CAYMAN ISLANDS LEGISLATIVE AssEMBLy OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 1989 SESSION His Excellency the Governor, Mr. Alan J. Scott, CVO, CBE, President Session summoned 17th February, 1989 Prorogued 9th February, 1990 IN TWO VOLUMES VOLUME I: Pages I - 604 VOLUME II: Pages 605 - 1252 (17th February - 30th May, 1989) (4th September - 22nd December, 1989) CAYMAN ISLANDS LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 1989 SESSION VOLUME I Comprising the period from the 17th February, 1989, to the 30th May, 1989 GOVERNl\tlENT MEl\tlBERS ELECTED MEMBERS HON. THOMAS C. JEFFERSON, OBE, JP MR. W. McKEEVA BUSH First Official Member Responsible for Finance First Elected Member for the First Electoral and Development District of West Bay HON. RICHARD W. GROUND, QC MR. JOHN D. JEFFERSON, JR. Second Official Member Responsible for Legal Third Elected Member for the First Electoral Administration District of West Bay HON. J. LEMUEL HURLSTON, JP MR. TRUMAN M. BODDEN Third Official Member Responsible for Internal Third Elected Member for the Second Electoral and External Affairs District of George Town HON. BENSON 0. EBANKS, OBE CAPT. MABRY S. KIRKCONNELL Member Responsible for Education Recreation First Elected Member for the Third Electoral and Culture District of the Lesser Islands HON. W. NORMAN BODDEN, OBE MR. GILBERT A. McLEAN Member Responsible for Tourism Aviation and Second Elected Member for the Third Electoral Trade District of the Lesser Islands HON. D. EZZARD MILLER MR. ROY BODDEN Member Responsible for Health and Social First Elected Member for the Fourth Electoral Services District of Bodden Town HON. LINFORD A. PIERSON, JP MR. FRANKLIN R. SMITH Member Responsible for Communications Works Second Elected Member for the Fourth Electoral and Natural Resources District of Bodden Town MR. JOHN B. McLEAN Elected Member for the Sixth Electoral District of East End OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE ~lrs. Georgette Myrie Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Mrs. Wendy IJauer Ebanks Deputy Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Mr. Cline Astor Glidden Serjeant-at-Arms - Mace Bearer CAYMAN ISLANDS LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 1989 SESSION INDEX Abbreviations: Jr, 2r, 3r, first, second, third reading; (A) Amendment; Comm., Committee; PMA1, Private Member's Motion; GM, Government Motion; Rpt, Report; SC, Select Committee; SO., Standing Order. DATES AND PAGES VOLUME I First Meeting - 17th February - 15th March, 1989 (pages 1-430) February: 17th, 1-28; 20th, 29-58; 21st, 59-91; 22nd, 93-125; 23rd, 127-148; 24th, 149-173; 27th, 175-202; 28th, 203-226. March: 1st, 227-246; 2nd, 247-266; 3rd, 267-284; 6th, 285-306; 7th, 307-322; 8th, 323-343; 9th, 345-367; 10th, 369-390; 13th, 391-396; 14th, 397-411; 15th, 413-430. Second Meeting - 22nd-30th May (pages 431-604) May: 22nd, 431-462; 23rd, 463-494; 24th, 495-518; 25th, 519-538; 26th, 539-560; 29th, 561-581; 30th, 581- 604. VOLUME II Third Meeting 4th - 15th September (pages 605-862) September: 4th, 605-630; 5th, 631-660; 6th, 661-688; 7th, 689-712; 8th, 713-736; 11th, 737-760; 12th, 761-784; 13th, 785-812; 14th, 813-836; 15th, 837-862. Fourth Meeting - 17th November - 22nd December (pages 863-1252) November: 17th, 863-886; 20th, 887-916; 21st, 917-946; 22nd, 947-974; 23rd, 