October 13, 1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 29757 "Postal Corporation"; to the Committee on 291. Also, petition of Walter C. Grunthal, for World War I veterans; to the Commit- Post Office and Civil Service. Lone Pine, Calif., et al. relative to pensions tee on Veterans' Affairs. EXTENSI01N.S OF REMARKS THE VIETNAM MORATORIUM being advocated. For instance, what is to be NEW LEMINGTON DEVELOPMENT: DEMONSTRATIONS done about those thousands of middle and 18-MONTH FIGHT BRINGS HOUS­ low echelon Vietnamese officials who might ING well be murdered if the United States should HON. LEN B. JORDAN quit Vietnam tomorrow? Not the Kys and fl'hieus, who presumably could quit the HON. WILLIAM S. MOORHEAD OF IDAHO country-some top figures have bank ac­ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES counts stashed away in Switzerland. But OF PENNSYLVANIA Monday, October 13. 1969 many city and village officials like those hon­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES orable citizens of Hue who were murdered Monday. October 13, 1969 Mr. JORDAN of Idaho. Mr. President, for being there and being neutral, when the the Vietnam moratorium demonstra­ Communists briefly held that ancient 1citadel. Mr. MOORHEAD. Mr. Speaker, I tions set for October 15 could be of great Can guarantees be obtained from Hanoi? would like to call to the attention of this value to the Nation if their focus was on Would anyone wishing to leave South Viet­ House the fine efforts of a group of Pitts­ provoking a thoughtful discussion of the nam be free to go? Where to? burgh citizens, who in their own way problems involved in ending this war. Or what about the impact of a swift Amer­ sought a solution to our national housing ican retreat on the rest of South and South­ shortage. Acting independently, this I would hope that this moratorium be east Asia? Does the United States pull out of used not merely to denounce our in­ Thailand, and Laos? It is considered to be group built their hopes of more housing volvement in Vietnam, but to consider factually correct that the Indonesian leaders for more Americans, into reality, an 87- seriously some of the implications of found courage to frustrate the bid of Peking­ unit moderate-income apartment build­ ending that involvement. An excellent style communism to take over their country, ing. article on this point was recently pub­ thanks to the presence of the Americans in Their pioneer efforts were undertaken lished in the Christian Science Monitor. Vietnam and the British in Malaysia. It is at great personal sacrifice as well as fi­ As its author, William H. Stringer, rather useful that all of Southeast Asia is nancial risk. not now in the grip of a communism points out: oriented in Peking. Would total American Their efforts and results are described The United States is accused of blunder­ withdrawal aid Peking, or Moscow, or whom? in the following article which appeared ing into the war in Vietnam. It should not A great and responsible nation does not in the October 6 issue of the Pittsburgh blunder out. bug out of an area which it has penetrated, Post-Gazette: with whatever mistaken motives, without NEW LEMINGTON DEVELOPMENT: 18-MONTH Some of the important questions considering more than the feelings of outrage which the article raises are these: What FIGHT BRINGS HOUSING felt by some citizens. (By Bohdan Hodiak) will be the fate of middle- and low­ The major culprit here, it would seem, is echelon Vietnamese officials after an the government in Saigon. It hasn't by any A group of civic-minded Pittsburgh resi­ means broadened its base, brought in neu­ dents closed a $1.7 million deal with federal American withdrawal? Should provi­ officials last week for an 87-apartment hous­ sions be made to guarantee their safety tral and civilian viewpoints, cleaned out cor­ ruption, widened its public support. Presi­ ing development in Lemington Heights, in or to grant them freedom to leave South the Lincoln Avenue-Lemington District of Vietnam if they wish? And what will be dent Nixon thought that his slow pace of American troop withdrawals would pressure the 12th Ward. the impact of an American withdrawal Saigon to see the light. There are those who The non-profit, moderate-incom.e develop­ on the rest of Southeast Asia? Will it fault Mr. Nixon for not pacing American ment took 18 months to arrange. leave Peking and Moscow free to domi­ troop withdrawals to the pace of Hanoi's re­ It was suggested and nursed by David Hor­ nate the governments of that region? duction of its infiltration into South Viet­ witz, a McKees Rocks optometrist who lives Another point that merits discussion nam. Certainly if the President were visibly in Squirrel Hill and describes himself as "an is