![Eaderi /Ater ] Tiraq ;](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
T : Wvvw.magicicvalley.com "-MMTHWEiT' n tel-Z R Q ‘ E L L . ^ T h a -: l ; Tw in Falls,i, Ildaho/99th vear,■, INo. 266., \ . ■. VVedncsisday, Scpccmbct ^ cents G O O D . M O f Suspect'in';/ i . % W K /V 1 'H K R eaderi■ s u n \ /ater p] l a n * ' ' Today:<!l- A b l o n d : a c la te d P r e s s . ' [“ murder < 'jV . ' of.suhsi n s h m e a n d • — r --------- ■ c lo u dds'HighCfi. s '. UOISI:-: - State leaders have N o l i ; P han involvt/es give aim d t a k e M o w 43. unveiledI a plan to avert a legal .. by JuIIe P e n c e case Iks Page A2 U)»()»( could dry up farm- k I "highrlifr Uielastrc:t re s o rt," N o h sa id , h in d a n dI ccosuhe state's econo* TlTImefrNews wrifar ’ • ■ j pumpers’" Commfimlttee members and , ' .m y u p . t o) S S9bO : million a year. j'w aier riglits ' water ususers have discussed ■ • 'H ie s ia tu e h a s b e e n e in b ro lle d ‘ ' K IM B E R L Y ^ S e n . L a ird I j or ; water. creatinglg a legal structure 'so Prosecutors haAiave /. in. a stru^•uggle -ijetween water ' BB-Kimberly. co-chairm ann o< f u n j {iabove Hell's Uiat jiinlcmlor groundwater users , Effort for unity; . BlBusiness u.sers whoho dniw from springs . ifinterim- com m ittee to s o lv e . C a n y o n ,. can agrei^ee among themselves the option to districts proposee ‘ alohK diele :Snake River Canyon •*>'south-central Idaho’s uW a te r whicli \vill on whatiat form of curtailm ent w o e s, s a y s U ie re w ill h a v e 1 stay in the would tal .. consolidatiori, rev h-ceniral Idaho and " e t o b e • s take place if die targets refile the charg(rges , • e v ^ ^ p i n g 'ho pump-water from “a lot of give and take froio m a ll rriver in order . for waterter saving are not m et. It of dues assessmer water users lo achieve a tot meet tlie would alsoali incTude provisions i i n d . ’ll i e w a t e r s u p p ly . ' " By Rebecca Meany P a g e D 4 lought .limiiless is far winsltuaUon. ' . ' , I I;biological rorlcltlniting senior users out of Times-News writer •. from thai.-ll.- , NeverUieless, Uie state’s!’silrsi-' : C-. ... copinion for agreemeinents so they could policy S«i.ljilnlNoli g I llevcaletlled Monday ai a meet- “In-tlme, firsi-in-right pi salmon re- . make aa calli on junior users' still sets the tone ror all ne; I- '• ccovery. Noh water if p JEROME - A jud^e hash a s d is ­ F c x ) D & HHO.M K insofihelle I-egislaiure’s Joint Fi* • ^ if push com cs to shove, ations. If ultim ately die vai /ater would be • IfUieci missed the case agdnstit a ’ m a n — 1 _-rrgi nancc-Ap|kppropriations Com- ‘ e c o m p lic a te d d e a l a c tu - ‘ waier-user groups caiX ui .said. Stonige watirauorrteclama- ally com' charged in connecdon widw ith Uie m ittee inII IdaiioI I'iills. die pro* . - 3mes to pa.ss, it could ' agree on how to reduceran'noi sent lo Uie Bureau m urder of a Jerome Count)i n t y r e s - p o s a l hlias a : been . discussed j tli e n m a k e U ia t \v in d uip p b b e in g a m o d e l to w o r k ! am ount of w ater diat’s corce die tion. which will tin id e n t, a n d th e s u s p e c t hi ^ ^ b I e e n V a m o n g vvarious waier-user ^ for such Uiings out le,the problems in all the ' oiit of die Hastern Snakeo nI iih g w a t e r a v a ila b le lidgailnglossesfoj oUieraqu released from ■ ■ - group.s nfof the' liastern Snake p iquifers in Uiu state, Noh | Plain Aquifer, dien Uie ow,* Iliver as reciiarging. mid P lalin in A q u ife r fo r m o n d is . „ and conversion said.' ja u . r s H of senior w ater rlgliis will)iv