elcome Spring in style with new and exciting Girl Scout items. Bold, colDiful T-shirts (and shorts, tool) and more. Just taJ..e a look.' Shop your local Girl Scout Department, council shop, or order direct!\' from National Equipmelll Service. Selected items also available in the Girl Scout deparrmeiiT of participating JC Penney retail stores. J. Jl '\lOR GIRL .,<.Ol I "fOl R !.1:..-\~0'"" T·'>HlR r. \lu .,, Girl · ..t Book G. C \OETTl.i'>l:\IOK "Fours~'"' n," xreen­ A. ADI..LT GIRL SCOt..I C. OAl'>\ GrRLSCOL'T E. BROW"-I£ GIRL ISO' )J 00. "CARE fORTH£ " l \RTH \I\TTER.S'' SCOt..I "~1\ BJ.:.ST GIRL COL I " l \RTH pnnt on rrom, and ~null Girl :>..out Dehne Shoul<kr £.\ RTH"' OVERSlllO T-SHIRT. <her;ized ~ith fRIEXOS" 0\ lRSlZEO ~l.\TTt.K'>~ 0\ . R.,I7FO -creen-pnm 01 ooe Ouftle 1~-C :<.1'1-< T .SHIRT. ~1ulu-color colortul JUngle am mal T-SHIRT. Wnh ~1'11· T-SHJRT. \lulu-culor 'ca,on on bacl•. 50 "Care for the Eanh" \.:~en-prsnt de~sgn on teal. ro}oil and gold color ''E<Inh \1attcr-." <c~cn· pol~ .-so c:ott• •n 0!1t ,m: G1rl S.-out E,tr,..Large Camp ~reen-pnnt on dramauc lront. 50 poly/50 cotton. 'M} Be)t Friend~" pnnt 50 pol)/50 cotton fih Junior Gsrl s~ Uh Dufne I '\45 '22 ~~~ black background. 50 One me fits Dassy Girl screen-print on tront. 50 One ~ue ht\ Cadette 0801. $14.75. Brov.me Grrl &out B<x'l.. poly/ 50 cotton. One Scouts 0860.$10.75. poly/50 couon. One size Senior and Adult Gtrl Pack 1~n st.. -s Scouts. 0890. ~15.50. K . .\Ol'LT GIRL SCOL'T siz:e fits Cadette. Senior fit> Bro~nse Gsrl Scout). Girl s~nul BII..C 'n Hoke 0832. $13.75. o-.ERSLZEO "EARTH 7 and Adult Gsrl Scouts D. 8RO\\Nl E GIRL ~'••" 1~1 Sl\ -~ 0894.$17.00. SCOLT !>PORTS CA P. H. AOll T GIRl. !.COli '\I\TTERS'' H OR\1 Ba,cball \I} le "Brownie F. GIRL COl T SHORTS. HfKI:"'G SHOR 1'>. In I-SHIRT. Muhi-color B. DAiSY GIRL SCOUT Girl S.:out" 'creen-print In longer length. w nh longer length. wnh cult-, lloral "Eanh :\latter-. SPORTS CAP. Ba,eball de,sgn Med1um blue cufls. and eiJ)ticszed clasllclzed "•ll'thand 'creen-pnm on front "''h style. "Dai~> .. puftcd wuon tw11l. One size ~•mt. One bad. patch and side 'earn poe l.~t' larger print on bad. 50 ( M/ Hhm• and •h<>rl! "'.. \Creen-print design adJU\table 0856. $7.25. pocket "Girl Scout~" 50 poly/ :'10 cutton. Gsrl poly/50 cotton One '";: maduM >~a<hldn Sco\lt .,.;r~en-pnnt ln11o hh CadeHe. S.:nmr and Hot psnk cotton twill. ~creen·print on lower left p,, n '"bJ~ 11 chan~· One s1z:e adjustable pant. 50 poly/ 50 cotton. on left punt Roy.11 hlu~ Adult G1rl Scout\ HlfhO,I/1 fl4t 0859.$7.25. Medium blue Sized for 5(6-g), \-1( 10 1:!). UK93. $18.00. Brownie and Junior Girl L( 14-16) 0884.$16.25. Scouts. 5(7-8). Ml 10-121. XL( IR·20J 0884.$17.00. U14-16) OIH3. 12.25. Spring 1993 FEATURES 24 Interpreting the Promise and law 12 From Research to Print Virginia B. Ricard, Ph.D., ~ Sylvia Barsion, Ph.D., First Vice President, GIRL SCOUTS director. Research Girl Scout of the U.S.A. Pre:.idenr B. LaRat> Omllian 13 For Daisy and Brownie Girl 26 Religious Recognitions National Executive Director Scout Leaders in Girl Scouting Mary Ros~ Main Karen Unger Sparks. senior Sonja D. Lewis, national Editor program specialist. relations consultant. Carolyn Caggine Program Group National / ln ternational Graphics and Design Director Relations Susan Cuttler 14 Encouraging Girl Planning Permissions Editor 27 American Indian Scouting and Decision-making Association Seminar Colleen Floyd Candace Ciraco, manager, Rita Niemeyer, memberhip Editorial Assistant Program Development ;\larit> Ka!) development consultant, ~lembership Group Circulation 15 A Daisy / Brownie Resource Jean Newton <.irahan1 Sampler (centerfold) 28 A New Home for National Martha ]o Dennison, Headquarters Girl S<.·out Leader (ISSN OOii-0577) is publishPd senior program specialist, quarterly b~ Girl Scout~ or th< li.SA. 420 Fifth :\wnth. No<w York.~ Y. l!JUib-:!702. 1993 b) Program Group 30 Speaking Out for a Cleaner Girl ~out~ of the 1.! nit...d Stah:s of America. All Environment rit:ht- rt:>erVed. Thi' publkation may not 1x> re- produn·d. 'torf'd in a r~trit"al sy.tt'ITI, or tran~· 19 Beyond the Handbook Patricia Stoddard, min rei in wholt' or in pa11, in any form. or by any judith Brucia, program contributing editor 111t'lli1R, electronil'. nw~hanical. photocopyi.ug. specialist, Program Group r~:cord ing, or otherwi•e. without the prior writ· Our Chalet-Still Grov.ring kn p.