H4726 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE June 22, 1999 south, and we hope to hold their feet to about the events in the Balkans and, of NATO who stood united and through the fire because the drugs coming up more specifically, our involvement in their perseverance finally prevailed in from Colombia and South America Kosovo. The events have been pro- getting Milosevic to capitulate and to transit through the south of Mexico. gressing quite rapidly over the last end the atrocities in Kosovo. Finally, we want to seek the coopera- week and a half or so after Milosevic I think it was a real show of deter- tion of Mexico in enforcing laws that had finally agreed to capitulate. mination and the very credibility of they have passed dealing with illegal Now I think now is a good oppor- NATO and the U.S. leadership on the narcotics trafficking which they have tunity for us to kind of stand back and European continent, and as the leader really thumbed their nose at, including take a look at the past, present condi- of NATO was very much on the line. Operation Casa Blanca, a U.S. Customs tions in the Balkans area and also the But this policy has been difficult to operation where last year our Customs vision of the future in that area, as explain to the folks back home in Wis- investigators uncovered a plot to laun- tenuous as it may be. consin. I think by and large the people der hundreds of millions of dollars There is no question that, thus far, who I have had the opportunity to talk through banks and arrested individ- things seem to be progressing accord- to about this and to elicit their opin- uals, indicted individuals, and Mexican ing to plan, knock on wood, but it is ions have felt very conflicted about our officials knew about it and even so going to be a very difficult task of im- role in the Balkans and with the NATO Mexico when these indictments and ar- plementing the peace, of securing it. air campaign. rests were made threatened to arrest Now that we have won the conflict, it They see, as everyone else does in the United States Customs officials and is vitally important that we do every- country, the horror image that has other U.S. law enforcement officers. So thing possible not to lose the war, and been reported on TV, and they have rather than cooperate fully as the law that is the next great challenge that heard the stories, the plight of the requires for certification, they have ac- we face as a Nation, as the leader of Kosovar families, the ethnic cleansing tually thumbed their nose at the the NATO alliance for the sake of the and the atrocities that have taken United States. European continent. place in Kosovo, and I think the nat- But let us give credit where credit is ural reaction for most Americans is to b 2015 due tonight, Mr. Speaker, starting with try to do something to prevent that. So, Mr. Speaker, with those com- the troops in the area. I had the oppor- But on the other hand there was also ments tonight, tomorrow we will hear tunity, the privilege really, a few short the tug, the concern, that this could more about Mexico and how it has be- weeks ago to be a part of a small con- turn into a quagmire. It may be our come a haven for murderers and for gressional delegation of 10 other Mem- next Vietnam in areas so far away that drug traffickers, and we will return to bers who headed over to the Balkans on we knew very little about as far as the the floor with additional information a fact-finding mission. history and the peoples and the origins both to the Congress and the American It was really a threefold purpose for of the conflicts, the politics of the situ- people on the biggest social problem going over there. One was to meet with ation, the socioeconomic conditions in facing our Nation and the root problem military command, the leadership the Balkans, that people also felt con- to many of the crimes, the murders, there, and get an assessment from flicted about our active and leadership the gun offenses that we see in this Na- them. role in this campaign. tion. That is the problem of illegal nar- Another reason for going was to meet And so you get a lot of conflicting cotics. with the troops in the field, make sure advice, as you can imagine, from folks f that everything that they needed in back home. I have been certainly se- order to carry out their mission as verely criticized in the press, letters to EVENTS IN THE BALKANS safely and efficiently as possible was the editor, people on the street who The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under being delivered to them. come up to me who vehemently dis- the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- Finally, a chance to get into the ref- agree with my support for the NATO uary 6, 1999, the gentleman from Wis- ugee camps, meet with the Kosovar ref- campaign and my belief that it was in consin (Mr. KIND) is recognized for 60 ugees, families, hear from them first- the United States' interests to be in- minutes as the designee of the major- hand what terror and horror they had volved on the European continent ity leader. just been put through in Kosovo, the again. Mr. KIND. Mr. Speaker, before I get fortunate ones that were able to suc- But hopefully what we have today is into tonight's discussion, I want to cessfully leave the country. the dawn of the new era of peace, a first compliment my good friend from It was a fascinating trip, it was in- lasting peace in the region, a peace Florida (Mr. MICA) for his weekly re- credibly emotional and very moving that is going to finally see the removal minder to this body and to the Nation listening to the firsthand accounts of of Slobodan Milosevic from power in about the evils of drugs and the drug the innocent civilians who were forced Serbia, a peace that will see real demo- war and the challenges that we still out of the country and what had just cratic reform take place within the face as a Nation. taken place inside their villages and Balkan countries and a peace that will As a former prosecutor in western cities. see the eventual inclusion of these Bal- Wisconsin and special prosecutor in the All of them had their own horror kan nations into the community of na- State of Wisconsin, I saw up front and story to tell. Each of them explained in tions in Europe as full-fledged partners close and personal the evil effects that their own terms the terror that they in the European Union and perhaps drugs have, not only in our society, but had just survived. I did not encounter even some day members of the NATO with individuals and the families and one person in those refugee camps, Mr. alliance itself. the communities in which the problem Speaker, who was not affected by the Is this an illusion or a pipe dream? I persists. And I look forward to working loss of a loved one, either someone who really do not think so. But I think first in the coming weeks and for the rest of they had personally witnessed executed and foremost the credit really does be- this session with my friend from Flor- before their very eyes or who had fled, long to those young men and women in ida to develop a comprehensive and many of them up into the mountains to American uniform who are being asked commonsense policy in order to tackle avoid the Serb forces. yet again in the 20th century to try to this scourge in American society. But I And you cannot help but go to a re- restore some peace and stability on a do compliment him for all the wonder- gion and experience what I think we conflict-torn region called the Euro- ful work that he has done in committee did as a delegation and not be moved pean continent and to try to restore and for this body for the sake of the and profoundly affected by what has some humanity to the European con- Nation. taken place in the Balkans. tinent. Mr. Speaker, what I like to do right But I do believe that was the right I think the concern was as the 20th now is kind of change gears a little bit. policy for the right reason at the right century entered in very bloody inter- I rise today along with a few other col- time, the NATO campaign against necine warfare primarily in this region. leagues who I anticipate will be joining Milosevic. I also believe that credit The beginning of the 20th century that me in a little bit to talk for a while should go to the 19 democratic nations we were going to exit the 20th century VerDate 18-JUN-99 12:32 Jun 23, 1999 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\CRI\H22JN9.REC pfrm08 PsN: pfrm08 June 22, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H4727 under the same type of conditions, and Europe, that it was in our interests to ever seen. I think they proved that in I think today is a day where Americans remain engaged and to pursue a policy the Kosovo conflict.
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