18 Cburcb 36ell0 . \D eu m ler 18 9 7. ■we find among the latter an account of ‘ What a man eats, drinks, and smokes in a lifetime,’ which owes much of its attractiveness to its striking Belle anb BelUringing. illustrations. ‘ Niagara in Winter ’ is illustrated with some remarkable photographs of the Nalls after King Frost has asserted his sovereignty; * The Newest Marvel in Science ’ is an account of an apparatus which will Meetings for Practice. photograph objects of every description in their true colours ; and ‘ Stage Waterloo Society: at St. John’s, W aterloo Road, on December 8th, Skeletons,’ showing how some of those monsters which have so often amused College Youths: at St. Mary Matfelon, Whitechapel, on December 8th: U3 are fabricated, are among the good things for Christmas reading. St. Magnus’, London Bridge, on December 9th; St. Stephen’s, T h e T e m p l e M ag a z in e discourses on the burning topic, 1 Why Young Westminster, on December 10 th. Men don’t Marry,’ and gives a variety of more or less ingenious excuses for Cumberland Youths: at St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, to-day, December their shortcomings. It includes among its contents five complete stories, 3rd; St.. M ary Magdalene, Islington, on December 8th.— A ll about and an account of the painter, Luke Tildes, B.A., at work. 8 p.m. T h e W oman a t H ome is gay in white and gold, and is a most interesting number. It opens with an account of ‘ Some Women Novelists’ by Sarah The St. James’ Society. A.. Tooley, from which we learn a great deal about well-known lady writers, I n consequence of the repairs now in progress at St. Clement Danes, among whom are Miss Braddon, Mrs. Hodgson-Burnett, Miss Beatrice the meetings at that steeple are suspended for the present. Notice w ill Harraden, and ’ Mrs.’ Olive Schreiner. Fifty-two pages of interesting be given of their resumption. R. A . D a n i e l l , Hon. Sec. information are given about the women novelists, and we could do with 20 Bucklesbury, E . C. more. Additional interest is given to the series by a number of excellent photographs and illustrations. ‘ London. Society in the Diamond Jubilee CHANGE-RINGING. Year,’ by Mrs. Humphry, is a retrospect of much more than passing interest, and ‘ Brides and Bridegrooms’ is a selection of some well-known Society The Kent County Association and the Ancient Society of couples who have lately married. The serial is continued. There are a variety College Youths. of complete stoties—including one from the facile pen of Mary E. Wilkins A t St. Mary’s, Westerham, Kent, on November 20th, Brook’s —and such important topics as 1 Dress and Fashion,’ ‘ Cookery,’ 1 Love, Courtship and Marriage,’ ‘ Health and Personal Appearance,’ has each its Variation peal of S t e d m a n T r ip l e s , 5040 changes, in 3 hrs. 14 mins. own department. As a magazine for the home, the Woman at Some is Tenor, 23 j cwt. ‘hard to beat. James George . 1 James W allis . 5 G r e a t T houghts contains a talk with the Rev. Dr. Bobertson Nicoll, Joseph Edwards .. 2 Thomas Wallis . 6 who is claimed by his interviewer to be the discoverer of Barrie, Crockett, Edward R. J. Dunk . 3 Thos. Groombridge (condr.) 7 ian Maelaren, Jane Barlow, and Mary Wilkins. Dr. Nicoll has, indeed, done William Latter . 4 Robert Stone* . 8 much through the agency of the journals with which he is connected to [* First peal in the method.] bring these writers prominently before the public. A biography and an interview with Mr. T. P. O’Connor, M.P., is included among the remainder The Sussex County Association. of the variety of the contents. A t St. Mary Magdalene’s, Bolney, Sussex, on November 27th, a Ch r istm as A eeows (the Quiver annual) has a beautiful cover, and a peal of L o n d o n S u r p r is e M a j o r , 5088 changes, in 3 hrs. 10 mins. •complete one-volume story, fully and cleveily illustrated, and entitled 1 Lady Keith Hart . 1 George F. Attree.. 5 Jane’s Companion.’ A tuneful Christmas carol, by Charles Bassett ; full Frank Bennett . 2 George A. K ing . 6 details of the Quiver Cnristmas hamper for the lonely poor; and many •other interesting articles go to make up a capital number of this ably-edited George Smart . 3 James N. Frossell . 