
ADAPI'ED: ADJUSTED; widened; rowed; NINE : EIGHI' plus one. hipped; voided. NONPROC : PLAIN ; format ; procedure ADIC : PRIORITY; monadic. with PARAMETERS MOID; reference to ADJUSTED: FITI'ED; procedured; united. NONPROC; structured with FIEIDS; .ALPHA : a ; b ; c ; d ; e ; f ; g ; h ; row of NONPROC ; UNITED • i ; j ; k ; 1 ; m ; n ; o ; p ; q ; NONROW: NONSTOWED; structured with r; S; t; U; V; W; X; y; z. FIEIDS. ANY: KIND; suppressible KIND; NONSTOWED : TYPE ; UNITED. replicatable KIND; NarION: .ALPHA; NOTION .ALPHA. replicatable suppressible KIND. NUMBER : one ; 'IWO ; THREE ; FOUR ; BITS : structured with row of boolean FIVE ; SIX ; SEVEN ; EIGHI' ; NINE. field LENGTHETY letter aleph. PACK : pack ; package. BOX : IMOODSETY box. PARAMETER: MODE parameter. BYTES: structured with row of character PARAMETERS : PARAMETER ; field LENGTHETY letter aleph. PARAMETERS and PARAMETER.. CLAUSE: MOID clause. PARAMETY : with PARAMETERS ; EMPTY. CLOSED: closed; collateral; conditional. PHRASE: declaration; CLAUSE. COERCEND : MOID FORM. PLAIN: INTREAL; boolean; character. COMPLEX: structured with real field PRAM: procedure with IMODE parameter letter r letter e and real field and RMODE parameter MOID; letter i letter m. procedure with RMODE parameter MOID. DIGIT: digit FIGURE. PRIMITIVE : integral ; real ; boolean EIGHI' : SEVEN plus one. character; format. EMPTY : . PRIORITY: priority NUMBER. FEAT : finn ; weak ; soft. PROCEDURE: procedure PARAMETY MOID. FIEID : MODE field TAG. REAL: LONGSETY real. FIEIDS FIEID ; FIEIDS and FIEID. REFETY: reference to; EMPTY. FIGURE: zero; one; two; three; four; RFIEIDSETY: and FIEIDS; EMPTY. five; six; seven; eight; nine. RMODE: MODE. FITI'ED: dereferenced; deprocedured. RMOODSETY : RMOODSETY and MOOD EMPTY. FIVE : FOUR plus one. ROWS: row of; ROWS row of. FORESE: ADIC formula; cohesion; base. ROWSETY : ROWS ; EMPTY. FORM : confrontation ; FORESE. ROWWSETY : ROWSETY. FOUR : THREE plus one. SEPARATOR : LIST separator INTEGRAL : LONGSETY integral. go on symbol; completer sequencer. INTREAL : INTEGRAL ; REAL. SEVEN : SIX plus one. KIND: sign; zero; digit; point; SIX: FIVE plus one. exponent; complex; string; character. SCME: serial; unitary CLOSED LENGTH: letter 1 letter o letter n choice; THEI.SE. letter g. SORT : strong ; FEAT. LENGTHETY : LENGTH LENGTHETY ; EMPTY. SORTETY : SORI' ; EMPTY. IEITER: letter .ALPHA; letter aleph. STIRM: strong; finn. LFIEIDSETY : FIEIDS and ; EMPTY. STOWED : structured with FIEIDS LIST: list; sequence. row of MODE. IMODE : MODE. STRING: row of character; character. IMOOD : MOOD and. STRONGETY: strong; EMPTY. IMOODS : IMOOD ; IMOODS IMOOD. TAG : IEITER ; TAG IEITER TAG DIGIT. IMOODSETY : MOOD and IMOODSETY ; EMPI'"i. THELSE: then; else. nvroor: MOOD and. THREE : 'IWO plus one. LONGSETY: long LONGSETY; EMPTY. 