JESUS AND THE UNEM PLOYED— Richard Roberts Circulation Office: 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Ed.'tor'al and Advertising Office: 931 Tribune Building, New York City Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. JAMES POWELL & SONS » • e R M i D B ferinsSM f uòio^ (Whitefriars) ftd . Est. 1680 *«>•.325 SIXTH-AVBNVfc-NIVW-YÒRK. LONDON, ENGLAND schS w @! ì mmsows STAINED GLASS-MURALS I « ■ MOSAIC-MARBLE-STONE RSJ COURT a n o CORTLAND STS- ROCHESTER N.Y CARVED-WQDD -METAL W i STAINED FORTY YEARS IN THE ECCLESIASTI CAE ARTS GLASS Heaton, Butler & Bayne Distributor: ADRIAN A. BUCK §>tautpii (Slaps Artists 665 Fifth Ave., TSfiwYork City By appointment to the late WOOD CARVERS KING EDWARD VII. CABINET MAKERS Stained Glass Windows HALL ORGANS ¡FINE CHURCH FURNITURE Memorial Brasses, Etc. have gained much prestige because 231 W. 18th St. New York City cf many outstanding Episcopal Designs and Estimates installations. > Richard N. Spiers & Sons Heaton, Butler & Bayne The Hall Organ Company West Haven, Conn. Established, 1889 (N. Y.) Ltd., STAINED and LEADED GLASS French Building WINDOWS 551 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK MENEELY B ELL CO 50 West 15th Street New York T R O Y , N.Y. a n d INQUIRIES INVITED 220 BROADWAY.N.Y. CITY. Murals and Decorative Painting Oliver Smith Studios BELLS Designers and Craftsmen in Stained and Leaded Glass. m s m m m m MENEELY&CQ3 . c a g â | BRYN ATHYN, PENNA. ESTABLISH ED MM nm D esigner a®(draftsman Gothic W ood Car vins: uw Stained * Glass WATERY LIET« Studios- 1126Bo7lston-5Bostoii CHURCH BELLS. CHIMES AND PEALS Unequaled Musical Qualities > I r .g e i s s l e r .in c ® 4 J O SIXTH AVE. NEAR 10 »> ST. NEW YORK ST. HILDA GUILD, Inc. CASSOCKS Ghurrfl furnishings 131 E. 47th St., New York For the Clergy and Choir IN CARVED WOOD AND CHURCH VESTMENTS Vestments, Altar Linens, MARBLE-BRASS - SILVER ECCLESIASTICAL EMBROIDERY Embroideries, Materials, FABRICS + W IN D O W S Tailoring. Conferences with reference to the adornment SPECIAL— Silk Surplice $10 of churches (Excellent for Travel) Telephone EL-dorado 5-1058 J. M. HALL, Inc. 174 Madison Ave. (Suite 702-8-4) (Bet. 33d & 34th Sts.) * ^ i n ö t n a New York PHILADELPHIA— 1604 SUMMER ST. JWIPPELL Designers of Historical Windows MEMORIAL TABLETS “of enduring worth L C m L T D WASHINGTON MEMORIAL and attractiveness” CHAPEL in genuine cast bronze F o r g e , Moderate in Price - Booklet on Request Valley Pa. ELLISON BRONZE CO., INC. Chapel windows, JAMESTOWN, N. Y. Riverside Baptist Church, New York City will be pleased to submit Memorial windows, Mural decorations, designs and Estimates fo r Glass Mosaics. M. P. MOLLER ORGANS The Pride of the Church Over half a century of success­ AUSTIN ORGAN CO. ful organ building have estab­ Embroider/ - Wood lished the Moller reputation for Hartford, Conn. quality and workmanship. Stone -Metal and 350 Moller Organs in Episcopal Designers and Builders Churches alone. Stained Cjlass-; of PIPE ORGANS EXETER * - * Cathedral Yard. noted for their superior tonal qualities LONDON ♦ • il.Tufton St.S.Wl and mechanical reliability. MANCHESTER * 52,Victoria Street. Correspondence Solicited Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. Editor Associate Editors Irving P. Johnson Frank E. W ilson George P. A twater Managing Editor THE WITNESS C. Russell Moodey W illiam B. Spofford Irwin St. J. T ucker A National Weekly of the Efiscofal Church Voi. XVII. No. I SEPTEMBER 1, 1932 Hve Cents a Copy THE WITNESS is published weekly by the Episcopal Church Publishing Company, 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The subscription price is $2.00 a year; in bundles of ten or more for sale at the church, the paper selling at five cents, we bill quarterly at three cents a copy. Entered as Second Class Matter April 3, 1919, at the postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under act of March 3, 1879. N S P IT E of modern critics it seems that at least of travel at 40c a mile, of bills for fishing bait, o f bills I some miracles reported in the Bible have a basis for turkish baths and bills for extravagant tips to fair in fact. You are of course familiar with the miracle maidens fill the volume. A ll of which you may recall o f the quail whereby the hungry Israelites, fleeing from to your comfort the next time you send in an income Pharaoh, were fed in such abundance that many of tax payment. them had an uncomfortable night, to put it mildly. Many books have devoted chapters to that little affair E ARE HAPPY to announce a new series of