. c F tK L r C t v J i ^ L Y lG>i HCff'SU} " *"■'* ' ^0 imi,n-*--r.u-^ ^ .*- I OFFICE OF WE VEPUTY DIRECTOJ? OF PUBLICINSTRUCTtON DIBANG MAUEy DISTRICT ANINI INTRRODUCTION The basic objective of the All India JEk3ucetional Survey w?s to conduct a d e ta ile d ah aly tical study regerding the overall position of all e<^r:ational Institutions in each district of the country as w^l^ ar to <?ollect so e v it a l s t a t is t ic s sa & data to pronnote ifnplementation of the new educ-tion policy in its proper perspective. The 5th All India Educational survp'y w-s taken up in Dihang Valiev District vrith effect from July'1987 in which all the existfihg Higher Secondary r i{0idle pnd Pri ary Schools were cevcred. / - V Tt is believed that the detailed ar-esnnent- survey will have significant contributir-n in shaping up the future plan persectice inthe field of educational progr emme. The District Survey report, is in fact/ a consolidated rnd corrprrhensive endepvour of the ouf- cane the 5th All India Educational Survey in resp-^jct of Dibaaa V alle y Dis-f-rict. m ( P.J.D'ey) Dy .Director of Public Ins+-fuction; Dibano Valley District? ANINI» NIEPA DC D07563 g ,5.' ?»■. :■ i'C "*”■^'<^.4--' ”V' 1 F ».,i;'ArY !^i DOs.irmTATiOK 'praa- «iti ,.;.' ) e L.f Educacioadf >; ‘■' .v;i .;s|liQd dnuuistrarion. J '' iT‘B* jfj Aurobiiido Matg. ■'■ t. vV.' vv I vIhi‘ili.0J6 ^ ni\r~^ '2 DOC. N o ... ....51-2§JU? Data....... ( ^-rr.,^rtss.i 4 • ■ i- '' ' ■ y* \ r -^'-7 ■ ,> \ y:- \ \ \ K y ANr. - . C\\’' ..aiJ ' O / P'^ /' c* ; ) w / A r -/> 'r- ■ / \ X i-y-% r- ^ rr. ( -T . / . > ) L ’L ■) "i> / .*■ i'li TK Ali INDIA EDUCATIONAL SURVEY - DISTRICT R^5P0RT OF g>IBANG VALLEY DISTRICT ; : ANINI : ARUNACHAL FRADESH ^ CHAPTER - I ^ PART - I 1 , 1. Gener-^1 Informations s~ T’^e Dibang Valley is named after the mighty River Dibcng, which flov^s through the Distjrict rom North to South to meet Lohit and Siang Rivers is the Plains of Assam. The Ditana Fallf" District^iScgi't'u- ated In between 5.15° East LoftgStude an3 27.?5o to 29.300 North Longitude,* It is ntuated 6h the to^ of the Lower Tib a to . Himalayan range amidst eqiste natural beauty of hally brooks and water fal^s, highpeak and ‘ deep grovers/ verdant forests and swift rivers, hanging-ciouds and m* untains covering snows . Dibang Valley Claims one of the difficult hilly terrains of Arunachal Pradesh . It covers an area of 13/029 Sqr.1% 1, with the lov^est population of 30/978 persons (asper 1981 Census) inhabiting at the rate of 2 persons per Kim, Sqr, The District consists of a number of Sub-Vallyes forated by the t rib u to rie s of Oibang river nanely D ri/H ath un/ Ithur/Tales. anbra/ Ahui and the Sisiri River respectively. The IXlbang Valley# previously an Independent Sub-Division under Lohit I>istrict/ v/as declared as seperate Independent IXLstrict larr^e^' Airunachal Pradesh (Re-Organisation of District) Act 1980. The ]>Lbeng Valley District now comprises the following Administrative centres j- 1, Anini - District Headquarter, 2. Roing - Sub-Divisional Headquarter. Hunli — E,A,C, Headquarter (Declared as Headquarter of ^dddle Dibano Valley Suh-Divisd'ondurina 1 9 9 0 .) 4, Knonli - Circle Headquarter, 5, De-sali Circle Headquarter, 6 , Anelih - Circle Headquarter, 7, Etalin - Circle Headquarter. 8 , Dambuk - C ir c le Headquarter (Upgraded to E.A.C-Headq-- uarter during 1090.) ( Contd.2nd pace ) :5 : ; s s s: The Dibana Valley district hounder’ on the ^crth by Tibet, on the ^cnith p?rts of Lohit District and AsEam State, on theEast part of Tibet and parts of Lohit District and on the West by VJrst Siang D is t r ic t • The D is t r ic t contains vrild mountainous area a n d presents a remarkable toppgraphical variety. The percentage of Scheduled Tribe^ population of Dibang Val­ ley D±strict to the total populatian is 48.56, The main Tribes, namely IDU and Pad am CaXXIS) inhabit the EtiL~ i s t r i c t . The entire District has been divided into 3 (Thre-) Community"' Itevelopment Blocks each under the Charge of Extra Assistant Commissiorw er working as the Ex-Officie Block Etevelopment office^* Details are furnished below as per the Report of 5th All India Educational Servey «> X Name of Block X C ir c le X ^ Population. No . ^ X X )( 1. Anini-Etalin C.D Anini/ Elccl[c, Anini Etalin/ 99 5217 A n e l i h / 2. Hunli- Kronli C.D Desali/ Block Hunli/ 69 3153 K r o n l i / 3. Dambuk-Roina C.D. Dombuk |l|<^k^Roing._ ^ ^ ^ ^ ______ Z ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ = = ~ = - = - - 1 • 1 -2. Population of the ICtLstrict accordino to 1981 Census: a) Population of the District according to 1981 Censu? in URBAN aREA is Nil. Hence population in RURAli Arep furnished below s~ ^ All Co munity ^ ’^heduTe”c’aste’^ X^^hpr^le TrTbe "" Male Female ^ ToTaX ~^"”M’ale t Female ^Total | ^'^ale ^ Femalfn^Tot 18646 12332 30978 103 54 157 7376 7668 15004 The Dibang Valley District is' pre-dorrinently in-habit<§d by sche^l^d tribe opulation which constitute 48.56% of total population from other comn-unity including scheduled caste population are b^r^cally outsiders and temporarily iivina in the District for their lively-hood . ( Contd. 