'IWO: one plus one. LOSEl'Y : IMOODSETY. TTI'E : PLAIN ; format ; PROCEDURE ; LOWPER: lower; upper. reference to MODE. MABEL : MODE mode ; label. UNITED union of IMOODS MOOD mode. MODE MOOD UNITED. VICTAL VIRACT ; formal. MOID MODE void. VIRACT virtual ; actual. MOOD TTI'E STOWED. Th-i.J.i Repo/Lt ha-6 been. Jteviewed by Tec.hn,,lc.a.l Commi.t:tee 2 on. P1togJta.mmin.g Lan.gua.gu an.d app1toved 601t public.a.:li..on. by :the Gen.e/ta.l A.61.>embly 06 the In.teJtn.a.:li..on.al Fedelta.:li..on. 601t In.60ll.ma.:li..on. PMc.Ul.>in.g. Rep1todu.c.tion. 06 .the Repo/Lt, 601t an.y pWtpo1.>e, bu..t only 06 :the whole .teld .toge:theJt wUh the c.ove1t-le.t.te1t, ,i_l.) ex.plic.Uly peltmU.ted wUhou..t 601tmaU.ty. Repo/Lt 06 IFIP TC 2 .to :the Gen.e/ta.l A.61.>embly 06 IFIP in. :the mafteJt 06 :the AfgoltliWc. Language ALGOL 68 A.t.tac.hed w.iU be 6oun.d :the 6,i,M.t Re.po/Lt on. :the Algo/tUWc. LaY19u.age ALGOL68, 1.>ubmi.t:ted wUh a 1tec.ommen.da.:Uon. 601t public.a.:Uon. un.de1t IFIP au&p,leu by Tec.h­ n,,lc.al Commi.t:tee 2 hr. 1tupon.1.>e .to a Jtequu.t 6Mm Woll.lung GMup 2. 1 (ALGOL) • Thl6 Wolt/un.g G1toup ha!.> been. cli.Jtec..ted, by TC 2, 601t a n.u.mbeJt 06 yea/ti.> .towa.tui.6 c.on.c.eJtn. 601t the duign. 06 c.ommon. p1to9Jta.mmin.g htn.gu.agu. VUJt,i,n.g ;th,LI.) :ti.me, TC 2 ha!.> Jtealized .the magn,,i,.tu.de an.d di66,lc.u.Uy 06 ;th,LI.) .tal.>k.. In .the c.oU/tl.>e 06 pU/tl.>u.,ln.g Ul.i 1tUpon.1.>ibili:ti..u, WG 2. 1 c.omm,i,1.)1.>ion.ed an.d ha!.> gu.,i,ded .the wo1tk. 06 .the 6ouJt. w.ted au.tho/ti.> 06 :the a.t.tac.hed Re.po/Lt and ha1.> 1.>:ta,t.ed w du,LJte .to ac.k.n.owledge :the. c.on.1.>ide1table e66o1Lt devoted by :thue men. .to .thw .tal.>k.. Th-i.J.i RepolLt, howeveJt, mLJ.1.>.t be Jtegaltded a-6 c.on.1.>.tl:tu.:ti..n.g molte :than. 1.>imply :the wo1tk 06 6ou.Jt au.tho/ti.>. I.ti.> c.on.ten.t ha!.> been in6lu.enc.ed .thltoughou..t and .the 1tuu.l.tl.> Me, ,i,n .the main, a c.on.1.>equenc.e 06 fuc.LJ.1.>1.>ion.1.> wUhin .the Wo1tun.g G1toup. The Repo/Lt ,i_l.), .thM, 1.>ubmi.t:ted by TC 2 a.-6 1tep1tuen.Ung .the c.u.JtJten.:t. c.on.1.>oli­ da.ted ou..tc.ome 06 WG 2.1 ac.tivay. Th-i.J.i dou no.t imply :that any membeJt 06 :the Wo1tung GMup nec.u1.>a.Jtil.y a91teu wUh eve1ty a1.>pec..t 06 .the undelt.taung nail. gu.aJtan.teu :that aU 1televan.t a1.>pec..tl.> 06 .the pMblem have been c.on.1.>ide1ted. In.deed, 6eM ha1.> be.en ex.p1tu1.