Douglas County [RG230].Pdf

Douglas County [RG230].Pdf

RG230 DOUGLAS COUNTY: Inventory of Collection SUBGROUP ONE DOUGLAS COUNTY SURVEYOR/ENGINEER, 1857-1915 MICROFILM, Reference Room, NSHS SERIES ONE THRU SERIES EIGHT Field Notebooks, 9 page boxes Surveyor’s Resolutions, 26 reels Surveyor’s Misc. Resolutions, 13 reels Topographical, Ownership, and Sectional Plans, 4 reels Plats and Blueprints, 22 reels Plats, 116 reels Land Plats, 13 reels Misc. Plats, 25 reels Miscellany, including road and bridge records, 18 reels SG1, SERIES ONE LAND PLAT BOOKS Roll #1, Book #1, T14-16N, Ranges 9E-13E Roll #2, Book #1, T14, R9E, Section 1 thru R16N, R9E, Sections 1-6, 8-17, 22-27, 34-36 Roll #3, Book #2, T14N, R10E, Sections 1 thru 12 T14N, R11E, Sections 1 thru 12 Roll #4, Book #3, T14N, R12E, Sections 1 thru 12 T14N, R13E, Sections 1 thru 11 Roll #5, Book #4, T15N, R10E, Sections 1 thru 36 T15N, R10E, Sections 10 thru Waterloo Roll #6, Book #5, T15N, R11E, Sections 1 thru 36 Roll #7, Book #6, T15N, R12E, Sections 1 thru 36 Roll #8, Book #7, T15N, R13E, Sections 1 thru 19 Roll #9, Book #8, T15N, R13E, Section 20 (West Omaha) thru T16N, R13E, Section 36 T15N, R13E, Section 35 (Riverview Park) T15N, R14E, Sections 6 & 7 T16N, R14E, Section 31 Roll #10, Book #9, T16N, R10E, Sections 1 thru 36 (included Elkhorn River) Roll #11, Book #10, T16N, R11E, Sections 1 thru 36 Roll #12, Book #11, T16N, R12E, Sections 1 thru 36 Roll #13, Book #12, T16N, R13E, Sections 2 thru 36 1 SG 1, SERIES TWO LAND PLATS, QUARTER SECTIONS Roll #14, NW, S1, T14N, R10E thru SE, S12, T14N, R10E Roll #15, NW, S1, T14N, R11E thru SE, S12, T14N, R11E Roll #16, NW, S1, T14N, R11E thru SE, S12, T14N, R12E Roll #17, NW, S2, T14N, R13E thru SW, S11, T14N, R13E Roll #18, NW, S1, T15, R9E thru SE, S23, T15N, R10E Roll #19, NW, S24, T15N, R10E thru SE, S12, T15N, R11E Roll #20, NW, S13, T15N, R11E thru SE, S36, T15N, R11E Roll #21, NW, S1, T15N, R12E thru SE, S16, T15N, R12E Roll #22, NW, S18, T15N, R13E thru SE, S36, T15N, R13E Roll #23, NW. S1, T15N, R13E thru SE, S35, T15N, R13E Roll #24, SW, S1, T15N, R10E thru NE, S36, T16N, R12E Roll #25, NW, S25, T16N, R9Ethru NW, S36, T16N, R12E Roll #26, NW, S10, T16N, R10E thru NW, S35, T16N, R13E Roll #27, NE, S6, T15N, R14E thru SE, S36, T16N, R10E Roll #28, NW, S1, T16N, R11E thru SE, S35, T16N, R11E Roll #29, NW, S18, T16N, R11E thru SE, S35, T16N, R11E Roll #30, NW, S1, T16N, R12E thru SE, S16, T16N, R12E Roll #31, NW, S18, T16N, R12E thru SE, S14, T16N, R13E Roll #32, NW, S15, T16N, R13E thru SE, S31, T16N, R14E (Misc. Plats, end of roll) Roll #33, SW, S9, T14N, R10E thru NE, S19, T16N, R13E Roll #34, SE,S9., T14N, R10E thru NE, S19, T16N, R13E Roll #35, SW, S34, T15N, R11E thru SE, S35, T16N, R13E (retake at end of roll, SW, S34, T15N, R11E) Roll #36, SE, S9, T14N, R10E thru SE, S36, T16N, R13E 2 SG 1, SERIES THREE CITY PLATS Roll #37, Book #1, pgs. 1-55 Murray’s Addition to Okahoma, S. 34, T15N, R13E, 