PROJECTION NON PROFIT Tarrant County College ORGANIZATION 1500 Houston Street US POSTAGE PAID Fort Worth, Texas 76102 CHAMPAIGN, IL PERMIT NO. 453 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED PROJECTION www.tccd.edu SPRING 2012 APPLYING TO TARRANT COUNTY COLLEGE IS EASIER WITH ACTIVE APPLY. LIVE LEARN Continuing Education Helps Seniors Stay Sharp LOGIN TO WWW.TCCD.EDU/APPLY FOR A FASTER AND EASIER WAY TO APPLY. FOR MORE INFORMATION tTCC Admissions Website – www.tccd.edu/apply tActive Apply [email protected] tGeneral Informationo817-515-TCCD t Registrar’s Officeso817-515-4REG tStudent Financial Aid o817-515-4AID 5$$JTBO&RVBM0QQPSUVOJUZ*OTUJUVUJPOFRVBMBDDFTTUPUIFEJTBCMFE From the desk of Contents SPRING 2012 A features t Tarrant County College, we are fortunate to have a number of key stakeholders who provide continuous support and testimonies of the College’s extensive community SENIOR EDUCATION reach. But of all of these groups, the participants in our Senior Education Program may be the finest examples of the wide-ranging impact. Age is just a number .................13 This senior group may not appear to carry the typical qualities of a college student, but they Never too late for fitness .........16 are arguably the most eager to learn and to give back. As you’ll see in this issue, their learning experiences are diverse, encompassing poetry to digital photography and racquetball. And these Staying sharp ............................18 classes combined with their on-campus social activities indeed makes for a busy calendar. Learning new tricks ..................19 They are not too busy, however, to give back and contribute to our Tarrant County College learning communities. Our senior group fully embraces the sense of commu- Digital age .................................20 nity on and around all of our campuses — and what they do makes a lasting difference. Senior bash ................................21 For instance, many seniors who take a class to learn something new often also volunteer to teach a class in a subject with which they are already familiar. Additionally, their assistance ex- Testimonials ...............................22 tends beyond Senior Education to College for Kids, TCC’s on-campus summer program for el- ementary and middle school children. And they even impact the lives of many of our traditional credit students through generous contributions to the TCC Foundation Scholarship Funds. 13 In every issue This unique generosity and understanding of what makes a community flourish is representa- Erma Johnson Hadley tive of the strong network that Senior Education students built during the program’s infancy Chancellor more than 40 years ago. And today, the network remains just as strong. The power of education and community is certainly timeless, and at Tarrant County College we are certainly proud. Newsworthy ......................... 2 t Briefs ......................................4 t From the Inside ......................8 Role and Scope Mission Statement The College implements its mission through a clearly Tarrant County College provides affordable, t Lately ...................................10 defined set of programs, services and partnerships open access to quality teaching and learning. that include: ∙ University transfer programs; Alumni ................................ 23 ∙ Workforce education programs; Tarrant County College ∙ Developmental courses; is an Equal Opportunity Institution that provides ∙ Adult literacy courses; educational and employment opportunities on the TCCD Facilities .................... 24 ∙ Continuing Education and basis of merit and without discrimination because community services; of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, Tarrant County College’s commitment to the ∙ An extensive curriculum; a highly qualified, enthusiastic, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation or The Foundation ..................26 community and the environment is reflected innovative faculty and staff; appropriate technology, veteran status. in the use of recycled paper for this issue of equipment and learning resources; diverse modes of 16 Projection magazine. instruction and delivery; support services to foster student success; work and partnership in support of the ON OUR COVER cultural and economic development of the community; Tom Gluntz whittles away during a Senior Projection ∙ A commitment to institutional effectiveness – an ongoing Education woodworking class. met an old friend for lunch the other day, and old idea of spending one’s senior years in a rocking process of self-examination, self-improvement, and an Photo by DeeDra Parrish. From the Editor Vol. XLVI, No 5 SPRING 2012 I he informed me that he’s thinking about retir- chair is being replaced with one of learning new unending pursuit of excellence. Produced for the friends, faculty, and staff of ing. After a lengthy career as a business executive, things and pursuing new interests. TCC by the Offices of Public Relations and Marketing and Communications he’s certainly earned the right to step down and There are