GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD | WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 2007 | 21 Island NEW TRUCKS Big honkin’ truck releases ‘inner Albertan’ Wheels 2007 Chev Silverado king of the crop BY ANDREA RABINOVITCH DRIFTWOOD STAFF You can take the Albertan out of Alberta, but your neck INSIDE Designers’ Showcase spotlight. will always be just a little bit red. Fibre Fest Born and raised in the City of Champions — Edmonton — I know kno that its beef eatin’ culture is as inbred as West Coast- ers’ hedonisonistictici treks to MMexicoMe in January. BecauseBec I dadatedted a few rurural-with-an-artistic-bentral-with-an-hanartistic types, a hybrid bidth thatt thaat doesd do s exist in WilWildd RoseRose Country, or because I dated in Alberta att allall,ll soonerer oro llater ateratetryoufi you y fi ndn yourselfy try- SEE PAGE 18 ing to navigateag getting into a truck in a shortt skirt.s Those daysysas aarere long ggone,one,,t thank God, but I thoughthtt thatth it was about titimeime to reconn recreconnectnectec with my “inn“innerinner AAlbertan” after residing forr four years yea ini lotus s land. lanlandd. Casting a spell Off I wentnntt ttoo corral a 22007007 Chevr ChevroleChevrolethevrolevrolet SilvSSilveraSilverSilveradolveradveradoradodo ata VicVVictoriaicto Motor Productsdduduccts on the cocornerrner offFin FinlFinlaysonlaysonayysonon anda d DoDDouglas.ouglauglas.uglugglas.s Gerald OO’TO’Toole,Toole, ssalesales mamanager,nager, enligenlightenedhtenedhtennedd meme onon thethhee differencee bbetweeneetween WWestest CCoastersoasters and the buyersyers of ththehee “b“bigbigg Harry Potter fever strikes. SEE PAGE 12 honkin’ truck”rruuck” in the neneighbouringighbouring provinces.provinces. Apparently,eenntltly, people hhereere use them for pragmatic rreasons:eaeasonons:ns:: for towing,nngg, for work, foforr landscaping needs.needs. YouYou’ll’ll oftenn sseseee GULF ISLANDS motor bibikesikkees in the box. Peoplepllee ini AlAlbertaberta drive trucks as an aesthetic cchoice,hoice,e, thoughh II’mm ssureure that the word “aesth“aesthetic”etic” is not in theirr vocabuullarlary.ry. The size of their truck is didirectlyrectly proportionatproportionatee to the sizze of their ego or a more ttangibleangible body part, or so they wwowouldouuld llikeike you to tthink.hink. I spottedppootttted a pretty silvesilverr truck and immediately felt ththee PHOTOOTOOT COCONTRIBUTEDONTRIBUTED TRUCKCCKK ccontinued oonn 23 AndreaAAnndddrdrereeaa RRaRabinovitch with thee 2007200 077 CheChCChevhevevv SilSSilverado. Wednesday, July 18, 2007 — YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE RESORT FIRE 1960 47TH YEAR – ISSUE 29 $ 25 Severe 1(incl. GST) NETELLER INVESTIGATION damage Lefebvre pleads hampers guilty to fire probe charges Vesuvius Pub owner Building’s sprinklers installed faces fi ne and jail time but not charged BY SEAN MCINTYRE BY SEAN MCINTYRE DRIFTWOOD STAFF DRIFTWOOD STAFF Part-time Salt Spring Island More than one week after a devastating fire resident John Lefebvre faces a reduced the luxurious Salt Spring Island Village $250,000 fi ne, up to fi Resort’s main lodge to a pile of charred rubble, jail and may have to forfeit ve years $100 in the province’s chief fi million after pleading guilty in loss to explain what sparked re investigator the blaze. remains at a a Manhattan courtroom last “There’s not a whole lot left to investigate,” week to illegally transferring said Rob Owens, contacted at the site of the funds over the internet. Robinson Road fi According to documents fi these things where re theearlier longer this itweek. burns, “It’s the one less of during a plea allocution on July led evidence we have to work with.” 10, Lefebvre, 55, knowingly took “When things burn this bad, it’s hard to tell part in illegal activities between the difference between what caused the fi 1999 and 2007 when he and what was caused by the fi re,” Owens added. his Canadian business partner Local eateries and coffee shops were abuzzre and Stephen Lawrence controlled with speculation on the fi re’s cause over the past a majority stake in NETeller, an week. online money transfer service Though workers stained portions of the build- based on the Isle of Man. ing’s exterior days before the blaze, Owens said, it Lefebvre, whose Salt Spring is not likely that stain or painting materials trig- real estate portfolio includes gered the blaze. several Sunset Drive waterfront “Most of the materials were stored off-site and properties and the Vesuvius were pretty well organized,” he said. Inn, will be sentenced in According to Salt Spring Island fi November. Enfi eld, who found the structure fully involved “I’m really grateful for your when he arrived on the scene, the re building’schief Dave concern but I am advised to sprinkler system was not operational. not discuss my case and must “I’m not exactly sure why the system