I A NEW ROLL FOR .Archdiocese of Miami Volume XXII Number 13 June 27,1980 Price 25C GRANDPARENTS, P 10-11. "We sought to build bridges and unify people. The Pro-Family Coalition sought to divide people... I think ours is a more charitable and Christian approach. "--Msgr. Corcoran Family meet divided on justice MINNEAPOLIS -(NC)- "WE'VE SPENT decades Major differences in philosophy working for programs to help the between the Catholic Committee to poor," he said, while the Pro-Family the White House Conference on people advocate huge cuts in Families and the conservative Pro- government spending. Family Coalition that emerged at the Dan Richey, a conference Baltimore conference were evident delegate and Democratic state again in Minneapolis June 19-21 senator from Louisiana, said he and during the second family meeting. other Pro-Family supporters "want Msgr. Francis Lally, secretary as little government intervention as of the U.S. Catholic Conference possible in the family, including Department of Social Development lower taxes, fewer programs, and and World Peace and chairman of the restoration of traditional the Catholic Committee said the two values." groups are in agreement on opposing People should be "rallying abortions, but "miles apart" when it around their individual churches comes to social justice issues. and communities" to solve problems, instead of sending their money to the federal government, he said. The federal government is out of But control with an 18 percent inflation rate and a majtJPsdeficit, he said. Richey, a Catholic, said he believes the conference was united "rigged" against the PStFamily Coalition with a number of ^fl&aqil delegate appointments" by the state^ governors and national advisory on /aw committee for the WHCF. MINNEAPOLIS -(NC)- THE CONFERENCE was Conservative delegates to the "fe^chestrated by the Carter ad- White House Conference on Families ministration to come up with a complained June 19-21 in Min- blueprint for radical social change neapolis that the conference was in America," he said. "rigged and stacked" against them, But Msgr. Lawrence Corcoran, but they did join with moderates and executive director of the National liberals in asking lawmakers to Conference of Catholic Charities, analyze prospective laws and said the government needs to be programs for their impact on involved in full employment, families. housing, help for the elderly, and Among the 50 resolutions taxing policies supportive of adopted at the conference, the married couples. family impact statement drew the Msgr. Corcoran, a member of widest consensus, a 530-to-28 vote. the Catholic Committee to the ONLY FIVE proposals failed to conference, said the difference pass, including resolutions opposing between the Catholic Committee and American Indian reads address to Pope at beatification rite. (Continued on Page 18) (Continued on Page l g ) 'Lily' beatification is colorful/American' VATICAN CITY -(NC) - An was the first time that the Indian first Bishop of Quebec; Sister Marie participated in the beatification international air permeated St. tongue had been used in a liturgical of the Incarnation, foundress of the ceremony. Peter's Basilica June 22 as Pope rite at the Vatican. Ursuline Sisters of Canada; Jesuit The crowd in St..Peter's broke John Paul II beatified the "Lily of Pope John Paul used five Father Jose de Anchieta, who into spontaneous applause when the the Mohawks," Kateri Tekakwitha, languages — Italian, Portuguese, worked in Brazil; and Pedro de San pope spent a few extra moments with and four European missionaries to Spanish, French and English — in Jose Betancur, a layman who Mohawk Chief Andrew Delisle and North and South America. his homily at the Mass. worked in Guatemala. his wife Gladys, of the St. Regis THE TRIBAL regalia of more "In this day of glory (the newly Reservation in upstate New York. than 100 North American beatified) reminds us that we are all Thirty-one cardinals, 60 arch- THE INDIANS' Offertory gifts Indians added a festive note to the called and required to follow the bishops and bishops and about 20,000 included peace pipes, headdresses ceremony, and U.S. Catholics had sanctity and perfection of our own lay people, religious and priests and piles of beaver skins. key roles in every aspect of the state and that the church...by its liturgy. nature is missionary and must follow A two-and-a-half-hour ceremony the same road followed by Christ, Devotedly Yours column.... P3 featured nine languages including that is the road of poverty, that of the Mohawk Indian tribe. It obedience, service and sacrifice of Pope resumes laicizations.... P3 self until death," the pope said. BESIDES KATERI Tekak- THE VOICE will witha, a 17th-century American The patenting of life forms...,P5 Indian, those beatified were not publish July Francois de Montmorency-Laval, Youth on draft, values.... P13 CLERGY News