Vol. 23, No. 48 Serving Marine Forces Pacific, MCB Hawaii, III Marine Expeditionary Forces, Hawaii and 1st Radio Battalion December 14, 1995 Base CFC donations increase 23 percent ing the greatest jump in potential donations Sgt. Jesse Faleris with a 23 percent increase over last year, Staff writer , according to LtCol. D'arcy E. thither H, one Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron-463 of the campaign executive officers and the led the way in the 1995 Combined Federal Operations Officer for MCB Campaign by raising $7,752 of the total Members of the armed forces and federal $249,000 donated by Marine Corps units employees of Hawaii raised over $4 million here. for numerous charities; 34% of last year's Why is Jonathan Quesata 'We were successful because the Marines funds went to local charities in Hawaii, climbing through tires? See B-1 in the squadron understood how impor- according to the assistant director of CFC, for story. tant their donations were," said LtCol. Karen Spina. .. .. Peter B. 'Ibdsen II, commanding officer of "All of the money is designated, so we Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron-463. don't decide who the money goes to." added All-hands Christmas "The nice thing is they can give to the Spina. Celebration charity of their choice, and the allotments The CFC was established in 1961 by make it easy to do so." President John Kennedy to enable federal During an award ceremony Friday, employees to donate to various charitable Area chaplains will host an All- Marine Corps units were distinguished as campaigns while streamlining administra- Hands Active Duty Christmas `The most improved large agency" for hav- tive costs. Celebration at the MCB Hawaii Chapel Dec. 15. Scheduled to begin at 1 p.m., services will include car- NAGPRA decision oling, readings, the MarForPac Band Brass Quintet, and gifts. For more information, call Seaman to be made soon King at 257-5919. officials are working toward a prompt con- CPAO _ , clusion to the repatriation process so that anne ores the remains may be transferred to the most 'Exchange holiday Efforts to repatriate more than 3,200 appropriate Native Hawaiian claimant. human remains representing approxi- The Native American Graves Protection ,hours mately 1,500 individuals as well as 251 and Repatriation Act was passed by funery objects removed from the Mokapu Congress and signed into law by President The Marine Corps Exchange holi- Peninsula over the past 75 years and cur- Bush Nov. 16, 1990, to protect Native day hours of operation are: rently curated at the Bishop Museum have American (Native American Indian and Dec. 1-23, Monday-Saturday, 9 taken a progressive step forward as the Native Hawaiian) burial sites and repatri- a.m. to 9 p.m.; Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 Cpl. Valerie Griffin commanding general of Marine Corps Base ate those remains and objects in the pos- p.m. Special shopping nights Hawaii has decided to select an appropri- session of Federal agencies or museums include Ladies Night, Dec. 14, from Remembering those killed Dec. 7 Eiki Ikeda, Osaka, Japan, performs ceremony at the monu- ate recipient from among the claimants to which receive Federal funding. 6 to 9 p.m., and Men's Night, Dec. Archbishop a buddhist ment to Japanese pilot Lt. Fusata lido. See story C-8. the remains and objects. Step one of the two-step NAGPRA process 19, from 6 to 9 p.m. BGen. David F. Bice and Marine Corps See A-9 Dec. 24, from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. NAGPRA, For more information, call the exchange at 254-7614/7616. Electrical fire turns out lights on base Santa e Ivery service on base could not be properly extinguished began utilizing the foam. according to Flores. Sgt. Andrew Lynch without the use of a foam agent, one of Moments later the fire was extin- The cause of the fire is still under Staff writer the tools in the FFD's fire-fighting guished and the four members of the investigation; however, officials do The First Class Petty Officer's Black smoke seen by residents of inventory. FFD were on their way home with the not suspect foul play. Association will be hosting the sec- Kailua recently brought both city, coun- "The foam agent acts as a blanket satisfaction of helping their civilian ond annual Santa Delivery Service. ty and federal fire departments togeth- which smothers the flames by taking counterparts. Anyone living on MCB Hawaii can er to battle an electrical fire. away the oxygen. Water will only cool "We (FFDs throughout the island) bring a wrapped present to the Dec. 7, from 9:07 to 9:55 a.m., the the area," said Robert Flores, FFD, have a Mutual Aid Agreement with the Clinic Lab before Dec. 15 and it will