Board of Trustees James A. Morris, President Stephen Baker, MD, Vice President Bishop Anderson House Erin Emery, PhD, Secretary Summer 2012 Jeffrey M. Eng, Treasurer Staff A member agency of Episcopal Charities and Community Services The Rev. James L. Risk, III,BCC Executive Director Trustees Cherryl Holt, MSW, Associate for Development & Chaplaincy John A. Bross The Rev. Linda Green, Staff Chaplain The Rev. James Bullion The Rev. Laurie Michaels, Staff Chaplain Dear Friends, we Trustees, donors, volunteers, chaplains and staff. The Rev. F. Newton Carpenter The Rev. Trenton Pitcher, Staff Chaplain Richard Chandler Bishop Anderson House is unique in the Episcopal Jeffrey W. Conover Volunteers This past year has been a time of accomplishment. Church, maybe in the entire pantheon of religious insti- Gary Dillehay Fred Barnett Bishop Anderson House continued to train volunteers tutions. We do things others have ceased doing, we step The Rt. Rev. Christopher Epting Constance Bonbrest, MD who will bring God’s healing love to the into the places where others have left. In Lester E. Frankenthal, III John & Judy Bross lives of countless individuals in nursing recent weeks we hosted a bitter-sweet good- Georgianna Gleason Karen Cappello homes, hospitals, hospices, congregational bye party for two Roman Catholic volunteers The Rt. Rev. Jeffrey D. Lee Jeff Linstrom Kimberly McCord Travis McClendon programs of pastoral care, and other places who are retiring from decades of service at James Neaylon,III Amy Youngkin where people gather to mend the broken Cook County Hospital. Fr. Gene Nevins is a Marcia Pavlou, PhD Ann Ryba places of their lives. The Strategic Plan that Jesuit priest; Sr. Marie is a life professed nun. The Rev. George D. Smith, III was so thoughtfully created by the Board of They have visited the poor and unchurched William E. Totsch Trustees is being fleshed out in programs for over 40 years on Chicago’s West Side, and The Rev. Ronald A. Valentine and new initiatives. Medical students, psy- they are not being replaced. The harvest is Life Trustees chology residents, Child Life specialists, plentiful, but the laborers are getting old. Canon Miriam U. Hoover, DD nurses and others have been introduced to And, into that vineyard go the staff chaplains Katharine F. McMillan the healing arts of pastoral care. and volunteers of Bishop Anderson House. We can’t see The Rt. Rev. James W. Montgomery everyone, but we can bring God’s loving presence to Much has been accomplished. Yet, there is a world of some. Cherryl Holt and Laurie Michaels visit patients hurt out there. Hospitals continue to make difficult at Stroger Cook County Hospital every weekday. Their cutbacks in non-revenue generating costs centers like stories are both heart-breaking and heart-warming. pastoral care in order to deal with massive changes in They are joined by volunteers like Connie Bonbrest and Bishop Anderson House federal and state funding of patient care. The number Kate Siberine. Their work is paralleled by Linda Green of uninsured and under-insured people continues to and Jeff Lindstrom, Deirdre Hastings, Fred Barnett, Jim grow, and hospital Emergency Departments are used Lenz and Judy Bross at Warren Barr Pavilion; by Amy Mailing: 1653 W. Congress Parkway Chicago, IL 60612-3833 for primary care illnesses at extraordinary cost. Obesity Youngkin, Travis McLendon and John Bross at Location: 707 South Wood Street Chicago, IL 60612-3811 and its plague of chronic diseases such as diabetes are Northwestern Memorial and The Rehabilitation (312) 563-4825 bankrupting medical care in this country. The human Institute; by Trenton Pitcher’s work with the oldest [email protected] capacity to save children under a pound in birth weight ecumenical deaf ministry in Illinois, the All Angels Guild of the Deaf. It is good, good work, and you make www.bishopandersonhouse.org is challenging our culture with lifelong medical prob- lems that far exceed our will to provide the care neces- it possible by your financial support and by your time sary. In a culture that is deathly afraid of death, the last and talent. Deo Gratia. years of a person’s life are often filled with costly and invasive medical procedures that rob the person of Some highlights of the year past: comfort and dignity while failing to stop the progres- We said goodbye to staff member Jackie Cameron who sion of death. And, if you’ve stayed with me this far, I moved to London to earn a degree in Sports Medicine haven’t even mentioned the morass of problems facing in January. And, not coincidentally, she is being mar- the poor in the richest country in the world where our ried to Londoner Robert Pigott at Westminster Abbey in ‘safety-net’ hospitals are in danger of closing. November! We welcomed Ann Ryba to the staff as our Program Coordinator in February. She will be respon- The familiar words of the Gospel ring true: ‘the harvest sible for expanding our Parish Lay Volunteer Training is plentiful, but the laborers are few.’ We are the few- Program to the Chicago Synod of the Evangelical Continued on page 2 2011 Donors con't... Lutheran Church and other denominations as well as participated in the Crosswalk community event in Mr. & Mrs. H. E. Tolle growing our fund-raising capacity. April. Crosswalk is an ongoing diocesan response to M. Susan B. Toth the epidemic of gun violence that has taken the lives of Mr. & Mrs. John Totten Cherryl Holt was honored at the annual Bishop’s more than 632 children in Chicago since 2008. Our Elizabeth Uihlein Bishop Anderson House Associates Luncheon in May as she received the Bishop’s chaplaincy work at Stroger Hospital is certainly an Esther Unger Award for her outstanding contributions to the Diocese ongoing response to violence in the underserved quar- Elsa Vaintzettel and world as a layperson. Her many positions of lead- ters of Chicago... The Rev. & Mrs. Ronald Valentine ership in the Diocese as well as her work with the Lay The Rev. John David van Dooren C h a p l a i n ’ s Robert W.Voedisch The Year at a Glance 2011 Financial Report Training Program New Trustees were elected in January and include: Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Wade were cited. Cherryl Roy & Katherine Waterman Revenues was joined as an Richard Chandler - Dick is a retired Senior Project Mr. & Mrs. Linn Weiss awardee by Amy Manager at IBM, a graduate of Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Wells Individuals $39,013 Totsch Staunton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dr. Kaye Boles Wertz Foundations 81,000 ECCS 76,500 daughter of Kurt & Mary Ann Wiesner and a parishioner at St. Mary’s Parishes 22,850 Trustee, Bill Totsch Episcopal Church in Park Ridge. Dick James & Sue Wilder Investments 74,384 for her work with has volunteered in many capacities at The Rev. John D. Wilson, Jr. Benefit 38,000 United Power for Action and Justice to create support- St. Mary’s including serving as Senior Michael & Myra Sampson Wilson General 26,818 Space in Kind 66,000 ive affordable housing for adults with disabilities in Warden; he is currently the Assistant Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Worrall Oak Park. We join Bishop Lee in honoring Cherryl and Treasurer... Dr. Mrs. Martin Zadigian Total Revenues 424,565 Amy for their service to Christ. Jeffrey W. Conover - Jeff is a Senior Vice President for Expenses Bishop Anderson House participated in a multi-site Corporate Risk Management at the Northern Audit & Banking Charges $ 4,022 National Institutes of Health Practice Based Evidence Trust Company in Chicago. He is a graduate Lay Chaplain Program 2,403 Research Project over the past three years with Traumatic of Drew University and is a parishioner of Warren Barr Program 2,213 Brain Injury patients, and we continue to pursue what Church of the Holy Spirit, Lake Forest where Seminars/Conferences/Continuing may turn out to be a transformative process for Education 2,696 he has served as Treasurer and is currently on Deaf Ministry 6,149 Chaplaincy. We hope to make a significant contribution the Vestry. He is a Stephen Minister and has Professional Dues/Subscriptions 2,055 in establishing best practices in spiritual care, and we been a leader in the parish’s innovative Maintenance 1,069 are well on the way to major collaborative efforts in this Revisioning Planning Process... Insurance 3,380 field. Postage 8,193 Supplies/Telephone 4,167 Ann Ryba - Ann is a parishioner of St. Michael’s Travel 2,316 Violence. In schools. In homes. And in the hospital as Church, Barrington. She is a graduate of Centenary Spring Benefit 9,625 well. You may remember reading about a “domestic College, Louisiana with a degree in education. She has Compensation 210,382 dispute” between two nutrition workers at Stroger Benefits 55,289 served at St. Michael’s as ECW Development/Public Relations 8,674 Hospital in Chicago not long ago. It ended with one President twice, Altar Guild for Payroll Taxes 5,292 person in the Emergency Department and the other more than 20 years, on the Vestry, Payroll Expenses 676 committing suicide at the hospital. A couple. People Co-Chaired Stewardship, raised Facilities and Equipment 1,715 who had an “on and off” relationship according to their Misc Expenses 3,715 $250,000 for Katrina Care and Space in Kind 66,000 supervisor. Chaplains Cherryl Holt and Laurie Michaels Chaired the Outreach Committee. have been providing spiritual care to their co-workers She is a former member of the ever since the tragedy. They have brought hope and Board of Trustees of Bishop Total Expenses $400,031 calm to troubled souls by incarnating God’s love in Anderson House as well as their lives.
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