CONTENTS MI SCE LLANEOU S MISCELLANEOU S M CELLANEO I S U S_ PROCEEDINGS TH E KAATERSK I LL CONFERE NCE DB HAN OOK , 1 9 1 3 MI SCELLANEOU S INDEX A separate detailed i ndex tothe Pro ceedin gs o f the Kaa terskill Co n ference i - 2 n i ntr s ar not r a r s on pages 409 1 a d ts e ie e epe ted he e . 4 5 L r Affiliated organizations , 3 eague of libra y commissions , meeting L A 1 91 3 3 P - B udget, A . , ; of ublishing of middle west section , 2 1 2 1 91 3 5 . A board , , M eetings of A L . ., places o f, 4 20 Charter 4 1 4 4 0- 4 - - , 4 Members , 9 ; new , 4 3 5 , 63 5 - Chicago mid winter meetings for 1 91 4 , 4 98 M embership , benefits o f, 4 1 5 - Clubs , library, 4 39 4 0 M embership by states , 4 22 4 2 7-9 Committees , standing , ; special , Necrology, 4 95 4 29 - 30 . w Ne spapers, preservation of, report of 4 1 5 - 20 Constitution , - committee on , 22 8 - f Council , m eeting o f, 6 20 ; personnel o , 1 1 - Officers , 9 3 1 4 , 4 25 4 26-7 - Officers, past , 4 23 4 Dues , 4 1 5 Oxford conference , 1 91 4 , 500 E ndowment funds , 4 30 P - eriodicals , list of library, 4 36 E xecutive board , meeting of , 2 4 P - F ublishing board , meeting of, 4 6 ; bud inance committee , report of , 3 1 91 3 5 o f - 1 1 2 -4 2 get , , ; list publications , 4 30 3 Gifts and bequests , 9 , 33 v - - Re iew of the year, 4 97 8 Haines , Helen E . , letter from , 7 9 ; the o f - Lo s -1 Sections the A . L . A . , 4 34 5 proposed Angeles charter, 9 0 o f - Honor roll attendance at conferences , State library associations , 4 37 8 4 21 - State library commissions , 4 36 7 Ka a t e r s ki ll conference announcements 1 ’ , , Treasurer s report , 2 2 9-32 4 9 - 62 , - Woodruff, Clinton R letter from , 1 0 1 1 3 1 9 4 5 4 I NN” , W WNW Q BULLETIN . OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSO CIATION - E ntered u second clue ma tt er De ce mb er 27, 1909 . a t the Poet Ofioe at Chica go . Ill . f 1 1894 . unde r Act o f Co ngress o July 6 , Vol. 7, No . 1 C ONTENTS F C 1 913 UNC L A . L . A . CON EREN E, CO I EXEC UTIV E BOARD LEAG U E OF LIB RARY COMMISSIONS PU B LISHI NG BOARD PRESERV ATION OF NEW SPAP ERS A. L. A . CONFERENCE, 19 13 The E xec utive Board , at its meeting the delegates in o n e hotel is an impo rtant first week in January, voted to hold the feature and always brings about easier and next conference of the A . L . A . at the HO more frequent perso nal conferences and a tel K aa t e rs k ill , in the Catskill Mountains , general unity which is difii cult to obtain June 23 to 28, 1 91 3 . S everal o ther meetin g W here delegate s are housed under a num places were discus sed and given careful ber of separate roofs . Any possible over f consideration , but the place chosen o fered flow will be accommodated at a s ma ller o f a number very impo rtant and desirable hotel , a mile from the K aa te rs kill , con o f v . v n advantages which none the o thers ga e e ya c e back and forth being p rovided . K a a te rs k il The Hotel l stands in a very It i s not likely, however, that there will be beautiful location on the top o f K aa t e rsk ill more applications than the headquarters Mountain, at an elevation of feet hotel can comfortably handle . There are above the sea. From the piazza the visitor 700 rooms in the K a a te rs k ill and annex, ha s an unobstructed panorama, stretching 1 00 of which have p rivate baths . The din across the Hudso n River and Valley and ing room has a seating capacity for 1 200 E the hills of New nglan d , covering a s weep p eople . In the way of amusements the i o f over ninety m les . The hotel i s a dve r management c alls attention to excellent tis e d as the largest mountain hotel in the golf links , boating an d fi shing in a smal l i n world , having a capacity for b etween on e mounta n l ake near by, ten is, bowling, n thousa d and twelve hundred guests , the dri ving an d motoring, mountain climb ing, exact number accommodated depend ing of etc . A new ball room floor was laid in course o n how many desire to room a lone . 