wasn’t follow that advice,” Lefeb- charged,” he said. “It most defi vre told the Driftwood via an made a difference.” nitely would have e-mail from California earlier Salt Spring fi this week. just before 10 p.m. refi ghters on Monday, were called July 9 to where the scene they A majority of the company’s discovered the resort’s 24,000-square-foot lodge transactions involved online engulfed in fl ames. A 6,000-square-foot swim- gambling services, made illegal ming pool building also burned down. in the United States when new The Maracaibo community fire brigade, a HISTORIC ANNIVERSARY: legislation came into effect in B.C. Forestry Service crew and fi Salt Spring Island United Church minister, are dressed for celebration as members of the Burgoyne October 2006. Carriage driver Moray Kennedy and passenger Ruth Cairns, today’s INVESTIGATION refi United Church congregation honour the church’s 120th anniversary. Attendees dressed in old-fash- Lefebvre has lived under a ghters from court order at his Malibu, Cali- continued on 2 ioned garb and Bryan Adderley played the part of a visiting circuit minister. More photos, PHOTOPage BY DERRICK33. LUNDY fornia bungalow since federal investigators arrested him in Gil Mouat January. 26 Years KNOWLEDGE INSERTS As part of his plea, Lefebvre • Home Hardware has reportedly agreed to coop- (250) 537-4900 • Buckerfield’s INDEX erate with the government’s www.gilmouat.com • Pharmasave Arts GUILTY PLEA • Ganges Village Market .................................................. continued on 2 Classifieds 17 • Phantom Ball ................................ Horoscope • Thrifty Foods Editorials 38 ................................ ....................................... Letters 42 • Rona West Ferry Schedules 8 ............................................. -/24'!'%15%34)/.3 Sports 9 Health .................. 37 ............................................ email: [email protected] ........................................... website: www.gulfislands.netTV Listings 36 ASK!RLENE 32 .............................. What’s On 13 10% off ................................. Tuesdays 31 SOMERESTRICTIONSAPPLY (some restrictions apply)Y GANGES ",/ VILLAGE *"/ MARKET Keeping Salt Spring LOCALLYOWNEDOPERATED What s for Dinner? GREEN A year of Recyclable,°°°Ì ÃÊÜiiÊÃiiÊ->À> ½ÃÊÀiV«iÊ washable celebration Grocery Bags available in store! "* Ê 9Ên>ÊÊ« Ê«>}iÊ£{ 100 2 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 2007 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD CALL GAIL, SEAN OR STACY IF YOU ICBC CLAIMS - NEWSBEAT SEE NEWS HAPPENING - 250-537-9933 PERSONAL INJURY • 25 years successfully representing injured persons No word yet on cause of resort blaze • NO FEE until you collect INVESTIGATION property from commercial •Free confi dential consultation continued from 1 to rural use. PAUL B. JOYCE Since a CRD building Galiano, Mayne and North permit was acquired prior Barrister & Solicitor Pender islands worked to the zoning change, the (250) 537-4413 (24 hours) alongside 25 Salt Spring property was classifi ed legal volunteers plus full-time non-conforming. staff members throughout According to the Local the night to prevent the fi re Government Act, that from spreading to adjoining means any resort structure +POJTMPDBM*OWFTUNFOU properties and forest, made cannot be rebuilt if it suf- "EWJTPSZ4FSWJDFIBT tinder dry from days of hot fers more than 75 per cent BOFNQIBTJTPOUIF summer weather. damage above the founda- IJHIFTURVBMJUZ Developer and Tuan tion. Development Inc. principal Fortunately for Tuan QSPGFTTJPOBMBEWJDF Brian Hauff placed damages Development Inc., BOETFSWJDFBMPOHXJUI at between $8 million and because the CRD had yet JOUFHSBUFEXFBMUI $12 million during a press to issue an occupancy per- NBOBHFNFOU conference held after the mit for the lodge, it was fi re. never officially consid- Neither Hauff nor Bob ered a building, accord- 1SPUFDUJOH Fenske, the resort’s general ing to Uli Temmel, a Salt manager, would comment Spring Island CRD senior BOEHSPXJOH on the fire’s cause or the building inspector. ZPVSXFBMUI company’s plans to rebuild PHOTO BY DERRICK LUNDY “This is a fi re that occurred when contacted earlier this RCMP Const. Matt Meijer was among those investigating the during the construction week. scene the day after fi re ripped through Salt Spring Island Vil- phase,” he said. “At this point we are wait- lage Resort last Monday night. “At this point, it appears ing for the investigation to rebuilding can proceed.” wrap up,” Fenske said. technicality could make it further exploration,” said The fire occurred after On whether or not the possible. Islands Trust planner Bro- Tuan Development Inc. .FFU+POJ(BOEFSUPO lodge and pool can be “If occupancy permits die Porter. received long-term bank- rebuilt on the legal non- [for the lodge] had been
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