VOL. VII. NO. 20. HOBOKEN, N. J., SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1881. PRICE THREE CENT& ways improved before the foundation assistant at an early date, and certainly deceased during twenty-four years of PLUMBING, ETC. CEMTS' FURNtSHtMG GOODS. could be laid, this work requiring an ad ought to be. He is desirous of this help apostolical life in this country. It was 1C. ditional $4,000. While the work was prc only that none of his congregation may truly stated that hi» works might more Bulls Ferry & Branch Roads greasing no man employed labored half in the slightest way be neglected. In properly be called creations. Out of al- Geo. Coppers, Louis GkDll. as strenuously as the pastor. New York the new district referred to, all Catholics most nothing he accomplished much, No. 108 WASHINGTON STREET, city and parts of the State were visited, are considered members of the church, and nearly always when others had failed. OTICE IS HEREBY QtrtX, THAT THE MAP N Md report at the imiimml made by the inb- Erected Thnragi the Dntiriflg En- and subscriptions subscribed with vary and are entitled to participate In all its He was the founder^ several churches acrlbers, Commissioners, *c, for the grading, nr- fak ceremonies, though it is pretty generally ulatiog and improving; the Bull* Ferry and Branch Ing success, but resulting, however, very in Texas; he ocgaatod St. Alphonsus' Roads In Hudson County, Hew Jersey, showinc satisfactory, about $5,000 being realized conceded at present that Irish and Ger- Parish in Philadelphia; the large Parish among other things, the amount* asHieoed •galiHrt Public buildings, stores and private dwellings ergy and PerseYerance of its each lot, tract or panel of land, and toe BHM of fltted up wtffc water, gasand steam, at the in this way. man comprise the congregation and con- of the Assumption In Syracuse; St.the owners of the land assessed, were on the aixth shortest notice. Material always on hand. stitute the principal support of thePeter's Church, Louisville, Ky, andday of June. A. D. 1881. filed in the otVe of the Jobbing promptly attended to. The magnitude of this labor can be Clerk of the County of Hudson, and alao in the Late Efficient Pastor. Imagined when It Is taken into considera- church. It is claimed that the average greater than all, the magnificent St. offlce of the Register of laid County. Attendance will run over seven hundred, Joseph's Church In Utioa, this being his Dated June lWh, A. D. 1881. CELEBRATED SHIRTS. tion that nearly every dollar of this large t»»im» w. Draw. sum was subscribed outside of the city which is wonderful, considering the size last great success before coming to Ho- JOBS &CU>, THOMAS Tk» T«rjr Bart, JUK of the parish. boken. GSHWH V. tarns* where the church belonged. The numer- Commissioners. Practical Plumbers, ous rebuffs, insults, disappointments A parochial school in connection with We have dwelt at considerable length SAME* H. STUBS, 6""-»—».|9L B1EAT DIFFICETES OVERCOME. and arrogances cannot be recounted, yet the church is located in apartments In on the life, virtues and death of Father Clerk. STEAM & GAS FITTERS, Father Alphonsus never wavered. He the rear of the building. It is well man- Zoeller, but in reality the history of the No. 2W WASHINGTON ST. shouldered the responsibility and wasaged by the Sisters of St. Francis, and little church which we present in this CROCERIES, ETC. 17O Washington St. Bet. Fourth and Fifth Sts., HOBOKEN, N. J. determined to see the good work ac- has proven such a great success as toissue is nothing without its late pastor. POULTRY AMP CAME, A Large and Flourishing Congrega- ESTABLISHED 1855. Bunding* of all description* Btted up with Water complished. He also appealed to socie- necessitate more space as soon as theHe it was who erected it; he who organ- and Gas in the beat manner/ Plumber.• Material* tion, Comprising Representatives ties in Germany with which he was in-same can be provided. At present the ized the parish; his labors sustained it OO TO and Oaa Fixtures constantly on hand. Geo. timate, and by this means secured $1,000. attendance aggregates one hundred and through many trying ordeals, and but Jokfclata; promptly attemaleel tax. of Three Nationalities. seventy pupils, male and female, and for him it would not now be in a positiou L. Wiedermann's, Whototakt and tteta. Dwabr k On the completion of the building J. H. KN1FFIN, Father Zoeller was made pastor and con- this number is constantly and rapidly so firmly established, and so necessary 148 WASHINGTON ST., tinued to faithfully discharge the duties increasing. It is hoped that better ac- to the people who have gathered about Practical Plumber, IV OOOS FINANCIAL CONDITION. of the position until death