1883 Hickory Place, 1884 Schnell’s Addition to Omaha, 1884 South Omaha, 1884 Reed’s 2nd Addition to Omaha, 1882 Rees Place (S21, T15N, R13E), 1882 Jerome Park 1884 Sulphur Springs Add. To Omaha, 1884 Potters Add. To Omaha, 1884 Hawvers Subdivision, 1883 Waterloo 1875 Platte Valley 1875 Pelham Place 1884 West Omaha 1866 Bevedere 1884 Melrose Hill 1884 Lake’s Add. To Omaha 1870 Ragan’s Add. To Omaha 1864 South Omaha Add. 1870 Lowe’s Add. To Omaha 1870 Smith’s Add. To Omaha 1869 Millard and Caldwell’s Add. To Omaha, 1868 Prospect Hill Cemetery 1865 Hawe’s Add. To Omaha 1869 Capitol Add. To Omaha 1860 Griffin and Smith’s Add. To Omaha 1869 Parker’s Add. To Omaha 1869 Bartlett’s Addtion to Omaha 1869 Omaha Building and Savings Assn Add. 1869 John I. Redick’s Add. To Omaha 1869 McCormick’s 2nd Add. To Omaha 1884 Reed’s 3rd Add. To Omaha 1884 Idlewild 1884 Irving Place Add. To Omaha 1884 Campbell’s Subdivision, Blk P, Shinn’s 2nd Add. 1883 3 SG 1, SERIES THREE CITY PLATS Roll #37, Book #1, pgs. 1-55 Cont. Barker’s Allotment to Omaha 1883 Cote Brilliant 1883 Arlington 1884 Subdivision, Block O, Shinn’s 2nd Add 1869 Blocks 1, 2, & 4, Kilby Place, 1884 Clark Place 1884 Wilcox Add. To Omaha 1870 Taylor’s Add. To Omaha 1868 Boehmes Add. To Omaha 1874 Millard 1873 West End Addition (S21, T15N, R13E) 1883 Johnson’s Addition to Omaha 1868 E.V. Smith’s Addition to Omaha 1869 Reed’s 1st Add. To Omaha 1870 Boyd’s Add. To Omaha 1870 Shinn’s 2nd Add. To Omaha 1869 Shinn’s 3rd Add. To Omaha 1870 Shinn's Add. 1869 Roll #38, Book #1, pgs. 59-106 Nelson’s Addition to Omaha 1865 Nelson’s Subdivision of Nelson’s Add. 1866 Dwight and Lyman’s Add. To Omaha 1869 Hartman’s Addition 1868 Armstrong’s First Add. to Omaha 1866 North Omaha #1 1860 Horbach’s 1st Add. to Omaha 1867 Horbach’s 2nd Add. to Omaha 1868 La Platte, Nebraska Territory 1857 Oakhurst Add. to Omaha 1883 John A. McShane’s Subdivision, NE, SE, S30, T15N, R13E 1883 Kountze 4th Add., Supplementary Blocks 6 thru 11 1880 Hanscom Place & Park 1873 Drexel Subdivision, Lots 51-53, Okahoma, 1884 Himebaugh’s Add. to Omaha 1883 Cunningham’s Subdivision 1883 Allen’s Subdivision, Lot 5, Ragan’s Addition to Omaha 1882 Walnut Hill 1883 4 SG 1, SERIES THREE CITY PLATS Roll #38, Book #1, pgs. 59-106 Brookline 1883 Barker’s Subdivision 1883 Pratt’s Subdivision 1883 Saunders and Himebaugh’s Add. 1883 Redick’s 2nd Add. to Omaha 1880 Morrison’s Addition 1884 Oak Chatham 1883 Issac’s Add. 1868 McCandlish Place 1879 Leavenworth Terrace Add. 1884 Arbor Place Extension 1883 Parmenter Place, West Omaha Add. 1884 Isabel 1884 Kirkwood 1883 Donechen’s Add. to Walnut Hill 1883 Mayfiled 1884 Hyde Park 1884 Koster’s Add. to Omaha 1883 Coburn’s Subdivision 1884 Howard Place 1884 Block 19, Cherry Garden 1884 Thornburg Place-West Omaha 1884 Blocks 9-12, Shull’s 2nd Add. 1883 Blocks 9-12, Plainview 1883 Blocks 5-8 Plainview 1883 Plainview 1883 Map Showing Survey of Michigan St. and Fractional Blocks