\ , AI the News of AI the Pointe. Ev"ry Thursd.y MC?rning rosse Pointe ews 'Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the New. Pulllllhid •• second CI... Motte, .t tho VOL.41-NO. II Polt Office .t Detroit, Mlchl •• n GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1980 25c Pt, Copy --------",...----- $10.00 Pe, Y.. , 34 Pages-Three Sections-Plus Insert Cottage Ready 'Pep Rally' for Hospital GP Court Bill Wins ForCHPC Battle Senate Approval Cottage Hospital employes and supporters ~ill take another stab at convincing ComprehensIve Health Planning Council members to ease off their By' Susan McDonald All five councils have ap. I The Woods councilman proved resolutioIlS approvmg i saId he wwt to Lansing to order to eliminate beds at a public hearing to- 62 The State Senate ap- of the court conversIOn, al'l seek Sllpport for the one. morrow, March 14. proved a bill Tuesday, though the City CounCil's judge position from Sen. The hospital bas scheduled Rep. Hertel r e p 0 r t e d March 11, that will cre- resolution called for one - John Hertel and Sen. Gilbert six bus trips for supporters March 10, that there may be ate a district court sys- rather than two - judges. DiXello. to and from its building at two legislative panels look. tem in Grosse Pointe One or Two? Sen. Kelly opposed the 159 Kercheval to the Book ing into the CHPC in the next year with two judg- The Woods Council. how- ?ne.judge appro<u:h and won Buildin2' oowntown ",h~!,~ near future. He eX'Oressed ,.., _..J' 4. _ 4- 1 ..., ever. recentlv re<;<-inc!eo it", In the Senate. solid support for Cottage and .... ,:;, o.4 •• u '",r U .)'""t""U. U "' \,; "'- resolution of support and ap- . "If we don't haye .. two the CHPC will be meeting toral divisions. frQ,m 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday. presented an optimistic view proved a new resolution op. Ju~ges and two dlVlSlOns. of efforts to change the plan. Th~ legislation, spon- posing the conversion alto. ~e I! ~ve the Wo~s elect. As of March 10, it also had sored by Sen. John Kel- gether. The final resolution mg their hometown Judge to scheduled a dozen speakers Some of the criteria used ly, was approved by a also stated that if the con. the seat forever beoouse of to support Oottage's cause at to make the euts were "un. flair and arbitrary," accord. 23-11 vote, he said, and version does become law. the th~ir ~,repondera?Ce of popu. the hearing. Among them district should be served b)( latlOn, Kelly said. are representatives of local ing to Hertel. "I'm concerned remained substantially only one judge. '''Wherever ~o~ h.a~'e t~o ehurches, city councils, busi. the pl-an may have been po. unchanged despite some litieal," he said. Woods M-ayor George Free. or mpr~ mU~lclpahtles I~' nesses, scheols and auxilia. efforts to amend it. man explained the one.judge ~Iud~~ m ~ smgle court, It ries. Board of Education ,Urges Employes It calls for 'abolition of the stand by saying "thai's all IS. ';llVlded mto ~wo or m?re President Laurance Harwood current municipal court sys. "In southeast Michigan, it the workload requires out dIVISIons to aVOId that kmd and COttage Administrator tern and creation of a district <appears SomeOM took a meat here." of thing." . Thalph Wilgarde will speak. c9-urt named 32B, covering axe to our hospitals," Hertel Another Woo d s council. Woods ~ouncl1ffilan ~n The Iwspital held a sort af said. all five Grosse Pointes, ef. man Frederick Lovelace Grady remained steadfast 'In "pep rally" before the hear. fective January I, 1981. ,agre~d and added that "if his. oppositj~n ~o the conver- ing on Monday, M-areh 10, at One Olf the legislative Two judges will serve the -another judge is needed 'Sailon to distrIct courts and groups looking at ,he CHPC Cottage. state ReP. Dennis district, under the bill. They down the line we can hire won support of four other Herlel spoke to a crowd of pl'lln is the joint Administra. will be elected from two di. one. It's much easier to do ~ouncilmen'at a recent meet. 'about 125, most of wham tive Rules Committee, which visions, one including the that than eliminate a judge 109 for that stand. could kill the proposal al. were hospital employes. His Woods and Shores and the after he already has been "Under the interest of uni. together but cannot modify speech was video taped for Photo by Dean Brierly other co v e r i n g the qty, its criteria, according to the elected." (Continued on Page 6) patients and o-ther interested Rep. Dennis Hertel: "Someone took a meat axe to our hospitals." Farms and Park. representative. groups. Hald Election The best hope for Cottage Wilgarde apened the meet- G r 0 sse Pointe's current ing by announcing thet he lives in a joint Senate.House municipal judges may run committee that is b e i n g Brierly Joins thinks Co.