
www.thewestwordonline.com Volume 44, Number 7 / June 2017 TheWestword Student voice of the Westhill community “The test of good journalism is the measure of its public service.” Congratulations, Class of 2017 HIGHLIGHTING LAS NOTICIAS: SENIORS SAY A REVIEW ON THE COMEBACK ACCESO THEIR FINAL THE HIGHLY OF THE LITERARY A LA GOODBYES: SUCCESSFUL MAGAZINE: THE EDUCAION SCRAPBOOK MUSICAL: 5 HILLSIDE MUSE 12 UNIVERSITARIA 13 SENIOR WILLS 33 GUYS AND DOLLS 2 TheWestword June 2017 2016-2017 Staff Note from the Editors Editor-in-Chief Limelight Editors Dear Readers, speech involving politics. cipal, Mr. Rinaldi, talking about Dong Zhi Guo Sasha Ostrovsky Following Viewpoint, our his new position and plans for the Print Executive Editor Express Editors As we approach the end of Las Noticias section looks into future. Additionally, read more Maddy Cohen Dani McNamara the school year we welcome you an evaluation of college edcation. about France’s newest president Online Executive Editor Sports Editors to the seventh, and ¿nal, print Within Supplement, we had Wes- elect, Macron, and an overview Josh Eimbinder Tamar Bellete, Joseph DiSalvo, edition of The Westword for the thill seniors send in their senior of the Pleasantville Musical Fes- Managing Editors Ryan Hart, Caroline Ross 2016/17 school year! This senior wills as a ¿nal goodbye to high- tival. Caroline Boccuzzi, Copy Manager issue is the result of the staff’s school. We encourage any readers Maeve Ronan, Sahithi Kollipara dedication and hardwork. We On the Feature pages, we with comments, questions, or Nicholas Zarrilli Copy Editors hope you enjoy the last issue of highlight seniors who are taking concerns to contact us by either Ombudsman Christian Perez, Meghan Prabhu, the year! a nontraditional post-highschool dropping a letter into Dong Zhi Noah Klein Rishabh Sahu, Jessica Wallen, To start off, the Editorial this career path. Guo’s mailbox in room 224 or Photo Manager Tejas Juware issue is an Editor-in-Chief yearly re- In Scatterbrain, we go over emailing us at westwordwhs@ Emily Savitt Pollsters Àection as Dong Zhi Guo says a bit- some college dorm packing es- gmail.com. Media Manager Zainab Jafri, Lauren Lazo, tersweet farewell to the Westword. sentials for all graduating seniors. Ryan Murace Alyssa Goldberg In News, you can read about In Sports, we celebrated Wes- Sincerely, Business Managers Reporters the STEM fest at Mill River thill’s best athletes, in the West- Dong Zhi Guo, Maddy Cohen, Nick Smeriglio, Charlie Teeters Alexia Boccuzzi, Park. Additionaly, in Viewpoint, awards. & Josh Eimbinder Social Media Managers Bridgette Calderon, readers can learn more about the On Online, watch a video in- Editor-in-Chief, Print Executive Erica Abela, Paige Savitt Molly Cannon, Alyssa Gold- controversial extension of free terview of the new Westhill prin- Editor, & Online Executive Editor Distribution Mangers berg, Nabilla Harahap, Matt Masi, Marc DeLuca Charlotte Kriftcher, Micayla Head Illustrator Roth, Zach Rubin, Editorial Policy James Hicks Nathan Salm, The Westword will be guided in the publica- Creative Directors Marley Sklover, Andrea Vega, tion of material by a concern for truth, human Sakshi Patel, Patrik