The Pioneer News, 1924 J. W. Barrall, Editor Transcribed from Microfilm by Edith Blissett in the year 2005 January 4, 1924 January 11th, 1924, while a return Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ridgway game will be played there February entertained the following: Mr. and School News 29th. Mrs. Herbert Downs, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Samuels and family, Mr. Prof. W. J. Craig, Chemite teacher at Miss Sylvia Phelps was married and Mrs. Howard Watts, Mrs. Bowling Green spent several days recently to Mr. Fosket Barrall, the Emma Stibbins and her two sons, here last week visiting schools. He ceremony being performed by Bro. Roy and Paul Lee. spoke very favorably of the high Brandon, a retired local minister. school work being done by both the Miss Thelma Moore spent Tuesday The bride is a splendid young lady school here and the school at night with Miss Hazel Funk. and has been a teacher in this county Lebanon Junction. for some four or five years. She is Mrs. Sallie Funk and grandson, On our visit to the high school, we teaching at the present time in the Joseph, spent several days in found that the High School western section of this county and Louisville last week. Department alone had present over we congratulate Mr. Barrall on his Miss Mary Nichols has been visiting 100 pupils looked after by Prof. remarkable good selection. her sister, Mrs. Skinner, Thursday Sanders, Misses Crume, Hutchens The groom is a well known farmer evening. Mrs. Claud Funk and Miss and Anderson, while our other of that section, a clever young man Hazel Funk attended 6 o’clock county high school, which is at and belongs to a fine old Bullitt dinner at Mrs. Jacob Gerber’s Lebanon Junction, has some 60 County family, in fact, the Barralls Friday. They spent the day with Mrs. pupils enrolled which is the largest and Phelps are among the county’s Kingley Walker. high school attendance that school oldest and best citizens and we trust has ever had, besides the school Mrs. Will Close, who was called to that this couple has many years to spirit is there this year in great the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Julia live in this county and that their lives abundance. The high school Tydings, has returned home. may be filled with sunshine and department is taught by Prof. happiness. Rev. Burns, Mrs. Burns and Pilkenton, Mrs. Cherry and Miss daughter spent Christmas with Mrs. Kenner. Cupio Burns’ parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Kulmer, of Miss Hazel Funk, a student of Misses Ruth Ridgway and Hazel Louisville, spent Monday here on Nazareth College and Academy, st Funk spent Saturday night and business. Mr. Kulmer was formerly returned home December 21 to Sunday with Miss Elizabeth Nichols. school attendance officer of this spend the Christmas holidays. county and did a lot to get rural Misses Elizabeth Nichols and Ruth Miss Eunice Ridgway came home children in school during his two Ridgway spent Sunday night and the 22nd for the holidays. years of employment. Monday with Miss Hazel Funk. Mrs. J. B. Rogers spent several days The Senior Class of the High School Miss Hazel Funk and Elizabeth with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. at Lebanon Junction for this year is Nichols spent Monday night and Hayes Ashby. composed of the following students: Tuesday with Miss Ruth Ridgway. Pauline Harned, Lula Belle Monroe, Misses Elizabeth Nichols and Lena Saturday night, Mrs. Albert Griffin Mona Johnson, Zella Carpenter and Able spent several days of the gave a party in honor of her son, Edward R. Beeler. holidays with relatives in Louisville. Earl; Those present were: Misses Prof. Sanders and his basketball Miss Hazel Funk spent Saturday Eunice Ridgway, Hazel Funk, team have just returned from night with Miss Thelma Moore. Thelma Moore, Elizabeth Nichols, Columbia, Ky, where they played Bess and Evelyn Funk, Hazel and Miss Hazel Funk, Thelma Moore, several games with the various Nellie Merker, Jessie, Nellie and Mr. Otto Moore and Earl Griffin schools in that section of the state. Oretha Hopewell, Mobile (sic) Funk, spent Sunday afternoon with Ruth Beatrice Ferguson and Dorris The St. Joseph’s College boys from and Harry Ridgway. Griffin, Messrs Earl Griffin, James, Bardstown will play the local school Charles, and Harry Ridgway, Otto boys from here on the afternoon of Page 197 The Pioneer News, 1924 J. W. Barrall, Editor Transcribed from Microfilm by Edith Blissett in the year 2005 Moore, Robert Nichols, Walter Bardstown Junction trustee would have been notified Ridgway, Andrew Marcum, Orville accordingly. Someone has just Miss Thelma Lee spent Thursday Funk, Jack Applegate, Harold suffered an attack of over- with Miss Lilly Mooney. Atkisson, Rex Spencer, Roy imagination. Ferguson, Shack and Harley Ashley Mr. Henry