1 91 2 . Meeting halls are adequate to ac . L . a b t x s The A A will have the solu e ly e commodate the general session , sec tion c lus ive use o f the entire hotel during the meetings and those of the four a fii l ia te d l l who e time o f the conference . Having a l organizations . 2 AME RICAN LIB RARY ASSOCIATION The following rates are off ered fo r th e t ive ly close proximity to the Catskills conference week : Two persons in double makes it likely that the 1 91 3 conference room wi thout p ivate bath $3 per day each r , c will be a re ord breaker in attendance . two persons in double room with p rivate The M arch A . L . A . Bulletin will contain bath , per day each ; one person in i t fu rther particulars from the Travel Com s ngle room without private ba h , mitt e e , but it is hoped that l ibrary people per day ; one person in room with private will begin at once to plan t o go to the Kaat bath , per day. k il e rs l Conference . All rates will be o n American plan . The Hotel K aa t e rs k ill is reached by the EXEC U V E BO Ul ster Delaware Railroad from Kings TI ARD J 1 —3 1 91 3 N Chicago , anuary , Y. ton , . , trains running direct to the hotel grounds . Through cars are run direct A meeting o f the E xecutive Board of the J s L from New York ( ersey City) to K a a t e r A . A . was held at the Hotel Sherman , vi a 1 kill , West Shore Railroad . The hotel Chicago, Wednesday evening, January s t . can also be reached by the Hudson River Present , Henry E . L egler, presiding ; E . H . L P Day in e boats to Kingston and thence by Anderson , Mary F . I som, Herbert utnam , i L . ra l . It is hoped that parties will be large Purd B . Wright, C . W . Andrews , inda A a enough to w rrant special trains from New E astman and T . W . Koch . ’ 1 91 2 York, Boston and Chicago . The treasurer s report fo r the year The large library centers in compara was presented as follows E E - E B E 1 9 12 R P ORT O F TH TR EAS UR ER, JAN UARY D EC M R, Re c e ipt s n n 1 1 1 2 Bala ce, Union Tru st Company , Chicago, Ja . , 9 M embership dues, including exchange T ru stees E ndowment F und, in terest . Tru stees Carnegi e Fund, interest m 1 1 1 A . L . A . Publishing B oard, Installment on H eadquarters expense , 9 1 1 2 A . L . A . Publish ing B oard, Installment o n Headquarters expense, 9 - Interest o n bank balance, January December Exp e nditure s — — . 4 3 7 61 4 i . Checks NO. 28 39 (Vouchers No , ncl ) Distributed as follows : B ulletin Conference Committees Headquarters Salaries M iscellaneous S upphe s Postage and transportation ’ Treasurer s exp . : bond renewal Trav el Trustees E ndowment Fund ( L ife membership s) To A . L . A . Publishing Board, Carnegie Fund interest Balance Union Tru st Co George B . Utl ey, B alance, National Bank Of the Republic Respectfully submitted , 31 1 91 2 . Chicago , December , . DE C B RO N, Treasurer. AME RICAN LIBRARY AS SOCIATION The report of the F in a nce Committee was given as follows The F in ance Committee , in accordance with the p ro visions o f the con stitution , have consid ered the p robable income o f the Association for 1 91 3 and submit the follow ing 1 1 2 1 1 2 estimate, showing also the estimate for 9 and the actual result for 9 : 1 91 2 1 91 2 1 91 3 E stimated Actual E stimated Dues Income Carnegi e Fund Income E ndowment Fund 3 60 3 75 Interest 4 0 4 0 Sales o f P ublications The committee are prepared to approve 1 91 2 1 91 2 1 91 3 f . o E x .
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