2003 79 R Venisri Varsha F Daughter 03.04.2006 31 80 320 N VIJAYA BABU M Self 01.07.1960 81 Y Surya Kumari F spouse 04.04.1968 82 N H Keerthana F Daughter 03.02.1994 83 N Paul Prabhath M Son 07.10.2001 32 84 322 B GANESH LAL M Self 28.08.1960 85 B Sumitra Bai F spouse 18.09.1963 33 86 331 G PADMAVATHI F Self 01.09.1964 87 L Koteswara Rao M spouse 14.06.1961 88 L Hemanth Sai M Son 29.03.1996 35 89 337 D PARDHASARADHI RAO M Self 05.06.1961 90 D Rama Devi F spouse 05.10.1968 36 91 338 VUDUGU VENKATESWARLU M Self 04.08.1960 92 K Rajani Priya F spouse 24.04.1966 37 93 339 R. YADAGIRI M Self 10.04.1961 94 L.S. Suneetha F spouse 07.06.1966 38 95 340 Y NIRMALA KUMARI F Self 14.12.1962 96 K Koteswara Rao M spouse 12.02.1956 39 97 354 MANZOOR GHOUSIA F Self 07.10.1962 98 Syed Hasham ul Hasan M spouse 12.01.1956 40 99 356 P CHANDRA SHEKAR M Self 17.12.1961 100 D Vijayalakshmi F spouse 21.02.1967 101 P Aishwarya F Daughter 23.02.1995 41 102 357 A ANAND BABU M Self 03.06.1960 103 A Uma Devi F spouse 20.06.1966 104 A Srikar M Son 21.02.1992 42 105 358 J N NIRMALA DEVI F Self 10.12.1965 106 Y Narendra M spouse 01.08.1966 107 Y Jayanth Bharadwaj M Son 01.10.1998 43 108 359 B SHAMALA F Self 26.08.1963 44 109 361 P SUJATHA F Self 26.06.1964 110 K Raghuram M spouse 06.08.1961 111 K Amulya F Daughter 05.12.1994 45 112 363 B PRAKASH KUMAR M Self 11.09.1963 113 B Padmavathi F spouse 24.08.1967 46 114 364 E GOPAL M Self 10.03.1961 115 E Usha rani F spouse 24.08.1965 47 116 365 SETTI SRINIVASA RAO M Self 14.07.1963 117 S Vijaya Sree F spouse 23.08.1969 118 S Rasagnya F Daughter 31.08.1996 48 119 368 M KRISHNAIAH M Self 11.07.1960 120 C Kameswari F spouse 29.09.1964 121 M Rachitha F Daughter 04.10.1994 49 122 371 M R SRINIVASA RAO M Self 16.11.1963 123 M Kanaka Durga F spouse 18.09.1974 124 M Bhargavi F Daughter 11.05.1997 125 M Rangabhishek Rao M Son 16.06.1999 50 126 373 D PRABHAVATHI F Self 05.06.1963 127 D P Raj Kumar M spouse 08.02.1963 128 D Vandana F Daughter 04.09.1996 51 129 374 B ANJAIAH M Self 25.05.1963 130 B Praveena F spouse 04.07.1968 131 B Sanghavi F Daughter 30.04.1998 132 B Sai Akshay M Son 15.11.1999 52 133 376 B RAMACHANDER M Self 07.01.1961 134 B Prasanna Kumari F spouse 13.06.1967 53 135 377 M RATNA KUMARI F Self 25.01.1965 136 T Gopinath M spouse 10.12.1964 137 TVD Manasa F Daughter 22.10.1993 138 T L Durga Kiran F Daughter 03.02.1997 54 139 381 D NAGA KRISHNA M Self 27.02.1961 140 D Sada Laxmi F spouse 03.06.1969 55 141 383 CH CHINNA RAO M Self 03.06.1960 142 Ch hemalatha F spouse 26.03.1973 143 Ch ravi teja M Son 17.08.1994 56 144 405 K ANANTH RAO M Self 12.06.1960 145 S Madhavi F spouse 15.08.1963 146 K Sreemayee F Daughter 25.02.1996 57 147 420 K SRINIVAS M Self 24.02.1969 148 K Sony F spouse 23.06.1975 149 K Nikhil M Son 02.05.1999 150 K Akhil M Son 08.10.2001 58 151 421 B SAIDULU M Self 08.08.1966 152 B Ramanujamma F spouse 04.06.1968 153 B Keerthi F Daughter 29.09.1994 59 154 422 S SHANKAR M Self 10.09.1961 155 S Aruna F spouse 05.08.1965 156 S Shekar M Son 12.09.1992 157 S Shiva Kanth M Son 14.07.1995 60 158 425 K RAMESH RAJ M Self 20.11.1968 159 K Aarathi F spouse 220.10.1979 160 K Preethi F Daughter 22.03.2000 161 K Sravani F Daughter 19.05.2006 61 162 427 B SHIVA KUMAR M Self 01.01.1966 163 B Jyothi F spouse 14.07.1974 164 B Vinay M Son 23.01.1994 165 B Vikas M Son 14.08.1995 62 166 428 K SAMPATH RAO M Self 06.05.1969 167 K Kavitha F spouse 29.08.1978 168 K Danusha F Daughter 04.05.1997 169 K Shirisha F Daughter 10.08.1998 63 170 429 B