Sokowloski Max Zussman, Hannah Nekritz, decency, and human benefit. It is published News Editors Guilmar Valle What’s inside during the school year by the late night staff, Melanie Gorski, Mercedes Sabel Illustrators along with the Journalism and Communica- Viewpoint Editors Tamar Frydman, Frantz Ga- tions classes. Letters to the Editor, advertising Sarah Goldberg, briel, Editorial The Editor-in-Chief’s end of requests, comments, criticism, or suggestions Addison Magrath, Alexis Marchetti, 3 WKH\HDUUHÁHFWLRQ are always welcome. The views expressed in Bailee Esposito Jonathan Russo, Zac Kitay Viewpoint and the Op-Ed page do not neces- Las Noticias Editors Videographer News STEM fest at Mill River Park sarily represent the opinions of The Westword. Yaciana Taveras, Kiley Watson 4 Michael Hernandez Photographers The Editorial Board consists of Special Editors Sabrina Boyd, Valeria Carias, Viewpoint The extension of using Dong Zhi Guo, Maddy Cohen, Josh Ei- Catherine Gaia, Daniel Greco, Sara Gatz, Katie Hollenberg, 8 freedom of speech mbinder, Noah Klein, Caroline Boccuzzi, Rachel Plotzky Sydnie Lesser, Maeve Ronan, Nicholas Zarrilli, Michael Feature Editors Devon Ostheimer Las Noticias Acceso a la educación Hernandez, Liz Yamron, Janet Manina, Jen- Amelia Daube, Arushi Mathur Photo Editors 12 universitaria ny Gorski, Melanie Gorski, Sarah Goldberg, Supplement Editors Rebecca Alper, Ewa Misiak Mr. von Wahlde, and Mr. Wooley. The Edito- Jenny Gorski, Janet Manina, Co-Advisers Special Report Comparing college rial can be found on page 3. Dan Skigen, Liz Yamron Mr. von Wahlde, 29 education systems around the world Scatterbrain Editors Mr. Wooley Announcements Yael Roll, Las Noticias Adviser Supplement Westhill seniors leave We very excited to announce our new Alexandra Watkinson Ms. Mendez 13 WKHLUZLOOVIRUWKHLUÀQDOIDUHZHOO management for next year: Editor-in-Chief, Noah Klein, Print Executive Editor, Addison Feature A focus on unique career plans for Magrath, and Online Executive Editor, Josh 31 Westhill seniors Eimbinder. The Westword Corrections Westhill High School Limelight A review of the Northstar spring For Athlete of the Month, we spelled Rishabh 33 musical Guys and Dolls Tandon’s name as ‘Rishab’ instead of 125 Roxbury Road Rishabh. Additionally, in News, we mistak- Scatterbrain Briefs on the key college Stamford, CT 06902 enly said Nova Nahiyan is is a junior, but 34 packing essentials she actually is a senior. (203) 977 - 4894 [email protected] Express Senior art showcase 35 If you have an announcement or thewestwordonline.com an advertisement you would like Visit ourschoolnewspaper.com/westword Sports The West-awards: Celebrating published in the next issue, to view our print archives. 