what effect demonstrations such as tougher on Saigon, he would win further absolute and complete amateur" in housing. these have on the Paris peace talks. breathing space for his peacemaking. NEARLY CANCELED ' While I would not question the propriety But what Mr. Nixon's strategy is up against To pass safely through the bureaucratic is the fact that some young Americans un­ meat grinder took several thousand hours of of these expressions of opinion, I do be­ derstandably want the United States to get lieve that responsible critics must do work, the risk of thousands of dollars, and out of the wa,r, totally and tight now, with­ the help of a congressman and two U.S. som& thinking about how their actions out considering the consequences on Hanoi senators, he said. will influence the speed with which a ne­ of the protest movement they have set in Even then the project was nearly can­ gotiated settlement is reached. motion. Those who dealt with Communist celled several times. In short, I hope that October 15 will negotiators in Korea, or in the interminable The local Federal Housing Authority prove to be a day of constructive dis­ meetings which finally moved the Russians (FHA) originally turned it down, the land cussion-a true teach-in-rather than a out of Austria, know that such negotiations purchase option ran out, there was not depend on many complex factors. These in­ enough money, the contractor had second purely emotional demand for an immedi­ clude, right now at Paris, the state of Amer­ ate end to the war. I ask unanimous con­ thoughts about taking on the project, and ican opinion. all the experts said, "We told you it couldn't sent that the article be printed in the We are told that Henry Kissinger, at the be done." Extensions of Remarks. White House, argued to several young Repub­ It started in March 1968 at a meeting of There being no objection, the article lican congressmen-who would move to re­ the United Jewish Congress (UJC) in Squir­ was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, peal the Tonkin Gulf resolution-that every rel Hill. "Everybody says the city needs hous­ political protest which advised Hanoi of ris­ ing," said Dr. Horwitz of 6316 Bartlett St. as follows: ing American antiwar sentiment, would be TEACH-IN? "Why can't we form a corporation, get an one more blow to the President's hope of com­ FHA guarantee, anq build some homes?" (By William H. Stringer) pelling North Vietnam to negotiate an end It would be useful if the Vietnam mora­ to the conflict. AGREED TO HELP torium demonstrations set for Oct. 15 were It surely must be obvious that if the United Three men at the meeting agreed to help: to be "teach-ins"--candid discussions--of States should set a date-such as the end of Daniel Berger, an attorney, Jacob J. Gzesh, just what can and should be done to get 197o-to be out of Vietnam, bag and baggage, an architect, and Willi·am Behrend, a realtor, the miserable war over as quickly as possible. all Hanoi has to do is sit tight and await who said he knew of 6.5 acres of land that There should be something more than mere the day. This would be about as sensible as might be suitable. The UJC voted its ap­ "downing tools" that day, more than just for General Eisenhower to have advised Hitler, proval. calling the war "obscene," more than advo­ on D-Day, that if the Americans weren't The Metropolitan Pittsburgh Non-Profit cating, as does Dr. Spock, "immediate with­ in Paris in two months, they would quit Housing Corporation was organized with drawal" without any major conditions. World War II and go home. Horwitz as president; I. Martin Wekselman, The United States is accused of blunder­ When the students go ringing doorbells an attorney, as vice president; Alma Fox of ing into the war in Vietnam. It should not on October 16, they should bring with them NAACP as executive secretary; and the Rev. blunder out. estimates, as accurate as possible, of the David Malone, former pastor of the Leming­ Everyone should know precisely what is total consequences of what they propose. ton Presbyterian Church, as members. 29758 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 13, 1969 They went to the local FHA and were Land clearing should begin in two weeks commerce, business and industry. We defend turned down. They were told the immediate with completion in Jan. 1971. Most of the their interests well. But isn't something more area of Lemington Avenue and Missouri apartments will have three bedrooms and 20 demanded in the name of an affirmative con­ Street did not need moderate income housing. per cent wm be rent subsidized for low in­ servatism? Why do we let Ralph Nader mo­ "But Pittsburgh does," Horwitz said and come families.
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