I n e rs o f se n io r u se rs, [iringan< to surface "U wou But bccause ZM "I U iinlk k every waier user in ;o u ld b e in d ie s e n s e U iat •priority, Noh said. - 11 Iiave prbjecLs from spriilurse, dierc al- it provide there’s a gag k th e S n a k e 1'B iv er s y s ie m w ill b e n - ides hcnv conflicdng par- ' ' ' Some of. the proposal* use. And of coura willing buyer, tics will I order in place. ■ ||j^ ^ ent." .saidid Sen. luiird Noh. B- ill be able to work out ' water u.sers to mull Incills. for ways lias lo be ;ra in\ U ie t’ar io u s th e ir d iff prosecutors H H kM K im b e rlyy. , c o -c h a ir m a n o f d ie fa liifTerences and reduce I farm propnim s to dry upiclude 1 an^ willing .seller• ii e c o n o m ic and law en- i i x p a n d ejd d -Naluml Besources mic injury to the state < engineering projects toiland, s deals, lie added.ious measures and inditidt\iduiil junior water Irorcement of- r • Pleaje a s e se e WATER. Page A2 : more" water, and acqulsiticI store . "If the.se varioi1 curtaDrnent is n^it holdlOlders." h e s a id . 1ficials. say B gjilH tioivor don’t'work. Uien ci ' ---------Ithey're not at j|H ||j|| liberty to dis- Gardens and more cuss the cir- gardens: This c6ui cum stanccs kivanyVsa ™ p i e B u V szqtin • spends sootlungc'g e v e n i n g s ish urg( iupporttiraq ;around the am id thc trees andm d flowers. •Id to SI d is m is s a l. elated Press ___________ lovany . Vazquez. 20.2 b . o f Page C l I!!ii25££!! Jerome.' faced two fefelony • ' uNrn-i)•ri NATIONS - Presi- chtuges: m urder in the firs t d e-. dent Bush;ih;'defending liis deci-, gree and bursary. S p o r t s sion (o invaivade Iraq, urgecl a vast • ' ’ ' - B ^ Francisco Gonzalez; FcF e r re r. Unstpppable: Burl(j r l e v ’s a s s e m b lyrof ol world leaaers'iUes- ' ^ 5 2 . w a s f o u n d d e a d , in hJ iis is h o m e ' ^ . d a y to s tatand i united widi the I H at 27 S. lOOW .onJulyS. Eduardo Ariguiancmoscored coinlry’sli struggling govern-. 7 The case w as dism issede d w\ i th - four goals to lead t dthe .'inent andd said die proper re- I oitt prejudice,, howeveriver. s o Bobcats to a roadid Iboys sponse to> .SJ.spreading violence "Is S prosecutors can refUel i e th e soccer nonconfereerencewin noitoretre:tre a t, k i i P charges. The stam te off limlir ita - • ovierTWin Falls om-niesday. n ' I' ,i“ P' tions for the burglary chc h a rg e G r o u p M e x p ire s in fiv e y e a r s , w iiileile dt ie r e P a g e D l oun- claims Ifl .JH is no statute of limitation:i o n s fo r , • tr y ’s ' p rrime in another H first-degree murder. p i n i o n m i n i ,s t■-■beheading, e ■ -A tw o - d a y p r e li m in a r y y hli e a r - O Ayad AJla\ ing had been schedulecu le d to Preserve the trails:ills; Forest “frc-rcd i S e e p a g e ■ b ^ T U e s d a y . b u t U ie c: a a s s e e w a s dismissed M onday shordyird y b e ­ Service tan fairlyy pp n ^ s e r v e •• A3 ■ fore 5 p.m.. acco r^ g tolo c o u r t m otorized access5Sto t . .'iiiter Busl . d o c u m e n ts . prisdiie public laina n d s , s p e e d i to> ll) Qiu G eneral Assembly The teason for the dismis m is s a l today’s editorial sa;s a y s ' • nited Nations, saying. - ’ was not m endoned in thed ie d o c - ' w inning, w e a re m a k in g u m e n ts . ■ P a g e A S in' Iraq, we arc defeat-' Vazquez'ivas releasedj d 1f r o m ' ' . ■ ing terroris>rist.s." e v e n a s in s u r- ■ th e J e ro m e C o u n ty Iai! Mv io o r n d a y .' ■ 7 • I } g e n ts c la imimed they liad killed a ■ said Sheriff Jim Weaver.
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