University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-22-1908 Albuquerque Citizen, 05-22-1908 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Citizen, 05-22-1908." (1908). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/2769 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TRAIN ARRIVALS WEATHER FORECAST No. I P- - m No 4 P- - . 7 io. j 5 p. m. Oinw. Colo., May 22. -P- artly cloudy No. 8 6.40 p. m. Albuouerque with local showers tonight and Saturday. No. 1 1 4$ p m. Citizen 9 WE GKT THE: NEWS FIRST ALl.UUUEKUUK. NEW MEXICO. FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1WIK NUMBEH 122 'FS TO THOUSANDS ATTEND THE C A R L Q A D SHIPMENTS TWENTY PEASANTS COAL MINERS AGREE CAMPAIGN PUBLICITY MISS WOODS MAINTAINS Y RUS-SIANJ- flKTRnV LATE ARE HANGED IN WN TO BEGIN WORK DttY1 w FUNERAL OF MEASURE PASSES SHE IS THE WIFE VI.VIIIVtillI ItlllQn il MONOPOLY IS CHANGED NEXTWEEK THEH0USE OFPLATT New York. New Haven and Services Are Impressive and CommerceCcmmlssfonGrants They Took Part In Agrarian Convention of Southwestern Is Taken Up Under Suspen- Omaha Girl Is Still In tho Hartford Railroad Alleged Are Participated In by Permission to Agents to Re- Outrages and Court Martial Miners Ratifies Agreement sion of Rules and Carried Tombs. Unable to Secure to Control New England Clergy and Ldty From arrange on Short Notice. Decrees Death to All. Reached Last Night. After Sharp Deba e by bondsmen for Transportation. Many Towns. Narrow Margin. $5,000. SHIPPERS COMPLAIN DEATH SENTENCE CONDITIONS WILL ABOUT REVISION IN NEW DEPARTURE REMAIN THE SaME APPROVAL HAS ABSORBED TOWN MOURNS FOR SENATE E FIGHT Washington, Slay 22. Agents F. A, Kherson, Russia, May ii. Twenty Kansas City, May 22. Thirty-fiv- e ELECTRIC LINES FRIEND Leland of Southwestern Tariff com- peasants who took part In the recent thousand coal miners in Missouri, CONSIDERED DOUBTFUL FOR HER RIGHTS I1SJ00D mission and J. F. Tucker of the Cen- disorders In the Yekaterlnolav dis- Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas, tral Freight assoclatlor have ieceived trict, were hanged here today under members of the United Mine Work- from the Interstate Commerce com- the decree of a court martial that re- ers of America, who have been on Suit Charges That Railroad Now Public Institutions and Business mission special permission to Issue a cently considered their case. strike since March 1, will return to Crumpacker Amendment Is Added. Says She Would Have Proved Her supplement to their ,'jint tariff pro- The peasants belong to the peasant work early next week. Has a Combination in Restraint Houses Draped In Crepe and viding for a reduction in the mini- association, the avowed object of A convention of the miners of these Providing for Smaller Repre- Case If They Hadn't Robbed Her mum freight on sh'pmentS was drive out the lunded states which has been meeting here carload which to -- of Trade and Asks That Ac- Business Is Suspended as from and to points in Texas at d Mex- proprietors of Kussla by burning their today ratified and signed an agree- sentation From Southern of All Her Papers Was Over- by Tcxas-SIexi- co ment which was by a quisition be Declared Viola- Result of Mayor's ico governed the estates. reached Joint States-Sen- ate Will Prob- come at Court's Decision classification, if the supplement i The resort to death for agrarian of the miners and Anti-Tru- Is night. tion of st Law. Proclamation. filed with the commission, giving one outrages a new departure, flogging at a conference late last ably Defeat Bill. But Recovered Soon. day's notice to the public. and short terms of Imprisonment hav- Under this agreement prices ard con- On account of the varying charac- ing been the usual punishment, even ditions are to remain the same as lines, year, Washington, May Washington, May 22. Wtlh the ob- Santa Fe, N. Si.. Slay 22. (Spe-'lal- ). ter of equipment used by tl: In the great disorders of 1906. lat 22. Under the New York, May 22. Mae C. WooK question freights suspension of ject of preventing the New York, New With over two thousand peo- the of minimum has rules the House today the Omaha girl who was arretted and Haven ic Hartford railroad from ex been a source of much perplexity to teiok up for consideration the bill re remanded to the Tombs yesterday OB ercismg any control over the Boston ple from all par's of the southwest the rallrads as well as shippers, and BANDITS HOODWINKED ARRANGE EATING HOUSES quiring all political parties to give the charge of perjury In connection & Maine railroad, and