Kolesarski izleti 03.2015 ITA.qxd 26.3.2015 15:49 Page 1 PROFIL / PROFILO / PROFILE: FITNESS LEVEL PANORAMA NAVIGATION 2,2 Podko~na a destra attraverso il ponte sul fiume 534 m 11 Hru{ica levo v glavnem kri`i{~u proti regionalni cesti 603 m 7.3 Jesenice - beneath Tele~nik Turn left and go downhill on the tarmac 622m 1. Okoli [panovega vrha 4 - 5 3 2 Sava Dolinka verso Slovenski Javornik Jesenice - Kranjska Gora road to the Church of St Leonard REST AREAS: VIEWPOINTS: SIGHTS: 2,5 Slovenski Javornik a destra percorrento la strada Savska cesta 532 m 11,2 Hru{ica - kri`i{~e s cesto naravnost preko regionalne ceste in 593 m 8 Church of St Leonard at Murova Straight on to Murova, and continue straight on along the 583m 2,6 Slovenski Javornik a destra sulla via Strelska ulica 532 m Jesenice - Kr. Gora preko mosta ~ez Savo Dolinko street (to the left you reach the Kos Manor after 100m) POTEK IZLETA Pristava House, Kri`ovec, Road towards Kri`ovec, Planina Javornik Waterfalls, Spodnja Korelnov rov mine, pod Golico (nice view of Golica) po~ivala fossil site, Zois' Park 2,7 Slovenski Javornik direttamento attraverso la via Alojz 530 m 11,4 kri`i{~e naravnost ~ez nadvoz nad avtocesto 590 m 8.5 Jesenice - junction with Turn right and go uphill, but then immediately 582m Planina pod Golico - Savske jame - Kri`ovec - "Jeseni{ki rovti" - Prihodi - Planina pod Golico 13,2 kri`i{~e levo na Daljinsko kolesarsko povezavo 910 200 595 m Cesta na Golico left onto Ulica Staneta Bokala Planina pod Golico botanical garden, Savske jame Traven, attraversare il torrente Javornik e in salita per la via Javorni{ko nabre`je 14,6 Spodnji Plav` naravnost mimo zaselka pod Me`aklo, po koncu zaselka 585 m 9 Jesenice - junction with Turn right onto Cesta Mar{ala Tita, and continue on the 584m IZHODI[^E mining area (Korelnov rov mine, 3,3 Acciaieria Acroni Jesenice a destra sulla strada principale in direzione 552 m je cesta spet namenjena kolesarjem Cesta Mar{ala Tita main road towards Kranjska Gora and past the hospital ancient mining route), daffodil- Planina pod Golico: parkiri{~e pred panoramsko tablo. Legenda / Legenda / Legend: di @irovnica, accanto all'abitato Potoki 15,2 Podme`akla - Ulica heroja Verdnika ob kon~anju daljinske kolesarske povezave nadaljujemo 575 m 9.7 Jesenice Turn right onto the one-way road towards Hru{ica, 593m covered meadows in May Dostop: po avtocesti Ljubljana - Hru{ica, izvoz Hru{ica, desno proti Jesenicam po regionalni cesti Kranjska Gora - ------- asfalt / asfalto / asphalt 5,7 Potoki direttamente (dopo 200m a sinistra fino a "Bla`unova ka{~a") 570 m levo skozi podvoz pod avtocesto in po Ulici heroja Verdnika through the village to the underpass beneath the railway Jesenice. Po vstopu v mesto Jesenice skozi dve semaforizirani kri`i{~i, v tretjem zavijemo levo (poleg kri`i{~a je ------- makadam / macadam / macadam 6,8 Incrocio per la valle Zavr{nica a destra attraverso la stretta via in direzione 570 m 15,7 Podme`akla - most ~ez Savo naravnost po desnem bregu Save 570 m 11 Hru{ica Turn left at the main junction towards the main 603m Zdravstveni dom Jesenice), nato pa se vseskozi vzpenjamo v smeri Planine pod Golico (4 