in Vicinity (order of City Council) Cortland Place 1872 Prospect Place 1883 Patrick’s Addition 1882 Patrick’s Add., Supplementary 1882 Denise’s Add. vacated 1884 Highland Place, A.S. Paddock, Subdivision of Blk 16 1884 Highland Place, Kountze’s Subdivision of Blk 20, Smith’s Add 1884 West Cuming 188 5 SG 1, SERIES THREE CITY PLATS Roll #39, Surveyor’s Plats, Additions, pgs. 111-149 Issacs and Selden’s Additions 1868 Godfrey’s Addition 1869 Hascall’s Subdivision of Lots 49 & 50, in S.E. Rogers Okahoma 1884 Farnam St. as extended thru Smith’s Addition (retake, end of roll), 1884 Highland Place (Kountze Subdivision of Block 19, Smith’s Add.) 1870 Grand View, Nebr., Mississippi and Missouri RR purchase (Iowa) for Original plat of Grand View, no date Denise’s Addition 1884 Yate’s and Reed’s Suddivision of Lot 7, Ragan’s Add. 1882 Creston (owned by Leavitt Burnham) 1884 Myers, Richards, and Tilden’s Add. 1870 Isaacs & Griffin’s Add. 1868 Hillside Addition #1 (A.E. Touzalin) 1884 Hillside Addition #2 1884 Hillside Addition #3 1884 Quinn’s Addition 1870 West’s Addition 1868 McEntee’s Addition 1869 Preston and Williams Addition 1869 North Park 1869 Millard and Caldwells Addtion 1870 McCormick Addition 1870 Clarendon 1884 Park Forest, Douglas County 1884 Patterson’s Subdivision of part of Himebaugh’s Add. 1884 Sunnyside Addition 1884 Lovett and Woodman’s Subdivision of Lots 1 & 5. Blk 26, Wilcox’s 2nd Add. 1884 Norwood Park (T16N, R13E) 1884 Bellair 1884 A.H. Sanders Add. 1884 Paulsen’s Addition 1884 Reed’s 4th Addition 1884 Axford’s Addition 1884 Summit Place 1884 Lovett and Woodman’s Subdiv., Lot 1, Blk 3, Bowery Hill in S.E. Rogers Add. (no date) 6 SG1, SERIES THREE CITY PLATS Roll #40, Surveyor’s Plats, Additions, Book 2 pgs. 150-203 Van Camp’s & Eddy’s Subdiv. of Block M, Shinn’s 2nd Add. (Retake at end of roll) 1885 Highland Place (Blks 12-15 of Smith’s Add. South of Farnam St. Extension (A.S. Paddock) 1885 Jerome Park (Blks 6-10 and part of Blocks 12-15, North of Farnam St. Extension, Smith’s Add. 1885 Marion Place 1885 Page 154 missing J.E. Riley’s subdiv. of lots 54 &55, Okahoma 1885 Okahoma (Lots 56-58, Hascall’s & Rogers Subdiv.) 1885 Clifton Place (Subdiv. of Lot 13, Bartlett’s Add.) 1885 Okahoma (Hascall’s Subdiv. of Lots 63 & 64) 1885 Phillips Addtion 1885 Drake’s Addition 1884 Marsh’s Addition (Subdiv. of S ½ of Blk 12, Reed’s 1st Add.) 1885 Marsh’s Addition (Leavenworkth ot Hickroy & Colo. to Phil Sheridan 1885 Bartlett’s Addition (Housel and Stebbins subdiv. of Lots 14 &15) 1884 Patrick’s Saratoga Addition 1884 McIntoshes Subdiv., Lots 4 & 5, Lane’s Subdivision 1885 Horbach’s 1st and 2nd Addition (part) 1884 DuPont Place 1885 A.S. Patrick’s Addition 1885 Forest Hill Cemetery 1885 Millard Place (map of alley in Blk 1) 1885 Greenwood 1885 Millard & Caldwell’s Addition, Pruyns Division of Lot 25 1885 Farimount Place 1885 Marshall & Lobeck’s Div.

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