March 1, 1982 Quaker Thought ::FRIE·NDS and Life OURNAL Today notorious people known as Quakers who constantly clog our courts and jails? What do we know of their infamous leader, one William Penn? And the so-called "Holy .,,_..,;._:; ,..~. Experiment"? .. AMONG FRIENDS FRIENDS .. The Rocky Road to Truth ong-accepted truths may need to be reaffirmed JOURNAL with renewed fervor or reexamined in fresh perspective. But Friends Journal must also move March 1, 1982 Vol. 28, No.4 L beyond well-established agreement. There are some Contents pretty fundamental questions on which Friends are Cover photo of William Penn portrayed by Erik L. Burro (seep. 23). sharply divided. We can maintain a surface tranquility Among Friends: Rocky Road to Truth ...... ...... .. 2 through judicious silence-.or we can strive for a deeper -Oicutt Sanders unity through daring to pursue hard questions. Yelled VIolence . ...... 3 The latest aid in this quest comes from the· Friends - Herbert R. Hicks Committee on National Legislation. In their 1981 policy Cantering for Problem Solving . .................... 4 statement-following a long list of important public -Joy Weaver issues on which Friends from many backgrounds are Crime Is a Peace Issue ......... .. .......... ..... 5 comfortable to unite-comes a valuable final section -Robert Gross, Fay Honey Knopp, and Howard Zehr listing questions which require further chewing over. You Reflections ofa Prison VIsitor .. ..... ............... 9 will find the ten challenging areas on pages 18 and 19. -Elizabeth Doyle Solomon I hope that you and your meeting will plan to tackle A Prayer ............... ... ... ............... 10 -lnes Ebert some of these troubling issues. And I invite you to submit diverse views for a series of articles-in the loving pursuit The Holy Experiment Has Just Begun .............. 11 -Joe Adcock of truth. Who Ordered the Neutron Bomb? Was It You? ... ... 15 • • • -David McCauley Having made my main point, I see that I have room to Let's All Catch "Hollandltis"! .................... 17 share some choice thoughts from many sources (collected -Charles D. Tauber in my desk folder in recent months) that may relate, at Changing Hearts as wall as Minds .............. .. 20 least indirectly, to the search for truth. - Thomas H. Jeavons Reports ............ ..... 18 Calendar ................ 25 • "Too many in the church are like straight pins; they War Tax Questions . ...... 22 Classified Advertisements . 25 point one way but head the other."-John Wesley White. World of Friends . ........ 23 Meeting Directory ......... 26 Books .......... .. ...... 24 Poem: Rusty North ......... 32 • The ecumenical officer of the Presbyterian Church U.S. told the Consultation on Church Union that eight to Frimdr/011171<1/(ISSN0016-1322) was established in 1955 as the successor to TM Fri«rrd 12 members of other churches make valuable contribu­ (1827-1955) and FMrlds lntdli8~ne6 (1844-1955). It is associated with tbe Relilious Society of Friends. It is a member of Associated Church Press. tions each year as full participants in committees of the STAFF 400-member General Assembly of his denomination. Olcuu Sand~. Editor-Miltrllg~r Larry Spears, Adwrtlslng 11nd Cimdlltion Vinton Demina, Asslstllnt Editor Ruth Lauahlin and Susan Hardee Norris Barbara Benton and John Davis Gwnmcre, Ty-tting 11nd S«retllrlal ServictS ' • Pope John Paul II sent a message to the American Lllyoutllnd Design James Neveil, BookkH~r Catholic bishops recently with his permission to drop VoluntHrs: Donald G. Rose (Office Assistan~). Jane Buraess (lndtx). masculine language in a key portion of the Mass. The 89ARD OF MANAGE~S 1979-1982: Joseph Adcock, ~rtrude Macintosh Brett, Ehzabeth Cooke, Peter Fmaesten, Emily B.H. Phillips Johnson William B. Kriebel change in the eucharistic prayer will now affirm that Helen Man1els'!orf, Kenneth Mill~~ · 198()./98J: Elizabeth Balderston (Asslsllltrl Clerk): Henry C. Beer1ts (S«retary), Mmam E. Brown, James Neal Cavener Rowland K Christ died "for you and for all" in place of the previous Leonard (T-..unr), Linell McCurry, Eleanor B. Webb (Clerk) El~beth Wells. 1981-1984: Frank Bjornspard, Emily Conlon, Mary Howarth, Marda Paullin Virai~ phrase, " for you and for all men." Stetser, William D. Strona, James D. Wilson. ' HONORARY MANAGERS: Eleanor Stabler Clarke, Daniel D. Test Jr. Mildred Binns • A contribution to Princeton (NJ) Monthly Meeting to Youna. ' ' help promote work for peace was made by a lieutenant in FORMER EDITORS: Susan Corson-Finnerty, Rutb Geibel Kllpaek James D Lenhart Alfred Stefferud, Franois Williams Browin, William Hubbcn. ' • ' the U.S. Air Force. The meeting agreed to accept his • Friends Journlll is published the fust and fifteenth of each month (except January check gratefully! June, July, AUJUSI and September, when it is published monthly) by Friends Publisblni Corporation, 152-A N. Uth St., Philaddphia, PA 19102. Tdephone (215) 564-4n9 