SCOTCH PLAINS HE• Serving Scotch PlainsTIME and Fanwood Since 1959 — S fANWOOD OUR 36th YEAR - ISSUE NO. 51 la* ftM* Soldi PUM,NJ. Thursday, December 21,1995 Every TkurWay 23Z-4407 FIFTY CENTS MAYOR JOHNSTON RECEIVES ACCOLADES AS HIS TERM ENDS Scotch Plains Council Approves Salaries for Police Department As Part of Three-Year Contract Governing Body Adopts Ordinance to Permit Sales Of Alcohol to Begin at 9 a.m. on December 24y 31 By GLENN R. KAPLINSKY 1997. Specially Written for The Tims The coalition last year was effec- Police captains will be paid tive in fighting the proposed rate in- Two ordinances were adopted at $69,365; lieutenants, $64,558, and Tuesday's meeting of the Scotch crease, officials said. sergeants, $59,535. The salaries for Councilwoman Papen said, "any Plains Township Council, with one captains, lieutenants and sergeants establishing salaries for the Police increase could have a detrimental will increase $3,000 in 1997. impact on the municipal budget and Department. Those Police Department mem- The agreement is the result of a the budgets of taxpayers." ine agreement is tne result of a bers already on thetownshippayroll, Mrs. Papen calculated the increase mandatory, binding arbitration pro- officers in ,heir first. through fourth. in fire hydrant service as $83,000. ceeding, officials said. year on tne scale, will be paid less She said over the years the township As part of their three-year contract tnan those hired in the new year. has asked Elizabethtown for a count which expires at the conclusion of An accompanying resolution au- of township fire hydrants butthecom- LOTS OF LITTLE LIGHTS...Fanwood's miniature railroad station, Illuminated with 1,600 lights, adds a sparkle of 1997, police salaries next year for thorizing the Mayor and Township pany has refused to respond. magic to the Municipal Building's front lawn this season. The Schmlede Tree Expert Company from Scotch Plains officers hired prior to Monday, Janu- clerk to sign tnthe three-year labor Councilman William F. decorated the display and the weeping cherry tree next to it with decorative Ughts for the borough display. The railroad ary 1, will range from $22,500 for an officer assigned to the academy to contract with the Policemen's Be- McClintock, Jr., stated the increase station replica appeared before a cheering crowd in Fanwood's Centennial Parade as a much-celebrated float on nevolent Association Local No. 87 September 30. The Fanwood Railroad Station has become landmark for many commuters and residents. The 8-by- 10- $51,584 fora fourth-year officer. The to residential customers will be an foor t replica •"—' •"•"•—. „..„„„" „ ..«•••«—»«—••--•• mm auninii «na s uHwiii• • —c iiuiuuiar- •K lu••r man• y cuimnuiers ana residents. inen-Dy-iu was also introduced. The agreement additional $80 per year. salaries for first- through fourth-year is subject to attorney review and also fooCentennialt replica. was built and has a float for the Memorial Day Parade which was one of the celebrations for Fanwood's officers will increase by $2,000 in Mayor Robert E. Johnston termed requires the signature of the local. this a "significant increase." The second ordinance permits the The council passed a resolution selling of alcoholic beverages start- authorizing the purchase of a utility Creche Display of the Borough Lions ing at 9a.m. instead of noon on Christ- vehicle for the Department of Inspec- mas Eve, Sunday, December 24, and tion through a state contract. New Year's Eve, Sunday, December The contract price is $25,966. 31. The last time the council took The council also introduced an or- To Remain on North Avenue, Council Says such action was in 1989 when Christ- dinance amendment to the Board of mas Eve and New Year's Eve fell on Adjustment fee schedule regarding Sundays. Borough Councilmen Approve Action 4-1 at Emotionally-Charged Meeting "C" variances. The council introduced an ordi- The board has sought to raise the nance prohibiting left turns from the application fee for a "C" variance to By SUZETTE STALKER the Nativity "should pass Consti- CVS Pharmacy driveway onto Park Prior to approving its resolu- Anthony Parenti and Howard $100 from $25 to bring it in line with *"** Wri"""or n'rm" tutional muster" as long as sev- Avenue. Councilwoman, Mrs. Joan tion on the Nativity issue, offi- Jarvis, both of whom were warmly the fees charged by similar surround- A cr&che display sponsored an- i Papen, characterized such a turn as ing communities. eral provisions were uphe d cials devoted nearly an hour to acknowledged for annually play- "dangerous." nuallybytheFanwoodLionsClub j^ . The council, along with Richard provisions indude hav distributing resolutions and pre- ing Santa to borough children The governing body approved a for more than 30 years returned to . _ Bousquet, Chairman of the Scotch sJ accompanyingthe ex sentations to various individuals during the Christmas season, and resolution opposing a rate increase of Plains and Fanwood Historical Soci- North Avenue Thursday after Bor- h£it :*Ai^.i *•» .