37 Westhill’s best athletes please e-mail us at [email protected]. Front cover photo by Ryan Murace / Media Manager. Back cover photos by Devon Ostheimer / Photographer. EDITORIAL 3 (GLWRULQ&KLHIVD\VKHUÀQDOIDUHZHOOWR:HVWKLOO :KHQ,¿UVWZDONHGWKURXJK )RXU \HDUV DJR D SXEOLFD- QRWDEO\RXULQLWLDWLYH³3XUSOH WKLV\HDUEURXJKWPDQ\FKDQJHV PHPEHUV DQG IRU WKDW ZH DUH WKHGRRURIDVDIUHVKPDQ, WLRQ RI QHDUO\ D KXQGUHG PHP- *ROG 'D\´ VSHDUKHDGHG E\ WKH DQG \RXU DELOLW\ WR VWD\ RQ WRS PRUHWKDQJUDWHIXO QHYHU ZRXOG KDYH IDWKRPHG WKH EHUVVHHPHGLPSRVVLEO\ODUJHWR (GLWRULDO %RDUG VWHPPHG IURP RIWKHGLJLWDODJHDOZD\VDPD]HV $V , FRQFOXGH WKLV QHYHU FRXQWOHVVKRXUV,ZRXOGHYHQWXDO- PH DQG DV FOLFKH DV LW VRXQGV DQ(GLWRULDOFRYHUDJHH[DPLQLQJ PH , DP PRUH WKDQ H[FLWHG WR HQGLQJOLVWRIWKDQN\RXV DQGP\ O\VSHQGVLWWLQJLQWKLVYHU\URRP , QHYHU ZRXOG KDYH LPDJLQHG , KRZVWXGHQWFDOORXUWZRFDIHWH- VHHZKDWIHDWV\RXZLOODFFRP- WHUPDVHGLWRULQFKLHI ,ZRXOG IUHWWLQJ RYHU HYHU\WKLQJ IURP ZRXOGSRVVLEO\OHDGLQJDQRUJD- ULDV³EODFNFDI´DQG³ZKLWHFDI´ SOLVKQH[W\HDU OLNH WR FRQJUDWXODWH QH[W \HDU¶V ODWHDUWLFOHVWRUDQGRPO\GHOHWHG QL]DWLRQ ZLWK WKLV PDQ\ SHRSOH 7KURXJK ³3XUSOH *ROG 'D\´ 2XUPDQDJLQJHGLWRUV&DUR- (GLWRULQ&KLHI 1RDK .OHLQ SDJHVDQGGLVFRQQHFWHGZL¿<HW <HWWKLVLQFUHGLEO\GHWDLOHGDQG ZH HQFRXUDJHG VWXGHQWV WR VLW OLQH %RFFX]]L 0DHYH 5RQDQ 3ULQW ([HFXWLYH (GLWRU$GGLVRQ DV,VLWGRZQDQGDWWHPSWWRHQ- LQWULFDWH QHWZRUN WKDW LV The LQ GLIIHUHQW FDIHWHULDV DQG UH- DQG1LFKRODV=DUULOOLKDYHWUXO\ 0DJUDWK DQG 2QOLQH ([HFXWLYH FRPSDVV P\ H[SHULHQFH DW The Westword VWDII ZKR FUHDWH WKH EUDQGHGWKHFDIHWHULDV3XUSOHDQG H[HPSOL¿HG WKH GH¿QLWLRQ RI (GLWRU -RVK (LPELQGHU , DP Westword,DPDWORVVIRUZRUGV PRQWKO\SDJHSDSHUDQGRQ- *ROG,Q$SULOWKH)LQFKFDIHWH- KDUGZRUNLQJ<RXDOO PDNH WKH PRUHWKDQFRQ¿GHQWWKDWQRWRQO\ QRWWKHZHVWNLQG OLQHZHEVLWH\RXVHHWRGD\PDNH ULDKDVEHHQRI¿FLDOO\EHHQSDLQW- MREVHHPHDV\ZKHQZHDOONQRZ ZLOO \RX FRQWLQXH WKH OHJDF\ RI ,W LV KDUG WR DUWLFXODWH KRZ LWHDVLHUWKDQHYHUWRKHDG,DP HGSXUSOHDQGWKH5D\QRUFDIHWH- KRZPXFKWLPHDQGGHGLFDWLRQLW The Westword EXW PDNH LW WKH LPSDFWIXOThe WestwordDQGWKH DOZD\V LQVSLUHG E\ WKH WDOHQW ULD\HOORZ$V(GLWRULQ&KLHI, WUXO\WDNHV EHVWWKDWLWFDQEH SHRSOHLQYROYHGLQLWIURPWKHLO- DQG HQWKXVLDVP IURP WKH PDQ\ DPH[WUHPHO\SURXGRIThe West- $OVRWRRXUDGYLVHUV0UYRQ The WestwordKDVEHHQDQ OXVWUDWRUV WR WKH VHFWLRQ HGLWRUV PHPEHUVRI:HVWZRUGDQGWKHLU word (GLWRULDO %RDUG DQG ZKDW :DKOGH DQG 0U :RROH\ WKDQN LQWHJUDO SDUW RI P\ KLJK VFKRRO KDYH EHHQ RQ P\ KLJK VFKRRO SHUVHYHUDQFH WKURXJK WKH PDQ\ WKH\ZHUHDEOHWRDFKLHYH \RX EHLQJ WKH QHFHVVDU\ JXLG- H[SHULHQFHDQGDV,FORVHDGLV- FDUHHU DQG P\ LQGLYLGXDO FKDU- FKDOOHQJHV ZH IDFH WKURXJKRXW 7KURXJK DOO VHYHQ LVVXHV LQJYRLFHVWKDWHQVXUHZHGRWKH WLQFWLYHFKDSWHULQP\OLIH,DP DFWHU:KHQP\IDPLO\¿UVWLP- WKH\HDU1HHGOHVVWRVD\LWLVWKH VSDQQLQJ WKH VFKRRO \HDU LW EHVWZHFDQDQGGHDOLQJZLWKRXU ¿OOHGZLWKHPRWLRQVRIHDJHUQHVV PLJUDWHGWRWKH86ZKHQ,ZDV VWDIIWKDWPDNHVThe WestwordDQ ZRXOG QRW KDYH EHHQ ZKROH FKURQLFDOO\ ODWH HGLWRULDOV HYHU\ DQGRSWLPLVPIRUWKHZKDWWKHIX- ¿YH\HDUVROGLWZDVLQVHDUFKRI DZDUGZLQQLQJ QHZVSDSHU WKDW ZLWKRXW0DGG\&RKHQWKH3ULQW LVVXH$V DGYLVHUV LW LV RIWHQ D WXUHKROGVIRU:HVWZRUG DFRPPXQLW\WKDWSXWVDSULRULW\ QHYHUIDLOVWRPDNHDQLPSDFWRQ ([HFXWLYH(GLWRU7KDQN\RXIRU WKDQNOHVV MRE EXW ZH FRXOG QRW ,W KDV EHHQ DQ KRQRU DQG LQ WKH ZHOOEHLQJ RI WKH SXEOLF RXUFRPPXQLW\ \RXUZLOOLQJQHVVWRILOOLQRQP\ KDYH EHHQ PRUH OXFN\ WKDQ WR SULYLOHJHWRVHUYHDV\RXUHGLWRU DQGLQPDQ\ZD\VThe Westword 7KLV\HDUDPRQJRWKHUVKDV VKRUWFRPLQJVDQGDOZD\VNHHS- KDYH\RXERWKDVRXUPHQWRUV LQFKLHI DQG , FRXOG QRW KDYH HSLWRPL]HV WKDW YHU\ LGHD :LWK EHHQDPHPRUDEOHRQHQRWRQO\ LQJ WKH ³VWUHVVZRUG RXW RI WKH $ERYH DOO , ZRXOG OLNH WR DVNHGIRUDEHWWHUZD\WRVSHQG WKH
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