Gender in Science & Technology for Sustainable and Equitable Development wwvn IDAC AMFV CRDI A Working Guide to Issues ARCHIV Networks & Initiatives 96800 v.1 Volume I f IDRC CRDI International Development Reseach Centre Centre de recherches pour le développemerit international Head Office / Siege social : 250 Albert Street! rue Albert, P.O. Box! BP 8500, Ottawa, Canada K1 G 3H9 Tel/Tél(613) 236-6163 Cable! Cable RECENTRE Telex /Télex 053-3753 Fax/Télecopie (613) 238-7230 CANADA wwvA AMFV The World Women's Veterinary Association L'Association Mondiale des Femmes Vétérinaires Box! BP 21016, 151a Second Avenue! Deuxième avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5N1 Tel/Tél: (613)594-9149 Fax!TOlecopie : (613)594-5946 r CI IDRC Ub WWVA CRDI AMFV L 1r CA NADA Gender in Science and Technology for Sustainable and Equitable Development In an era when science and technology are often perceived to be contributing as much to the global environmental crisis as to global solutions, it is important to pose the questions; Science & Technology For Whom? By Whom?..and For What Purpose? This two volume guidebook was designed and produced by the World Women's Veterinary Association (WWVA) in collaboration with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) in Canada.The guidebook is intended to provide a "road map" to issues, international networks and policy initiatives in the domain of "gender in science and technology" in preparation for the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women which is scheduled to be held in September, 1995, in Beijing China. The International Development Research Centre (IDRC), designated by the Prime Minister of Canada as an "Agenda 21" Agency at the UNCED in Rio de Janeiro, is encouraging all those who are working towards the Beijing Conference to build on the 1985 Nairobi "Forward Looking Strategy" and the Rio "Agenda 21" by supporting research to inform policy and action in the sphere of gender and sustainable and equitable development. The World Women's Veterinary Association (WWVA) is a global network of women professionals committed to the advancement of women in the sciences and dedicated to application of the science of veterinary medicine for the alleviation of poverty through field projects, programs and policies with a particular focus on the world's most vulnerable populations- women and children. '47 Lc2abczh iTrr( Di'. Rosina Wiltshire Dr. Elizabeth McGregor Gender & Sustainable Founding President Development Program World Women's Veterinary IDRC, Ottawa, Canada Association, Ottawa, Canada Copies of Volumes I & II may be obtained by contacting Dr. Wiltshire or Dr. McGregor. tjC II I I I I I I I CLL2ab2&1 iTIGrvçof Dr. Elizabeth McGregor D. Rosina Wiltshire Founding President Gender & Sustainable World Women's Veterinary Development Program Association, Ottawa, Canada IDRC, Ottawa, Canada I SPECIAL THANKS The IDRC and the WWVA wish to thank the United Nations, the Women's Tribune Centre and WEDO for permission to reproduce the material in this working guide; and to the Canadian. International Development Agency (CIDA) for the Masai tribe photograph and its support to the WWVA. Special thanks are extended to Professor Geoffrey Oldham, Science & Technology Advisor to the President of IDRC; and to Mr. Ernani Fiori, Canadian Representative of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA); and Dr. Marilyn Carr, Special Advisor to UNIFEM, for their guidance on content. Appreciation is also expressed to Lucy Nottingham, Allison Ball, Johanne Hamelin-O'Connor, Nancy Gagnon and Nancy McConnell for compilation of the data, sourcing of the bibliography, administrative assistance, the map of milestones with cover design and production advice. This document is intended as a working guidebook and does not attempt to be inclusive in its information. The authors accept responsibility for its inherent limitations. TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME I 1 Maps Milestones Towards Gender Equity for Sustainable & Equitable Development; and Key Landmarks and Conferences in Gender, Science and Technology 1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women 3. 1979 TheU.N.ConferenceonScienceand Technology for Development: "The Vienna Program of Action on Science and Technology for Development" 4. 1984 Report of the U.N. Panel of the Advisory Committee on Science and Technology for Development: "Science and Technology and Women" 5. 1985 The Nairobi End of Decade oForward Looking Strategies oExcerpts from Resolutions Relating to S& T 6. 1986 Excerpts from the 1986 U.N. World Survey on "The Role of Women in Development" 7. 1989 Excerpts from the 1989 U.N. World Survey on "The Role of Women in Development" 8. 1990 World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children 9. 