•_ *_; . Elizabethtown Water Company and ough Council members decided hibit indicating it is privately and organizations which had been for their "unselfish and dedicated ety; Walter DiNizo, Director of Pub- funded and not sponsored by the instrumental in the success of service to the future residents of authorized officials to work in a lic Properties; James Faucett, Chair- against relocating it by a 4-1 vote Municipal Coalition of nine munici- man of the Historical Review Com- last Wednesday during an emo- borough, and it is displayed in an Fanwood's recent centennial cel- Fanwood." palities with ARI Analytic Resources, ebration and other community mittee, and Township Manager, Tho- tionally-charged regular session. area normally used as a public The Fanwood Recreation Com- Inc. of Wall Township. mas E. Atkins will look into replace- forum. Council determined that programs. Officials had informally opted mission, represented by Mrs. ARI is a consulting firm the mu- ment of the roof at the Osborne Can- at their December 6th agenda since the nearby Community A resolution was presented hon- Nancy Bantz, was commended nicipalities have retained to fight the nonball House along with repair or replacement of the porch and stairs meeting to ban the popular Nativ- House serves as a public meeting oring the late Michael Ciurczak, a with a resolution by council for its proposed rate increase. Elizabethtown Water Company has petitioned the and other sundry items. Grant money ity scene from public property place where diverse viewpoints former Fanwood resident of 30 efforts this year, including the in- may be available, officials said. years, who died Nbvevnbcr-30 at Board of Public Utilities for a 29 6 near the Fanwood Train Station are expressed, the property quali- stallation of new recreation and per cent increase for fire hydrant ser- Mayor Johnston and Deputy Mayor and Community House after a lo- fies as a public forum. age 81. Mr. Ciurczak had been handicapped facilities at vice and an increase for residential Alan M. Augustine issued a prod a mation designating the month of Janu- cal resident protested that a Chris- It is expected the creche will be President of the Fanwood Senior LaGrande Park and new and pend- customers of over 35 per cent. presented this year along with a Citizens Club and Chairman of ing additions to Forest Road Park. ary as "Jewish Federation Awareness tian religious symbol exhibited ARI will be paid a sum not to The Fanwood-Scotch Plains Month" in recognition of the efforts on municipal land was in appro- sign proclaiming "Happy Holi- Senior Citizen Housing for exceed $4,000. Scotch Plains' repre- of the Jewish Federation of Central Fanwood and was an active mem- Recycling Association, begun in priate in a multi-faith community. days to All," according to Coun- sentative on the coalition will be Fire New Jersey to promote Jewish values ber of many other area organiza- 1986, was also presented with a Chief Jonathan Ellis and Finance Approximately 60 people cilman Walsh. and "to fulfill the goals and aspira- Mr. Walsh, although he was tions. COrniHUCDONPAQfH Director Ulrich "Al" Steinberg. tions of the Jewish community." packed the council chambers, CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 Also honored with a resolution overwhelmingly in support of a among those who voted in favor was Edwin Aaron, owner of the council resolution keeping the of keeping the creche on North Fanwood Pharmacy for 47 years, creche at is current location, ap- Avenue, cautioned that officially Planning Board Approves Request who recently had to close his busi- plauding vigorously after govern- recognizing borough property as ness due to illness. Mr. Aaron, ing body members reached their a public forum could potentially open up a Pandora's Box beyond who was also commended for For Third Silo for Custom Molders verdict, following about half an helping borough children over the hour of discussion. something "admirable and easily accessible" such as the creche to years with their chemistry home- Plainfield Business Has Been Located in Township Since 1959 Councilman William E. work, was wished a swift recov- Populus, Jr., recuperating from include dangerously negative By SANDY J.DEVIN als such as dry plastic in powder and board member, had calculated "it rep- ery by the council. Specially Wrimnfnr Vie Times surgery, was absent from the meet- viewpoints as well. pellet forms. Also included were vari- resented less than one-third of one Resolutions were presented that Just in time for the holidays, the per cent of the lot coverage and thus ing. Mayor-elect and Council Presi- ances for parking, landscaping, buffer dent, Mrs. Maryanne Connelly, evening to Fanwood Police Chief Scotch Plains Planning Board and coverage.
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