-nnission ot Girl S((out< of tht' lnitcd 31 Stat<'< of America. Girl ~tlut Leadf'r cannot b.- 20 How Brownies Came to Be at 60 re-pon,ible for Un"'iidtt!d manu:.cripts. photo<. Brownie Girl Scouts Margarita Gonzalez, or art in its offict'S or in traMil. Third-class post· Mary Degenhardt. archivist, international relations age p~id at Xew York City and additional mailing ofnt't''· National Historic consultant. National/ International Relations Subst'riptions $5 yf'arl} (4 i<<ue,); $7.50 for all Preservation Center dt•,tanahons outsidt! L . ~.A and possessions: $2 5<-nwr Girl Scouts. Chnnl{e oi addreg;<; Write 21 Diver ity-An Issue Girl Scout Leader. ~:!U Hfth .-\\cnut', :\ew York. DEPARfMENTS :\ \'. 10018-2702. lndud.- old and new ad~s~. for Leaders L :a'""" a~ council, troot>. and identification num· Karen White, director. bt-r where applicabll'. Allo" eight wef'ks fo r Membership Development 4 President's Message ,·hang~ . \'ol. 70. :\o. 1. ~pl'in~t 1993. 6 Girl Scout Program Questions 22 Leading the Youngest and Answers Cover lllt' picture :-.ay' it all! These colorful. Girl Scouts exdtinR program resoun:es for the Dai«y and Marianne flaw, public Dro\\ni,; Girl ~u t age ) .,\d~ \\ill be launched 7 From the Editor 1hi' -;pring across the nalion. J'o find out more, information consultant, b~ sur<' to read the rda t ~t.l article5 in !his lssut-. Communications Group 8 In the News President's Message nc oi the key-. to ..;uc­ \rL' haq• not devl'loped Ct. -.-.ful Girl Scouung the~e ne'' re-.oun:r.., merely for 0 lit>-. in making ~ure the sake of change. The ne\\ that wt• an• always cognizant of Oai y and Hrownie Girl Scout and re ... ponsive to the world books and leader< guide:-; are around u" A.-. rhe world the end product of careful re­ changt''· \\l lead the '' ay. ~earch. carried out with Lhe co­ \\1wn the CSA entered operation of girls and leader~ World War I in 1917. Girl nationwide. TIH:y told us what Scoub rallied to help their they \\.·anted and what they coumry: during the Great De­ lll'cded. :\~ their need~ were pre-.-.ion in the 1930-.. Girl idl'ntified. G~l SA n.• ponded. Scouts focused on the much­ They ofiert>clu~ guidance. needed relief effort; after World 'l11anks to that guidance. we Our resources War II. the :-potlight was on in­ derided what n:sources need('d ternational friend-.hip. to be changed and what wa~ must always In tocla~ 's world. Girl Scout­ -.till ba-:,ic ami vital to the Girl ing offer.., girls under... randing ~·out program. And. of cour... e. reflect tile in such important topic::. as :;ub­ we buill upon what came bt•• "tance abu:--e. racial ethnic un­ fore-the knowlL·dl{e and cx- pc rtbe of the man) people who compli-.htJ this with our new real world dt'r... tandin..,. and g~ndt-r equity. The tir. l ..,._ L·fforts of Girl contributed ro the pre..,enr re­ prowam ru.ources and we ~cout lt.•adcrs. supported by source~ and ti1L' t.•arlier edition~ hope £hat you '"ill feel the same we live in Girl Scout program resources. as well. way. roo. Time will decide the provide IL•ader:,:hip in the way \lost important I}. we alway~ \'alue oi thb material to the girl ... grow and change. For keep in mind th~ Girl Scout girls. After all. they are the final leader:- to provide girb with a Promise and la\\-the prinri judge-. oi our success and they truly t'ontcmporary program. pies that guicil' u.... \\'e look for always have been. our re:-;ources must always re­ new and innovativt' ways to Juliettt• Low knew this. flect till' rral world in which we make those principles meaning­ Years a~o -.he said. "The girls livt>. fu I to girls in a program will deltde whether the plan is \\ ith thi.., purpose in mind. uniquely geared to girls' nt'ecb good or not. and reject it if it GSlf~A has undertaken a major and interests. isn't. You can trust them to revio;;ion of the Daisy and Girl Scout leack•rs are rolC' know." Browmc Girl Scout re~ources. models for girb. they lead bu~y Girl-. ·nd ltaders. working with and productiv~ live' of thetr df(adJ~ GSl ~A. haw aso;;isrt:d in creat­ own. and the~ ~t'l' the need for -B. LaRae Orullian ing thl nL'\\' resources de­ helping girls to j.,rrow and blo~­ :-;cribcd fully in this issue of som in an all-girl environment. :'\ational President Lradrr.
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