7 and ever-popular magazine. Edward C. M erritt 4 George Williams . G ood Ch e e r , the Christmas number of Good Words, has a story by Mrs. ^Composed by Henry Dains, conducted by George William s. Hugh Fraser, well illustrated by Launcelot Speed, called * The Looms of (For continuation of Bell-ringing seepage 20.) Time.’ We were unable to enjoy the whole of the story, as a sheet from the ■Christmas number of the Sunday Magazine was bound into the copy sent us, and we found soma difficulty in sorting the two sets of characters. Ch a t te r b o x , our ever-juvenile friend, brings out its Christmas Box, as For Puddings, Pastry, Frying, & Cooking. ihe Christmas number is called, in brighter colours than ever. The cover is attractive, representing a conversation between a child and an angry 1 lb. equals Always parrot. Every page has something of interest for the little ones, who should 2 lbs. Sweet, all make a point of seeing this number. Suet. No Waste. T h e Christmas number of the B oy’s Ow n P a f e k and the G ir l ’s Own P a p e r have plenty of interesting reading for the young folk. The frontispiece <of the latter is very soft and graceful. H elping W ords and the P rize R eciter are both fair average numbers. W e have received from Messrs. Chappell & Co., New Bond Street, their A n n u a l D ance A l b u m for Ch r is t m a s , price Is . It is an excellent number, -containing no fewer than nine pieces of dance music. N u m b e r 3 of Chappell’s W e s tm in s t e r A l b u m , price I s., consists of twenty- eight pages, full music size. It contains six popular soDgs by such well- irnown composers as Tosti, Oowen, and De Lara, 8d. T h e Italian Minister of Public Instruction is making a library to fit a ’ -catalogue. Some time ago the idea was suggested by some Boman news­ p e r lb . papers, of founding a library to contain only the Prohibited Books of the If your Grocer does not Congregation of the Index of tbe Vatican. The idea interested the public, keep it send 8d. in stamps to fclie Sole and it -was brought before the Minister of Public Instruction, with the result Manufacturers, HTJGON & CO., Ltd., ihat he resolved to carry it out. There will, therefore, shortly be in Italy, in Pendleton, Manchester, for a Sample 1-lb. box, and Recipes. .Borne, or maybe Florence, a library of which the catalogue will be the ‘ Index -Expurgatorius.’ Little difficulty will be found in procuring such books, ■because no better advertisement of a book can be got than to have it plaeed CALVERT'S CARBOLIC OINTMENT on the index. SS AS ik EEMOY A s a m p l e of Hugon’s 1 Atora ’ Beef Suet having been sent to us, we handed For Chafed Skin, Scalds, Cuts, Sore Eyes, Earache, Neuralgic and Rheu­ at to a lady who is an authority on culinary and domestic matters to pro­ matic Pains, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Throat Colds, and nounce an opinion on its merits. Having practically tested it, she tells us Skin Ailments generally. LARGE POTS, 1/lwd. each, at Chemists’, &c.; or Post Free for value. that it replaces cooking butter and lard for all purposes, and is more eco­ Illustrated Pamphlet Post Free on application. nomical than raw suet, and is a great improvement on raw suet as generally used. F. C. CALVERT & CO., MANCHESTER. Cbe Struggle for Existence. T he tired student, the exhausted professional man, the teacher, are revived, restored, and strengthened by Dr. Tibbies’ Vi-Coeoa, mainly through CONSUMPTION Ahe action of that beneficent ingredient, Kola, which brightens the eye, and THE GRAND OLD MEDICINE OF NEARLY 70 YEARS stores up reserve power in the nervous system. Bear in mind, the nervous has maintained its position as the first Medicine in all Chest Complaints. system controls and directs all the powers of a vigorous life. It is the man or As a preventative of mischief, it should be taken at the first appearance of G:t =~ : : woman with the strongest nervous system that wins in the battle of life. Gold. As a safeguard against I nfluenza, and in subsequent weakness of the 1 —rs. r Therefore the duty of all is to strengthen this controlling power, and it has has been used with wonderful results. been proved that nothing has been so effective in doing this as Dr. Tibbies’ M i n i s t e r s and Public jSpeakeks have declared it to be invaluable for hcs-seras, and 4 S p le n d id for the V o ic e .’ Vi-Coeoa. So, also, in Asthma, it has been the means of wonderful relief.
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