975-1002; 24th, 1003-1028; 27th, 1029-1050; 28th, 1051-1078; 29th, 1079-1102; 30th, 1103-1122. December: 1st, 1123-1144; 4th, 1145-1166; 5th, 1167-1186; 6th, 1187-1206; 7th, 1207-1226; 22nd, 1227-1252. OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 1989 INDEX Acting President Presiding, 1023 Apologies Hon. Member for Education, 267 Third Elected Member for George Town, 267 Elected Member for East End, 267, 737 Hon. First Official Member (late), 813 Appendices Appendix I (Appropriation Bill, 1989), 24 Appendix II (Appropriation Bill, 1989), 25 Appendix Ill (Appropriation Bill, 1989), 26 Bills: Appropriation Bill, 1989, 1r., 10, 2r., 10, Rpt., 425, 3r., 429 Appropriation (Amendment) Bill, 1989, 1r. 901, 2r., 902, Comm. 934, Rpt., 937, 3r., 937 Appropriation (1990) Bill, 1989, 1r., 863, 2r., 863, Rpt., 1241, 3r., 1250 Bank and Trust Companies Bill, 1989, 1r., 397, 2r., 397, Comm, 406, Rpt., 410, 3r., 413 Companies (Amendment) Bill, 1989, 1r., 615, 2r. 627, Comm., 647, Rpt, 648, 3r., 650 Development and Planning (Amendment) Bill, 1989 (No. 1), 1r., 80, 2r. 80, Comm., 89, Rpt., 91, 3r., 101 Development and Planning (Amendment) Bill, 1989 (No. 2), 1r., 444, 2r., 444, Comm., 455, Rpt., 472, 3r., 473 Development and Planning (Amendment) Bill, 1989 (No. 3), 1r., 1032, 2r. (withdrawn), 1231 Fishing Vessels (Safety Provisions)(Repeal) Bill, 1989, 1r., 443, 2r., 443, Comm. 455, Rpt., 471, 3r., 472 Fraudulent Dispositions Bill, 1989, 1r., 671, 2r. 671, Comm., 672, Rpt., 673, 3r., 708 Hotels Aid (Amendment) Bill, 1989, 1r., 438, 2r., 438, Comm., 454, Rpt., 471, 3r., 472 Labour (Amendment) Bill, 1989, 1r., 902, 2r., 902, Comm., 935, Rpt., 937, 3r., 937 Liquor Licensing (Amendment) Bill, 1989 (Withdrawn, 44), 1r., 615, 2r., 620, Comm., 645, Rpt. 648, 3r., 649 Merchant Shipping (Applicable Conventions)(A) Bill, 1989, 1r., 445, 2r., 445, Comm., 455, Rpt., 472, 3r., 473 Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Bill, 1989, 1r., 44, 2r., 44, Comm. (deferred), 88, 392, Rpt., 396, 3r., 396 Music and Dancing (Amendment) Bill, 1989, 1r., 614, 2r., 615, Comm. 643, Rpt., 648, 3r., 648 Music and Dancing (Amendment) (Repeal) Bill, 1989, 1r., 925, 2r., 925, Comm., 936, Rpt., 937, 3r., 974 Penal Code (Amendment) Bill, 1989, 1r., 615, 2r., 623, Comm., 646, Rpt., 648, 3r., 649 Succession (Amendment) Bill, 1989, 1r., 86, 2r., 86, Comm., 90, Rpt., 91, 3r., 101 Towns and Communities (Amendment) Bill, 1989, 1r., 1032, 2r., 1227, Comm., 1231, Rpt., 1232, 3r., 1232 Traffic (Amendment) Bill, 1989 1r., 447, 2r., 447, Comm. 458, Rpt., 472 , 3r., 473 Traffic (Amendment) Bill, 1989 (No. 2), 1r., 788, 2r., 788, Comm., 814, Rpt., 816, 3r., 816 Bodden, Hon. W. Norman Amendment to the Development Plan 1977 (GM 7 /89), 966 Appropriation Bill, 1989, 363-378 Appropriation {1990) Bill, 1989, 1149 Breach of Privilege Motion, 704 Caymanian Protection Law, 1984 (Select Committee)(GM No. 2/89), 112 Cruise Ship Landing Jetty (PMM 23/89), 842 Debate on Throne Speech, 363-378 Establishment of a National Training and Education Fund (PMM 15/89), 732 Establishment of an Office of Ombudsman (PMM 5/89), 489 Financial Statement of Cayman Airways Limited Year ended 30th June, 1988, 30 Year ended 30th June, 1989, 892 Gratuity Formula (PMM 18/89), 749 Hotels Aid {Amendment) Bill, 1989, 439, 442 Labour (Amendment) Bill, 1989, 902, 91 O, 913 Medical