'TtVPP- • J' fS-*' . ’ i THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1964 EIGHTEBIf ■ ' " ' tT Averitea Daily Nat PrSm Run :^anrl;^jCitpr lEttc^nios I f m U i Par the week Baded - U m lW o Faweaet aff V .‘ 4V‘- • ' • Aagaet 28. 1054 b ........... .... Jack Provsn, junior at Tufta Sunset Rebckah Lodge No. 39 Mrs. Jean McElrsevy, 394 Por- Claariag te Ooilegw Buid Bill Slover, Junior at has received sn invitstion from tsr St, will bs guest spesksr at 10,978 coaler tealgliL IHgi^i A bout Tow n Yala University, will leave tomor­ Welcome Rebeksh Lodge, Esst the meeting of the Mshitaester ■>■■ r.‘ - Hartford, to be guests .when it en­ Registered Nurses Assn. Tuesday, Memibr aC Um Aadit oriay M r aa row for a motor trip to Canada. Bureau a( CIrnnIatteB Mencbeeter Lodge' No. 73, A-F- On their return trip they plan to tertains its assembly officers Sept. 7, St 7:45 p. m. Her subject CONGOIEUM 80. and A.M. will, hold in emergent come through the middle west Wednesday, Sept. 15. Reservations will be "The Problem of Mental Manchester— A City of VUiage Charm PBVEHURST communication at Masonic Temple states, stopping in Cleveland, Ohio.* for the supper to be served on that Retsrdstlon.” • 8 lirit *• MU M U-8 Wl C8S90IMI ‘tonight St 7:30, for the purpose of occasion should be made by Sept. (ClaseifleO. Advertiateg ea Page 14) conducting a Masonic Funeral The monthly meeting of the 13, at the latest, by telephoning The fall planqing conference V0L.LXXIILN0.291 MANCHESTER, CONN., PRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 ,^ 5 4 (SIXTEEN PAGES) Service for the late Ernest L PRICK FIVE OPEN UNTIL School Building Committee, which Miss Esther Brindle, Hebron Road. of the "Connecticut Fellowship of ■ Ji ■ f • Kjellaon, a paat master of the would have fallen on Labor Day, Boltop, Congregational Women is sched­ lodge. The service will be held at has tieen postponed and a meeting uled for Thursday amd Friday, Watkins Brothers Funarsl Home of that group haa been scheduled Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Dunlop, Sept. 9-10, at the Hartford Semi­ ' 8:30 fct 8 o’clock.♦ tentatively for Sept. 13 at 8 p. m. 167 Maple St., have returned from nary Foundation, Elisabeth Street, IL S. Fears Eisenhower in the hearing room of the Muni­ Black Point where they visited the H a^ ord. Regictrationa wilt be rsBoth Comfort, Convenience, Their second daughter, Janet, cipal Building. family of their son-in-law and taken at 9:30 s. m. Thursday. Quick Check-Out FRIDAY I waa. born to Mr. and Mrs. William daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Homer of Oonoord N. H. recently. Royal Black Preceptory No. 13 G. McKinney of Pearl Street They Miss Jeanette McCooe of Bis- On Arming Signs B ias \ Come Flrat «t Pinehurst, Mrs.'.Homer is the former Nancy will meet In Orange Hall tomor­ report the only Inconvenience from sell Street and Mias Georgette m . MI1CMU94M9 McCarthy, MitcheL Andefson, daughter of Mr. and row at 8 p. m. Delegates to the re­ the hurricane of Tuesday waa that Gagnon o f So. Main Street, are A NIGHT Mrs. Elmer Anderson o f -34 Elm cent convention in Detroit will the electric current was off for spending their vacation at Kara- 109 CMTIR ST„ MANCMBTIR Bonn Fade ControlBill Ter. make their report at this meating. mac, in tha Pocono Mts., Pa.' thres hours. Washington, Sept. 3 Mitchell is tiring U e McCarthy CLOSED A a DAY Washington, Sept. 8 (/P)— There were at least two ver­ techniques." Denver, Sept. 3 (lP)--iims~ After a week of worry and McCarthy commented: "I’m sure sions today of the language I don’t like the comparison any ident E i s e n h »> w e i>''"^today LABOR DAY soul-searching, U. S. officials Vioe President Nixon is said better than Mitchell probably Yrill." signed an executiv^^iorder de­ are fairly confident today to have used in comparing Mitchell told a. repo-ter from signed to And In Hurricane Area# that a formula will be found i hia vacation ranch at Taos, N. M.; strengthen pi^isions of the pnncHURST Sen. McCarthy (R-\Vis) and I "You can’t figure out from this in a reasonable time for arm­ Chairman Stephen A. Miteh- . report whether Nixon and the standard and firing ing West Germany as a part­ ,ell of the Democratic Na­ other Republican leaders finally non - di(i»imination clause HHL CL B iq . ner in the anti-Communist tional committee. hrve decided that McCarthy is a includ^ in all government T rio Quits Exploring Ice Thnnel in SwitZerland State Butter »69^ defense of West Europe. Neither eraion appeared to liability to them.” conti^ts with private indus- Perishables FrMh dally Bread and Holla from Pepparidg* Farm and An>oM But there is far lest confidence please either McCarthy or Mitchell. Expert .on 