Seeond-dass J?OSiaJt paid II Pbiladdpbia, PA, and at additional mailiq offices. • "Unity does not necessarily mean agreement; indeed it • Subscnpt1o~ : Urut"'! States and "~ions": one year Sl2, two years $23, three Y~ S~. F~man r<l!"llances should be ID U.S. dollars or adjusted for currency is not inconsistent with wide difference in opinion, differential. ~mate coptes: Sl; samples sent on request. • lnformat';On on and assistance with advertisinl is available on request. Appeatlll<!e expression, and purpose. Unity is love, not likeness." of any advert~Sanent does not imply endorsement by Fri~nds Jourlflll. C'1pyriaht © 1982 by Friends Publishins Corporation. Reprints or articles available at (From Minutes of the Yearly Meeting of Friends held in nom1nal cost. Perm1ss1on should be received before reprintins excerpts lonaer than 200 words. Available in microfilm from University Microfilms International. Philadelphia-Race St., 1908.) ~~='_" tnd edd.-....... to Frleub J011m41, 152-A N. 15t~ St., P~lladol.... , ~s~ 2 March 1, 1982 FRIENDs JOURNAL VEILED V10LENCE by Herbert Hicks n our finest moments Friends have struggled against value of persons is frequently attacked, with the current overt forms of violence and have led an intelligent rash of ethnic and racial jokes serving as a classic example I search for nonviolent methods of conflict resolution. of "violent humor." In this effort we are plagued with an unfortunate human Manipulation is the effort to replace the will of another tendency for our understanding of violence to narrow with our own will. It is a form of violence which in its and to focus only on its more overt forms. This is due, in most refined manifestations is artfully masked. Millions large measure, to the fact that the more overt forms of of dollars are spent every day to influence our wants, and violence are so obvious and continue to interfere with all nothing about us is ignored in the process. Our dreams, of our efforts to create a just and decent society. To fears, feelings of inadequacy, sex drives, and guilt are all recognize this narrowing tendency is to recognize our skillfully exploited in the constant effort to shape our need to expand deliberately our understanding of values and redefine our needs. violence so as to include its covert expressions, which can How do we discover and affirm ultimate values in an be equally destructive. environment which constantly overwhelms us with the It would be a mistake to see violen,ce as simply a trivial? How do we assert intrinsic human value when we physical attack on another person's body; it must also be are not as beautiful, as glamorous, or as young as the seen as an existential affront to a person's humanity and commercials seem to demand? Perhaps the most dignity. Thus violence can, and often does, express itself destructive form of violence in our society is that of mass in many forms. The verbal attack is but one example. The manipulation which trivializes life and exploits the old adage, " Sticks and stones may break my bones, but normal human need for acceptance. words will never harm me," never was true. The truth is What can we, as Friends and as persons committed to a that words are far more often the bearers of ill-will than nonviolent life style, do about all of this? We can begin fists or guns and can be even more hostile and damaging. by recognizing that it is not simply overt violence which Humor can serve as yet another example of "veiled destroys human dignity, but it is violence in all of its vi9lence." In the name of a good laugh the dignity and forms. We can continue by expanding our understanding of what violence is and what it means and what it does to Herbert Hicks is a Disciples of Christ minister and a member of persons. It will be an exercise in sensitivity training for us Blacksburg (VA) Preparatory Meeting. and for our society. 0 FRIENDS JOURNAL March 1, 1982 3 by ]oy Weaver problems. This too easily• provides a way to avoid the personal struggle which is the essence of the process.) The entire program takes three to five hours, s a child I somehow knew that anything I really depending on the size of the group and the amount of wanted I could achieve through prayer. I would discussion. There are six segments, which can be spread A ask for a particular goal to be met and wait to see out over about a week or dealt with all in one day. If done whether my desire was strong enough to persuade God to in a formal group setting, a facilitator or clerk should try make magic for me. Sometimes the magic didn't happen, to keep the group working on one query at a time so that it becomes a corporate experience: so I told myself I must not have wanted it enough. It never occurred to me that it might be the nature of my I-On a sheet of paper, list three decisions or problems goal that was at fault rather · than the strength of the you are facing now.
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