with some of the great scholars discrediting the pos­ Warticles by Bishop Johnson, to commence in the sibility of such a phenomenon. Now along comes issue of September 22nd and to run continuously for Major C. S. Jarvis who lives on the desert of Sinai several months. In this series, “ What I Believe and with his say on the subject—and since he knows more Why” the Bishop of Colorado will present his be­ about that remote spot than anyone living weight must liefs and their defense. We are confident that not only be given to his words. He relates the entertaining tale all clergymen will wish to follow these articles but of the annual migration of quail from eastern Europe that they will also wish to place them in the hands of to Sinai. It seems the birds fly across the Mediter­ members of their congregation. In the same issue there ranean and then fall exhausted on the shore. Arabs is to appear the first of The Witness Bible Lessons. leisurely pick them up, box them and ship them by These are to appear throughout the year and will be way of the Suez to the dinner tables o f Europe. The in­ followed, according to present plans, by lessons on the ference is an obvious one; if quail migrate now what Prayer Book and on the Teachings of the Church. Thus reason have we to suppose that they didn’t do so in do we launch a Training School for Church Workers. Moses’ day, and if Arabs turn them into cash so easily And just as our Church summer training schools may we not suppose that the Israelites, unable to turn present a certificate upon the satisfactory completion them into cash by way of the Suez Canal, did the next of a course so will T h e W itn ess present a certificate best thing and used the birds to ward off starvation. to those passing a written examination at the end of this course of study. Church people should know their EORGE LANSBURY, venerable Laborite mem­ Bible, their Prayer Book, the Teachings of the Church. G ber of the House of Parliament, pleading with To study them is fascinating, particularly when the the law makers of his country for a recognition of Rev. Irwin St. John Tucker is the teacher, as he is Christian values is another encouraging bit one digs to be with this first course. So we hope all our readers out of the back pages o f the daily newspaper. He re­ will enroll. It is a simple matter to do so— a postal to minded his colleagues that they were the chosen repre­ T h e W itn e ss, editorial office, 931 Tribune Building, sentatives of a supposedly Christian nation and that New York, stating simply: “I wish to be a member of it might be well for them to keep that fact in mind as The Witness Bible Class.” W e hope also that rectors they considered the many serious matters before them. will urge members o f their congregations to join this He also said, what so many preachers have said, that great class, making the paper available for them by solutions would be found for our social and economic adopting the Bundle Plan. Order blanks, together problems only in the teachings of Jesus. with an announcement, are to be sent the clergy within a few days. May we take this means of begging your NFORMATION COMES by way of a southern .cooperation. I newspaper that about twelve million or ten per cent of all Americans are on the government payroll— either OMETHING NEW and startling has turned up state, federal or municipal. The statement is credited S in the courts o f Massachusetts. A sisterhood of to Representative Beck of Pennsylvania. Meanwhile the Roman Catholic Church was willed a large sum a responsible New York publisher brings out a book of money. There were no strings tied to it. They informing the tax payer that three Senators went on could use it in whatever way they wished. The other a ten day fishing trip at a cost of almost $200 a d a y - day however the court was asked permission to refuse bills paid by the United States treasury. Another the bequest. It seems the sisters have their own ideas group of six senators and three guests chartered two on the subject of poverty to which they are pledged, houseboats in Florida for five days, costing the gov­ and the inheritance of several hundred thousand dol­ ernment exactly $1687.50. Stories of elaborate meals, lars is not one of them. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. Page Four T H E WITNESS September 1, 1932 J e s u s a n d t h e U n e m p l o y e d , By RICHARD ROBERTS T IS S O M E T IM E S U RG ED that the teaching of system that permitted such things to be.
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