'McCarthy Mitchell added thlT: Nixon "is tnr; -• ■ that thi. formula will promote Nixon could not be reached im­ I /Elsenhow er, who returned from We expect Robart in by noon Thursday with more of European unity. Some other de­ mediately by newsmen. s. expert on Sen. McCarthy but I Mendez on don't think he knowq much ab6^t' a Rocky Mountain fishing trip Spoiled by those wonderful “ farm fresh” 1964 crop broadbreasted vice may have .to be found to acr Not Much Cbolco late yesterday, put his signatiire eomplish that purpote-^-if. it la to He spoke at a closed meeting of me," and he added: / Hen Turkeys. «We will also h^ve “ farm-fresh” Roasting "I-thought when you mentioned to tee order shortly after anivlng be accomplished.- < the G yp National Comtnlttee in at the aummer White House at Capons. Cincjnnetl Wednesday night. A Nixon's name you were going to EDC Issue Pow er Cut WssJuufuL -Aa Washington views the altua- Lowry Air Force Base this morn­ tion, the tragedy of French de­ committee source who asked 'not to tell me the Republicans were an- jiouncing another Nixon TV-!»x- ing:- LEAN PINBHUItaT A WEEKEND FAVORITE struction of the propoaal for a be named said the Vice President The order ratifies lecomniends- Bonn, Germany, Sept. 3 (IP) By THE ASSOCIATED FEB88 European Defense Community declared In effect there is not much travaganxa to claim the Dixm- —Sen. Aletander Wiley (R-. CHUCK ROUND PINEHURST . Vatea deal for private exploitation tions tee President's Committee Many Massachusetts gro­ (EDC) is that EDG would have to choose between "the blasts of on Government Contracts recent­ RIB OVEN ROAST served both designs. McCarthy and the drawing rewm of atomic power waa white as Wis) rejected today any idea cery stores prepared today to lb. S9e ' snow. ly made to purchasing agencies of of a aeparate defense ar­ of choice beef, lb. 59c Diplo'matic authorities aay pri­ Innuendoes ci Mitchell." tee government. remain open on Sunday and vately the firat danSera iot the A Clevelani. Newa dispatch from "What was the name of Nixon’s That commitlee was set up by rangement by the United Labor Day, under emei^ency REGULAR Cincinnati by staff writer Thomas c c g ? ’’. - , Holiday Susgeatlons EDC defeat apparently have been the President when ht vacationed States with West Germany. permission, to alleviate the HAMBURG, lb. 39e weathered Bucceasfully. Vail quoted Nixon as saying: "I Mitchell has been criticising as in Colorado last summer. It s Tender Lamb Lags SHOP HALE’S can’t tee much difference between "a "raw deal” — and Republicans Wiley said the French As­ tight food aituation created Feared Violeat Reartloa headed by tflee President Nixon. White Rock Chicken Parte Morrell’s Ready to Eat Hama There had been deep concern the bellows of Sen. McCarthy and The order Eisenhower signeu to­ sembly’s ..vole to drop the by lack, of refrigeration due tiegB . Breaata . Wings here about a violent reaction in the ' bleats of Mitchell. In fact. (Continued on Pago Two) day defines piohibitcd discrimina­ EDC did not represent the to the h'urpicane. Soup Parte / . Tendercure Corned Beef West Germany, including angry tory' employment practices based “ heart and opinion -of the With Uiouaanda ot homao de­ atatementa againat France, out­ on race, color, religion or national Fyench people.” pending on day to day purchaata Be sure to get Pinehurst "Fresh Prankfurts for Self Serve and Meat Dept For All Your Food Needs bursts of extreme German nation­ origin. of meat and other pertahables, tho your lest picnic of the season. alism and the like. State Dept- Posters Provided action waa believed by authoritiaa officials aaid that hat not happen­ McCarthy May Give It also provides for posting of Paris, Sept. 3 (/P)— Three to be a stop-gap to wholesale food ed, ' They regard aa encouraging a conspicuous notice by govern­ pro-European Army minis­ apoilagt. It has been eetimated JACK FROST or WELCH'S the moderate tone of German re­ No Wait At Checkout for These Values ment contractors to acquaint em­ ters reigned from Premier that a million pounds of foostutta DOMINO MEAT DEPARTMENT action, bashed on the theme of ployes and applicants for jobs have been destroyed since TSms-, SAVE ON SAVE O N getting on with the task of with' the fact that the contractor Pierre Mendes-Fr.nnce’s cabi­ day’s storm. PARD DOG FOOD GRAPE JUICE PICNIC SPECIALS IT S TIME FOR LAMB ROAST AGAIN: strengthening^ Europe's defenses Defense Next Week operates under the non-dlscrimi- net today, protesting that he Fewer Leee Idlee Flaiito 2 cans 27c LARGE JARS and unity. nation clause. did not fight to win approval Meanwhile, the tiremendoivi teak SUGAR Lg.
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