Ward and sister, Miss Mr. R. W. Childers was in the city (sic), (Ashby), Robert and Orville Clara, of Winchester, Ohio, spent Monday. Griffin. Cake, fruit and candy were several days last week visiting served and everyone went away friends and relatives of this place. Mr. Onie Magruder has the chickens saying that this was one of the most Every one welcomed them back to pox. delightful parties they had ever their old home town and was very Messrs Charles Shaw, Pat Cruise, attended. sorry for them to leave. Mrs. and Gilbert Bradbury returned Rennison, Misses Lilly Mooney, Sunday evening, Misses Hazel and Sunday morning from the basketball Mildred Bergen, Christine Nellie Merker entertained for supper trip. Stansbery, Flossie and Annie Mae Misses Thelma Moore, Elizabeth Lynch and several others Miss Ella Mae McAllister called on Nichols, Ruth Ridgway and Hazel accompanied to the train to bid them Miss Anna Mae Lynch Wednesday Funk. Good-bye. afternoon. Miss Lillie Monroe spent a few days Mrs. T. D. McAllister and daughters, Notice with Miss Eunice Ridgway. Misses Francis and Ella McAllister The first meeting of the Woman’s Miss Hazel Funk spent Friday night called on Mrs. Walter Sanders Club for the New Year will be held with Mr. and Mrs. Claud Funk. Sunday afternoon. at the home of Mrs. J. F. Collings Mr Bill Wilson visited the Ridgway Mr. and Mrs. Warren Shaw Jr Saturday, January 12th. As this is to boys last week. entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Lynch be a “Riley” day, the program Sunday. committee requests that each Mr. Roy Stibbins, who is working in member be prepared to answer the Louisville, spent the holidays with Miss Francis Trunnell is working at roll call with a quotation from Riley. his mother, Mrs. Emma Stibbins. Shepherdsville. S. H. S. Reception Mr. and Mrs. Garine (sic) Merker Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oaks has returned spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. from Louisville where they have One of the most enjoyable social Albert Griffin. been visiting their daughter. evens of the year was the reception given by the Senior Class of the Rev. Burns, Mrs. Burns and little Mrs. Walter Sanders is spending a Shepherdsville High School at the girl were at Mr. and Mrs. Claud few days in Louisville. gymnasium last Wednesday night in Funk’s. Mrs. Grace Shaw spent Monday honor of all alumni of the high Miss Hazel Funk spent Saturday with Mrs. T. J. Trunnell. school. with Mrs. Will Close. Mrs. George Rennison entertained The large gymnasium, which was Miss Evelyn Funk spent Monday Misses Clara Ward, Christine beautifully decorated with gold and with her sister, Mrs. Gussie Stansberry and Mildred Bergen black streamers extending from each Ridgway. Thursday and reported having an of the lights to the corners of the exceedingly nice time. rooms and with S.H.S. pennants Mr. Walter Ridgway spent about the walls, never seemed more Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mr. Howard Masden was in beautiful to the eyes of the Mrs. Bob Ridgway. Louisville on business Monday. graduates; and when Mrs. Sanders Mr. A. A. McKinley is moving back The good citizens of this place are played “Skip to my Lou” on the to his home on Tiddings Hill. very sorry that a false report has piano and all engaged in a jolly skip been started concerning our school. around the room, it brought back All those that have heard it can rest memories of former days when they assured that it is not true, or else the were students of this dear old school. Page 198 The Pioneer News, 1924 J. W. Barrall, Editor Transcribed from Microfilm by Edith Blissett in the year 2005 During the evening, a delightful Hoping you will be able to publish Mr. James Miller and Miss Marie plate lunch consisting of this little appeal in our paper, I beg Henderson, of Louisville, were with sandwiches, pickles, celery, brick ice to remain, to all, A Lone Soldier in Mr. and Mrs. John Fay for the week cream, cake, and lemonade was Hawaii, (The lonely soldier) William end. th enjoyed by all and afterwards more L. Brown, Hospital Co. 31, 11 Mr. John Shanklin went to games and contests. Medical Regiment, Schofield Louisville Saturday to attend the Barracks, Hawaii. At 12 o’clock, all started for home, wedding of his niece, Miss Amy remembering the reception which Death Shanklin and Mr. E. D. Hunt. Mr. had just been as a most enjoyable and Mrs. Hunt will make their home Mr. Melvin Craven, age 39 years, 8 in Memphis, Tenn. one and giving three cheers for the months, 17 days died at his home Seniors of 1924. “Ye Seniors this near Brooks Station, Saturday, Misses Georgia May Queen, Neil time”. Signed, Mary Stalling December 28th. Espy and Emma May Wiggington Bullitt County Boy are spending the week with Mr.
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