3rd Dage ) The population count of 3=9 81 Census of Dibang valley District reveals that the total /population of 30/9 78 only constituate 4.90% of a total popalatisn of the Arunachal prades^, when all the Districts are ranked, i-^ is observed that the Dibang Valley Districtranks is sex ratio* ff he veriatioi!» in the population of Diloang V alle y District in between 1971 and 19 31 has been found to be very high, i*e. 103.37 % as against only 3 5.15 % in Arunc^chal pradesh. l«3.B>ensity of population;- IT he Density pg /population in Dibang Valley District is only 2 persons living per Sqr, Km while it is 7 persons per Sqr. Km in Arunachal pradesh. 1.4. Percenta-|e of rny (i98l Census) The percentage of literates to total population in Dibang Valley District is 26.28 % against 20,70 % in ^run-chal Praaesh. 1.5.Female Literacv as compared to Male__5- The ratio of school going boys and girls was 132 ; 93 respectively in 1987 . It reveals that the rate if female literacy is very less as comparea to males. Clhe reason for such disparity lies partly in ignorance of the pa rants v/ho are not very wiiliing to send their girls to the scyhool c.nd also partly due to coijimunication di f f i c r l t i e s . 1 . 6 .Level of Industrialisation aiere is no largs scale Industry available in Dibang \/alley District. However# follwigg Industriot ure sc avc^iiable in the Dustrict in minor scale - Saw Mi il/-V'.-ener ^nd Ply-rWood M i i i s , Cane & Kimboo In d u s t r ie s / Furniture Mciking, Rice-Mill, Weaving & Craft Centres. ( Contd. 4th page ) «l I -----• : — 4 — : s ----- j-1,7. Aariculeture Development The Agricultrure is the main cx:cupation of the inhabi­ tants of the District. The main crops grown ere pacV’y, Mr.ize, Millet, KJtato, Ginaer/ Chillies etc. The scope for development of Horticulture .s much more in Lovrer Dibang Valley area. The permanent cultivation with .rrigation facilities is practised in LOwer Dibang Valley area (Roing ® )ambuk Circles) . In the Middle and Uprer Dibang Valley Ar-p/ ther'' is icute shortage of plain-cultivable land for taking up permanent cultivn- :ion. Hence/ is the^ Mid^Ue and Upper liLbang Vplley.A^^lt, normRlly ^ UPiUr CULTIVATION is practised by the farmer But due to infavouraMo agro-ciirrtatic condition/ the yield per acre is very low, I-1 . 8 . Level of Development in Cultural Fields ;- The Dibang Valley District is pre-dominatlev domcinate^ oy the local scheduled tribes namely# iDUpnd PAD7-iZ■ (ADI) , The major i\^di. genious festival of the District are REH amd SOLUNG festivals. Moreover, the Social Sc Cultural org'nisations# namely IDU Cultural Society at A.nini and AIH Cultural Society at Roing are taking active steps for <^evelopr>rnt of art and cu ltu re in theDis-’-rict. 1-2, FIFTH ALL INDIA EDUCi.lIONAL SURVEY; I-2-1 Brief Account of 5th All India Educational Survey Programmes- The Fiftrh All Jndi?. Educational Survey vras started as per the Government's instruction and guidelines covered vide letter No .ED/ES/4/87 dated l>7th March 1987, In view of t^'is, a ti'ainina •^rno- ramme was o rgan ised ,at Pasighat in collab o ratio n w ith the N .C .E .R ^ T ., ^few-Delhi/ where the District Education officers and the Adult ©dtrcation^- oupervisors ^rticipated The Training Pregrajrane was. conducted for 7 (seven) days with effect from ISth April tg 26th April 1987 (,-Fnth r-pys inclusive ), After the training, fiIP,VIP c?nd UTF wer' rec ived from the N.C*E*R.^T. and distrubuted to the block survey officers^ i*e. Adult Education Supervisors of thr e blocks o^ the District, ( C'-'ntd 5th paac ) - 5 - - „ Istrict f^r t?>ing ur the Survey work in their respective Jurif^:--C?-r;-in The Block Survey Officers,. Imparted trpining to the ^0.c?mesters/Teachers of their Block t^^ fill up SIF (Schoni Tnforiuat: I'‘ornis) of their respective School and VIF (Vill?>ge Information Forrnr;)' f the feeder village and UjCF (Urban Information Forms'^ for -t-he Tcwv nd Cities lying within their jurisdictir'n.
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