km). della centrale idroelettrica di Moste 15,9 Podme`akla - Hermanov most naravnost po desnem bregu Save po Cesti 1. maja 568 m Jesenice-Kranjska Gora regional road INFORMATION 7,1 Diga della centrale idroelettrica direttamente, si segue una salita ripida 520 m 16,3 Podme`akla - most ~ez Savo naravnost po desnem bregu Save po Cesti 1. maja 563 m 11.2 Hru{ica - junction with Go straight across the regional road and over 593m TEHNI^NE ZNA^ILNOSTI (1 - nezahtevno, 5 - zelo zahtevno) From the centre of Jesenice, this cycling trip will take you through Javorni{ki Rovt and past Pristava to the di Moste sotto il viadotto e sulla carraia accanto (levo ~ez most - Muzejsko obmo~je Stare Save) Jesenice-Kranjska Gora road the bridge across the River Sava Dolinka Kri`ovec saddle beneath the Karavanke ridge, and then through Planina pod Golico back to Jesenice. The route ai prati e campi di Dobravsko polje 18,8 Podko~na desno proti Blejski Dobravi 534 m 11.4 Junction Go straight across the overpass over the motorway 590m DOL@INA VI[INSKA RAZLIKA ^AS VO@NJE is very demanding due to the steep ascent (14%) to Javorni{ki Rovt. It is suitable for mountain bikers in good 8,9 Dobravsko polje a sinistra verso il cimitero 575 m 19,5 Lipce levo v naselje Lipce in takoj desno po cesti skozi naselje 556 m 13.2 Junction Turn left onto the long-distance cycle route 910 200 595m 9,1 Blejska Dobrava - cimitero a destra verso il centro di Blejska Dobrava (dopo 1,3 km 565 m 21,4 Blejska Dobrava - kri`i{~e naravnost 574 m 14.6 Spodnji Plav` Straight on past a hamlet beneath Me`akla Plateau; 585m 13 km 400 m 1:15 - 1:45 h physical shape. Pay attention during the descent on the steep and narrow gravel road from Kri`ovec to Planina a sinistra fino alla cascata [um e la gola di Vintgar) 21,6 Blejska Dobrava desno pod `elezni{ki podvoz 570 m once outside the hamlet, the road is once again cyclists-only TE@AVNOST NAJVI[JA IN NAJNI@JA TO^KA TEREN pod Golico. The final stage of the route follows the tarmac road from Planina pod Golico to Jesenice. This cycling trip is best taken in May when the daffodils are out, or during the summer months. 9,6 Blejska Dobrava a sinistra oltre il sottopassaggio della ferrovia 570 m 22,0 Blejska Dobrava povratek na izhodi{~e 575 m 15.2 Podme`akla - Ulica heroja Verdnika After leaving the long-distance cycle route, carry on left 575m delno zahtevna 1222 m (885 m) asfalt: 1,8 km, makadam: 11,2 km 10 Blejska Dobrava ritorno al punto di partenza 575 m under the underpass beneath the motorway and onto KONDICIJA PANORAMA ORIENTACIJA Ulica heroja Verdnika DESCRIPTION 3 - 5 3 3 15.7 Podme`akla - bridge across the Sava Straight on along the right bank of the River Sava 570m TO^KE ZA PO^ITEK: TO^KE ZA RAZGLED: ZANIMIVOSTI OB POTI: 15.9 Podme`akla - Herman's Bridge Straight on along the right bank of the River Sava 568m KM LOCATION DIRECTIONS ELEVATION Planina pod Golico, Planina pod Golico, Rudarsko obmo~je Savska jame: on Cesta 1. maja 0 Jesenice - parking area Turn left from the parking area, then right onto 580m Korelnov rov, Kri`ovec odseki ceste Kri`ovec - Prihodi Korelnov rov, Stara rudna pot; 16.3 Podme`akla - bridge across