Termination of Pregnancy (GM No. 4/89), 142 Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Bill, 1989, 72 Music and Dancing (Amendment) (Repeal) Bill, 1989, 929 Office of Speaker (PMM 10/89), 571 Points of Order raised, 602, 751, 753, 1075 Select Committee - Cayman Airways, Ltd. (PMM 12/89), 597 Select Committee on Code of Conduct and Ethics for Legislators (PMM 19/89), 758 Traffic (Amendment) Bill, 1989 (No. 1), 450 Traffic (Amendment) Bill, 1989 (No. 2), 798 West Bay Feasibility Study 1 and 2, 1071 Bodden, Mr. Roy Amendment to the Development Plan 1977 (PMM 7 /89), 942 Amendment to the Standing Order (PMM 14/89), 811 Appointment of SC to formulate a Bill, Charter of Rights and Freedoms (PMM 13/89), 650, 687, 709 Appropriation Bill, 1989, 217-234 Appropriation {1990) Bill, 1989, 993 Assistance to Farmers (PMM 26/89), 1234 OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 1989 INDEX Bodden, Mr. Roy (cont'd) Breach of Privilege Motion, 702 Caymanian Protection Law, 1984 (Select Committee) (GM 2/89), 112 Cinematographic Authority (GM No. 1 /89), 105 Debate on Throne Speech, 217-234 Development and Planning (Amendment) Bill, 1989, 83 Establishment of a National Training and Education Fund (PMM 15/89), 721 Establishment of an Office of Ombudsman (PMM 5/89), 486, 508 Group Employees (PMM No. 3/89), 416 Hotels Aid (Amendment) Bill, 1989, 441 Labour (Amendment) Bill, 1989, 908 Liquor Licensing (Amendment) Bill, 1989, 621 Medical Termination of Pregnancy (GM No. 4/89), 138 Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Bill, 1989, 52 Music and Dancing (Amendment) (Repeal) Bill, 1989, 928 Music and Dancing (Amendment) Bill, 1989, 616 National Identification (PMM 7 /89), 516, 525 Office of Speaker (PMM 10/89), 548, 563 Parliamentary Questions No. 4 (Government's policy re: ICCI), 31 No. 5 (Number of teachers in Government Service), 32 No. 6 (Policy of AIDB re loan payments), 33 No. 35 (Resignation of staff from GT Primary), 436 No. 58 (School leaving age), 606 No. 59 (Central Desai water production), 606 No. 60 (Gov't purchase guarantee w/Central Desai), 607 No. 112 (Horse riding on Wet Bay beach), 901 No. 113 (Students from outside areas enrolled at Bodden Town/Savannah schools), 917 No. 114 (ICCI accreditation), 918 No. 123 (Road repair), 950 No. 124 (Beach Bay road project), 951 No. 140 (Back road to interior of Bodden Town), 1012 No. 141 (MLA office - Bodden Town), 1015 No. 142 (Tall Tree junction traffic), 1015 No. 143 (Launching ramps in Bodden Town/Newlands), 1031 No. 144 (Voluntary ID cards), 1031 Penal Code (Amendment) Bill, 1989, 624 Point of Order raised, 1047, 1124 Police Patrol (PMM 21 /89), 803, 807 Referendum Law (PMM 11 /89), 587 Report of the Public Accounts Committee, 975 Review of Caribbean Utility Co., Ltd's Franchise and Rates (PMM 20/89), 769, 777 Review of Elections Law (PMM 4/89), 422 School Leaving Age (PMM No. 1/89), 163-165, 181-182, 201-202 Select Committee on Code of Conduct and Ethics for Legislators (PMM 19/89), 755, 760, 763 Teacher Training Facility (PMM 8/89), 527, 528 Traffic (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill, 1989, 791 Traffic Offences (PMM 16 /89), 7 43 Waiving the Mandatory Retirement age of Civil Servants {PMM 6/89), 509, 510, 512, 515 West Bay Feasibility Study 1 and 2, 1071 Bodden, Mr.
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