released him commodations will be provided before it, as to be beyond any chance of failure. —FOR— PODLTRY ill on the 13th day of last month, when his the end of the present season. Father It is, moreover, left In good hands. Fine Groceries and Delicacies. remains were taken to Utica for inter- Marzetti Is already exerting himself to Father Marzetti is a man in the prime 436 Washington Mark«t ment. It was a great disappointment to procure the necessary funds, and so farof life, blessed with indomitable will and Steam and Gas Fitter, We have just reached our fourteenth the pastor to learn that the whole con- is well pleased with the prospects. The perseverance, which he has already wo. ie7 WAJHcarerov ax, Veeoy Street BWe. SHBIT Y©] and last sketch In connection with the late pastor, who was solely instrumental shown evidence of; and though less than gregation which he had struggled so I Coodt alwayt told at Lowart Pries*. BOBOKKH, N. J. churches *f this city. We have omitted hard to provide a place of worship for in erecting the church and parish, also a year In this city, has become a great none intentionally, and don't believe that did i 't exceed four or five families. managed, before his demise, to leave it favorite with his people. He is a highly LODGES. any were neglected under any circum- in good condition, financially speaking. educated gentleman and a perfect en- DRY GOODS. Nothiug daunted however, he worked LOD3B, HO 6M, stances. It has been a more tedious and on celebraung no ess than four masses The entire cost of ground, building, thusiast in his profession. He Is de- trying undertaking than the majority of daily, and by every means known to his furniture, etc., reached the sum of $25,-termined that the sacred trust placed in WOLFF'S KNIGHTS OF HONOR, . Oolien, people would suppose, and while we gifted intellect endeav< ing to induce 000, of which $12,000 has already been his keeping will not suffer through any Meet* 1st. 3rd and 6th Monday* of each month at have conscientiously striven to do justice the " stray sheep " to return to the fold. paid off, and it is expected, in spite of fault of his, and with health, youth and Dry Goods Store. 80 and (B Washington atreetT(CraiU!'* Building.) to all, we take leave of the subject with He was successful to some extent, but other calls on the exchequer, that an sincerity on his side is likely to carry out TTUBOKEI COUSCII., SO. •*, pleasure. Our efforts have had some had the total number of Germans of the additional $1,000 will be paid during the his intentions to the letter. 86 WASHINGTON 8T. Commissi good effects, we hope, and if only the denomination In hia district attended, coming month. This will leave the A few words on the nature and govern- Cor. Second St., HOBOKEN, If. J. ROYAL ARCANUM, slightest benefits result we are more than Meet* 1st and Sd Wednesday* of each month at at) the number would not even then have balance only $12,000, which, considering ment of the Franciscan Order and we 88 Washington street. content. been very nattering. the circumstances, is > not extravagant, will draw our article to a close. The Ladies' Underwear, Fancy Goods, The wickedness and crimes of Hobo- It was evident at the very outset that, and, as the mortgage stands, there is society was founded by St. Francis hi the —AND— THEATRES. ken have unfortunately been too well unless by Providential interference, the nothing to cause any particular anxiety. Twelfth Century, and is therefore seven Gente' Furnishing Goods & Hosiery. heralded to its own as well as to neigh- church could not be made self-support- rpHBATKB No. 74 Vesey Street, boring communities, and always ex- ing, and the solicitation plan had already 61 * M WaafclBfrlm llmt aggerated to an alarming extent. We been worked to its greatest limit. In NKW ATTRACTIONS EVKBY WXBX. ifasrWaaotogtonstarkat, can hardly account for this unless it be this dilemma the Bishop was appealed to Special Aooommodatlons for that the first consideration of journalists for advice and aid, and that dignitary al- FainlUes. is not, at all timea, truth. Stories in lotted the district bounded by Adams Change of rVocramme erjary Kooday sadi newspapers must be made at least in- street on the east and Second street on teresting, and if by any possible means, the north as a parish over which the ^SACEtD CONCERT sensational. The latter, however, Is thepastor of the church should have jurls- Every Sunday Afternoon and Evening. great aim, and hence truth is often sac- dict on, embracing, of course, Roman rificed. Our proximity to large cities Catholics of all nationalities residing \X7EBKil'S 6UUUIU THKATKB AsTD has in a meusure furnished Hoboken within this limit.
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