MCB Hawaii, Federal Fire MCB Hawaii, firefighter in charge at city and county fire departments to give be delivered by Santa Claus to their Department, responded to a call to the scene. aid to those units requiring assistance," child or loved one Dec. 16 or 17. assist Kailua's Station #18 and Within minutes of the call, a fire truck Flores said. Sign-up times will be assigned Kaneohe's Station #17 during a trans- from FFD Station #8 here arrived on The unit here is also temporarily when the present is turned into the former substation fire at Mokapu Drive the scene. assigned to cover the Aikahi area until lab. For more information, call and Iliwahi Loop, according to FFD offi- After making liaison with the two city construction of the Aikahi fire station is Petty Officer 1 st Class Geoff cial documents. and county units, Flores, along with fel- complete. Ferguson at 257-1144. The fire, which temporarily knocked low firefighters Paul Schrader, George With such a quick response time, only Sgt Andrew Lynch out power in the local area, could be Pedaken and Jason Montgomery, one of the three transformers at the Burned transformer at Mokapu Drive and . - , ecyc ng cen r contained by the other stations, but it immediately assessed the situation and substation was destroyed in the fire, Iliwahi Loop. moved The Rainbow Recycling Center has Enlisted monitors advise Marines about future moved. All recyclable material now needs to be dropped off at building more well-rounded, he added. ed," he said shaking his head. 'We only have the numbers to re-enlist 132, inside the fenced-in area across CpI. Valerie Griffin Another facet of the visit was the Marines should attend the MMEA a little over four thousand first-term the street from the previous drop-off Staff writer briefing and counseling sessions to help briefings and contact their career coun- Marines each year," Daubenspeck said, center. All cardboard must be placed A team of monitors from the Enlisted today's Marines keep up with the selors 18 to 20 months prior to entering stressing the importance of attending inside the trailer. For more informa- Assignment Branch (MMEA), times. the eligibility zone, according to Powell. and staying up-to-date on career mat- tion, contact the recycling coordina- Headquarters Marine Corps, conducted "A lot of Marines are still going by Toll-free numbers are listed in ALMAR ters. "We have an end-of-active service tor, Environmental Department at briefs here Monday and Tuesday pro- what they knew ten years ago," MSgt. 2-92/95, for Marines world-wide. From population of 20,000. So, only about 257-6920, ext. 248. viding Marines with necessary informa- D. J. Powell, chief enlisted career coun- Hawaii, he said, Marines may call 1- one-fifth of all Marines eligible get to re- tion to become competitive for promo- selor, pointed out. "Everything is 800- 833 -2320. enlist, he said. tion and retention. changing. Right now, what the Marine For the first time, monitors accompa- Corps wants is the most competitive Inside nied career counselors on their Western and qualified Marines to stay Marines. Pacific trip, explained GySgt. Fred E. Promotions are not guaranteed," he Blotter/ A - 4 Daubenspeck, Operations Chief, added. Every clime and place A - 2 Enlisted Retention Section. Though all Briefing sessions were held for A - 3 Editorial/Commentary military occupational specialties Marines at all levels and contained rel- Movies B - 5 weren't represented at briefings around evant facts. Courts martial A - 4 base, each major section was, he said. "It gave me all the information I need Religion B - 4 "The monitor is the duty expert on if I want to go for first sergeant," said Sports briefs 8 - 4 where, as far as career progression, a SSgt. Kenneth J. Ochoa, Base Marine needs to be," Daubenspeck Ordnance, a career Marine. "I was You can ask the Commanding added. looking at my master brief sheet to see General questions via: E-mail One-on-one meetings, on the last stop if there's anything I can do to enhance or internet. of the WestPac trip, allowed Hawaii my ability to get promoted," he E-Mail: Marines to discuss assignments. "Just explained. because a Marine wants to go some- Powell expressed the need for Marines BICE @CG@MCBH KBAY where," Daubenspeck explained, "does- to be pro-active in career-related mat- Internet: CpI Valerie Griffin n't mean that's the right assignment." ters. "Too many times we hear from R. 11, [email protected] Sgt Kenneth Williamson Marine Aviation Logistics Support Element, 1st Marine The monitor can explain what is best Marines after the board has let out, Air Wing, Aviation Support Element takes advice from GySgt Rob R.
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