>ed, in. :the 601tm 06 a W..no/tliy Re.po/Lt 6Mm :the Woll.lung G1toup .to TC 2, :that :the cU.Jtec.tion .taken in :the a.t.tac.hed Re.po/Lt w.iU n.o.t lead .towa.tui.6 :the goal 06 p1tovidiY19 appltopua.te pMgJtamming .tool!.> oOJt :the 6u..tUJte. 1.t ha1.>, howeveJt, been deuded by .the WoJr.ung G1toup, .that .th-i.J.i wOJtk ha!.> Jte.ac.hed .the pMpeJt 1.>.tage 601t 1.>ubm,i_l.)1.>ion .to :the c.Jtu.&a.i .tu.ti.> 06 imple­ men.ta.:Uon. an.d 1.>u.b1.>equen.t Me by :the c.ompu.tlng c.ommu.n,,i,.ty. In ;th,LI.) op,i,n,,lon, TC 2 c.on.c.U/tl.>. The1te601te, .th-i.J.i Repo/Lt ,i_l.) 1.>u.bmi.t:ted 601t public.a.:Uon a1.> 1tep1te- 1.>eniln.g on.e 06 .the poMible appltoac.hu .to :the 1.>ubjec..t, Jta.theJt :than in the 1.>p,L/t,i,.t 06 a 6,lna.l an.1.>weJt. WG 2.1 will be cli.Jtec..ted .to keep c.on.Unu.ally u.ndeJt Jtev,i,ew ex.peJt,i,enc.e obruned al.> a c.on.1.>equ.en.c.e 06 ;th,LI.) public.a.:Uon., l.>O :that a may in.1.>.tau..te 1.>uc.h c.oMec.­ Uon.1.> an.d 1tev,i_l.),lon.1.> .to :the Repo/Lt a1.> bec.ome du,i,Jtable. To thl6 e.nd, TC 2 add!.> w endoMemen.t .to :the 1tequu.t 06 WG 2. 1 :that aU who W,t,6h .to c.on.,tJubu..te .to ;th,LI.) wo1tk 1.>hou.ld do 1.>o .th/tough .the u.tabfuhed med,i,u.m 06 :the ALGOL-Bu.Ue:un. In c.on.1.>on.anc.e wUh :thue dec.lalted a.hno, TC 2 1tequu.tl.> :that :the IFIP Gene.It.al A.61.>embly .take :thou ac.tion.1.> nec.eMMy and pMpelt .to -i..n.1.>u.Jte ex.pedai.oUI.> and w,i,dup1tead public.a.:Uon 06 th.lo Re.po/Lt on the Afgo/tliWc. Language ALGOL 68 .toge.theJt wUh .th-i.J.i page al.> a c.ovelt-i..Y19 1.>.ta.temen.t. PJU..n:ted. a.t .t.he. Ma.the.ma:ti.c.ai. Ce.nbte., 49, 2e. Boe/l.ha.a.vu:tJta.a.,t, Am.6.teJuf.am, The. Ne..the/Lla.n.cl6 • The. Ma.thema:ti..c.al Ce.n..ttte., 6ounde.d .t.he. 11-.t.h 06 Fe.bJt..U.a11.y 1946, Mi a. non­ PM6U -lYL6t;ltu;t;,i..on a.i.mlng a.t .t.he. p1tomouon 06 pUJte. ma.thema.tiC6 a.nd -U1, a.pp.U.c.a.t.loYL6; U-Ui .6poYL601te.d by .t.he. Ne..the/1£.a.nel6 Gove.Jtnme.n:t .t.hJtough .t.he. Ne..the/Lla.n.cl6 01tga.n-lza.uon 6oJt .t.he. Adva.nc.eme.n:t 06 PUite. Rue.a.Jtc.h (Z.W.01 a.nd the. Ce.ntlta.l OJtga.n-lza.t-lon 60Jt App.U.ed. Sue.nUQ-lc. Re1ie.a.1tc.h -ln the. Ne..the/1£.a.nd.6 (T.N.O), by the.Mun-lupa.U.ty 06 Am.6.te.Jtda.m, by the. Un-lveMUy 06 Am.6.teJuf.am, by .t.he. F1te.e. Un-lve.M.lty a.t Am.6.teJuf.am, a.nd by -lndt.Udlueli. REPORT ON THE ALGORITHMIC LANGUAGE ALGOL 68 A. VAN WIJNGAARDEN (EDITOR), 8.J. MAILLOUX, J.E.L. PECK and C.H.A. KOSTER SECOND PRINTING BY THE MATHEMATISCH CENTRUM, AMSTERDAM, MR 101, OCT. 1969 BlBUOTHHK MATHEMATISCH CENTRUM AMSTERDI\M Acknowledgements {Habe.nt .f.u.a 6tLta.
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