At A Glance] APPAREL Anglican/Catholic 6 Supply, Inc. Covenant Signed 7 South Andrews Avenue, NORWICH, Conn. —(NC)— Catholic Bishop Daniel P. Reilly of Norwich and Episcopal Bishop Morgan Porteus of Downtown Fort Lauderdale Connecticut have invited clergy and laity to attend the signing of a covenant between, the dioceses June 29. The 764-6645 Anglican and Roman Catholic dioceses have agreed to Church goods, altar ware; vestments & cassocks in work, pray, and study together to foster Christian unity. stock or made-to-measure. Open 9:30 5:30 SAT 10 to 3. Seminary Re-opens in Viet Nam VATICAN CITY —(NC) — The recent reopening of the •BLACK SUlfsi seminary in Hanoi, Vietnam, will help Vietnamese Catholics Subsidiary of Renzetti Clergy Apparel, Philadelphia attain their right to an adeauate number of priests. Pope John Paul II said . He addressed 13 Vietnamese bishops. Travel Two Thousand Years in Only Fifteen Days to the N.Y. Private Schools Beat HOLY LAND Water/Sewage Charges i the Bible a% your guide- BI-LINGUAL POLICE- San Francisco Police Leonard Jeong, left, and k, under the direction of NEW YORK -(NC)- New York private schools Nelson Lum, both residents of the city's Chinatown, stop to visit with Father Michael J. defeated city hall and will keep an exemption for water and Chinatown shopkeepers Ruth Kwon and Ngaan Oi Woo. With a grant sewer charges. Orthodox Jews and Catholics, with the from the Campaign for Human Development, the Chinese for Affirma- DEVANEPastor, Mary ImmaculatY e largest number of private schools in the city, offered the tive Action was able topressure the city into increasing its number of bi- Parish, West Palm Beach strongest oppostion to the plan to bill many schools not lingual Chinese-American officers from four on force of 1,900 officers previously charged. to40by 1984. (NC Photo) Death Penalty Bill Put Off Church Flourishes in Ukraine TORONTO —(NC) — The Catholic Church is flourishing WASHINGTON — (NC) — After a day of parliamentary in the Ukraine, despite repression by the Soviet govern- maneuvering, the Senate June 19 put off a vote on a bill ment, according to information received in Canada from the reinstating the death penalty for certain federal crimes. Ukraine. The Ukraininan-Rite Catholic Church, forced underground in 1939, is "very strong and growing," Aug.25th documents revealed at a three-day conference in Toronto Holy Scripture comes alive for you as state. you walk the Way of the Cross. Your faith 'Priestless Sundays' takes deeper meaning as you pray where stood the stable in Bethlehem or kneel in China Renovates Jesuit's Tomb the Garden of Cethsemane. stimulate vocations You will gaze out over the Jordan Valley from atop the Mount of Jericho, visit Nazareth, Cana, Mount of Beatitudes, SYDNEY, Australia -(NC)- "Priestless Sundays" —(NC) — The people's Republic of China has renovated many other holy places. are helping stimulate vocations, according to Archbishop the tomb of Jesuit Father Matteo Ricci, a 16th-century Petero Mataca of Suva, Fiji. Italian missionary, which is located inside a Communist PAPAL AUDIENCE The archdiocese has held two "priestless Sundays" Party School in Beijing (Peking) and has been neglected for Come to the Holy Land! On your way at least 30 years, the New China News Agency has reported. you'll stop for a pilgrim's audience with during which the parishes have been run by lay people, said the Holy Father and a thorough tour of the archbishop during a recent international bishops' the Vatican and Rome. On your return you'll trace the steps meeting in Sydney. of St. Paul at Athens and Corinth in Greece. The idea has been to stimulate the laity by encouraging Comm. Welcomes Instruction The first step is to send in this their active participation in church life. coupon today. Bv return mail you CHICAGO —(NC)— The board of directors of the will receive a fact-packed folder Both Sundays resulted when Archbishop Mataca which tells you what you can expect gathered his priests for a 10-day retreat. Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC) every moment of an unforgettable "During the 10 days there were no Masses in the has welcomed the recent Vatican instruction on eucharistic I experience. ~_—_(phone• parishes — not even on Sunday," Archbisop Mataca said. Liturgy as "a clarification of certain aspects" of renewal I Rev. Michael J Devaney. O.M.I. 686-1 begun by and carried out since the Second Vatican Council. 237 Porter Place 8128) | "The parishes were run by lay people. They provided I West Palm Beach | Florida 33409 their own prayer, Bible and Communion service.There were Dear Father: special programs to prepare the lay people in areas where I Please send your colorful folder: there are no catechists," he added. (&uch services are possible with permission of the Pope on Soccer in Four Tongues 1 Address bishop.
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