~tage is "winning" for district seats, but they formed to investigate the in its effarts to persuade Millage'Deadline Near will not receive "incumbent" OHPC, he said. ~he CHPC to go. easy an the desigll!ations .according to the hospital. "That committee will have legi~lation. Race for Board By Susan McDonald a lot of power to go after self to. be over confident month, the schools will be 'about these thin'gs, but I'm authorized to levy a total If the bill is approved by Cuts Unfair the &cts. It will have full "Quiet" is the word work. optimistic," says mill age 38.22 mills. (A mill equals ,the House and signed by the By Susan McDonald The CHPC plan to cut beds su,bpoena power and much ers are using at the moment eam,aign co-chairman ('8nd $1 for every $1,000 of state at hospi~ls throughout the more leverage," he said.' to describe community reo Governor, a' special election School Board member Catherine Brierly an- Farms councilman) Lloyd equaIi~ed valu'ation of prop. DetroU area is aimed a.t reo Formation of that group sponse (0 the campaign to forbe heldthe judgesthis fall.will probably nounced thl'S week shE!' will seek election to a one. ducing hospital costs. Semple. erty.) has already been approved win support for school and "It's surprisingly. quiet out The court reorganization year seat on the Board in the June annual election. In all, the CHPC plan cur. in the House and' is sched. libl'ary millage proposals in ,there. I think it's a reason. Lot of Support will provide Grosse Pointe Brierly, 42, was appointed to the Board in De- rently calls for elimination uled for a vote in the Senate the M'arch 24 election. able propOSlal and I think That total ra1e includes with its fir£t full time court cember to fill a mid-term vacancy. She was the of about 2,4M beds. CotW.ge soon. that's the way people are the basic school and library Cffrecord where civil as well first candidate to formally file for the race on was told to cut 62 of its 159 So far, no organized op. The investig'cltion co u 1d position to the renewal pro. reacting." , lJaxes, plus debt retirement as crimirual cases may be Tuesday, March 11, with petitions signed by more beds - about one.third of take months end, in the V-oters will be asked to and county.authorized levies. heard. than 400 people. its medical.surgical capacity. posals has surfaced. But meantime, Hertel urged 'em. millage workers 'are defi. approv<! two millage pra- But, according to school Accordl'ng to Kelly. local "I feel the 400 plus signa. R •• d CoVtage has been loudest ployes and supporters to system figures, the total rate b oger lYl.OUra. nitely not flaking that as a po~als Monday, March 24; that will actually be levied jurisdiction will increase su . tures demonstrate a strong Huetteman and Brierly in its protests of the plan, "continue to reach 'out" to cue to slow down their cam. one for a renewal of 26.55 next year will be 35.09 mills, stantial1y under the district broad.based community sup- will face Cfff for a single, and apparently it h-a.s won representatives in Lansing paign. mills for schools, the other 'Some support in Lansing, and to other communities. 1.'93 mills less than the rate .system. He said Grosse Poin1e port," she said. "As a parent one.year term on the Board "You never can allow yaur. for 1.42 mills te support levied this year because of . .. d t libraries .. courts can expect about 500 and taxpayer, I want the best created by the mid.term res- the Headlee Amendment. rases to be dlstriuute 0 educational system possible. ignation of Ann Ardussi last Forced to. Trim If the proposaiS' fan March them from the four.year I am a capable, independent summer. The others will seek The amounts are identical 24 ,the schools will likely backlog of Detroit Common trustee and would' like to four-year terms. Woods' Council Lamhasts . to. .propos1aIs approved .by. cerne. back to vcters. w~J) an. Pleas Court when that insti. continue in that positian." . Brlerly was appointed to vate1'S in 1977. But, one thing ather proposal 'on June 9. tution is abolished.
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