SRINIVAS M Self 06.07.1970 171 B Padma F spouse 06.02.1980 172 B Shashank M son 02.08.2008 64 173 432 B MURALI KRISHNA M Self 15.07.1964 65 174 433 A V SAIPRASAD RAO M self 04.11.1962 175 A Sai Rama Devi F spouse 04.11.1967 176 A Sai Swetha F Daughter 11.05.1992 177 A V Sai Krishna Teja M Son 07.10.1994 66 178 434 B TRIMURTHULU M Self 15.05.1962 179 B Siva Parvathi F spouse 06.04.1971 180 B Sindhuja F Daughter 15.12.1996 181 B Yamini F Daughter 16.04.1998 67 182 435 CH RAJ KUMAR M Self 01.08.1968 183 Ch Rajyalaxmi F spouse 10.06.1978 68 184 436 MD.KHAJA NAZEEMUDDIN M Self 01.04.1963 185 Shabana Sultana F spouse 05.11.1967 186 Afreen Sultana F Daughter 02.08.1993 187 Niizamuddin M Son 23.08.2003 69 188 438 S K SRINIVASACHARYULU M Self 15.06.1962 189 B Sandhya Rani F spouse 26.09.1964 70 190 439 S G HUSSAIN M Self 04.01.1959 191 Vazeerunnisa Begum F spouse 01.01.1960 71 192 440 G GANGA RAM M Self 01.10.1963 193 G Madhavi F spouse 15.06.1973 194 G Sai Kumar M Son 29.07.1994 195 G Sai Krishna M Son 20.07.1996 72 196 443 G KOTAIAH M Self 27.12.1964 197 G Anjanamma F spouse 08.10.1970 198 G Sreeni F Daughter 08.12.1994 73 199 444 K LAKSHMAIAH M Self 21.07.1971 200 K Shyamala F spouse 20.09.1979 201 K Shiva M Son 27.08.1996 202 K Nanditha F Daughter 18.08.1998 74 203 445 N SUVEDAMMA F Self 01.07.1969 75 204 452 B BALU M Self 10.03.1972 205 B Lalitha F spouse 07.04.1976 206 B Sunil Naik M Son 15.09.1995 207 B Harish Naik M Son 01.08.1997 76 208 457 K RAJESWARA RAO M Self 18.04.1963 209 K Srilatha F spouse 13.03.1970 77 210 460 LATHA JADHAV F Self 05.12.1974 211 J Ram Chander M spouse 12.02.1965 212 Shwetha Jadhav F Daughter 07.11.1997 213 Shushrutha Jadhav F Daughter 15.02.1999 78 214 462 T JYOTHI F Self 08.07.1968 215 G Narasimha Murthy M spouse 22.08.1958 216 G Pranitha F Daughter 13.01.1993 217 G Shravya F Daughter 23.04.1998 79 218 468 K ADI MOULI M Self 01.01.1973 219 K Lakshmi Kumari F spouse 15.10.1974 220 K Vaishnavi F Daughter 14.05.2002 221 K Gayathri F Daughter 30.09.2009 80 222 474 M MACHENDER M Self 10.06.1969 223 M Poolamma F spouse 25.08.1978 224 M Vijayakumar M Son 30.06.1998 225 M Vennala F Daughter 16.10.2000 81 226 476 CH VIJAY KUMAR M Self 20.10.1977 82 227 478 B L PADMINI F Self 19.07.1974 228 L Panduranga M spouse 28.08.1968 229 L Pravalika F Daughter 28.08.2002 230 L Damini Priyanka F Daughter 20.05.2009 83 231 480 M PRAKASA RAO M Self 30.08.1976 232 M Kamala Kumari F spouse 15.08.1977 233 M Blesson Prem M Son 24.11.2006 234 M Reginald Prem M Son 10.07.2011 84 235 484 B VENKATA BHASKAR M Self 01.01.1970 236 B Swaroopa F spouse 30.07.1979 237 B Likita F Daughter 02.09.1997 238 B Ishwarya F Daughter 23.08.2000 85 239 485 K ANNAPURNA F Self 15.06.1979 240 B Gangadhar M spouse 29.08.1977 241 B Sai Akshaya F Daughter 14.03.2007 242 B Pranshu M son 10.09.2010 86 243 486 INDIRABAI F Self 05.10.1964 87 244 490 P SUGUNA F Self 01.05.1962 88 245 491 T PRASAD M Self 24.03.1981 246 T Aruna F spouse 14.08.1991 247 T Yugnesh M Son 26.08.2012 248 T Tanush M son 03.11.2013 89 249 492 D PRAMILA F Self 07.05.1965 90 250 493 P LALITHA F Self 01.01.1968 251 P Sailesh Chandra M Son 03.01.1997 252 P Suersh m Son 22.01.2000 91 253 495 Md RAWOOF M Self 08.08.1964 254 Md Fareeda Begum F spouse 01.06.1974 92 255 499 SADATH KHAN M self 06.12.1962 256 Asra Begum F spouse 25.06.1969 257 Afsha Sultana Suniya F Daughter 01.03.1999 258 Ameer aman khan M Son 05.12.1993 93 259 505 D PADMAJA F Self 12.01.1974 260 D.

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