1991 World Women 's Congress for a Healthy Planet: Women "Action Agenda 21" 10. 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development oA Reference to Recommendations on Women o A Compendium of Excerpts on Science and Technology TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME II United Nations Fourth World Conftrence on Women. Action for Equality, Development & Peace U.N. Commission on Science and Technology for Development: Working Group on "Gender Implications of Science and Technology for the Benefit of Developing Countries" Inter-Governmental Organizations: United Nations Agencies Inter-American and Other Inter-Governmental Organizations and Institutes The international Development Research Centre (IDRC) & Other Like-Minded Development Research Agencies Scan of Global NGO and INGO Networks Selected international Conferences National Advisory Boards on Science & Technology Scient?fic Academies & Royal Societies Highlights of Canada 's National and International Activities to Promote the Advancement of Women Including Selected Initiatives oft Federal Departments Universities Non-Governmental Organizations A Selected Bibliography Gender, Science & Technology-Key Landmarks andof"The Action Technology Vienna1979 on Science Program for "Scienceandthe U.N.Women" & Panel1984 Technology (Report of the & BenefitScience"Gender1993-1995 of& ImPliCations DevelopingTech. for the of (U.N.onDevelopment" ScienceDevelopment) World and Conference Tech.j-.--- for onAdvisory forScience Development Committee& Technology- J ofNations" Sciencethe U.N.Development (Working & Commission Tech, for Group on 1975 i I MEXICO 1 COPENJIA1980 GEN L NAIROBI1985 CHINA1995 "WorldOpeningDecadeWomen Plan of forof the Action" "ProgramMid-Meeting Decadeof Action" "ForwardThe TheConferenceEnd(FLS)" Look'mg U.N. of Decade Strategy Development,onThe Women, Fourth WorldAction and Peace Conferencefor Equality, }pubJI I :cea MIAMI1991 RIO 1992DE JANEIRO ViENNA1993 1994CAIRO COPENHAGEN1995 AgendaWomen'sAction 21 ConferenceUnitedEnvironmentDcvelopnicnt Nations on and UnitedhumanConference"World Nations Rights" on "UnitedPopulationConferenceDevelopment"International Nations andon UnitedSummitSocialThe Nations ACRONYMS Selection of NGO's and INGO's Active in Issues of Gender in Science & Technology AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science AAWORD Association of African Women on Research & Development ACTS African Centre for Technology Studies APCWD Asian and Pacific Centre for Women and Development AWID Association for Women in Development AWlS Association for Women in Science CAW Committee for Asian Women DAWN Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era GASAT Gender & Science & Technology Association ICWR international Centre for Research on Women ITDG International Technology Development Group IFIAS International Federation of Institutes for Advances Studies IWTC International Women's Tribune Centre PAWF Pacific and Asias Women's Forum PC Population Council SID/WID Society for International Development/Women in Development TWOWS Third World Organization of Women in Science & Technology WEDNET Women, Environment and Development Network WEDO Women's Environmental & Development Organization WEN Women's Environmental Network WORLD WIDE Worldwide Network - Women in Development & Environment WWVA World Women's Veterinary Association WORLD YWCA World YWCA - Y's Eyes World Young Women's Christian Association - Energy & Environment Milestones Towards Gender Equity for Sustainable & Equitable Development MEXiCO COPENHAGEN"PROGRAM HE U.N.NAIROBi FORWAR THEWORLDCHINA FOURTH OPENING'WORLDDECADEOFWOMEN ACTION" OFPLAN FOR THE MID-DECADEOFMEETING ACTION" STRATEGYTHECONFERENCLOOKINGDECADE END (FLS)' OF rCONFERENCEWOMDEVELOPMENTFORAND EQUALITY,ENs PEACE ACTION 0 / 8oAth MIAMI1991 0 DR1992 JANEJRO VIENNA1993 UNITEDCAIRO1994 NATIONt COPENHAGEN1995 AGENDAWOMEN'SACTION 21 tUNITEDDEVELOPMEN'IENVIRONMENTICONFERENCEANDON NATIONS bhUMANCONFTED"WORLDON ERENCENATIONS RIGHTS' INTERNATIONALDEVELOPMENT'POPULATIONCONFERENCEANDON UNITEDSUMMITSOCIALTHE NATIONS 1945 1916 1948 1952 1957& 1962 1967 1975 1979 1980 I 1985 1987 1989 U 1993 CommissionU.N. Uriversal Convention Conventionson Equality EliminationDeclarationof Women'InternationalOpening syem-:U.N.AdoptsAssembly GeneialI theu onConference WorldWomen I 'UN.D Women'sStudy P. U.N.Wale System WorldUN. )eolerntiori UN.arter Statuson the Declarationof onofWonsen RightsPolitical ofWomen Manied ofiscrinunatio all ofForms forDecade Womenof ofElinnnatiotiConventton Allon theorni II Second'PgsAction' Half forof II I)evelment'&Partioipahon U.N World 'MediumTenuPlanfor WomenSurveyon Violenceon ofis formedWomen HumanRights theto Vote Right -in Equal MalTiage Right Against Development,Equality, Disoriinination0 Decadeof U.N. for
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