to separate the and with one hundred clergymen of much time has been devoted to the publicity to campaign contributions with her suit for divorce from Sena- New Haven road from the extensive the Catholic church in attendance, the question by both parties. Alter sev- anil after considerable debate it was tor Piatt, was still In her ce'.l today, trolley system which It has acquired, funeral services of the late Archbish- eral conferences of the lnterea'ed par- PURSUING POSSES ON NEW MEXICO EASTERN passed by a vote of 160 to 126, with she having been unable to secure the ties the weights were adjusted to $3,(100 the government through United States op Pierre Bourgade were hold hero the Crumpacker amendment added. bond for which she la held. District Attorney French today filed what was thought at the time to be on This amendment will probably have She made efforts today to obtain this morning, beginning 9 o'clock. an equitnhle adjustment, . In the United State circuit court at at basis, the One Man Went Ahead with Tlii-ve- the effect of killing the bill when It bondsmen but her efforts were unsuc- Despite ad- Standard Service Is to He (iiven on Boston a petition against the New the fact that St. Francis however, resulting In material (MIhy reaches Senate, although is cessful. is one of largest Horn ami Two Separate!, New lUtul When It Is (ieiioel the there York, New Haven & Hartford com cathedral the vances. J jierli Money. a probability the bll would never Miss Woods does not seem to be 11 was with Part of llio on July 1. that pany others, charging the exist- churches in the territory, The majority of shlopers who had pass body perturbed di- and packed standing room was at a that even were the amend at the sudden turn her ence of a combine in restraint of until not been consulted relative to the It has finally leaked out that the ment eliminated. The Crumpacker vorce suit took yesterday when tha premium long before 9 o'clock, and advance complained seriously of the A special train bearing fleneral trade and a monopoly within the French robbers hoodwinked their Manager amendment has a provision that would defense introduced testimony to show anti-tru- st hundreds of people stood at the door changes. This resulted in reopening Hurley, General Superin mi aning of the rihermun pursuers In the easiest kind of a wav. Sharp Superintendent have the effect of reducing congres that the alleged marriage certificate act. and in the street with uncovered the matter and application ws made tendent and writ- After the robbery the bandits walkeJ Myers of Fe, flional representation from the south and the letters she claimed were The petition alleges that the New heads while the services were taking to the Interstate Commerce commis- the Santa arrived at the ten by were forgeries, suc- mini- about a qu irter of a mile from French local 6:30 ern states. Piatt and Haven company has acquired control place. sion to withdraw the advance station at o'clock this morn ceeded In having case dismissed was old to the bank of the Canadian river, lug Clovls, N. St., a meet the approximately of 500 out of 600 miles The funeral conducted with all mum freights and restore the awaiting from where on motion, but she still clali.is that the solemnity and ceremony of the basis until the question wai thor- where they had three horses lng was held with D. Benjamin, gen of electric railway In Connecticut, 400 them. They rode these three horses KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS she is Plutt's wife. r.O in Island, Catholic church, and many who had oughly threshed out and an equitable eral manager, and John Stein, su- out of Rhode and about about ten miles to where lhey had "I would have proved It If they o- roads, known the late archbishop Intimately adjustment reached. perintendent for the Fred Harvey in Massachusetts, which two more horses. When they came hadn't robberd me of all my f apers," prior to uch control, were engaged during his lifetime were nuved to system of eating houses. Sir. Benja she "Anyhow I mean to con- tears. up with the fresh horse two of the GOING TO LAS VEGAS said. in active competition with the New away min ami Mr. Stein accompanied the tinue the fight for what I consider Following the funeral services the JUROR STOLE WATCH men took the money and rode to this city. Haven road. leaving the three Santa Fe offlels my rights.' Also in acquiring Sii per cent body was allowed to remain exposed In different directions.
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