the Sava Straight on along the right bank of the Sava on 563m behind Tone ^ufar Theatre Cesta Toneta Tom{i~a through Slovenski Javornik 4. Il tour di Jesenice Cesta 1. maja road (to the left and across the bridge you narcisni travniki v maju 2.8 Jesenice - Trebe` Turn left onto the main tarmac road towards 575m 2. Vra`ja tura 3. Savska Tour reach Stara Sava museum area after 200m) Javorni{ki Rovt (you can also visit the 18.8 Podko~na Turn right towards Blejska Dobrava 534m KOMENTAR Javornik Waterfalls during the ascent) ITINERARIO DELL'ESCURSIONE 19.5 Lipce Turn left into the settlement of Lipce and immediately 556m Iz slikovite vasi Planina pod Golico nas pot vodi skozi dolino ^rnega potoka mimo Savskih jam do Kri`ovca in POTEK IZLETA 5 Javorni{ki Rovt Straight through the village 800m ROUTE Blejska Dobrava - Slovenski Javornik - Koro{ka Bela - Trebe` - Cesta Toneta Tom{i~a - Ukova - Razgledna pot - right on the road through the settlement preko "Jeseni{kih rovtov" ~ez Prihode nazaj v Planino pod Golico. Jesenice - Slovenski Javornik - Trebe` - Javorni{ki Rovt - Pristava - Kri`ovec - Planina pod Golico - Jesenice 5.5 Junction (turning for Trilobit Turn left (to the right you reach Trilobit House 885m Blejska Dobrava - Slovenski Javornik - Potoki - damn on the Moste hydroelectric power plant - Dobrava field - Blejska Murova - Plav` - Hru{ica - piazzale del confine delle Caravanche - Spodnji Plav` - Stara Sava - Podme`akla - Podko~na 21.4 Blejska Dobrava - junction Continue straight on 574m Izlet je delno zahteven zaradi vo`nje po makadamskih poteh in strmega vzpona proti Kri`ovcu. Idealen ~as za kole- House on the right) after 600m) Dobrava - (the option of visiting the Vintgar gorge) - Blejska Dobrava - Lipce - Blejska Dobrava 21.6 Blejska Dobrava Turn right under the underpass beneath the railway 570m sarjenje je zaradi visoke nadmorske vi{ine v poznih pomladnih in poletnih mesecih. Primeren je za gorske kolesarje. IZHODI[^E 6.8 Pristava Straight on (to the right you reach Pristava House, 970m 22.0 Blejska Dobrava Return to the starting point. 575m Jesenice: parkiri{~e za Gledali{~em Toneta ^ufarja na Jesenicah. Zois' Park and daffodil-covered meadows after 150m) STARTING POINT PUNTO DI PARTENZA OPIS Dostop: iz smeri Ljubljana - Hru{ica (avtocesta) na izvozu Lipce desno proti Jesenicam (2 km), na semaforiziranem 7.1 Junction before the settlement Straight on up the gravel road towards Kri`ovec, 990m Blejska Dobrava: parking area in front of the post office opposite the bus turning bay Blejska Dobrava: parcheggio davanti alla Posta di fronte alla piazza di manovra degli autobus kri`i{~u na Slovenskem Javorniku pa levo proti centru do Gimnazije na Jesenicah (2 km). Pri semaforiziranem of holiday houses continue uphill on the main forest road to Kri`ovec Access: From the Ljubljana-Hru{ica motorway, take the Lipce exit towards Spodnje Gorje, but turn left towards Accesso: dall'autostrada Lubiana - Hru{ica scegliamo l'uscita Lipce, all'uscita scegliamo la direzione verso Spodnje PROFIL / PROFILO / PROFILE: Legenda / Legenda / Legend: KM LOKACIJA - KRAJ ODCEP OZ.
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