still worlds to be conquered, and no EDITOR: take it easy for a while, but he said it’s the “taking one proves that better than the students and vol- Gary Offutt WANT TO KEEP UP ON THE LATEST WITH TCC? it easy” part that concerns him most. He’s seen unteers in TCC’s Senior Education Program. At Editorial Contributors: some of his colleagues retire, only to pass away every campus on any given day, seniors are pick- Frank Griffis, David House, Kelly Oehler, Stay connected through social media. Rita L.B. Parson, Ann Genett-Schrader and a few months later. Much like Alexander the ing up new hobbies, like woodcarving, jewelry Connie Wiebe Great, who allegedly wept when there were no making or pulling a rabbit out of a hat. Others Photographers: more worlds to conquer, these men apparently are staying active with dance, yoga or swimming. DeeDra Parrish and Glen E. Ellman felt there was nothing more to accomplish with- And a few are simultaneously learning Russian Designer: Marco Rosales out the day-to-day challenges of running a suc- and how to be a private investigator. You never Are you a TCC graduate? Gary Offutt cessful business, and their health quickly faded. know when those two skills will come in handy. PROJECTION is published by Projection Editor Tarrant County College at: I reminded my friend that he is different, and Keep learning. And if you ever feel like there Projection Register for the Online Alumni Community at www.tccd.edu/alumni 1500 Houston Street times are different. People are not only living lon- are no more worlds to conquer, just pick up a Fort Worth, TX 76102-6524 ger these days, but they’re also living better. The TCC Senior Education Catalog. SPRING 2012 www.tccd.edu www.tccd.edu SPRING 2012 1 newsworthy newsworthy IN THIS SECTION BRIEFS tFROM THE INSIDE tIN THE SPOTLIGHT tLATELY Tarrant County College welcomed two new campus presidents in January. Peter Jordan took the helm at South Campus, and Bill Coppola assumed his duties at Southeast. Although they both hit the ground run- ning, we caught up with them long enough to ask them a few questions. Q&A with 1FUFS+PSEBO Q&A President, SO Campus with #JMM$PQQPMB President, SE Campus %FF%SB1BSSJTI WE UNDERSTAND THAT YOU GREW UP IN THE CARIB- BEAN. WHAT WAS THAT LIKE? Yes, when I arrived in New York, I was a teenager. Much of who I am comes out of a British formative educa- tion and upbringing. Besides the white sandy beaches, the WHAT HAS SURPRISED YOU MOST ABOUT TCC? outdoor lifestyle, island rhythms, and the stories my grand- No real surprise; but the warmth and ease with which the administra- parents told, I recall a very disciplined environment and ac- tion and faculty of TCC have welcomed me into their family, as well cess to books about people and places beyond the shores of as the continued offers of support and guidance as I acclimate myself to my new this tiny island that is 21 miles long and 7 miles wide. My position, have been a wonderful bonus. motivation to travel and explore new places was born out of this small island experience that sparked my curiosity and WHAT ARE SOME OF THE CONSTANTS THAT ARE TRUE FOR EVERY INSTITUTE OF love of reading and geography. HIGHER LEARNING? Student success is the basic common goal that all of us strive for. Each and every WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST COLLEGE EXPERIENCE LIKE? day, the faculty, staff and administration make decisions that will have an everlast- One is currently attending a communi- I attended Colby College, a small liberal arts college in south %FF%SB1BSSJTI ing effect upon our students. Graduation and success beyond our walls are the ty college, while the other is attending a central Maine. As you can imagine, the environment was very WHAT CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT YOUR FAMILY? desired end results of these decisions. private college. different from the community in Harlem where I lived. But This summer, Diana and I will celebrate our 30th wedding there were elements that reminded me of growing up in Barba- anniversary. We have two grown children—Ryan, who lives WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU PASS ALONG TO A NEW STUDENT? HOW DO YOU BALANCE THE RESPONSI- dos. I know what you’re thinking! How can icy winters remind in Charlotte, North Carolina, holds an MBA and works in College is your best chance to experience all that the world has to offer. Take every op- BILITIES OF BEING CAMPUS PRESIDENT you of the tropics? It was more about the powerful display and banking and finance, and Tamara, who works for a New portunity that you are given; you never know what lies beyond your boundaries if you AND YOUR PERSONAL LIFE? serenity of another, totally opposite dimension of nature. York law firm that concentrates on medical malpractice. don’t push them to the limit. Ask questions, get involved, and know that we are all here While I strive to keep my work and Since I was a “minority” student, my Colby experience was She will complete a Master’s Degree in Sports Management for and because of you.
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